My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 573 Three Dharma Kings

Zhang Yunbiao almost fainted.

Do you want to play something so big?

I was thinking about it, but I didn't expect that I could get into such an errand by staying in the Sengdaosi.

But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed the responsibility of their monks and Taoists.


Zhang Yunbiao was completely numb. The curse of Tang Da champion was too effective, right?

Immediately afterwards, Shen Shixing clapped his hands, and two officials walked into the hall of the monks and Taoists carrying a box of books.

"Tibetan Buddhism can be said to have many branches, and the conflicts between the various sects are even more complicated. If you want to go to Tibet, you must read more books."

"These are Tibetan Buddhist books collected by the cabinet, as well as records of the many envoys sent to Tibet to canonize Dharma kings during the Ming Dynasty. These materials can help you better understand the situation in Tibet."

"I left all these books in the Sengdaosi. You should read more before putting them into storage."

Zhang Yunbiao looked at the box full of books and felt completely numb.

Do you not only want to enter Tibet, but also read so many books?

After sending Shen Shixing away, Zhang Yunbiao started reading crazily.

The situation in Tibet is far more complicated than Zhang Yunbiao imagined.

During the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming court confirmed the right to canonize Tibetan masters by canonizing Dharma kings. After that, the continuation of the Tibetan Dharma lineage required the approval of the Ming court in order to be recognized within the sect.

At the same time, disputes between various factions in Buddhism and politics were often resolved through the Ming court.

For example, during the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, the Sakya and Kagyu sects requested the Ming court's ruling on the ownership of a temple.

Finally, Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, determined that this temple belonged to the Kagyu Sect based on historical documents, and awarded the temple to the Kagyu Sect.

Because it was the ruling of the Ming Dynasty emperor, both parties recognized the result.

Ming Chengzu also issued edicts many times, requiring Tibet to repair the post stations leading to the Central Plains, and allocated retired military horses to these Tibetan post stations, ensuring the Ming court's communication with Tibet and ensuring that the Ming court's orders could be transmitted to Tibet.

However, after the Tumubao Incident, the rise of Wala cut off the connection between the Central Plains and the Western Regions, and the Ming court lost the important passage from Longyou into Tibet.

The passage from Sichuan to Tibet was relatively difficult and dangerous, and over time they lost control of Tibet.

Zhang Yunbiao read the information day and night and finally figured out the current situation in Tibet.

The Ming Dynasty canonized eight kings of Tibet, namely the three great Dharma kings (the Karmapa Dharma King, the Mahayana Dharma King, and the Great Compassionate Dharma King) and the five regional kings (the King of Chanhua, the King of Protectors, the King of Praise, the King of Assistant Teaching, and the King of Chanjiao). .

These three Dharma Kings represent the three most powerful branches of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet.

They are the Karmapa of the Kagyu sect, the Mahayana dharma king of the Sakya sect, and the Great Merciful dharma king of the Gelug sect.

Generally speaking, the main religious contradiction in Tibet during the Ming Dynasty was the contradiction between these three sects.

But now that the Tibetan Chicken Eating Contest has reached the final stage, the Sakya Sect has been eliminated, and even the title of Mahayana Dharma King has been lost.

The main contradiction in Tibet now is the contradiction between the Kagyu sect and the Gelug sect.

The origin of the Gelug Sect is actually very late. Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug Sect, officially founded the Gelug Sect during the Yongle period. Compared with the Kagyu Sect, which has been an official belief since Padmasambhava entered Tibet in the Tang Dynasty, the Gelug Sect is more is too young.

But young people are young. The Gelug Sect is developing rapidly and spreading rapidly in Tibet. Even the countries in the Western Regions have gradually accepted the Gelug Sect's beliefs.

This generation of the Gelug sect also gave birth to such geniuses as Sonam Gyatso, who went to Mongolia at the invitation of Ada Khan, the great man of the Tumote tribe, to preach on the grasslands.

Although Anda Khan has died, Huangtaiji Khan, the son of Anda Khan, still supports Suonang Jiacuo's missionary work in the grassland.

In contrast, the more conservative Kagyu Sect is facing the problem of a constant loss of talents within the sect and a shrinking number of believers.

This time, the Kagyu sect saw the crisis and understood that if it continued like this, it might be replaced by the Gelug sect.

So when a piece of news spread back to Tibet, the Kagyu sect saw an opportunity.

Empress Dowager Li of the Ming Dynasty advocated Buddhism. Uncle Qingyuan and his son, who knew that Empress Dowager Li loved Buddhism, heard about Suonan Jiacuo's promotion of Buddhism in the grassland, so they told Empress Dowager Li about it.

After Empress Dowager Li heard about it, she was naturally very interested, so she sent officials from the Ministry of Rites to the grassland and asked Suonan Jiacuo to go to the capital to lecture on Buddhism.

Today's grassland has been greatly reduced in strength after several twists and turns. Tumut Khan Huang Taiji has also changed his title to Mongolian Khan and used the title of Shunyi King canonized by the Ming court.

Huang Taiji naturally did not dare to object to the Ming court's request and could only send troops to escort Suonang Jiacuo to the capital.

Suonangjiacuo was imprisoned by Huang Taiji and Sanniangzi after the death of Anda Khan. Naturally, he left the grassland quickly when he had the opportunity.

Suonang Gyatso is also the leader of the younger generation of Tibetan monks. He has beautiful appearance and superb Buddhist teachings. On the first day he entered the palace to give lectures, he attracted the attention of Empress Dowager Li.

After that, Suonangjiacuo continued to preach Buddhism in the residences of important officials in the capital. Finally, he was invited by the current ruling general Li Chengliang to perform birthday celebrations for Li Chengliang's mother.

Suonang Jiacuo prayed for Li Chengliang's mother for a day and kept reciting Buddhist sutras. The entire banquet was like being in a Buddhist country, and Li's mother, who originally also worshiped Buddhism, called the eminent monk.

After that, the Ming court conferred Suonang Jiacuo as the national master, and gave Suonang Jiacuo the temple where the great compassionate Dharma King Sakyamuni lived during the Ming Dynasty's first canonization period.

The Gelug sect was once again canonized as a national master by the Ming court, and once again had the upper hand in the religious struggle.

At this time, the Kagyu monks discussed sending envoys from Sichuan to Nanjing to pay tribute to the southeastern regime that was confronting the Ming court in order to gain support from the southeast.

Only then did Zhang Yunbiao make arrangements to enter Tibet.

However, Zhang Yunbiao's mission was only to inspect the situation in Tibet. How to deal with Tibetan affairs specifically would have to wait until Zhang Yunbiao made an on-site inspection before drawing a conclusion.

However, the Grand Governor Su Ze attached great importance to this. Since Tubo and the Tang Dynasty declined together, Tibet has become more submissive to the Central Plains.

Like Annan, Ming Dynasty failed to live up to its expectations and gradually lost control of Tibet.

Now that there is finally an opportunity to intervene in Tibetan affairs, Southeast naturally cannot give up.

Poor Zhang Yunbiao took just such a box of books, accompanied by the Tibetan envoy, to Chengdu and began to enter Tibet.

When leaving the capital, Zhang Yunbiao could not help but lament to his fellow students seeing him off:

"Everyone is of the same age. I don't know when we will see each other again in Tibet."

Everyone was a little disappointed, and Zhang Yunbiao said again: "The Number One Scholar is so terrifying, please wish yourselves good luck."

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