My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 570 The Black Ship Attacks


The tired Kinoshita Tokichiro knelt down in front of Oda Nobunaga.

However, Kinoshita Tokichiro is somewhat unaccustomed to it. He rarely knelt down when he was in the southeast. In the few months since he returned to Japan, Kinoshita's knees can no longer bear it.

"Hahaha! Just come back!"

Oda Nobunaga personally helped Kinoshita Tokichiro up. He was very satisfied with the results of his men's visit.

Kinoshita Tokichiro returned to Japan this time and brought back a large number of muskets and artillery that had been eliminated from Korea. Although these are far inferior to the standard equipment in the southeast or even the weapons currently equipped by the Korean army, they are better than the weapons of the Japanese army. Too much.

The weapons brought back by Kinoshita Tokichiro were enough for Oda Nobunaga to arm a new army, so why not make him overjoyed.

Moreover, Kinoshita Tokichiro has also been in contact with Southeast. By purchasing weapons in the future, the Oda family will be much closer to the goal of Bubu Tenka.

The retainers present also showed happy expressions, but Kinoshita Tokichiro was still a little strange.

"Before your visit to the Southeast, Kinoshita, you were the leader of the ashigaru. Now that you have returned, I will still let you be the leader of the ashigaru. Half of the weapons you brought back will be used to arm these ashigaru for you. How about that?"

Ashigaru are militiamen called up temporarily. These militiamen become soldiers when they are needed and work in the fields when they are not.

On the battlefield, the Ashigaru naturally cannot compare with the soldiers of the direct line of the Oda family. Although Kinoshita Tokichiro has returned from the Central Plains, in the Japanese country where seniority is considered, he comes from a humble background and has been absent from the Oda family's battles in these years. He can be used as an Ashigaru. The leader was already regarded as highly regarded by Oda Nobunaga.

If it were the former Kinoshita Tokichiro, this would be his dream position. In the hierarchical Japanese country, becoming a leader meant being promoted to the samurai class. This was indeed a leap for Kinoshita, who was born as a merchant.

But now Kinoshita Tokichiro has no fluctuations.

After staying in Southeast and North Korea for a long time, Kinoshita Tokichiro was quite uncomfortable returning to the hierarchical Japanese country.

When he was in North Korea, Kinoshita often laughed at Yi Sun-shin and ridiculed North Korea's backward two-class system. The two-class system also added the consecrated god religion. North Korea was really too backward.

After returning to the Japanese country, Kinoshita felt that the Japanese country was even worse than North Korea!

Under the two-shift system, some poor families can hold low-level positions, and there are academies to teach ordinary people to study.

In the Japanese country, a daimyo is always a daimyo, and a minister is always a minister.

Even the emperor has been of the same lineage for eternity and has never changed his bloodline.

He, the lowest-level merchant, had made such great contributions and was promoted to a lower-level samurai of the Oda family. He was met with a lot of looks, and even some senior retainers were unwilling to talk to him.

The people of Japan were numb and stupid. Apart from farming the land, they even became Ashigaru and went to war. Their lives were worse than those of North Korea.

After the promotion ceremony was over, Oda Nobunaga summoned Kinoshita Tokichiro alone.

"Tengjiro, what have you seen in the Central Plains and North Korea these years?"

For the lord Oda Nobunaga, Kinoshita Tokichiro still respected him very much. He said clearly:

"My subordinates have seen the backwardness of our Japanese country."

Oda Nobunaga was not surprised that he was lagging behind Nakahara.

During the Japanese Rebellion in the Southeast, the Japanese pirates who invaded the coast of the Ming Dynasty included some of the Ming Dynasty's own smugglers, but among them there were also many down-and-out warriors who could not survive in the Japanese country, and some were plundering activities actively supported by some Japanese lords along the coast. .

Wang Lun, the former great Japanese pirate, had a mansion in the Japanese country and even obtained the status of a samurai.

Before the rise of the Southeast, Japanese pirates could plunder a large amount of money and people and return to the Japanese country every time.

The daimyo on Satsuma Island were even able to attack Ryukyu, which was protected by the Ming Dynasty.

But now everything has changed.

The last time the envoys from the Southeast went to the Satsuma Domain again, asking them to immediately send the plundering Han people back to their hometown, the stubborn Shimazu family deliberately delayed it, and the Ryukyu fleet arrived at the door of the Shimazu family.

The black battleship bombarded the Shimazu family's dock for a whole day, destroying the castle tower at the Shimazu family's port, and sinking all the Shimazu family's ships in the port.

The Shimazu family, famous for its navy, has been severely damaged. Is this still the submissive Ryukyu Kingdom?

Ryukyu has now surrendered to the southeast and has become a prefecture in the southeast.

In other words, the fleet from one province in the southeast defeated the top daimyo in Satsuma.

The head of the Shimazu family, in great humiliation, signed an agreement with the southeast fleet messenger.

All ports of the Shimadzu family must be opened to the southeast, allowing fleets of ships to enter and exit at will. All artillery in the ports must be dismantled, and southeastern merchants must be exempted from taxes when trading in the port.

Next, these black ships circled around Satsuma Island again, and signed similar agreements with the Otomo family and other Satsuma daimyo.

This incident was called the "Black Ship Incident". The Japanese saw the strength of the Central Plains after its rise, and began to send the Han people plundered during the Japanese pirates back to the southeast.

Therefore, when Kinoshita Tokichiro said that Japan was backward, Oda Nobunaga naturally agreed.

"I believe that the backwardness of our Japanese country is because the daimyo have lost their honor and morality and fought with each other for their own interests, and the strength of our Japanese country has been consumed in such internal strife and wars."

Oda Nobunaga said: "I want to spread military power across the world in order to form a strong shogunate and change the various backward systems of our Japanese country!"

Kinoshita Tokichiro's eyes also became intense.

Yes, these daimyo fought on their own, adhered to the conservative and backward system, and cared about their own interests, but completely ignored the interests of the entire Japanese country.

Just like the scattered Japanese country, if it wants to occupy a place in the era when the Central Plains is rising again, it must form a powerful shogunate to control the entire country from top to bottom.

"The power of Nobunaga's family is still too small! Tokichiro, are you willing to assist me to realize this dream?"

Kinoshita Tokichiro immediately said: "I am willing to die for my lord!"

Seeing Kinoshita Tokichiro like this, Oda Nobunaga also laughed and pulled him up to sit next to him.

"Tell me what the Central Plains is like now, especially how the Central Plains organizes and trains troops."

Oda's political ability is not outstanding, but his military ability is quite good, and he is also good at accepting new combat methods.

Kinoshita Tokichiro told Oda Nobunaga in detail the tactics they used in Korea, and taught him how Southeast Asia trains soldiers.

After listening, Oda Nobunaga sighed and said:

"The method you mentioned can only be achieved by the Central Plains, which has strong financial resources. We, the Oda family, can't build such elite soldiers even if we lose all our money!"

Kinoshita Tokichiro immediately said: "My lord, my subordinates believe that our Oda family should immediately seize the port that can go to sea and actively trade with Southeast Korea so that we can accumulate money and realize the lord's dream of proclaiming the power of the world!"

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