My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 567 Seniority

The sign of Linhuai Marquis Mansion has been taken off, and now the sign of Li Mansion has been put up.

Li Yangong walked quickly to the house, and the old servant sitting at the door looking after the door quickly shouted: "The young master is back!"

Li Yangong resisted and went to the back house to see his son. He first went to say hello to his father, and then saw his son being held by his wet nurse.

Seeing his son who looked exactly like Danyun, Li Yangong held him carefully, feeling the continuation of his bloodline.

As a representative of the Guangxi Constituent Assembly, Dan Yun went to Guangxi when her son turned one year old, leaving his son in the Li Mansion to take care of Li Yangong's parents.

Li Yangong received the transfer order to Huguang after his son was one month old, and later participated in the attacks on Hanzhong and Bashu.

However, Li Yangong did not gain any military exploits in these two battles.

The reason is also very simple. Whether it was the battle in Hanzhong or the battle into Shu, Xiong Kuang's light was too bright.

Whether it was a blitz attack on Hanzhong or a surprise attack on Shuzhong around Yinping Mountain, Xiong Kuang was the first to achieve success.

Even the merits of Lin Deyang, the commander of the third brigade, were completely inferior to Xiong Kuang's independent regiment. Li Yangong, who followed Lin Deyang, followed Xiong Kuang all the way and had no chance of excelling at all.

Nowadays, the senior military officials are already rumoring that the Governor is very satisfied with Xiong Kuang's performance and wants to form a new brigade with Xiong Kuang as the brigade commander.

The brigade commander is already the highest front-line command position in the southeastern military, and the next higher up is Lin Liangjun, the Minister of the Ministry of War.

There are only a few positions higher than brigade commander, such as the principal of Nanjing Armed Forces School.

If Xiong Kuang is promoted to brigade commander, he will be the first among the new generation of generals in the southeast.

Those who followed Su Ze in raising troops were considered the first generation generals in the southeast, and their strongest team was the Changning Guards.

The Zhejiang Army and the Fujian New Army are all senior. The current brigade commanders of the six southeastern brigades are the first-generation generals.

Xiong Kuang was still an ordinary spy at the Nanjing Intelligence Station when the Governor raised his troops. He only officially entered the military world after he established his foundation in the southeast.

The military is very particular about seniority. When the first-generation generals are still commanding on the front line, it is difficult for the second-generation generals to get ahead.

This is not a stereotype, but there are many senior officers in the army. You joined the army earlier than me, and you have not been fighting as long as me. Why should you command me to work hard?

This is also the reason why there is always mountain-headism within the army. Conquest is a national event, and it is also a time when lives are at stake. Without sufficient authority, subordinates cannot work hard to carry out orders.

In the military, seniority is not a derogatory term, but a sign of respect for those direct descendants who have made contributions.

Nowadays, the first generation of generals and officers are all in their prime and still playing a role on the front line, so most of the second generation of generals are still in relatively junior positions, and the level of regimental commander is very rare.

But the military is also the first place that values ​​talent the most.

A talented general can overcome all obstacles.

Because a genius general can change the battlefield, allow more people to survive on the battlefield, and lead everyone to create military miracles.

Xiong Kuang's two major achievements in entering Hanzhong and destroying Shu were enough for him to transcend the seniority limits in the military and join the ranks of the top military circles.

It’s okay not to accept it.

If you are not convinced, why don't you lead an independent group to conquer Shuzhong?

After occupying Shuzhong, some officers returned to Nanjing to summarize the experience and lessons of this battle, and Li Yangong was one of them.

This is also a tradition in the Southeast. Winning the battle is important, but summing up after the war is even more important.

This is also the rule Su Ze established after establishing the staff system.

During the operation, all combat commanders from the brigade headquarters to the grassroots companies must review and summarize the operations to find shortcomings in this operation.

This is not to punish the commander, but to allow the commander to improve his abilities and kill fewer brothers in the next battle.

Li Yangong knew that this was also the reason why the battle losses of the southeastern army were always very low.

Because every manpower is very important to the Southeast, and the death of every soldier means that a family has lost a son, a husband, and a father.

Of course, a general must have the ruthlessness of "one general's success can make thousands of bones wither", but one cannot waste the lives of soldiers at will.

The grassroots commanders in the southeast all grew up with this belief. They would always summarize the shortcomings of the last order and strive to reduce casualties next time.

These summary materials will be sent to the Army School in Nanjing as training materials for new officers. Young staff officers will also be organized to review certain battles to find better combat methods.

As an officer with first-hand experience on the front line, Li Yangong will also take turns returning to Nanjing to exchange battlefield experiences.

In addition, they also need to personally hand over the ashes of their fallen comrades to their families. This is Southeast's mourning for the war dead.

Lin Deyang knew that Li Yangong's child was still young, so he asked him to return to Nanjing with the summary materials and take a look at his son.

After meeting his son, Li Tingzhu, the former Marquis of Linhuai, called Li Yangong to the study.


Li Yangong always had some fear of his father, mainly because he betrayed his father, the then commander of the Ming army, during the Nanjing New Army uprising.

Li Tingzhu was also a little worried about this matter. The father and son had been in a cold war for many years. If Li Yangong hadn't brought Danyun home later, it would have been impossible for the father and son to reconcile.

"How is the military camp?"

Li Tingzhu was not good at words either, so he finally started the conversation, and Li Yangong replied:

"everything is fine."

The two were awkward for a long time, and finally Li Tingzhu broke the silence.

"Minister Shen of the Ministry of Rites came to my door a few days ago and asked my father to go to Yunnan to pick up my aunt back to Nanjing."


Only then did Li Yangong remember that Mrs. Li, the old lady of the state of Yunnan Guizhou, was his distant aunt.

It is a very normal thing for the nobles of the Ming Dynasty to marry each other.

However, the Duke of Guizhou led Yunnan to surrender to the southeast, and the governor praised the Duke of Guizhou for his contribution in guarding Yunnan. This can be regarded as the final conclusion of the historical position of the Mu family.

Now that the Duke of Guizhou and his family are coming to Nanjing to enjoy their wealth and prosperity, it is naturally perfect for a relative like Li Tingzhu to pick up Mrs. Li and return to Nanjing.

Li Tingzhu suddenly raised his head. Is his father willing to work for the Southeast Government?

Li Tingzhu said: "The Ministry of Rites has established a history museum and is going to edit the biographies of distinguished officials. I agreed to Minister Shen to be the editor of the history museum."

Li Tingzhu said harshly: "The compilation of history is related to the merits and demerits of our ancestors. My father participates in it in order to fairly evaluate the merits and demerits of our ancestors."

Li Yangong nodded immediately. His father was willing to cooperate with Southeast. Even if it was a matter of compiling history, it would mean that he was no longer loyal to the Ming court.

The estrangement between father and son disappeared, and they talked about their military careers.

At this time, an order from the War Department was sent to Li Mansion.

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