My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 435 Dirty Things

Tang Xianzu looked back and saw that this companion who was also on the last trip in the same year was Ding Jinzong, a Guanzheng Jinshi who was assigned to the Ministry of Punishment.

According to the institutional design of the Southeast, in the Southeast judicial system, the Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple exist side by side.

The "Autumn Trial Hall" and "Appeal Hall" were established under Dali Temple.

Death row prisoners are all sentenced to death after questioning, and the Qiu Trial Office is responsible for the review of death penalty cases reported by local authorities.

The "Appellate Office" is the hearing department where those who are dissatisfied with the trial results of the prefecture and county courts make the final appeal.

The function of Dali Temple is similar to that of the Supreme Court, which is a higher level than the state capital. Its function is relatively simple, that is, it is responsible for hearing cases that cannot be handled locally.

In addition, Dali Temple also regularly dispatches circuit courts to handle local unjust, false and wrong cases.

The functions of the Ministry of Justice are much more complex.

Since Southeast Asia has not yet completed the constitution-making process, the Constituent Assembly authorized the Constitution-making Committee to draft the constitution, but the specific work of constitution-making is being done by the Ministry of Justice.

After all, the Criminal Department is the department that gathers the most proficient professionals in criminal justice.

The main job of the Ministry of Punishment is to formulate laws, coordinate conflicting parts of local laws and orders, stipulate the legal powers of government agencies at all levels, and review judicial documents issued by various departments.

In addition, the Ministry of Punishment also has an important function, which is to respond to lawsuits.

According to the direction of judicial reform in the southeast, the local court is the judicial institution responsible for hearing and judging cases, that is, the department responsible for adjudication.

If a referee is needed, there must be two parties involved in the referee, that is, the plaintiff and the defendant.

However, this concept only applies to civil litigation cases. When it comes to criminal cases, sometimes there is no plaintiff.

For example, if the deceased has no relatives, a complainant is still needed.

Or when some landowners in Suzhou sued the railway company, the defendant was the railway company, which was a government agency.

At this time, the government became the defendant.

At this time, someone needs to respond to the lawsuit on behalf of the government.

This is what is called a public litigator.

Nowadays, there are two types of public litigators. One is hired by the government to hire famous litigators.

The other is to be held by professional government officials. They can receive official salaries based on their seniority. Those with outstanding abilities can participate in the selection of the Ministry of Justice and transfer to the official career.

These people are also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Punishment.

Tang Xianzu came to the Ministry of Punishments to move reinforcements.

Because the people in Suzhou are good at litigating, the people whose land was expropriated by the railway company united and hired many big litigants. The public litigators hired by the Suzhou government and the railway company were overwhelmed.

After Tang Xianzu entered the Criminal Department, he quickly found Jiao Hong, the chief of the Public Prosecution Department.

After listening to Tang Xianzu's description, He Xinyin's disciple raised his head and said:

"I have also heard from my colleagues in Suzhou about this matter. It is a major railway matter, so our public prosecution company will naturally send people."

“However, some of those who file lawsuits may also want to settle out of court.”

Tang Xianzu frowned and said, "Does Chief Jiao want our Railway Department to threaten the people?"

"Of course that's not what you mean. I heard that the largest land to be acquired by the Railway Department is the land of Huqiu Mountain Temple in Suzhou Prefecture?"

Tang Xianzu nodded and said: "Yes, this is the most economical land acquisition plan, but Huqiu Mountain Temple said that the land is the temple's ancestral property, and the land deed and other evidence are all available. If we want to spare that land, it will cost a lot more." silver."

Jiao Hong said: "For this matter about Huqiu Mountain Temple, just go to the monks and Taoists."

"Seng Daosi? Threaten Huqiu Mountain Temple with Monk Daosi?"

Jiao Hong said with a smile: "That's not what I meant. It's just that the top disciple of Huqiu Mountain Temple happens to be the head of our Southeast Monk and Taoist Department, Monk Sidaguan. It would be easier for you to go find him."

Tang Xianzu immediately stood up, thanked Jiao Hong and said, "Thank you, Chief Jiao, for your guidance!"

After Tang Xianzu left in a hurry, Jiao Hong looked through the files Tang Xianzu sent.

He said to the left and right: "How is the new Guanzheng Jinshi in our department doing with his studies?"

The subordinate immediately said: "Ding Guanzheng is pretty good. He has finished studying the "Civil Code" and has gradually mastered the affairs of the department."

But Jiao Hong said: "Look at the Guanzheng Jinshi who have already taken charge of their own affairs and are able to undertake such a complicated job. The two supervisors of the Seven Ministries and Five Temples all praised the second place candidate for his ability."

"Leave it to Ding Jinzong to handle the Suzhou government's response to the lawsuit. Young people also need to hone their skills."

The subordinate said hesitantly: "Master Chief, is this burden too heavy?"

"Nothing can be made without polishing it. When Mr. He asked me to compile the laws and regulations, I had just started to do it. I just let him do it!"

Poor Ding Jinzong, a scholar in Guanzheng, didn't know that his leisurely days of drinking tea would end, and he would be kicked to the Suzhou Prefecture after being filled with files.

Ministry of Rites, Monk and Taoist Department.

After persuading the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain to surrender, Daguan became the chief of the Monk and Taoist Department due to his meritorious service.

Tang Xianzu brought the information to the Sengdao Division. At this time, Daguan was drinking tea with Zhang Yunbiao, a Guanzheng Jinshi who was assigned to the Sengdao Division.

Zhang Yunbiao was the last among the first-class Jinshi. He failed all his first, second and third ambitions and was transferred to the Monk and Taoist Department.

For any scholar who has lived in poverty for ten years, being assigned to the Monk and Taoist Department is a painful beginning.

Zhang Yunbiao is already preparing to apply for a new position in a year.

The Sengdao Department is not a large department, and the Sengdao Department is also a leisurely department.

The main functions of the Sangdao Si are to be in charge of the issuance of sworn orders for monks and Taoists all over the world, the change of presiding over the Mingchuan Grand View of the major sects, and to combat local cults.

However, these functions are mainly performed by the monks and Taoists at the prefecture and county level. The monks and Taoists under the Ministry of Rites spend most of their time reading official documents and drinking tea.

Zhang Yunbiao is quite satisfied with this kind of life. After all, it is a good life to fish with pay.

But with the arrival of Tang Xianzu, Zhang Yunbiao's fishing days ended immediately.

After Daguan heard about the Huqiu Mountain Temple, he immediately led Zhang Yunbiao to Suzhou Mansion.

Zhang Yunbiao followed Daguan to Suzhou and went to the mountain temple without drinking a sip of water.

Master Jueming of Huqiu Mountain Temple heard that his beloved disciple had returned and immediately led the monks to the mountain gate to greet him.

Daguan became a monk at the Huqiu Mountain Temple when he was sixteen years old. Zen Master Jueming was both his teacher and his father.

Daguan completed the full precepts in less than two years. Zen Master Jueming regarded him as the successor and planned to pass the Huqiu Mountain Temple to him a hundred years later.

Huqiu Mountain Temple is located on Huqiu Mountain outside Gusu City. It is one of the important Buddhist temples of Zen Buddhism and has great incense.

Temples have been built since the Southern Dynasties, and there are many pagodas in the temples. The grandeur of religious buildings also combines the exquisiteness of Suzhou gardens.

This time, the railway department wants to build a road that passes through the tombs of ancestors at the foot of Huqiu Mountain Temple.

This is also the reason why Zen Master Jueming firmly disagrees with building the railway.

After all the senior brothers had gone out, Daguan said to his master:

"Master, didn't you say that you would hand over Huqiu Mountain Temple to me in a hundred years?"

Monk Jueming was stunned for a moment, and soon understood the reason why his beloved disciple came back.

He blew his beard and said with eyes wide open:

"So you are here to be a lobbyist for the railway company! Who said I would hand it over to you! It was just a joke at the time!"

"Don't you want to change the view of descendants to the view of jungle in the southeast, and don't allow private ministers to confer the position of presiding?"

Daguan said with a smile: "Master, I'm afraid you are confused. My disciple is now the head of the Monk and Taoist Department. As long as I approve it, I can be the abbot of Huqiu Mountain Temple."

"You traitor! My master is not dead yet!"

Daguan put his hands together and said: "Master, when my disciple was ordained, you said that we should not be attached to color in our meditation practice. There are just some dry bones in the grave under this mountain, so why should we care?"

Zen Master Jueming said angrily: "What are the dead bones in the tomb! Those are your ancestors!"

Daguan said: "Our Zen sect does not engage in the practice of becoming a Buddha in the physical body. If the founders become Buddhas, they will naturally not care about these physical remains. If they fail to become Buddhas."

Zen Master Jueming said angrily: "What if you fail to become a Buddha?"

"If you don't become a Buddha, you will be gone. There is nothing to care about."

"You traitor!"

Zen Master Jueming was about to strike, but Da Guan dodged him.

Zen Master Jueming said: "For the sake of the Southeast incident, are you going to burn down our Huqiu Mountain Temple?"

Daguan smiled and said: "The railway cannot be built up the mountain."

"You traitor!"

Daguan flexibly circled the pillar and then said:

"Master, building the railway is also something that is beneficial to all people in the world. It is meritorious and the ancestors will not mind it."

After all, Zen Master Jueming was old and could no longer be optimistic. He sat down and said angrily:

“We in Zen Buddhism don’t pay attention to merit.”

Daguan continued: "Since you don't care about merit, then you don't care about the physical body. If you ask me, just follow the Grand Governor."

Zen Master Jueming sighed and said:

"If the founder really became a Buddha, he wouldn't care. It's just that the land at the foot of the mountain is also buried with the roadside bones collected by the temple over the years. There are also believers who bury their family members here."

Daguan said: "If you ask me, this is easy to do. Take these bones out, burn them into ashes and enshrine them in the temple. The deceased can listen to the meditation day and night. The believers will be satisfied, and it can also help them reach bliss early."

Zen Master Jueming frowned and said, "What a mess, this is what the Wutai Sect says. Why did you travel around and come back with a hodgepodge of knowledge?"

Daguan laughed and said: "If you are useful, you will become a Buddha."

Zen Master Jueming stood up and said, "That's all, I'll do it as you said."

Huqiu Mountain Temple finally withdrew its lawsuit against the railway company, dug up the bones from the cemetery at the foot of the mountain, and held a grand Buddhist ceremony to burn the ashes.

Unexpectedly, on the day of cremation, several relics were burned.

The reputation of Huqiu Mountain Temple has become so great that many pilgrims have come to ask for the ashes of their ancestors to be enshrined in the Buddhist temple.

Zen Master Jueming did not expect that his compromise would bring additional benefits to Huqiu Mountain Temple.

From then on, people in Gusu were keen on cremating corpses and enshrining them in Buddhist temples, and the monks of Huqiu Mountain Temple firmly occupied the leading position in the funeral ritual industry, so much so that Zen Master Jueming was considering whether to put Ksitigarbha in the temple. King Bodhisattva, please come into the temple.

After solving his own problems, Daguan took Zhang Yunbiao and started touring the temples and Taoist temples in South Zhili.

These days, most of the temples and Taoist temples are in the mountains. Zhang Yunbiao was miserable following Taoist temples. He spent the whole day either trekking through mountains and rivers or sleeping in the open air.

Zhang Yunbiao, a scholar from the Monk and Taoist Department, thought about the days when he drank tea and read newspapers in Nanjing, and then thought about his miserable life now, and reflected on whether he had provoked something dirty that led him to this situation.

Huqiu Mountain Temple, a large landowner, withdrew from the lawsuit, and the railway company invited Fang Jing, a well-known local litigant, to respond, and the lawsuits were quickly resolved one by one.

After clearing the obstacles to land acquisition, it was finally time to start construction on the Su-Song Railway.

While the southeast side was busy with various projects, Zhang Juzheng immediately began to implement the whipping method and the examination method after alleviating the money shortage in the Gyeonggi area.

In fact, the whipping method is not new, which is to convert all land taxes and corvees collected in kind into silver, and change the physical taxes into monetary taxes.

There are naturally benefits to doing this, such as unifying the caliber and tax rate of fiscal collection and reducing the cost of physical collection and corruption.

When collecting taxes in kind, the government will ask the people to send good quality rice. The rice must be good without gravel and straw. The tax collectors will also deliberately lower the quality to make the people pay more taxes.

Transporting grain and various in-kind taxes to the capital also requires a lot of costs. Food will spoil, and the loss of long-distance transportation is beyond imagination, not to mention the hands of people along the way, and you don't know what to do. How much corruption.

Changing the whip law to a unified collection of currency will naturally reduce corruption and wastage. After agreeing on the tax rate, the people will be less exploited.

But Zhang Juzheng also knows that the current situation is special. It is wartime, and food is sometimes more important than money.

Therefore, Zhang Juzheng's whip method is divided into two whips.

For the five provinces of Beizhili, Shanxi, Huguang, Henan, and Shandong, the one-whip method of converting grain collection was adopted. All exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes were converted into grain, and then transported to the capital after collection.

For Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong, silver coins were used to collect taxes, and the taxes were converted into silver and sent to the capital.

At the same time, Zhang Juzheng also strengthened the examination method. Officials who were unfavorable to the implementation of the New Deal were all dismissed through the examination method. He also set assessment targets for lower-level officials and required that the targets be broken down to counties.

At the same time, Zhang Juzheng also ordered the elimination of redundant personnel, forcing governments at all levels to eliminate some officials to reduce the government's daily expenses.

After Zhang Juzheng's troubles, the old machine of Mingting started to rotate.

However, from the capital to the local areas, dissatisfaction with Zhang Juzheng's power continued to accumulate.

Just when Zhang Juzheng was at his peak, the first wave of testing attacks arrived.

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