My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 411 Starry Sky and Moral Laws

Lorenzo discovers he has a roommate.

It's normal to have roommates. This medical school can almost be said to be the largest school in the world today.

Colleges appeared very early in Europe, but the earliest seminaries only had a few dozen people.

And those universities funded by kings and lords are even more stingy. There are many universities with only a dozen people.

The Italian sailing school attended by Captain Alfonso had only more than fifty students at its peak.

Knowledge is expensive, especially in this day and age.

Li Shizhen Medical College has more than 500 students, as well as dormitories, canteens and other supporting facilities for these students. It is an independent town.

Although Lorenzo was numb, he was still shocked by this huge number. A college that could train five hundred scholars. This college had more doctors than all the doctors in Venice, no, more than the doctors in the entire Apennine Peninsula!

Moreover, this medical school continues to train doctors, including wise scholars like Cao Wang.

What kind of scary place is this?

Lorenzo didn't know much about the military, but he knew very well how many soldiers could survive if such a group of qualified doctors entered the army.

Lorenzo was always shocked by the civilization and power of this eastern country.

The accommodation provided by Li Shizhen Medical College was quite good, and Lorenzo quickly met his roommate.

Lorenzo soon started a new life at Li Shizhen Medical College. After integrating into campus life, he soon discovered that his roommate was a weirdo.

His roommate is Liang Mengyuan, a maverick scholar.

Compared with other doctors, Liang Mengyuan never wore a white coat, and he never had any rules in his classes.

In other words, he has no class schedule at all.

Sometimes Liang Mengyuan spends the whole day reading in the dormitory, and sometimes he spends the whole day outside in class.

He would go to any college to attend classes, and Lorenzo had seen him in class at his own college.

But he never took any practical courses.

After being exposed to the Southeastern medical system, Lorenzo quickly understood that medicine is a hands-on course.

Whether it is new medicine or ancient medicine, even the discipline of using herbal medicine to treat diseases requires experimentation.

The white coat issued by the college is specially worn when doing experiments.

Lorenzo also heard a legend in the college that under the discipline of trauma medicine, there was also a gauche class.

This class is composed of graduates from various levels of government, and their main learning content is to dissect corpses.

It is said that the students in these writing classes all wore blood-red coats to conduct experiments, because any white coat will be stained red by blood.

But Liang Mengyuan never wore a white coat, and he was never seen taking any experimental courses.

All this made Lorenzo very curious.

Later, Assistant Professor Zhu told Luo Lanzuo that Liang Mengyuan did not seem to be a formal student of the medical school. His elder brother was a senior official in the southeast, and he studied here at his own expense.

It turned out that they were related to each other, so Lorenzo understood the strange behavior of his roommate.

Understanding is understanding, but Lorenzo is still curious.

Liang Mengyuan was not an ignorant person. He was a knowledgeable and speculative person. He was more like a great scholar in the traditional Western sense than all the students in this medical school.

This is not to say that the professors at Li Shizhen Medical College are not knowledgeable, but Liang Mengyuan feels that the teachers and students in this college are more like craftsmen than knowledgeable people.

This is something that can't be helped. Every day, the general classes are all about experiments. For example, in the trauma department, they have to learn sutures, bandages and plasters. They also work as tailors and carpenters. They spend the whole day studying how to suture to make scars less likely.

Although Lorenzo's Epidemiology Department does not require suturing, it uses microscopes to observe samples, conduct infection experiments on animals, and dissect dead animals from time to time. It is almost the same as a breeder butcher.

Lorenzo sometimes envied Liang Mengyuan, his roommate who did not need to take experimental courses.

Dragging his tired body, this afternoon was Lorenzo's most leisurely afternoon. He returned to the dormitory and found Liang Mengyuan making tea.

Luo Lanzuo was no longer surprised by Liang Mengyuan's leisure. He put down his thick bag, took the teacup handed over by Liang Mengyuan and asked:

"Sheng Liang, there are no classes today?"

"I was originally going to attend the obstetrics department today, but I was kicked out by the professor."

Lorenzo almost spit out his tea. There is an obstetrics department in the medical school, but the entire class is made up of female students.

Of course Lorenzo could understand that, not to mention the conservative country in the East, even in Venice, he was not willing to let a male doctor deliver his wife's baby.

It’s outrageous for Liang Mengyuan to go to the obstetrics department for lectures.

"Are you curious about what I'm studying?"

Lorenzo nodded. What exactly was his roommate studying? This was something he had always been curious about.

If you are looking for mixed qualifications, medical school is not a good choice.

Liang Mengyuan was not the kind of well-connected person he remembered, and he really couldn't understand his behavior.

"I'm studying medical ethics."

Lorenzo's Chinese level is already very high, but he still can't understand these four words.

He understands the meaning of "medicine", and he probably also knows the meaning of "ethics". How do these two words come together?

"For example, today I went to the obstetrics department to attend a class. I just wanted to know, when a mother encounters an emergency and only one child and mother can be protected, should the child be kept older or younger?"

Lorenzo was stunned.

He has a wife, and although his wife has not yet given birth, this question still directly hits his heart.

What the hell is the problem?

"Just kidding, medical ethics don't ask questions like this. My question is, in this situation, who can make decisions for the mother?"

"The mother herself? Her husband? Her mother's family or her husband's family?"

Lorenzo fell into thinking.

“When a pregnant woman wants an abortion, should doctors help?”

"Of course not, this is a life!"

Lorenzo said firmly out of his own faith.

"Life? Can the embryo in a pregnant woman's body have independent life?"

Lorenzo was dumbfounded by this question.

"The formed embryo is considered life, but what about the unformed embryo? Or in medical terms, only a few months old embryo is considered life?"


"Regular doctors are prohibited from providing services, but abortion cannot be prohibited. If these pregnant women seek help from the underground black market and end up dying from taking irregular abortion pills, then whose life is being respected?"


"Or maybe this pregnant woman has a hereditary disease, and she doesn't want her child to be born with a defect and suffer the consequences, isn't that okay?"

"This pregnant woman was violated and became pregnant. Isn't it okay if she doesn't want the child to be born?"


Lorenzo found that the questions he once thought were natural questions were completely impossible to answer.

Liang Mengyuan continued to drink tea, and then said:

“Or if you’re in independent practice, in what order should you see patients in an overcrowded clinic?”

Lorenzo was stunned for a moment and said: "First come first, first?"

"The patients who arrive first have mild symptoms that are not life-threatening, but the patients who arrive later have severe symptoms that will lead to death if not rescued?"


"For another example, if you open a clinic, you always have to support a family, right? How are you going to admit and treat patients?"

Lorenzo said cautiously: "Treat the serious illness first, and then treat the mild illness?"

"Severe conditions are difficult and unsightly. What should patients do if they don't have money for treatment?"

"Patients with mild symptoms can afford medical treatment and it is easy to treat them. Which one do you choose?"

Lorenzo was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Liang Mengyuan did not give an answer to his question, but said: "No matter how we develop, medical resources are insufficient."

Lorenzo nodded. Even in Suzhou, the affiliated hospital of Li Shizhen Medical College was overcrowded, let alone other places.

At this time in the West, medical care was a scarce resource, and ordinary people could only find traveling doctors or even gypsies to get some herbal medicine.

Liang Mengyuan said:

"How to allocate limited medical resources to all patients is a medical ethics issue."

"The question I'm thinking about is not how to treat people, but how to build the entire medical system."

Liang Mengyuan looked at Lorenzo and said:

"I've heard your story, Lorenzo, why did you become a healer?"

Lorenzo said firmly: "I want to help more people like Dr. Cao."

"Then remember what you are thinking now, study your medical skills well, and use your medical skills to help more people."

"What about you, Liang Sheng? What are you going to do?"

Liang Mengyuan did not answer this question directly, but said:

"I have a clan brother who studies laws all day long. He wants to use a set of laws to regulate everyone and maintain the operation of the entire society through laws."

"Is not it good?"

"Okay, of course, but if the law is too strict, the Qin law will harm the people. If it is too loose, there will inevitably be people who study the law for profit, and the law will make it unfair to the poor who cannot afford lawyers." .”

Lorenzo nodded. He was a businessman when he was in Venice. As a businessman, he often dealt with courts, so he naturally understood what Liang Mengyuan meant.

"Medical care cannot be regulated by laws alone."

Lorenzo nodded quickly.

Liang Mengyuan said: "Morality and ethics may be the same path."

But Lorrazzo thought of his hypocritical father-in-law and said: "But there are also many bad people in this world who are well disguised."

"I understand what you mean, you mean a hypocrite, right?"

Lorenzo nodded.

Liang Mengyuan said: "Morality is not a law. It is never used to advise everyone."

"As long as some people can be restrained by morality, that is moral success."

"Good deeds are encouraged and respected, and bad deeds are scorned and cursed. This is infinitely better than a world where good deeds are reviled and bad deeds are applauded, right?"

Lorenzo said quickly: "Liang Sheng, your research is really meaningful."

Liang Mengyuan raised his head and looked at the sky and said:

"The Grand Governor once said that what fascinates him most in the world is the starry sky above his head and the moral laws in his heart."

Lorenzo also raised his head and looked at the sky, unable to help but be fascinated.

While the two were talking, a store on the busiest street in Suzhou hung a colorful plaque. This is a new custom for store openings in the southeast. It is promoted through the opening ceremony and also to seek auspicious luck.

However, not many customers came into this shop. It was a litigation firm.

As more and more people file lawsuits in Suzhou Prefecture, there are also more and more litigants in Suzhou City.

These lawyers study the loopholes in the law. As the legal provisions become more complete and complex, it is difficult for a single lawyer to complete all the court work.

Litigation lawyers have also changed from an all-round profession to more subdivided fields.

Study the lawyers who specialize in legal litigation, the lawyers who specialize in criminal lawsuits, and the lawyers who specialize in handling civil contract disputes.

Even the entire litigation process has been broken down. There are lawyers who are responsible for drafting lawsuits, lawyers' assistants who are responsible for researching laws and previous cases, and senior lawyers who are responsible for arguing in court. Just like the workshop Likewise, all processes are broken down.

This litigation firm is owned by Fang Jing, a famous litigation lawyer in the Susong area. This lawyer specializes in contract litigation and has set a record of winning ten lawsuits.

However, the common people still instinctively dislike the profession of litigants. Especially recently, there have been some news in newspapers about lawyers helping rich people escape crimes. This naturally makes the reputation of this profession even worse.

Although they were disgusted, many children from scholarly families began to send their children to become apprentices in lawyers' firms.

Fang Jing didn't care about the deserted opening. After the litigation firm opened, he immediately called his subordinates for a meeting.

"This is the first case that our law firm opened."

All the apprentices and litigation assistants got the files, and Fang Jing's chief disciple suddenly said: "Master, the first case of our litigation firm is actually a public interest case?"

The so-called public interest cases are regulations that have just been introduced by the Suzhou government.

Every registered lawyer or lawyer firm needs to litigate several free cases on a regular basis for poor people who cannot afford to hire lawyers. If they cannot litigate enough public interest cases, they will lose their qualifications to practice.

But this is just a policy. There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Some big litigants with a booming business will take on some trivial lawsuits and quickly complete this target.

As the first case of the litigation firm, it turned out to be a public interest case, which made the apprentices very confused.

Our master never gives a penny to a beggar. He is a person who can't afford to start early without any benefit. If Fang Jing wasn't really capable of learning, no one would be willing to be an apprentice to such a person.

Fang Jing said nonchalantly: "It's better to choose a day than to hit it. I was assigned this case before the opening, so I will file this lawsuit."

"Although this lawsuit is a public interest case, it is the first case that established the reputation of our litigation firm. Everyone must study it carefully."

The apprentices began to study the files one after another. It turned out that it was such a case. It was no wonder that Fang Jing wanted to take this case.

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