My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 379 The Emperor Returns

Emperor Longqing missed his father, Emperor Zhu Houcong, who was listening to a play in Prince Qin's palace.

After abdicating the throne, Jiajing's health actually improved.

Anyway, the throne is no longer his, and what the world is like has nothing to do with him.

On the way to escape, Jiajing also gave up a lot of his obsession with practicing Xuanxuan and alchemy. After arriving in Xi'an, he fell in love with Qin Opera and even composed several tunes himself.

I have to say that this Daojun Emperor is a very smart man. He only listened to a few pieces of music, and the music he composed turned out to be quite good.

He also improved the singing method of Qin Opera and adapted several well-known sections of Kun Opera into Qin Opera.

In addition to listening to operas, Jiajing also went sightseeing in Xi'an. Xi'an is an ancient capital with many scenic spots and historic sites. This is also a scenery that Jiajing, who has lived in the Forbidden City for a long time, has never seen.

However, this short-term peace was broken when the messenger sent by the capital court arrived again.

Zhang Siwei returned to Xi'an again. This time Zhang Siwei brought a request, or rather an order, from the imperial court in the capital, asking the emperor to return to the capital to show the filial piety of the new emperor.

Jiajing, who was listening to the play, turned pale at first, then turned red and said:

"Hello Xi'an, I will stay in Xi'an."

After saying this, he left the table with Huang Jin's support.

Zhang Siwei was a little embarrassed, but after all, the emperor was the emperor's father, and he was the emperor who had been in charge of the country for forty-two years. With his remaining power still there, Zhang Siwei did not dare to persuade him.

But before coming, the court already had a countermeasure.

The newly appointed Duke of Ding, Xu Wenbi, was the leader of the red-helmet imperial army around Jiajing. Zhang Siwei found Xu Wenbi.

"You want me to persuade the emperor to return to the capital?"

The young Duke Dingguo only inherited the position a few years ago, and his character is relatively mature among the nobles.

Back then, he served as a red-helmeted general, a position often held by honorable men, and he made no mistakes during his tenure.

After Lao Dingguo went to see Emperor Taizu, Xu Wenbi became the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, taking charge of all the red-helmeted Forbidden Army.

Along the way, Xu Wenbi also escorted Jiajing thoroughly, so he won Jiajing's trust.

Now the ministers around Jiajing, Xu Jie, are missing, Zhao Zhenji is in Huguang, and Li Chunfang has defected to the new emperor.

The other ministers either died in the Taiyuan Mutiny or had returned to the capital. The only people who could be used around Jiajing, besides the eunuch Huang Jin, were the noble Duke Xu Wenbi of Dingguo.

Zhang Siwei said: "Your Majesty has rebuilt Duke Dingguo's mansion. Duke Dingguo, you are an honorable and important minister. Your Majesty has an edict. If you can persuade the emperor to return to the capital, you will be treated as the leader of the class."

When the Ming Dynasty went to court, the civil and military personnel were divided into two teams, which were called two squads.

The closer to the emperor, the higher the status, and the first person in the two squads is the number one person in the court, which is the so-called leader of the squad.

In fact, the status of the nobles is nominally higher than that of the civil servants. During the Jiajing Dynasty, Duke Ding always stood in front of Yan Song, the chief minister.

The title of leader of the class is just a title for nobles, and it is difficult to control real power.

But the young Duke Dingguo was still moved by this "leader of the class". After all, when his father was there, there was a more senior nobleman like Duke Chengguo Zhu Xizhong in front of him.

Moreover, Xu Wenbi was originally dissatisfied with the life in Xi'an. The Dingguo Palace in the capital had been magnificent for many generations. The place where he lived in Xi'an was an official mansion next to the Qin Palace, which was small and dark.

And because the emperor didn't trust other people and often required Xu Wenbi to be on duty in Prince Qin's palace in order to sleep, Xu Wenbi often had to work night shifts.

With Zhang Siwei's persuasion, Xu Wenbi was finally tempted.

But after all, he was young and still wanted to face shame. He asked in a low voice:

"But the Emperor refuses to return to the capital. How can we persuade the Emperor?"

Zhang Siwei said: "This matter is simple and has a historical process."

"Emperor Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty avoided Shu due to the An-Shi Rebellion, and even after Suzong ascended the throne, he refused to return. 'General Chen Xuanli of Suwei reported that the imperial army was unstable and people wanted to return home, so the emperor followed it.'"

Xu Wenbi immediately understood what Zhang Siwei meant, smiled and said: "It's true that the Forbidden Army is homesick."

On the third day of March in the second year of Longqing, the emperor who was resting in the palace of King Qin suddenly heard shouts of killing outside the palace. He hurriedly woke up and called his confidant eunuch Huang Jin to inquire about the situation outside the palace.

Huang Jin didn't know, so he could only recruit Xu Wenbi, the red-helmeted imperial army commander who was guarding outside the Qin Palace.

Xu Wenbi, wearing golden armor, walked into the emperor's chamber and reported that the emperor was revolting because the red-helmeted imperial troops had been away from their hometown in the capital for too long and were homesick.

The smart Jiajing looked at the neat golden armor on Xu Wenbi's body, and then listened to the frightening shouts of death outside the house, and finally whispered:

"What can be done about it?"

Xu Wenbi said: "I invite your majesty to return to the capital to establish a new emperor's filial piety and also to prohibit the moral conduct of soldiers and soldiers."

Having said this, Emperor Jiajing still harbored illusions. He pretended to be depressed and said: "I am also homesick. You go and appease the soldiers and return to the capital soon."

Xu Wenbi did not accept this delaying tactic, but said: "Please also ask the emperor to set a return date."

"He'll be back in the middle of the month!"

Only then did Xu Wenbi leave the dormitory with satisfaction. He immediately announced the news that Jiajing was returning north to Luan Capital. As expected, the shouts of killing outside the Prince of Qin's palace disappeared.

Jiajing called Huang Jin and said, "This traitor is going to kill me!"

Huang Jin quickly comforted him: "Prince Yu is kind and will not kill His Majesty."

Now around Jiajing, only Huang Jin calls Emperor Longqing King Yu.

Jiajing said: "The royal family has no blood ties."

Huang Jin was silent. He had been in the palace for decades and had never seen anything dark. He naturally knew the cruelty and bloodshed within the royal family.

"How is the situation in Huguang?"

Huang Jin said silently: "Zhang Juzheng has entered Xiangyang, and Zhao Zhenji has not yet conquered Jingzhou."

Jiajing said: "This guy is so incompetent?"

Huang Jin was silent. Perhaps it was because of King Jing's incompetence that Emperor Longqing had the most desperate plans to let Jiajing return to the capital.

"If I want to go to Shuzhong, is there anyone willing to follow me?"

Huang Jin shook his head helplessly. The emperor's escape was different from the people's escape. He needed guards and supplies along the way, otherwise a bandit could capture Jiajing.

After the Taiyuan Mutiny, Jiajing lost all its people, and there were no people from Shu in the imperial army. Who would be willing to enter Shu with him.

Jiajing said crazily again: "How about going to the southeast? Didn't Su Thief say that he wants to oust the emperor? If I change my ways, will he support me?"

Huang Jin felt that the emperor had gone crazy, and he said in horror: "Why would your majesty become a thief?"

Jiajing finally recognized the reality and said:

"Then we can only return to the capital."

On March 15th, Emperor Jiajing finally set off back to the capital under the "escort" of the red-helmeted imperial army.

The people of Xi'an lined the streets outside the city to say goodbye, not because of their deep relationship with the emperor, but because Jiajing was almost starving the people of Xi'an during his stay in Xi'an!

It was sent to Jiajing like the god of plague, and the good days of the people of Xi'an did not come.

It turns out that Jiajing was staying in the Prince of Qin's Mansion these days, and the one who suffered the most was the Prince of Qin.

As one of the four richest vassals in the world, the Prince of Qin's Mansion is about to go bankrupt because of pick-ups!

After the emperor returned to Luan, the King of Qin immediately began to retaliate and exploit, trying to make up for the losses from ordinary people.

Originally, because of the Guanzhong earthquake, there were victims everywhere.

Xi'an was originally a government, and the people around it could still live.

As a result, Guanzhong became even more chaotic, with refugee uprisings everywhere.

Guangxi, moved to Jiangbazhai.

Bazhai is located in the Shishan area south of the Duyang Mountains and east of the Daming Mountain, which is now Xincheng County and Shanglin County.

It is surrounded by two rivers, named Qingshui River and Hongshui River.

The terrain is rugged and steep, with numerous cliffs, traffic congestion and dangerous terrain.

The natural barrier to enter Bazhai is Shimen. The Shimen is between two mountains and can only accommodate five people walking side by side. There is an underground river connecting the holes through the Shimen.

The upper cave, the middle cave and the lower cave are connected like a maze, and the eight villages send elites to guard them in turn.

If you don't go through Shimen, you have to go around Shishan and enter Bazhai. That road is even more difficult and dangerous.

However, Bazhai did not completely block access, because these cottages were not self-sufficient in materials and had to rely on merchants to transport goods in and out.

Li Yangong, who pretended to be a businessman and entered Duzhe Village, one of the eight villages, felt a little complicated.

Duzhe Village is a typical Yao village. The biggest feature of this village is that women can also join the army. The local chieftain is a woman, and her Han name is Danyun.

Duzhe Village also retains many ancient folk customs of the border people, such as the walking marriage system.

Walking marriage means that a man does not marry a woman without marrying, and the union of the man and woman is achieved through visits from dusk to morning.

Li Yangong didn't know about this system of the Yao people in Guangxi. He pretended to be a merchant and entered Duzhe Village. After all, Li Yangong was the prince of Linhuai Marquis and had been trained in the military, so he naturally had extraordinary appearance.

He entered Duzhe Village and was quickly surrounded by enthusiastic Yao people. After being drunk, he was sent to the house of chieftain Danyun.

When Li Yangong woke up in the morning, he only saw healthy wheat-colored skin and a well-proportioned Yao woman lying next to the bed.

Li Yangong hurriedly hugged the quilt and cried out. Danyun rubbed her eyes, glanced at Li Yangong, then sat up and started to get dressed.

Li Yangong gritted his teeth. After all, he was educated in the Four Books and Five Classics. He said to Danyun:

"Girl, I will be responsible!"

"Let's leave the village quickly. I will marry you when we get back!"

The life of the mountain people is difficult, and Danyun's appearance can only be regarded as delicate, but she has the charm of a Yao woman.

Danyun couldn't help laughing when she saw Li Yangong's appearance.

"Have you never heard of Yao people walking marriage?"

Li Yangong was stunned for a moment, and Dan Yun said in fluent Chinese:

"In our capital village, we get together at night and leave in the early morning. If a child is born, he will be raised by his mother. He will have the mother's surname but not the father's surname."

Li Yangong was completely shocked, Danyun said:

"You Han people are so funny. You come here to do business and you don't know this?"

Danyun's expression slowly changed. She looked at Li Yangong and said:

"You are not a merchant."

Danyun immediately beat the small drum beside the bed, and two Yao female warriors rushed in immediately.

Li Yangong's movements were also very fast. He immediately rushed over and strangled Danyun's neck, subdued Danyun and said:

"Tell them to stand down!"

Danyun's expression changed a little. After she told the two guards to step back in Yao language, she turned her head to look at Li Yangong and said:

"You, a Han Chinese, are you a Ming army spy from Guangdong?"

Li Yangong looked at Danyun, who had half-undressed clothes in her arms, turned around and said:

"You are not an ordinary Yao girl. Who are you?"

Danyun smiled and said, "I am the leader of Shipai in Duzhe Village."

Li Yangong was shocked and said, "Are you the chieftain of this village?"

The leader of Shipai, the Yao people will carve the laws, agreed customs and rituals for worshiping gods on the stone, which is called a stone tablet or a stone tablet.

Every time there is a dispute in Yao Village, it will be handled in front of the stone plate by the leader of the stone plate according to the provisions on the stone plate.

Therefore, the leader of Shipai is the chieftain of the local Yao village.

Dan Yun smiled slightly and said: "The Yao King in Tengxia has sent a message to Bazhai, saying that the Han people in Guangdong are going to attack us. I didn't expect you to come so fast."

Li Yangong calmed down, looked at Danyun and said, "Aren't you afraid of me at all?"

Danyun said: "Why are you afraid? Does Mr. Lang want to kill me?"

After speaking, Danyun twisted her body, and Li Yangong felt hot again.

However, his thoughts came to him quickly. Danyun spoke fluent Chinese, and there were many Han merchants in the entire village.

Li Yangong thought of something and said, "Don't you want to rebel?"

Dan Yun said: "So what if you don't want to rebel? The Yao King in Teng Gorge is so powerful that all eight villages regard him as the leader, so the capital village can only follow and rebel."

"Besides, if we don't fight back, we won't be able to survive being exploited by the Ming court."

Li Yangong immediately asked: "Among the eight villages, are there many such ideas as yours in Duzhe Village?"

Danyun said: "It's not too much, if you can survive, who would be willing to carry your head?"

Li Yangong decided to take a gamble.

He let go of his hand and said to Danyun:

"Li Yangong, intelligence officer of the Fourth Brigade of the Southeast New Army, Miss Danyun, I will give you a chance to choose."

"He is helping the rebels in Tengxia gorge to cause trouble. They are waiting for the blood to stain the Tengxia gorge and the corpses to stop flowing into the Xunjiang River."

"It's better to help my new army in the southeast to put down the rebellion in Tengxia and restore peace to the place."

Li Yangong stared into Danyun's eyes, and Danyun, a shrewd Yao girl, actually turned her head away when he stared at her.

"What's the difference? My mother sent troops to help Zhang Jinglue suppress the rebellion, and the Ming court appointed native officials. However, the local Han officials still bullied us Yao people and didn't treat us as human beings. If I help you, the result will be the same."

Li Yangong said firmly: "It's different. We are not the Ming army. The governor is different."

"You can choose now. If you choose the former, Li will die now."

Danyun looked at Li Yangong and said after a fierce ideological struggle:

"Among the new Southeast Army you mentioned, are there many people like Lang Junzhong?"

Li Yangong shook his head and said, "Not much."

"Mr. Tan and General Yu are both a hundred times better than me, and our Commander-in-Chief is even tens of thousands of times better than me!"

When Dan Yun heard what Li Yangong said, she immediately said, "Okay, then I'll see how you break through the Teng Gorge."

On March 15, with the help of internal personnel in Duzhe Village, the Fourth Brigade quickly passed through the Shimen natural barrier and entered the Eight Villages.

Under the power of mountain artillery and grenades, these wooden cottages were unable to resist. It took only three days for the Fourth Brigade to completely control the eight villages.

Danyun was shocked when she witnessed the combat effectiveness of the Southeast New Army. She had never thought that there were such elites in the world!

The eight villages were at peace, and Yu Zigao's soldiers pointed at Teng Gorge!

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