My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 295 Explosion is Art

After the last joint battle with the Qi family army, Feng Shuo returned to Chuanshi Island.

As an officer, Feng Shuo's dormitory is for four people. Although it is still very crowded, it is much better than the ten-person dormitory for ordinary sailors.

"Feng Da, gather for a bath."

Sun Wang, a roommate wearing a towel, came out of the dormitory, and Feng Shuo soon heard the sound of the assembly horn.

As a former miner, Feng Shuo didn't feel uncomfortable with the life in the military camp. He used to obey orders when he was in the mine. If there was no discipline in the mine, it would be fatal.

On the contrary, Sun Wang, who was born as a farmer, took a long time to adapt to life in the military camp.

Feng Shuo is currently the company commander of the First Battalion of the Navy's New Army. According to the new army officer regulations just promulgated by Su Ze, the company commander is the same as the original general banner, commanding a hundred people.

Feng Shuo's subordinates are still his old subordinates.

The New Navy Army now has three battalions.

Feng Shuo's first battalion has five companies under its jurisdiction, all of them are gunners, and they are also responsible for boarding and landing operations at sea.

The 2nd Battalion also consisted of five companies, mainly sailors and naval commanders handling sailboats.

The third battalion has three companies under its jurisdiction, which can be regarded as a comprehensive battalion, including an artillery company, a scout company and a logistics company.

Sun Wang is the company commander of the second battalion, and the officers of the New Navy Army are mixed. This is because Su Ze deliberately arranged for the officers of the third battalion to live together in order to cultivate their tacit understanding in combat.

"Wait for me, I'll get some soap." Feng Shuo immediately walked to the barracks.

"What kind of soap do you use? The mother-in-law only uses that. Just rinse it with water."

Now on Chuanshi Island, each officer and soldier will receive a small piece of soap, specially for them to use for bathing and laundry.

Sun Wang was very against using this thing. Feng Shuo smiled wryly and said, "Don't you battalion commanders check? The third company commander was severely criticized by the battalion commander yesterday because he didn't use soap in the bath, and he is still helping the soldiers of his company to wash clothes. Woolen cloth."

Sun Wang quickly said: "What? Why don't I know!"

Feng Shuo said to this thick-lined roommate: "Didn't you read the latest house rules? The one posted on the door of the bathroom? From now on, take a bath every two days, use soap every time you take a bath, and use soap for your underwear after training." Clean them with horns and soap, and you will be punished if caught by the internal affairs inspection.”

Sun Wang rushed into the barracks and dug out the soap from the corner.

Sure enough, after the bath was finished, Lin Liangjun, the battalion commander of the second battalion, led the internal affairs personnel to start inspections. Those officers and soldiers who only washed with water but did not use soap were picked out and punished to other officers and soldiers. do the laundry.

Sun Wang said with lingering fear: "If you hadn't reminded me, Old Feng, I would definitely be caught by the battalion commander. Old Feng, I will remember this love!"

Sun Wang said again: "I really don't know why I use this Laoshizi soap."

Feng Shuo said: "You haven't taken the hygiene class yet? Didn't the head of the mountain say that an unsanitary environment will spread diseases, especially the soldiers on your ship, you must pay attention to personal hygiene."

Sun Wang touched his head and said, "Don't tell me, after taking a bath with this soap, it is really refreshing!"

Just as the two returned to the barracks with the toiletries, they suddenly heard an explosion.

Feng Shuo and Sun Wang were no longer surprised, but they still raised their heads and looked to the southwest of the island that was designated as a restricted area.

Some time ago, the head of the mountain, Su Ze, suddenly announced that he would stop teaching and hand over the daily training to Lin Liangjun and Lin Anzi. After that, he has been messing around in the restricted area, often making terrifying explosions.

Su Ze promulgated the confidentiality regulations, prohibiting the discussion of matters in the restricted area on Chuanshi Island, and strictly restricting the entry and exit of personnel. Those experimental assistants in white coats also eat and live in the restricted area. Feng Shuo and Sun Wang do not know what is in the restricted area. What the hell are you doing.

Eunuch Hu was wearing a white coat, watching the smoke rising from the detonation field, the experimental assistant carefully detected the explosion range, and then reported the results to Eunuch Hu.

Eunuch Hu frowned and said, "The explosion is not as powerful as last time."

Su Ze looked at the power of the explosion, and said with satisfaction: "Eunuch Hu, isn't this power enough?"

Eunuch Hu shook his head and said, "It's not a matter of power. The power of sour glycerin is huge, surpassing that of gunpowder by many times. It's just that the power of the explosion is too unstable."

Eunuch Hu said: "If you can't make sour glycerin with stable power, then you can't use it in weapons."

Su Ze praised Eunuch Hu for his rigor.

Sour glycerin is the kind of explosive invented and improved by Nobel.

The preparation method is not complicated, just add acid solution to glycerin, so Mr. Hu named it sour glycerin.

The power of sour glycerin is not small, but its stability is a problem.

According to Su Ze's analysis, there should be no ammonia synthesis process, so Eunuch Hu can only use sulfuric acid to produce nitric acid, so the prepared acid solution has many impurities and the quality of the acid solution is unstable, so the prepared sour glycerin is unstable.

Eunuch Hu also agrees with Su Ze's idea, but to prepare a higher concentration and purer acid solution, a more stable process is needed.

In addition, sour glycerin is too explosive, and Nobel almost blew himself up when preparing it.

After Eunuch Hu went to the island, there were several accidents, the most serious one almost blowing up the laboratory.

Now Su Ze dare not enter their laboratory, only dare to watch the explosion experiment in the explosion field.

Eunuch Hu said again: "I have never seen the diatomite that Su Xianggong mentioned in the mines in Fujian. The effect of the alternative soils is not good, and it cannot achieve the passivation effect that Su Xianggong said."

Su Ze was a little disappointed. This is the difficulty of developing technology in this era. Many things that future generations can buy online casually, no one knows in this era.

However, Su Ze vaguely remembered that China is also the main production area of ​​diatomite. Nobel’s greatest contribution to sour glycerin was the invention of doping diatomite to increase stability, so that unstable sour glycerin can be used industrially. Stabilized explosives.

However, diatomaceous earth should not be difficult to find. Diatomaceous earth is a kind of siliceous rock. It is one of the earliest protozoa that appeared on the earth and lives in seawater or lake water. Generally formed from the silicate remains of single-celled algae known collectively as diatoms after they die.

Su Ze was going to write a letter to Li Shizhen, asking him if he had seen such materials.

Eunuch Hu recorded the data of the explosion, and then asked the experimental assistants to carefully clean up the residual sour glycerin in the explosion site.

"Hu Gonggong, how is the matter in the mine?"

Eunuch Hu's job is to be a mine supervisor and eunuch sent by the imperial court to the mine.

Speaking of his job, Eunuch Hu couldn't help sighing:

"The miscellaneous family may be judged as a crime one day, and sent to Fengyang to guard the ancestral tomb."

Su Ze couldn't help being surprised. If Eunuch Hu was sent to Fengyang, what would happen to his laboratory? He quickly asked:

"Could it be that the money donated last year wasn't enough? If it wasn't enough, the New Army of the Navy can also sponsor some, which will definitely make up the share required by the imperial court."

Eunuch Hu shook his head and said, "It's not that the money was not enough, but that last year the money was too high, and the miscellaneous family was impeached by the officials."

Su Ze asked suspiciously: "Since the money paid for the tribute is enough, why was he still impeached by the officials?"

Eunuch Hu also sighed and said: "Last year, among the mine supervisors all over the country, only my Fujian mining company paid tribute to the silver taels. The other mining companies reported losses."

"In the matter of the Ministry of Household Affairs, several censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate seized on the incident of the miners in Fujian, saying that the miscellaneous family exploited the miners, so they paid enough tribute silver, and also counted the incident of the miners in Longyan as the miscellaneous family. superior."

"The silver mine under the jurisdiction of the miscellaneous family is far away from Longyan, which is really a crime!"

Eunuch Hu sighed heavily. Su Ze never expected that the political struggle in Ming Dynasty would reach such intensity. Even Eunuch Hu, a low-key and harmless guard eunuch, would be impeached by civil officials for no reason.

Su Ze asked again: "What did Eunuch Tao say?"

Eunuch Tao is the guardian eunuch of the Shibo Department and a celebrity in the palace. Eunuch Hu and Eunuch Xiaoyou help Eunuch Tao mint coins, and the two have a close relationship.

Eunuch Hu sighed and said, "Eunuch Tao is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, so he can't protect himself!"

"What happened to Mr. Tao?"

"Many Qingliu ministers in the imperial court attacked the Fuzhou Shipping Department under the guise of Ryukyu tribute trade, but in fact it was trading with the Japanese country, which violated the national policy of banning seas.

Su Ze thought that someone in the imperial court would attack the Fuzhou Shipping Department, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Su Ze asked sharply, "Is it because rice was changed to mulberry?"

Eunuch Hu also has some eyes and ears in the palace, he nodded and said:

"It is to change rice into mulberry."

The ultimate goal of changing rice to mulberry is to increase the income of the imperial court. The silk weaved alone cannot increase the income of the national treasury.

Changing rice into mulberry and turning silk into silver requires Fuzhou Bosi, a foreign trade port.

Qingliu's attack on the Fuzhou Shipping Department is not only because of the Fuzhou Shipping Department's maritime trade, but also to attack the Fuzhou Shipping Department's foreign trade, so that the silk woven in Zhejiang in the coming year cannot be turned into silver.


Su Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He really didn't know when he would be killed when he fought with the professional bureaucrats like Daming.

In the field they are best at, fighting with these veteran officials, the best result is just like Zhang Juzheng.

Even Su Ze couldn't reach the position of Zhang Juzheng, and fell into the infighting in the Ming Dynasty's officialdom.

So Su Ze had to overturn the chessboard in order to take a different path.

"What does the palace mean?"

Eunuch Hu said: "The palace still wants to protect Eunuch Tao, not to mention changing rice into mulberry. The Fuzhou Shipping Department is also a big source of income for the palace. There are many people working on the line of Eunuch Tao. up."

Eunuch Hu also stopped treating Su Ze as an outsider, and revealed all the secrets in the palace.

Su Ze also understood that the corruption in the palace was worse than that in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty.

Even Huang Jin, the chief eunuch with the best reputation, built a mansion in his hometown and invested in the construction of several bridges.

Eunuch Tao's godfather, Li Fang, also has a big house in the capital.

Eunuch Chen Hong, the admiral of the East Factory, has countless godsons, and his hometown has thousands of hectares of fertile land.

Eunuch Hu said again:

"However, there are too many people who have impeached Eunuch Tao this time. The crowd is already raging, and the cabinet can't hold it down anymore. I heard that the censor will be sent to check the accounts of the Fuzhou Shipping Department."

Su Ze couldn't help being surprised. You must know that Eunuch Tao is the biggest angel investor in the New Navy Army.

Moreover, Fuzhou Shipping Department is still a Ryukyu trade port controlled by Su Ze. If Mr. Tao really resigns, it will be a huge loss to Su Ze.

"Eunuch Hu, do you know who is the censor who sent to inspect the city ship department?"

Eunuch Hu said in a low voice: "I heard that Qingliu and Yandang have been fighting for this position for a long time, and finally decided to appoint Yan Maoqing, the censor of Zuodu, to inspect Fuzhou Shipping Department."

Eunuch Hu said again: "Our mine supervisor in Fuzhou will also be inspected together. Eunuch Tao is protected by someone behind him. I'm afraid I won't be a mine supervisor for long."

Yan Maoqing again?

Yan Maoqing is the core figure of the Yan Party and one of Yan Shifan's think tanks.

On the historical timeline before Su Ze traveled, Yan Maoqing was appointed by the imperial court as the censor of salt inspection in the thirty-seventh year of Jiajing to inspect the salt affairs in Nanzhili.

In this position, Yan Maoqing made a lot of money, and because he was in charge of this lucrative position, Yan Maoqing bribed Yan Shifan wantonly, and was finally promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

However, in this world, the timeline of history was changed by Su Ze. It was Su Ze’s father-in-law Fang Wanghai who finally rectified the Lianghuai Salt Administration. Censor.

But fortune and misfortune depend on each other, because on this historical line, Yan Maoqing did not manage the Nanzhili Salt Administration, so he was not attacked by the censor. Although he is a strict party now, most officials in the court still have a good impression of him. Is a capable minister.

Yan Maoqing, Yan Shifan's capable general, won the position in the battle for the key position of inspecting Fuzhou's shipping department.

However, Su Ze didn't think that if people from the strict party came to inspect the Fuzhou Shipping Department, they would be safe.

Although the strict party wants to protect the Fuzhou Shipbuilding Department and guarantee this window for tribute trade with "Ryukyu", it does not mean that Yan Maoqing will not blackmail Eunuch Tao.

Eunuch Tao is the godson of the great eunuch Li Fang. The inner court has its own faction and does not participate in the struggle between the strict party and the Qingliu. However, there is also a competitive relationship between the inner court and the strict party in making money.

The Fuzhou Shipping Department is a fat job, and the profit it handles is hundreds of thousands of taels of silver a year, and the Yan Party has been coveting it for a long time.

Su Ze looked at Eunuch Hu and said, "Eunuch Hu, have you ever thought about retirement?"

Eunuch Hu sighed and said: "The old eunuchs in the palace can only go to the ancestral mausoleum to retire in the end, and there are not many who can return to their hometown with grace."

The imperial city of Fengyang, the Mausoleum of Hongwu Zu in Nanjing, and the imperial mausoleum near the capital, these are the three destinations of the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty.

Because eunuchs live in the palace, they often know a lot of royal secrets, so in addition to receiving special orders from the emperor, eunuchs can only go to these few places after retirement.

Su Ze looked at Eunuch Hu and said, "Eunuch, if you believe me, how about living in Fujian?"

Eunuch Hu looked at Su Ze and hesitated for a moment. Thinking of the time in the mine supervisor's laboratory, he said firmly to Su Ze in an instant: "Please help me, Mr. Su!"

The preparation method and the noun can’t be mentioned too much, otherwise it will be banned, and everyone probably knows what it is

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