My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 250 Hu Zongxian's Visit

As the elder of the woman's family, Li Zhi also returned to Fujian with Fang Wanghai.

Fang Wanghai is now the servant of the household department of the third rank, a proper member of the court, and now the Yuezhou Township Party in the entire household department has collapsed, and the remaining officials are trembling. Fang Wanghai has mastered the power of the Nanjing household department in one fell swoop.

On this basis, Fang Wanghai set up three more bill gates in the south of the Yangtze River, firmly controlling the taxation of water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River.

When the customs tax came up, Fang Wanghai felt a little like a God of Wealth.

This time Fang Wanghai asked for leave to go back to arrange the wedding for his daughter, and all the officials from the six departments in Nanjing sent him off outside the city, and the scenery was the same for a while.

From Nanjing to the south by boat, the Nanjing Household Department supervises the southern water transport and salt tax.

Su Ze finally understands what is meant by the treatment of top officials. It is no wonder that scholars in the Ming Dynasty want to be officials so much.

In a strictly hierarchical system, what level of people enjoy what kind of treatment.

When Fang Wanghai first went to Suzhou, he was able to stay in posthouses and ship posthouses, but at that time he was just a small new envoy, and no one welcomed him.

Now he is the Minister of the Nanjing Household Department of Zhengsanpin and is also in charge of the affairs of the Nanjing Household Department. When he stayed in the boat station along the way, officials came to visit him in an endless stream.

After entering Zhejiang from Nanzhili, more officials heard the news later, Fang Wanghai had no choice but to ask the housekeeper to only accept the greeting cards and block some low-ranking guests.

Many officials even heard that Fang Wanghai went back to prepare for his daughter's wedding and secretly stuffed gifts, but they were all sent back by Fang Wanghai.

Fang Wanghai's return to his hometown this time is for leave. As a serving official, he can take an official ship, and he can also stop at the post station to rest.

The route this time was similar to Su Ze’s route to the north at that time, from Jiangnan to Quzhou along the canal, and then over the mountains to enter Fujian.

In fact, there were already ships berthing at the Shanghai wharf at this time, but the risk of sea transportation is still very high these days, and there is often the danger of capsizing, so Fang Wanghai still insists on water transportation and land transportation.

Maritime transportation is not safe, which is also the opinion of most people in this era.

But it is true, even in the era before Su Ze traveled, in the era when satellite positioning and modern shipping technology were so developed, there would still be shipwrecks.

Sailing on the sea in the age of sail is indeed a very risky thing.

Water transport ships can dock at the ship post. Seeing that there is no way to rush to the next ship post today, Fang Wanghai ordered the official ship to stop and rest.

I have to say that taking the official ship is much more comfortable than Su Ze's previous trip to the north. This large official ship sails very smoothly, and there is room to rest on board.

The ship station delivered hot meals, and now that autumn is getting colder, Fang Wanghai is unwilling to eat in the unventilated cabin, so he ordered people to move the tables, chairs and benches to the deck, and eat in the cool autumn breeze.

Li Zhi and Su Ze were naturally at the same table, the weather today was very good, looking at the reeds on the shore blown by the cool wind, Fang Wanghai couldn't help but feel very poetic.

But after holding back for a long time, I still couldn't make a poem.

Fang Wanghai looked at his wife and brother, Li Zhi thought for a while and said:

"Brother-in-law, stop writing poems."

Fang Wanghai was not convinced, but he still couldn't make a poem after holding back for a long time.

He looked at Su Ze again, Su Ze looked at Lu Wei and said:

"Uncle Shi, I can't do it either."

Li Zhi laughed loudly and said, "Ru Lin once said that there is knowledge for a while, and Tang poetry and Song poetry are the best, so don't be ashamed today!"

Fang Wanghai was still unconvinced and said, "According to what you mean, people don't use poetry anymore? It's ridiculous!"

After holding back for a long time, Fang Wanghai still couldn't write a line of poetry, so he had to say in despair:

"Forget it."

Since they are not doing anything, the three big men are drinking, so naturally they have to start working.

It was Fang Wanghai who started the topic first:

"After Yang Bo, Minister of the Nanjing Military Department, resigned, the imperial court appointed Hu Zongxian as the Minister of the Nanjing Military Department, let him take charge of the affairs of the Nanjing Military Department, and let him serve as the governor of Nanzhili and Zhejiang, in charge of the anti-Japanese affairs of the two provinces."

Li Zhi said: "The imperial court has finally figured it out? Nanzhili and Zhejiang are integrated, so one person should be in charge of anti-Japanese affairs."

Let Hu Zongxian be in charge of Nanzhili and Zhejiang Anti-Japanese. This is what happened on the timeline before Su Ze traveled. The chaos was quelled.

Fang Wanghai sighed and said: "This is not a good job. Think about Zhang Jing's fate. If Hu Zongxian, the general manager, resists the Japanese, if he doesn't win a battle this year, he may be impeached by the court."

Li Zhi also knew about the court situation, so he said indifferently, "I heard that Governor Hu is a student of Yan Shoufu. With such a background, the Yan Party must protect him, right?"

Li Zhi naturally didn't like Yan Song, and he didn't like Hu Zongxian in his tone.

Everyone knows that Hu Zongxian's predecessor was impeached to death by Zhao Wenhua, a member of the strict party. Hu Zongxian was also a member of the strict party, and he followed Zhao Wenhua to impeach Zhang Jing. People at that time did not have much favor for Hu Zongxian.

Fang Wanghai took a sip of wine and said, "I met Hu Ruzhen once when I took office. He still dares to do things, but he is too obsessed with contingencies."

"However, I heard that he still appointed Zhang Jing's old subordinate Yu Dayou in Zhejiang, and promoted a strong general named Qi Jiguang. The Japanese pirates in Pinghu, Cixi were put down by the two last time."

"The Anti-Japanese War may need such a person."

Fang Wanghai also knew that his character was weak, and he couldn't compare with a governor and minister like Hu Zongxian who could stand alone.

Su Ze also nodded. In fact, the ability of most leaders is difficult to reflect in daily work.

Only an official like Hu Zongxian who sits in one side can show his ability.

At this moment, the old butler suddenly came over and said to Fang Wanghai:

"Master, we have a guest."

Have a guest?

Fang Wanghai's level is placed here, and ordinary officials can leave as soon as they send a greeting card. It is probably not an ordinary person who can be passed on by the old housekeeper.

Sure enough, after seeing the greeting post, Fang Wanghai stood up and said, "Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, and Hu Zongxian is here."

Li Zhi and Su Ze looked at each other. They had just entered Zhejiang, and Hu Zongxian rushed to visit him.

On the one hand, it was well-informed enough to see Hu Zongxian, and on the other hand, for a senior official like Hu Zongxian to visit overnight, I am afraid that it must be a big deal to discuss.

A man in his forties was wearing an ordinary Confucian shirt. He was handsome, but his brows were always tightly locked.

Needless to say, this is the Hu Zongxian mentioned by the three of them just now.

Standing behind him was an acquaintance of Su Ze, who was exactly Xu Wei whom Su Ze met when he was lecturing at Quzhou Academy.

(The previous article is wrong, Hu Zongxian is nine years older than Xu Wei)

Fang Wanghai went forward to salute, and Hu Zongxian greeted Fang Wanghai first, and the two exchanged greetings.

Fang Wanghai pointed to Li Zhi and Su Ze and introduced: "This is my brother-in-law, Li Zhi and Li Hongfu, a doctor of the Nanjing Imperial Academy, and this is my disciple, Su Ze and Su Rulin."

Hu Zongxian also pointed to Xu Wei behind him and said: "Xu Wei, Xu Wenchang, is now my friend behind the scenes, helping Counselor Hu to fight against the Japanese."

Xu Wei had a great reputation, and Li Zhi also bowed to him: "So it was Mr. Xu Wenchang in person!"

Xu Wei also hurriedly returned the gift. Su Ze hadn't seen him for half a year. Xu Wei lost the madman demeanor of Quzhou Academy at that time, but looked more like a man in the officialdom.

After a bit of arguing, Hu Zongxian was the highest ranking and the oldest, and was invited to the upper seat by Fang Wanghai. Fang Wanghai and Li Zhi, who were officials, were present to accompany him, and Su Ze and Xu Wei sat at the bottom.

After the servants brought the food and wine, and lit the lanterns on the official ship, Hu Zongxian said:

"I heard that Fang Shilang's ship entered Zhejiang. I really wanted to go to Nanzhili to visit Brother Fang. It's just that I can't get away from the busy military affairs, so I came to visit at this time. It's abrupt!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zongxian drank it all in one gulp, and Fang Wanghai quickly said polite words.

"Governor Hu is busy with business. I was supposed to visit you, but returning home this time is a private matter. It is really inconvenient to visit Hangzhou."

In fact, the imperial court was also very taboo for ministers like them to meet in private. Fang Wanghai was the minister of the household department who was also in charge of the affairs of the Nanjing household department, and Hu Zongxian was the minister of the military department who was temporarily acting as the minister of the Nanjing military department.

Hu Zongxian did not reveal his identity and came here in light clothes. If the officials or Jin Yiwei knew about it, he could definitely file a letter of impeachment.

So Fang Wanghai was also very puzzled. Hu Zongxian took such a big risk to come to see him, probably not for the simple purpose of a few words of pleasantries.

Sure enough, after exchanging pleasantries, Hu Zongxian said:

"I came here this time to ask Mr. Fang to set up a banknote gate in Zhejiang."

Fang Wanghai was stunned for a moment, setting up the money gate was his job, why did Hu Zongxian come to remind him.

Su Ze already had some vague guesses in his mind.

As expected, Xu Wei, who accompanied him, said:

"Lord Fang, what Governor Hu means is that he wants to hand over the construction of the Chaoguan to our Zhejiang Governor's Yamen, and the soldiers of the Chaoguan will be guarded by Zhejiang soldiers."

All the people present were top smart people, and even Li Zhi followed Su Ze to organize the Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Corps, so he had a deep understanding of the operation of the Chaoguan.

Li Zhi's character is the most straightforward, he said directly: "Governor Hu wants to withhold banknote tariffs?"

Hu Zongxian glanced at Li Zhi, and Xu Wei stood up and said, "The imperial government's imposition of banknote tariffs is originally for the purpose of resisting the Japanese, and it's not about keeping them. They just want to use some of them first, and they will naturally make up for them after the war."

Now Fang Wanghai understood why Hu Zongxian wanted to visit him on the boat.

The banknote tariff is Fang Wanghai's authority, and he has Nanzhili and Zhejiang Chaoguan envoys in his position, and he is now in charge of the Nanjing household department. Hu Zongxian is eyeing the banknote tariff, so he must get through Fang Wanghai's relationship.

Hu Zongxian looked at Fang Wanghai. He took the risk to meet Fang Wanghai just to pay for the tariff.

After presiding over the Anti-Japanese War, Hu Zongxian knew what kind of mess Zhang Jing was in.

One of Zhang Jing's major moves to fight against the Japanese was to dispatch wolf soldiers into Zhejiang and dispatch foreign soldiers to fight against the Japanese.

An important reason why Zhang Jing was killed was to connive at foreign soldiers making troubles in Zhejiang.

But when these wolf soldiers were in Guangxi, with Zhang Jingping put down many rebellions, both in terms of combat effectiveness and loyalty to Ming Dynasty, they were very high. Why did they become a disaster place when they arrived in Zhejiang?

The reason is simple, insufficient military pay.

Zhang Jing governor of Zhejiang, but Zhejiang's anti-Japanese funds have been insufficient. These guest soldiers have left their hometowns to fight, and they can't even guarantee normal military pay, let alone rewards.

The final result is naturally that the military discipline is becoming increasingly lax, and the junior lieutenants in the army can only indulge their men in robbery.

After Hu Zongxian took over, he learned the lessons of Zhang Jing and gradually repatriated the guest soldiers, allowing Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang to recruit Zhejiang soldiers to fight against the Japanese.

However, recruiting local soldiers does not mean that military discipline must be good. Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang also wrote many times to ask for sufficient funds.

Recruiting soldiers had to be retrained, which cost more money than before. The main job of Hu Zongxian, the governor of Southern Zhejiang Province, was to go around to raise money.

Under Xu Wei's suggestion, Hu Zongxian set his sights on banknote tariffs.

But if Zhejiang wants to collect money and tariffs, Fang Wanghai cannot be bypassed, which is why this hasty visit came about.

Fang Wanghai was naturally unhappy.

Although the imperial court said that the banknote tariff was used to fight against the Japanese, but the finances had to go through procedures.

The household department of Nanzhili had to report the tax on banknotes, and the ownership of the money could not be determined until the capital household department allocated it.

If it is directly intercepted privately, it can be said to be a serious crime of treason.

In fact, Fang Wanghai also knew that the so-called use to fight against the Japanese was nothing more than the imperial court's talk, and all the banknote tariffs he had collected so far had been escorted to the capital.

Banknote tariffs were originally imported from Taicang to prepare border silver, and the northern border also cost money. The emperor also spent money from Taicang to buy ambergris. Emperor Jiajing was very strict about his own money.

In a word, this is the emperor's silver!

Compared with Alda, who was often able to fight under the capital city, the Japanese pirates who made trouble in the south of the Yangtze River actually had lower priority than the capital city defense in the hearts of the emperor and courtiers.

After all, since Tumubao, the emperor no longer wants to be an overseas student.

Fang Wanghai is a cautious person, he didn't speak, and Hu Zongxian knew that things were going to be difficult.

But he still didn't give up and said: "Lord Fang, this is a major issue related to the anti-corruption of the two provinces!"

At this moment, Su Ze said: "Governor Hu, this junior has an idea."

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