Moria the Pirate

Chapter 152: Selection Competition

Since returning from the new world, Moria has not had a few days to rest and has been busy.

Putting aside the issue of recruiting men, Moria must be involved in the selection. After all, this is the last time Moria will openly recruit crew members.

Although Moria only selected 13 pirates, this did not scare away these pirate groups. Even if they cannot participate, it is not a problem to watch the fun!

If the number of people recruited this time is so small, then capable cadres must be recruited.

Therefore, this time, the first condition for Moria's selection is that the bounty must exceed 50 million beli. Anyone whose bounty does not reach 50 million beli will be dismissed.

In this way, Moria excluded 99% of the people and suddenly reduced a lot of workload.

Regarding Mo's use of this condition, most of the pirate groups lamented, because they did not expect that the selection conditions this time were so high.

Because of the previous selection, Moria has no bounty limit at all, and everyone can try it.

Of course, even so, it is not easy to join. The first level is to face the siege of 100 soldiers, and in this level, most of them were wiped out.

For talents with special skills such as shipwrights, doctors, chefs, etc., the assessment is much simpler. They only need to pass the corresponding exam and then demonstrate their skills. As long as they are not too bad, they can generally pass, and the probability of passing is higher. too much.

Since the pirates selected this time are all pirates with high bounties, everyone's strength is naturally not bad, especially those pirates who have returned from the new world. If Moria doesn't come forward, I'm afraid there will be big trouble.

Three days later, the registration ended, and all the pirates who wanted to join Moria's command gathered on the temporarily cleared site of the terrifying three-masted sailboat. There were 53 people in total.

Among them, the lowest bounty is 53 million Baileys, while the highest bounty has reached 230 million Baileys.

To be honest, when Moria heard the news, he was very confused, and then became extremely excited.

230 million Baileys, with such a bounty, in the new world, a very famous pirate. No matter which pirate group he joins, even if he joins the Yonko Pirates, he is at least a cadre, not Will start from the bottom.

After Moria knew about it, Moria recruited this pirate that night. Needless to say, you don't need to take the exam. He was directly appointed as the battle captain of the first team and was in charge of the most elite crew members.

After all, for a strong person, having such a little privilege is not excessive, it is completely what it should be. With such strength, everyone would not be treated with courtesy. Even Moria felt that if he took action slower, he might be won over by the World Government and become the Shichibukai.

It's not possible, it's entirely possible.

By then, it was too late for Moriah to cry.

However, he rejected Moria's invitation, saying that such an action was equivalent to opening a back door and was against his own spirit of chivalry. Since he wanted to join the Moria Pirates, he must take part in the assessment upright and defeat his opponents.

Moria had nothing to say to such a request.

Don't you know that you have the highest bounty here, and you are from the New World? Who is your opponent?

It's a good thing that you want to join your own group. In this case, just be happy.

Anyway, after you join the pirate group, your position has been decided for you.

In addition, there are 5 others with bounties exceeding 100 million beli. These are also people who came from the New World and defected to Moria.

In fact, there are still 4 pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million beli. However, these pirates took advantage of Moria's absence to cause trouble. Although there are old swordsmen sitting in charge, the ones behind them There were a lot of small tricks. After Moria came back, he directly killed these four pirate groups and turned their corpses into zombies.

Otherwise, there is no need to hold this selection and assessment, just recruit these pirates from the new world.

Most of the others have bounties around 80 million beli. Some are from the New World, and some are pirates on the Grand Line.

Okay, the selection officially begins!

In the first level, within one stick of incense, go to the port of the maritime trading platform, bring the 30 flags planted back to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and hand them over to the staff. It will be considered a victory.

Those who fail to get the flag, or fail to place the flag in the designated place within the specified time, will be eliminated directly.

Moreover, the more flags you get, the more rewards you will get, all by yourself.

After hearing the introduction of the rules, everyone felt the pressure. It will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers later.

As soon as they heard Moria's command to start, everyone rushed to the port, scrambled for the ship, sailed to the offshore trading platform, and grabbed the flag.

However, there were three people at the scene who did not leave their place, but waited quietly.

They are:

The captain of the Knight Pirates, the Grand Knight Commander - Maiev Marcus, has a bounty of 230 million Baileys.

Maiev Kevin, a member of the Knight Pirates and the Charge Knight, is the son of the Knight Commander and has a bounty of 68 million Baileys.

The captain of the mighty pirate group, the red-robed Shaz, has a bounty of 130 million Baileys.

Looking at the appearance of these three people, Moria instantly knew their plan, which was to wait for others to come back and then snatch the flags from others' hands. This could be said to kill two birds with one stone and save energy.

Moreover, several people who had not grabbed the ship immediately understood the actions of these three people and were gearing up to grab other people's flags.

"But if that's the case, wouldn't it be too boring?"

"Zombie General."

After Moria gave the order, suddenly, the people who stayed on the terrifying barque were surrounded by zombies in an instant.

These are not zombie soldiers, but zombie generals made from the corpses of pirates with a bounty of over 100 million beli.

Although Moria doesn't like corpses, this skill is still very useful. Therefore, Moria still collects some pirate corpses with a bounty of more than 100 million Baileys and makes them into zombies.

Although there are not many zombies surrounding them, only 30 zombies, their strength is not weak.

After all, they were all pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million beli during their lifetimes, and Shadow was also very selective.

Facing these zombie generals, Maiev Marcus did not dare to be careless, because among these zombies, Maiev Marcus saw several pirates with higher bounties than herself. No wonder these people disappeared He disappeared. It turned out that he was killed by Moriah.

He had a better understanding of Moria's strength in his heart.


Maiev Marcus picked up the spear, resisted the zombie attack, and then quickly left the place to avoid the surprise attack of another zombie. Facing the siege of six zombies, even Maiev Marcus was exhausted. Not to mention that these zombies were still unable to be killed. The son next to him could only rely on himself.

Fortunately, he often gives him guidance, and his own strength is not weak. His strength is really higher than the bounty. Although he is below, he can still last for a while.

Moreover, Moria had told these zombies before that when faced with pirates whose bounty did not exceed 100 million beli, only two zombies would be sent. For those whose bounty exceeded 100 million beli, the maximum would be five zombies, while Maiev... Marcus is the focus of care, and Moria wants to see how strong he is.

Of course, I won't deliberately let Maiev Marcus fail, but just test his strength. If even he can't pass, then there is no need to hold this selection.

As for the blood robe, they used their own speed to wander around and delay time.

But the remaining pirates were not so lucky. They did not have such strength. Facing the zombie general's attack, they were eliminated within a few minutes.

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