Modify Super God

Chapter 40: Draw your sword!

Firmly determined to kill three birds with one stone, Sui Yu took the time to send a message back to Ning, telling her to tell Dongjie and the others not to get involved.

As for the reason, it was naturally because Sui Yu was about to start a group to ridicule!

"Humph! You can say whatever you want! Say what you like!" Sui Yu raised his chin slightly and put on an arrogant attitude: "Because to me, no matter what you say, it means nothing to me!"

"Why are you like this? It's unreasonable! I look down on you!"

In the turbulent crowd, this sentence was very clearly passed to Sui Yu's ears.

With his keen hearing, Sui Yu easily followed the direction of the voice to find the guy who said this sentence - a man who looked a little fat.

And what made Sui Yu even more amused was that this guy was the companion of the "Curry Beef Rice" just now.

Raising his finger to the fat man, Sui Yu showed a disdainful smile and said coldly, "Please! Are you a child? I'm asking you a very simple question! Excuse me, do you look down on me or look down on me, what does it have to do with me? ?!"

"If a respectable person looks up to me, I will feel very honored!"

"But even if a troll who only knows how to hide behind the scenes looks down on me, to be honest, I will only feel sick after knowing it!"

"You!!!" Fatty was startled when Sui Yu determined his position in an instant, and then became angry on the spot when he heard what Sui Yu said.

He directly rolled up his sleeves and made a move that he wanted to do.

It's a pity that no one stopped him, so after taking a few steps forward and finding that everyone around him was looking at him with encouraging expressions, the guy shrank his neck and slipped back into the crowd...

Ignoring the behavior of the coward and sneaking back into the crowd, Sui Yu raised his hands and hooked his fingers to make a provocative move and continued to shout, "This is "Another World", not any other virtual online game!"

"The customer service of other online games may be manipulated by public opinion for the sake of business and have to close the accounts of some players who have committed public anger!"

"But not here!"

"There seems to be no GM in charge of "Otherworld" at all! There is no way to recharge, and there is no way to contact the GM!"

"Even if you can contact the guide fairy Sakura, but that's a cute mascot!"

Hearing Sui Yu's words, Ying Luo, who was hiding in Xinxin's arms, couldn't help but whisper to Xinxin, "Wow! Do whatever you want. He just praised me as a cute mascot!"

Didn't notice the pink and red hearts flickering on Xinxin's clothes, Sui Yu continued to shout: "Therefore, in "Other World", those tricks used outside the table will only be ridiculed!"

"Here, the truth is always in the hands of the strong!"

Sui Yu clenched his right fist and said in a louder voice: "So you want to rule? You want to make rules? Here, this is the authority of the strong! It's not like you usually do on the Internet, just type a few words and lead the way. It's as simple as creating a survivorship bias with your friends and turning it into justice!"

"Here! Your fist is justice! Here! Your weapon is justice!"

"Only your mouth cannons have no meaning here!"


Sui Yu took out half of the long sword that had been inserted into the scabbard when being investigated by the guards just now, followed by leaning on his side in a posture of drawing the sword and shouting to the players in front of him: "If you don't agree! Use yours! Power to convince me!"

"Don't worry, I understand that you guys who like to play guns, generally like to fight in groups!"

"So I don't mind even if you both go together!" Sui Yu's words were full of confidence at this time: "And to deal with you, I alone are enough! So don't waste your time talking about betrayal and separation! It's pointless!"

"If you don't dare to do it, either get out of my face, work hard to become stronger, and then convince me with stronger power than me! Or get out of this game! You can play any game that you can bring to the rhythm. Which game is better!"

Well, Sui Yu really doesn't forget his original intention. In order to save the world, this guy is always working hard to drive players away from the game!



"Too conceited!"


"Humph! It's so good at pretending!"

"Who is this!"

Very normal, Sui Yu's tough remarks were met with strong disgust by the players in front of him.

Even some players who were really just watching the fun couldn't help but show a hostile look at Sui Yu at this time.

In this regard, Sui Yu secretly laughed: "It seems that the effect of offending people is good! It would be even better if you give me some extra pieces next!"

However, just when Sui Yu sneered and expected more people to sign up, and at the same time, by quickly observing the surrounding terrain, he had already planned in his mind how to deal with this group of players alone...

"But Your Excellency is not fighting alone!" A female voice that seemed a little drunk suddenly sounded.

Followed by an elegant male voice: "Yes! Maybe his attitude is indeed a bit tough, but we still stand on the side of free will!"

"Just like Mr. Xianyu said! Everything in the game follows the rules of the game! Here, talking points are meaningless! So you all shut up and do it directly!" The rude male voice said offensive words as expected. .

The calm and indifferent male voice announced very indifferently: "Well! Let's have a conversation with the weapons in our hands."

Following these words, one player after another suddenly stood beside Sui Yu.

Immediately afterward, the players who had just followed Sui Yu in the battle also naturally stood behind each player representative in a team mode.

In an instant, Sui Yu and Xinxin, who seemed to be alone, were filled with people.

As for Ning and Dongjie, they were stuck behind the crowd because of their late start, so they couldn't go forward for a while...

At this time, from the scene, the group of players who tried to run against Sui Yu through their mouth guns seemed to be a little lonely.

No way, the small square was the core area of ​​robbers before this.

There are not many players who have the ability to come here.

And most of them came along with Sui Yu!

So, in the blink of an eye, the situation at the scene was instantly reversed!

The few teams that were still active just now gathered around Sui Yu to express their stance, instantly boosting Sui Yu's momentum, and even made those loose players retreat several steps subconsciously!

"Isn't it? Meteor, Shining, Scarlet, Old Cat, how many of you..."

At this moment, it would be a lie to say that you are not moved!

Originally, Sui Yu had specially sent a message to prevent these players' representatives from joining in. On the one hand, it was because it was really meaningless to talk.

To be honest, Sui Yu has seen too much of the results of the rants on the Internet, and he is so tired of seeing it.

Plus, working with these players as a team, everyone said that the ugly thing is to use each other!

These players used Sui Yu's command ability to survive the monster siege in the "Alien" version, and Sui Yu also used the power of these players to improve the efficiency and safety of his team's leveling and treasure hunting.

Therefore, although in the previous battles, everyone had given each other's backs to each other for protection many times, but Sui Yu did not expect these players to really stand on his side and speak for him from the very beginning.

Everyone came together because of interests, and most of the players were sweeping the snow in front of the door, not to mention that the operation of picking up equipment is very easy to be resisted by players.

But I didn't expect that, even though I said before that I don't need help, but at this time, everyone still stood up very firmly!

To be honest, this feeling of being supported is really very comfortable.

Because of this, even if they had already added friends to each other before, they knew each other's game IDs.

But in Sui Yu's mind, he always just referred to the leaders of these teams as "player representatives", because in Sui Yu's mind, the leaders of these teams are not worth wasting energy and caring too much.

Anyway, after this incident is over, everyone will definitely go their separate ways. If there is a conflict of interest in the future, maybe they will fight against each other.

However, through their actions of standing beside him decisively, Sui Yu instantly changed his previous thoughts!

Since everyone met by chance, maybe we can try to have a good relationship with them!

"Are you trying to ask us why we have been watching?" The man with a warhammer walked over to Sui Yu and smiled slightly at Sui Yu: "It's not that you won't let us join forces! And we are with you. The same idea, I think there is no point in relying on mouth guns here! Rather than being reasonable, I'd rather use a warhammer to shut up those guys!"

The guy with the warhammer's game ID is Meteor. According to his self-introduction when he joined the team, the reason why he uses the warhammer is to use the warhammer to turn all the enemies into meteors and disappear into the sky!

At the same time, the team named "Meteor Shining" led by him is all heavy weapon control, and it is full of momentum when walking on the road!

However, in the previous battle, because they were only responsible for ambush in the room beside the street to catch fish that slipped through the net, they were basically not very active...

"And our team hasn't been disbanded yet!" The man wearing an obviously carefully selected golden armor and holding a gorgeous sword stepped forward, drew his sword and danced a sword flower handsomely: "So the enemy who wants to be the one our enemy!"

This guy dressed as a saucy bag is called Sacred Glorious, so he is called Glorious for short. Although he looks very sassy, ​​he dares to fight and fight hard. He was a very beautiful existence in previous battles!

At the same time, the equipment of the sacred team he led is also famous for its gorgeousness... Although it seems a little too fancy in Sui Yu's opinion.

"Knights hate trolls the most!" Crimson, who was wearing red armor with one sword and one shield, also stepped forward and took a defensive stance: "Because knights always prove everything with their actions!"

The ID is Red Knight, and the abbreviation is naturally red. It seems that this guy is a knight poisoned patient, and he especially likes knights.

Before the battle, this guy told Sui Yu about the handsomeness of knights more than once.

At the same time, although the Scarlet Knights led by this guy are quite numerous and have all kinds of occupations, they all seem to like this guy!

I especially like this guy's straightforward and unpretentious character!

"Hurry up!" Wearing a tight leather armor, holding a small metal pot and constantly pouring wine into his mouth, the old cat pouted and raised his shoulders with short hair. He shouted loudly: "Why so much nonsense! All hacked to death! Then let's go drink quickly!"

The only female player among the four players.

It's this guy who seems to be drunk most of the time.

"The mouse fights against the knife and looks for cats all over the street" is the game ID of this female player.

In Sui Yu's opinion, he is a very good thief player.

Although he looks drunk, his skills are very good!

At the same time, the "Fake Alcohol Harmful" team led by her was also the group with the largest number of people who followed Sui Yu before.

And one of the biggest features of this group is that they like to drink!

From the very beginning, these guys clamored to go to the pub for a drink as soon as they were free!

Glancing around, Sui Yu felt very warm in his heart and said to everyone with a smile: "I won't waste everyone's good intentions! Since everyone chooses to stand by my side, then I don't say anything! From now on, everyone will be my Sui Yu's friends! Yes! Good thing I will never forget you!"

"Bad things don't matter!" Scarlet said loudly with a serious face: "If you are a friend, you should have both blessings and misfortunes!"

"That's right!" Meteor waving his warhammer whistled: "If it's an enemy, I'll help you to beat it up! By the way, I can also let everyone make a wish on my artificial meteor! Killing two birds with one stone is perfect!"

"Well, leave the striker to me!" Guanghui shook his handsome hair seriously.

"Hack to death! Hack them all! Hiccup!" The old cat must have been drinking too much, right? !

"Okay!" Sui Yu heard everyone's ignored the noise of the players on the opposite side and chuckled and said to everyone: "Then, I'll leave it to everyone next! To be honest, those guys on the opposite side are really nice. Noisy, let's hack them to death together?!"

Originally, Sui Yu planned to be handsome by himself, fighting against those guys as much as possible by himself, killing as many as he could.

If you feel that you can't beat it, if it's a big deal, use the surrounding terrain to run decisively!

Anyway, if one person picks 20 or 30 people, even if he loses, no one will think that Sui Yu is weak!

Of course, due to the previous fierce battle, Sui Yu's physical strength and magic power were actually consumed a lot. The reason why he talked a lot was actually to try to recover, and fortunately, he would perform better in the next battle.

However, it seems that Sui Yu's previous plan is no longer needed.

Because at this time there are everyone standing beside him!

If so, what are you waiting for? !

It just so happened that the players on the other side were clamoring more and more unpleasantly, all kinds of greetings to parents, all kinds of complaints about the disgusting conversation between Sui Yu and his friends just now, and even slurs between Sui Yu and the female players in the team. An indescribable interaction happened...

In short, the ugliness of human nature was displayed in front of Sui Yu's eyes in a very vivid form!

Since that's the case...

"Draw your sword!"

Following Sui Yu's order, all the people who seemed to be condescending suddenly changed their expressions, and with the slightly harsh metal friction sound, all of them drew out their weapons.

In an instant, the whole atmosphere on Sui Yu's side suddenly became murderous!

Holding his long sword high and pointing at the players whose faces had changed drastically, Sui Yu followed closely and gave an order without hesitation: "Everyone! Follow me...kill!!!"

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