Modify Super God

Chapter 34: This is no longer a monster siege!

"Hey, there are so many robbers here, I have to run away quickly..."

With Mu De's emotional support, Sui Yu exposed himself in front of a group of robbers, then immediately turned around and started to escape at a leisurely pace.

Seeing Sui Yu running away, the group of robbers who had just come to this street naturally wanted to chase.

Crossing the streets and alleys, after a circle, some suspicious robbers gradually felt relieved that they were really just chasing a fleeing player...


Dongjie fell from the sky!

The familiar location is the street intersection where Sui Yu led everyone to ambush the robbers!



After several attempts, several failures.

This time, Dongjie finally did not continue to use the New Year's greeting swordsmanship, but really used the jump chop!

Moreover, he killed a robber wearing thick leather armor with one sword, a blockbuster!

Immediately following, Dong Jie's body flashed with white light, and the side effects caused by the jumping slash disappeared instantly.

On the roof, Xinxin, who had successfully released the healing technique with her hands outstretched, quickly retracted her hands and hid behind the roof, successfully escaping the bandit's vision.

At the same time, next to Rongrong, her hands formed palms, and the bright red magic circle in front of her palms was spinning and flashing.

With Rongrong's palm shining brightly, a fireball shot out immediately!

It wasn't over yet, just as the fireball technique was successfully activated, Rongrong's palms suddenly clenched fists and pointed the rings on her middle fingers in the direction the fireball flew out.

With the ruby ​​at the top of the ring flashing bright red light, followed by two fireballs to catch up with the first fireball, and then three fireballs in the shape of a finished zigzag shot down to a robber who was aiming at the roof with a bow and arrow. .


The attack range of the three fireballs in the finished glyph is too large. Although the archer robber gave up archery and tried to avoid it, a fireball still landed on him in the end.

In an instant, the ferocious magical flame ignited the robber, burned, and then... died!

Rongrong, who also hid behind the roof, gave Xinxin a thumbs up and smiled, and while filling the magic ring on her hands with magic, she couldn't help but sighed to her sister: "That guy who wants to be is really amazing! It was obviously the first time I saw the fireball ring at Dongjie, but he mastered the use of this prop in an instant and gave me suggestions on how to use it, and it's so effective! It's amazing!"

Yes, the reason why Rongrong was able to launch three fireballs in an instant was Sui Yu's idea.

According to Sui Yu, as a rookie magician, the most important thing is to ensure the hit rate.

Although the power of magic is very powerful, even if the primary magic fireball is used well, it is possible to easily kill some masters with very high levels of magic resistance and very low magic resistance.

However, if you can't hit it, then it's useless no matter how powerful it is!

And although Rongrong likes magic, she doesn't have to think about it, I'm afraid the hit rate is really terrible.

Especially when the opponents were robbers who obviously had extraordinary combat experience because they could be resurrected, Sui Yu didn't expect Rongrong's magic hit rate even more.

As for the high-level magic skills, using mental power to control the trajectory of the fireball's flight to increase the hit rate when the magic is activated, even if Sui Yu could teach it, Rongrong couldn't learn it with her current hard power.

So, after coming to the warehouse, Dongjie opened his personal safe and found that there was a fireball ring in it, Sui Yu thought of this tactic - not enough hits, make up the number!

One fireball may be able to be avoided, but three fireballs of finished characters will be very difficult to avoid, or even impossible to avoid!

And the effect is very obvious.

In the previous few battles, Rongrong could basically kill one or two robbers with magic, and because the position chosen by Sui Yu was very unique, the robbers couldn't come up, not to mention, because the roof was very flat, the attack below There is no way to hit it.

It can be said to be very safe!

And just when Rongrong was trying to prepare for the next wave of offensive while sighing to her sister that she was not following the wrong person, Ning, who was hiding in a pile of debris beside her, suddenly rushed out at this moment!

Together with Dong Jie and Sui Yu who returned, the three of them cooperated and started a fierce fight with the robbers!

The blood is flying!

The robbers who approached the three were wounded and then died.

At the same time, Ning and Dongjie also continued to have red light on their bodies.

Two fists are invincible against four hands, even Ning, who is obviously very experienced in combat, is unavoidably injured when he is besieged by the robbers with the cooperation!

Fortunately, Xinxin's healing skills can always be effective at critical moments, so although Ning and Dongjie seem to have suffered a lot of injuries, it does not affect the battle.

Seeing that there were only so many enemies in ambush, they mainly relied on terrain advantages to defend themselves. The other robbers who were chasing after him showed bloodthirsty smiles.

There is no need to be more careful. After confirming that there are only a few people in Sui Yu, all the robbers rushed into the street, ready to take advantage of the number of people and the tacit understanding of each other to get rid of these enemies as soon as possible!

Especially the two beautiful magicians on the roof are the main targets of these robbers!

It's now!

Noticing that all the robbers finally dropped their guard and rushed into the street, Sui Yu was very decisive and immediately raised his left hand in the battle.

Accompanied by the fireball ring worn on the left middle finger, a brilliant red light flashed, followed by a fireball that roared into the sky!


Not to mention, it looks quite beautiful to use fireballs as fireworks!

at the same time……

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, figures flickered on the empty roofs on both sides of the street.

Rows of players with bows and arrows suddenly appeared at this moment!

follow closely……

The arrow fell, and most of the robbers who relaxed their vigilance on the street were shot into hedgehogs!

In the blink of an eye, on the street where at least 40 or 50 robbers had gathered, only ten robbers remained stubbornly resisting.

"OK! It's done!"

No need for acting, Sui Yu's fighting power is full!

In an instant, he killed all the robbers around him, and the remaining robbers were also killed by Ning and Dong Jie.

At the same time, Rongrong also took the opportunity to kill a robber using the fireball tactics.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

At the end of the battle, with Sui Yu's order, the pure melee players who were hiding in the next room and planning to attack when a robber entered the room quickly rushed out and began to clean the battlefield very skillfully.

On the originally deserted street, it was a lively event at this time.

Looking around, the number of players is almost fifty or sixty.

As for why these people gathered here, why did they listen to Sui Yu's command?

The reason is actually very simple.

When Sui Yu led his team to ambush the robbers, he also met players from other teams during the battle.

I even met several survivors of the player squad who were destroyed by the robbers!

Don't look at Sui Yu's subordinates, those robbers died very simply.

In fact, the average threat level of these robbers is level 50. Because of their tacit cooperation, even a level 100 player is very difficult to face.

What's more, the first echelon of the players in Buffalo Town is probably around level 50 or 60, and they haven't fully adapted to this reality-to-virtual online game fighting method, and their cooperation with each other is also very bad.

So against the robbers, the players as a whole are actually at a complete disadvantage!

If it weren't for the strong guards in the town and the level 400 mayor, the entire Buffalo Town might have been completely occupied by robbers at this time!

So, seeing that under Sui Yu's command, the robbers died very simply.

In addition, some of the survivors of the player who Sui Yu rescued easily, some other members of the team came to the door after the resurrection, and by the way, brought some other players who heard Sui Yu's rumors through mobile phones at the resurrection point.

After going back and forth, without knowing it, Sui Yu became the commander of the dozens of players, and led them to complete the ambush again and again with ease.

No, as the corpses of the robbers on the street gradually disappeared, after arranging for people to quickly register and store all the loot in an empty room that was temporarily used as a warehouse, everyone took their place in a very tacit understanding, waiting for Sui Yu to continue to this way. Induce strange.

As for the props that the robbers around Sui Yu Squad broke out, according to everyone's unsolicited request before, the Sui Yu Squad naturally has full authority to deal with it.

Even though there were some robbers who were shot by other players with bows and arrows, everyone didn't care about that at all.

Compared with the benefits of equipment and props with little overall value, as expected, the benefits of following Sui Yu are even greater!

Maybe some players who participated in it were unconvinced and thought it was unfair.

But fortunately, most players can still grasp it clearly.

In addition, Sui Yu also promised to preside over the bidding after the event, and exchange all the equipment that the players got into Chaos Gold Coins through internal bidding, and then distribute the auction money according to the pre-determined share of each team.

At the same time, Sui Yu also promised that since his team had already received the harvest individually, he would not participate in the money after the auction.

Even for various possible situations, such as the bidding price is too low, and some people think that the sales equipment is too cheap, Sui Yu made various responses in a short period of time during the previous discussions.

Even the profit ratio of each player team that is most likely to cause trouble, Sui Yu estimated the approximate combat power of each team through a simple combat power test, and brought it into the allocation quota according to this value.

Although this is still not fair, on the whole, the amount allocated by Sui Yu is still acceptable to most people.

What's more, there is no absolute fairness in the world!

Even absolute fairness is actually the greatest injustice!

In addition, Sui Yu said that it doesn't matter if you don't agree with his rules, and it doesn't matter if you think it's unfair.

Anyway, whoever agrees with him, he will play with Sui Yu, and if he doesn't agree, he can find a place to play by himself.

Everyone does not contaminate river water.

So, just like that, in less than half an hour, Sui Yu easily completed the integration of dozens of players.

Following closely, they led these people to easily destroy a powerful enemy far beyond their original capabilities!

Well, this is naturally thanks to future memory!

In future memory, Sui Yu has experienced a similar situation.

And among them, what moth Sui Yu has not seen?

As a result, the experienced him can easily solve all kinds of troubles in a short period of time in a way that future players most agree with.

Afterwards, leading the players who were not worried or confused, Sui Yu would easily kill the bandits who would move to the vicinity one after another like this!

The feeling to other players is that since joining Sui Yu's where is he still a monster attacking the city!

This is simply the death of a monster!

Look at this level up!

Let's take a look at the harvest of equipment and props!

Players who were still a little unconvinced at first, after seeing this real gain...

Completely convinced!

Facts speak louder than words!

The huge changes before and after joining, as long as they are not blind, players can see clearly!

However, the number of robbers is limited after all.

No, this time Sui Yu didn't bring back many robbers when he came back.

So much so that Sui Yu was too lazy to act this time.

After confirming that the robber had entered the ambush, Sui Yu directly signaled an attack.

Immediately following, the few robbers were shot into hedgehogs.

"Well, it looks like we've killed almost all the robbers in the nearby blocks."

Dongjie waved his heavy sword a little unhappily, posing as if he didn't know what to do.

At the same time, a player representative also asked loudly at this time: "How about we move to another block?"

In response, Sui Yu held his chin and started to quickly recall the topographic map of Buffalo Town in his mind, trying to find a second suitable location to ambush the robbers.

At this moment, a player representative who was checking his phone suddenly came over and said loudly to Sui Yu, "Just now my teammates heard news that they found the location of the boss!"

"And in that position, it seems that the robbers have arrested a lot of people, and there are even many female players!"

"What?!" Everyone was excited when they heard it: "A female player has been arrested?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's hurry up and save people!"

"Yes! Save people! Save people!"

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