Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 384 As gorgeous as a shooting star

"Tilan wake up~" Avni used her golden flaming hair to gently play with the girl's cheek, calling her name.

"Well, have I slept for a long time?" The girl stood up and looked around. It was still the domed swimming pool.

Although only fifteen minutes had passed, she felt as if she had slept for a long, long time, as if she had been in another world.

"Set off fireworks." Avni pointed to the sky outside the dome.

In the pitch-black space, several flashing meteors flashed across, then exploded, blooming into colorful light spots, burning loudly, and then dissipated.

These are special space fireworks from the interstellar era. They seem to be some kind of specially made energy particles. They will not leave any residue after blooming, and they can also be set off in an oxygen-free vacuum environment.


Another bright yellow meteor streaked across the sky, traveling through the dark night space, and then exploded, with thousands of golden threads hanging down, and stars twinkling in the process.

Many tourists inside the space station stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling transparent metal glass and looked at the celebration fireworks blooming outside.

"Mom, take a good look at this."

"There's another shining blue star over there~"

In order to celebrate the holding of this competition, the officials of the 'Red Rock Valley' space station have put a lot of thought into it. Such fireworks are also specially prepared. Even the residents in the space have never seen them a few times, let alone the young ones. child.

"Oh, and more, and, woo, I can't see it anymore." Seeing the fireworks flying past his sight, the child leaned against the glass in worry.

"It's okay, don't worry, dad will take you to the sky corridor to see." The father picked up the child and walked quickly towards the sky corridors connecting the modules in the space. These corridors are suspended up and down like bridges, and they are all transparent. The view is excellent within the space of metal glass panels.

At this time, many people gathered here, and the spacious corridor and bridge were filled with residents and tourists. Many people even took photos with their personal terminals.

In order to let the child see the fireworks outside, the father lifted him up on his shoulders. Only then did the child cheer.

"I see, it's a red star this time." Just as the child raised his hands and cheered, a red meteor bloomed, and countless gorgeous light spots streaked across the night sky. During this period, it continued to rotate, creating small broken vortices, which was particularly beautiful. .

In the high dome swimming pool, Tilan and her companions also enjoyed the fireworks blooming in the space.

For a moment, a gorgeous meteor light rained down, illuminating the interior of the swimming pool and casting a mottled halo.

It's so beautiful. Even though I have seen fireworks blooming before, watching it from space this time seems to be even more different. The gorgeous shooting stars and the dark and unchanging background of space form a sharp contrast, a fiery, fierce While the burning one is alive, the other one is cold and empty, eternal and unchanging.

Quietly watching the fireworks rising like shooting stars, blooming and falling again, the three of them sat by the pool, their eyes reflecting the bright and dying flashes outside.

Slowly, Wei Ke closed his eyes, as if making a wish, and Avni also whispered her wish.

"I hope I can advance to Sequence 5 smoothly this year and that my family will be in good health..." After finishing speaking, she turned her head again and looked at Tilan, who was still stunned.

"What is Tilan's wish?"

"Wish?" The girl looked back, her voice a little hollow.

"I hope I can burn like these gorgeous fireworks throughout my life." She said an answer that was different from Avni's imagination.

For her, in fact, after her family members left one by one, she no longer had much concern, and Tilan was not very strong in material desires. Although she had a mission as a singer, the names and names imposed by the world were not enough. Expectations do not represent her original thoughts.

People are mortal. The first time I realized this was at my sister's funeral.

At that time, she was still a little confused and ignorant. She simply followed the adults through the process and watched her sister being buried and placed in the cemetery. Only the black and white dim photo on the tombstone was left, briefly describing the girl's life.

Afterwards, my mother became very sad and sad, and the atmosphere at home became dull and depressing.

The insomniac mother often couldn't sleep well and became haggard. Even when facing Heshia, her smile was much less and became very forced.

After that, her mother also left. Although before leaving, Heshia told Heshia not to be sad for her and to live strong, but Heshia knew that she had lied at that time and could not be as strong as her mother asked her to do. I was locked in my room and cried in a daze for a long time.

This is death, eternal separation, never seeing each other again, forever becoming the past and can only remain in memory.

She had obviously promised not to shed tears because of this incident, but thinking about the past, the girl's eyes filled up again, and with a blink, the warm and slightly salty liquid slid down her cheeks and rolled into the water.

Shaking her head, Tilan looked into the space again. The meteors shining with sparks flew past in the dark and cold space, and their long contrails were particularly beautiful.

Another one bloomed, and the broken light spots burned equally fiercely, releasing gorgeous light and heat, so clear, so bright, so unrepentant, and inexplicably moving.

After a brief moment of brilliance, the remaining light spots dissipated in the vast starry sky, leaving no trace. Only the remaining traces of light on the retina told the beauty of that moment.

A hundred years of human life is just a blink of an eye for the entire civilization, and the entire civilization may not even be a fraction of the billions of lifespans of the planet.

Everything arises rapidly, and everything falls and dissipates rapidly. The continuation of civilization is the meaning of its existence, but this is not the obligation of every individual. Everyone still has to think and choose the meaning of life, or follow the trend in a daze. After completing this journey, or awakening yourself, jump out of the water and choose the direction you really like.

Although everyone's choices are different, everyone's ending is the same. Death is so equal, and equality makes people helpless and even despairing.

After finishing swimming, Tilan also lay on the beach chair by the pool and continued to stare at the fireworks flying outside in a daze, thinking about many things, including familiar scenes from the past and anticipated future scenes.

So, until she fell asleep again, but this time Avni and Wei didn't disturb her, and even covered her with a bath towel to prevent the black-haired singer from catching a cold.

A quiet nap. Breathing steadily, Tilan fell into a deeper sleep this time, and did not wake up until a long time later. Nearly two hours had passed.

At this moment, Wei Ke is sitting by the pool, her calves swaying in the water. The game screen is projected on the personal terminal on her knees. She is controlling the characters to kill with a calm and indifferent expression. Her movements are decisive and skillful. It seems that she is actually in a good mood. It's just that the coldness that has always existed in the past has been broken today.

On the other side, Avni was also taking a nap on the beach chair. The blond Ponyo's legs were slightly curled up, and her long flowing golden hair looked particularly bright against the dark space background.

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