Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 378 The Great Sword Fighting in the Clock

The entire "Red Stone Valley" space station is like a huge cross cylinder, and the buildings are distributed on the inner wall of the cylinder. The space station obtains a small part of gravity through the centrifugal force of rotation, allowing many facilities to be placed on the ground.

"Despite this, the gravity here is still too low. You can fly very high with just a slight jump." A fellow student commented.

"It's quite new. I see many people floating in the air and walking like this. They only need a small amount of thrust from the device behind them to easily shuttle through the space station."

After finding the residence arranged by the competition in the space, the group took a rest for a while, and then went out for shopping as usual. However, because this is a space station, the interior shopping malls and store styles are the mainstream design structure of the Federation. In terms of content and goods, in addition to There is nothing special about some products related to 'red marrow crystals', but the prices are quite high.

Soon everyone gave up their expectations for specialty products, because there was nothing particularly eye-catching, but the internal structure of the space and people's lifestyle made the students who were traveling with them a little curious.

Because the space station is full of artificial light sources, it doesn’t matter day or night, so the recruitment and working hours are sometimes not so consistent. Some members of the same family may get up to go to school at 8 o’clock, but some may not start working until 3 pm. Many shops have It is open 24 hours a day, but the staff works in shifts.

In addition, although there is not a lot of soil in the space for growing plants and trees, there are various exquisite glass boxes. For example, in some large hotels and restaurants, there are completely glass-structured isolation boxes in which various green plants grow. , flowers and plants, as well as flying butterflies, a small number of insects and even small birds.

Some residents will also have simple transparent glass boxes in their homes, surrounded by clear water inside, with fish, aquatic plants, or other plants growing inside.

As for the population distribution, there are very few elves in the space station. It is probably because they don’t like the environment in space full of metal structures and glass. Humans are still the mainstream, and a small number of orcs can also adapt to the environment in the space station. As for the most Those who like the space station environment are still the mermaids. They seem to be born to live in the weightless environment of space.

For them, space is like the sea, and the planets are small land islands. As one of the branches of humankind, their body structures are very different from humans. They are already partially reproductively isolated from normal humans. If they want to get pregnant, , special artificial insemination is required to change some of the genetic mix.

"Has sister Kirsten stayed in space since she was a child?"

At this time, everyone was dining in the restaurant in the space station. There was a large crystal column in the center of the restaurant, which was filled with flowing light blue liquid. These liquids exuded weak fluorescence, and there was a young mermaid woman swimming inside. Occasionally there will be singing and dancing performances. In their spare time, they will detach themselves from the top of the crystal column and walk around and sit in the restaurant.

When she is in the water, she has a tail, but when she comes out of the water, she can choose to change her body shape and transform her tail into human legs. However, according to her explanation, this ability is generally only possible for mermaids of Sequence 4 and above. Most of the mermaid clan would be more comfortable living in water or in a weightless environment.

"Yes, I basically grew up in this space station, and occasionally I would take a starship to travel to other places." This mermaid woman with long ocean-blue curly hair shook her wine glass and introduced herself with a chuckle.

"You guys are always so curious. I work in bars and restaurants, and basically 80% of the questions I get are about the difference between mermaids and humans."

"Because they are indeed rare. Among the mainstream races in the Federation, mermaids seem to account for the smallest proportion, less than one in 100,000."

"There are very few mermaids living in natural water, because we are considered advanced intelligent creatures, and we still prefer clearer and cleaner liquids." She explained briefly.

"I personally feel that mermaids are a highly designed, artificial race, specially designed to live in space and high-tech environments."

“We basically don’t need to eat, as long as there are some nutrients in the environmental liquid. In addition, we can obtain energy directly through electricity. That’s right, it’s like charging a personal terminal. We don’t need to eat, we just need to soak in a weak current. In liquids, energy can be stored.”

"That sounds great. Wouldn't it save a lot of trouble?" Some students' eyes lit up after hearing this.

"That's right. This is actually the result of being highly adapted to the life of interstellar navigation. Because there is not so much space in a starship to produce food, it is better to absorb electric energy directly, which is more convenient, and there is no need to go to the toilet, hahaha."

At this time, others wanted to ask more questions, but the mermaid singer seemed a little scared and quickly waved his hand, "That's it for today. If you are still interested, you can come back tomorrow."

After saying that, she waved her hand, jumped up lightly, transformed into a flexible silver-scaled fish tail, and swam back into the crystal pillar, where she could sing, dance, and even take a nap.

After today's walking tour, the group returned to their residence. At this time, the teacher also reminded everyone.

"Actually, there are also contestants from the mermaid family in this 'Falling Star Lake Sword Fight'. They are even the favorites to win the championship."

"It's rare, isn't it? But fighting and performing in a weightless environment are indeed what the mermaid family is good at. So when you were curious and chatting with that mermaid just now, I didn't stop you. Instead, I was very supportive."

"Based on the results of previous competitions, the favorites to win include the mermaid groups from various star fields, the elves living in the 'Broken Court', and the star child contestants who have lived in various space stations for a long time." The teacher began to talk about something. The main business of the Queen Contest.

"Not to mention the advantages of mermaids adapting to the weightless environment. The Children of the Stars have lived in the space station for a long time and have long been accustomed to this environment. As for the 'Broken Garden', this is a very special place." He thought for a moment. .

In the great war at the end of the Fifth Era, many planets were destroyed. One of them cracked open under the destruction of the dark and scorching sun, and various fragments of the planet were thrown into space. Although most of the life on the planet perished, There is such a small piece, because the roots of the World Tree growing on the planet are firmly fixed and have not completely spread out, and the living World Tree also holds up a small isolation shield to protect the elves inside.

Although this world tree was severely damaged in the destruction of the planet, and its branches and leaves were withered in large numbers, the remaining parts still insisted on protecting the central area, allowing this part of the elves to survive.

Later, after the war ended, this world tree floating in space was rescued, but the residents on it did not leave and still stayed on it. They gradually adapted to the environment in space, which was very different from the mainstream elves in the Federation. This is the origin of 'Broken Court'.

After explaining and telling the story of ‘The Broken Garden’ in detail, the students had various emotions.

"Suddenly I felt that the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory where I live is actually a very small part of the entire huge federation."

“But it’s such a small area, and many people will never finish it in their lifetime.”

"The Federation is really huge. With such a huge span in time and space, no wonder some people say that it is an amazing miracle that the Federation can survive today."

"Four hundred years is not too long. According to the lifespan of elves, it is only three generations. It is said that 300 years after the death of Her Highness Emuraline, there are still elves who met her when they were young and miss this color-level singer."

"Because elves participated in the early construction of the Federation in large numbers, many of them also occupy key positions. As long as these people still have emotions and beliefs about the Federation, a bottom line can be roughly maintained."

"However, after all, it has been more than 400 years since Her Highness Amularin passed away. Even her lingering echoes have slowly dissipated now." Everyone was sitting on the viewing floor of the hotel, looking at the bustling and changing night view outside. A few people felt a little sentimental.

"Okay, let's not talk about these sentimental things. Isn't there still Tilan? I believe in and look forward to Tilan's future. That is the shining of a singer, which makes people yearn for beauty." Avni He patted his palms and talked to everyone about his thoughts. At this time, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on the black-haired girl sitting by the window looking at the bustling night scene.

Today she is wearing a fitted white flower-collared shirt with a little lace embellishment on the sleeves. Her chest rises slightly, showing the curves of her body. At this moment, she is holding a teacup in both hands and looking outside, so that everyone can only see her tied up hair and ribbon.

When Tilan heard her name being mentioned, she turned around and saw everyone looking at her, tilting her head slightly.

"What happened?" A simple glance back made everyone stunned, and they immediately believed Avni's statement.

Apart from anything else, just looking at Tilan's unintentional charm, she is probably very powerful among the singers.

"The game is about to start the day after tomorrow, come on Tilan~" Everyone cleverly changed the subject.

"Tilan will definitely win, come on and be brave~"

"Sister Tilan is the best~"

"Yeah, thank you everyone." Although I don't know why everyone suddenly encouraged me, in general, the beautiful emotions in everyone's hearts are sincere and simple, which makes the girl slightly touched.

"I will try my best to win the championship." She added again.

Afterwards, the dinner conversation turned to other aspects again, such as the rules, style, etc. of this competition. Later, everyone sat in the living room of the residence suite and watched the recorded videos of previous competitions together.

In this way, time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the official competition.

The venue for the competition is not inside the space, but a special giant stage outside the space station. This is a huge golden 'ring' rotating in space. The introductory text of the competition is engraved on the outside of the 'ring', which is clear and bright even in the vast starry sky. At a glance, there are neatly arranged seats on the inner wall of the ring, some of which are VIP rooms, and some platforms and rooms for contestants to prepare. As for the middle of the ring, there is a huge hollow dial that is constantly rotating.

In the hollow dial, hands, gears, and scattered dial structures are intertwined to create space gaps that are opened and closed from time to time. After that, the contestants will fight with swords in this complex and exquisite giant dial to defeat each other. , and cannot damage any structure of the dial, otherwise you will face deductions and failure.

This kind of battle requires extremely high demands on the contestants' swordsmanship, skills, and strength. It is also a weightless environment, so there are many places to show off. As a result, many gorgeous and famous scenes have been born, making the competition always very popular.

"Now, I am excited to announce that this 'Falling Star Lake Sword Fighting' competition has officially begun!"

There was no excessive introduction to make the audience lose their patience. After the brief opening remarks, the competition went straight to the point.

"The first is the colorful early elimination round. Twelve contestants will enter each round. When there are only four contestants left on the field, the game ends and the winner advances to the next round."

"After three elimination rounds, there will be an advancement round for groups of six. The top two in each round can advance to the next round."

"When the two rounds of advanced competition are over, the remaining 64 players will receive the Falling Star Lake commemorative sword of this competition. After that, it will be the finals. The specific competition method will be kept secret for the time being, leaving everyone to look forward to."

"Okay, without further nonsense, let me welcome the contestants of the first round!"

Hundreds of thousands of applause rang out in the venue, and soon after, the huge mechanical dial in the center began to slowly rotate, and the bell gradually rang.

Twelve channels were opened at the corners of the twelve scales on the dial, and a contestant jumped out of each of them. They held swords in their hands and dressed in different clothes, rushing towards the central dial.

Feeling the slightly cool air and breeze beside her, Tilan blinked, a little surprised that she was actually scheduled to appear in the first round. This made her lose the opportunity to observe and learn first, but fortunately the routine should be similar. Participants must choose targets and try to eliminate their opponents while ensuring that they are not besieged.

In such a competition, attacks other than swords are not allowed, and there are many restrictions on long-range attack methods to avoid boring energy exchanges. After all, it is a performance competition in the first place, pursuing the performance under special conditions. The beauty and splendor of the sword dance.

The tip of her toes landed on the copper dial, making a slight reverberation. Tilan stood on the rotating dial and was moved by it. At this moment, other contestants also took action one after another, some running on the rotating dial, using the help of The thrust of the dial accelerated, the sword blade in his hand was swung, and the body also rotated, turning from top to bottom, with a posture that turned the world upside down.

Soon the contestants who were closer began to fight. The two sides stepped on the high and low rotating gears, their swords intertwined, and crisp clashing sounds were made from time to time. Then they used the complex gear environment to block and dodge the opponent's attacks, sometimes It will also suddenly counterattack while roaming, making it difficult to guard against.

Unlike ordinary battles, nothing will happen to the brass parts wrapped around the various parts of the clock if you simply step on and press them. However, if the blade of a sword is slashed and stabbed onto it, the brass on the surface will be chipped away. Exposing the silver metal inside will be recorded and points will be deducted at this time.

You will get points for defeating your opponents, and you will be deducted for being defeated and slashing on stage components. The winner is the six people with the highest scores. If you defeat many opponents in the battle, you will also face a massive amount of damage due to the destruction of a large number of venues. Points will be deducted, maybe you will be eliminated in the end, but the person you defeated will advance successfully.

At first, everyone was a little hesitant. After all, many people were competing for the first time, but soon everyone became familiar with it. After all, those who came to participate in this kind of inter-star joint competition would not be too bad in swordsmanship and strength.

The silver sword light constantly shuttles through the hollow gaps between the gears and the dial. Although the shadow of the sword seems to drown everything, each sword just avoids the surrounding creation structure, which is amazing.

Soon, the silver continuous sword shadow pierced the opponent's defensive frame and penetrated the opponent's shoulder. The blade flipped when it was withdrawn, causing a larger wound. The severe pain caused by it made the opponent's movements stagnant, and then on his neck. A slight blood mark was cut out.

"It is amazing that in less than 2 minutes after the game started, Ekden from the Rota Star Territory defeated the first opponent and scored 5 points."

"With such a continuous and gorgeous swordsmanship, let's give him a codename as soon as possible. Maybe he will be the new star of this competition!"

Under the excited voice of the host, the atmosphere of the scene was gradually lifted. At this time, many people in the audience also shouted, and everyone said their own code names and nicknames.

"Very good. With the rapid collection and statistics of AI, the most popular one is 'Silver Storm'. Then we will call this surprising player 'Silver Wind' Ekden from now on. I hope he will Make it to the end.”

The sound outside the court sounded like fire, but Tilan inside the court felt a bit chilly, because the sword fighting in front of her was an opponent with a cold sword intent.

This girl was dressed in an oriental style, and the sword light in her hand was like a clear drizzle. It seemed long, but there was a hint of coolness in it, which made people feel frightened.

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