Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 270 Sleepless Bird

The next day, Tilan woke up from her sleep at half past nine.

After checking the time, she curled up under the quilt and moved around a bit. She still missed the warmth and comfort of the quilt and didn't really want to get up.

But it felt late now, and it would have been 10 o'clock any later. If anyone asked, the newly crowned singer was still sleeping in, which was a bit embarrassing. After thinking about it, she still got up slowly and sat on her knees. On the bed, I checked my personal terminal first and saw that Akashia had sent her a message at 7 o'clock.

[This is a breakfast spot, you can go there to eat. ]

There is also a location point at the back, about three hundred meters away from where she lives.

Will replying to the message now make the other party feel like he just woke up? Forget it, that’s already the case, that is, he’s just a little lazy, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.

The girl sent a reply [Yes, I understand, I will go later, thank you. ]

Standing up on the bed, the girl jumped out of bed lightly, stepped on her slippers, and then walked to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Ten minutes later, Tilan, who had changed her clothes, looked in front of the mirror, then opened the door and walked out.

Today she is wearing a school-style dress, with a plaid collar and a gray plaid pleated skirt. Although it is a little more formal, it is still very conspicuous compared to this area filled with professionals.

After all, those who can work in the Corolla Star Territory are all regular employees, there are no minors, and she naturally stands out when walking among them.

"What would you like Tilan?" When she walked to the restaurant, the staff greeted her kindly.

"Let me see, I want some green ice fruit bread, a glass of milk, and a small box of strawberries." She looked at the menu choices that appeared on the big screen.

"Okay." Soon the clerk put the prepared things on the plate and served them.

“If you don’t have enough food, you can come again.”

"Actually, it's not that delicious." The girl answered after taking the plate, and then thought of something.

"Um, do you know my name?" She must have never met this elder sister who works in the restaurant before.

"Of course, the new singer, Heshia Tilan, everyone in the surrounding area probably knows your name now, and ah, you see there is a child here, you can easily recognize it."

A child? The girl glanced over and found that it was indeed the case. Everyone was an adult working person, and she was the only one who looked younger. No wonder she was recognized so easily.

This feels like being watched by people, the girl thought to herself, then she came to the side with a plate and sat down. She recalled the previous etiquette teacher's teachings and tried her best to finish the breakfast as carefully as possible before saying goodbye. The restaurant lady waved warmly to her.

When Akashia was found again, the priest sister was walking on the road holding the record board.

"I found you, Tilan." She set her pace, bent slightly, and carefully looked at the girl's clothes today. Tilan looked a little embarrassed, and then she stood up.

"Come with me, there are still some tasks to be completed today." After saying that, he led Tilan to a parking cabin, entered his ID, and after verification, the cabin door opened, and a cabin for him appeared automatically. A small shuttle for four people.

The outer shell of this small shuttle is boxy and slightly rounded, giving people a cute feeling. Once you sit in, it floats, then connects to the cableway between areas, and shuttles quickly, just like riding a roller coaster, but the inside is Extraordinarily stable.

After a while, the two arrived at an area with fewer people.

"This is one of the sub-ports of the Great Library. Here you can view various film and television files, historical records, etc. stored in the Great Library." Akashia introduced as she walked in front.

After passing through the quiet corridor, the two walked into the arched hall of the building. There are immersion cabins distributed here, where you can lie down and enter the movie-watching state.

"Let's watch the historical part about singers first. This is one of the things Tilan wants to learn." She took out the record board on her chest and turned it around to introduce it to Tilan.

It is marked with a roughly three-day schedule, which includes all kinds of knowledge that a singer must learn, videos and videos that need to be watched and memorized, and the final audio and video records to be kept.

"It has been simplified. If it were 400 years ago, each singer would have to study for more than half a year before leaving." Akashia introduced.

"Is that much?" The girl blinked, glad that she was born a few hundred years late.

"Of course, because there were very few singers in the past, the Federation paid special attention to it. Let's talk to Tilan about it later." She took Tilan to an immersion cabin and lay down. Soon after, there was a mechanical beep. After the confirmation, the illusory crystal fog gradually filled the air, and scenes from a distant time also appeared in front of Tilan's eyes.


In the cold and dark starry sky, the indicator plate inside the spacecraft beeped, just like usual, without any change.

This is a medium-sized interstellar spacecraft, about 600 meters long, with a crew of 387.5. It is described like this because one of the crew members will probably not survive the next sidereal year.

His organs have begun to fail. This is a sequelae caused by a long hibernation. Not everyone can wake up from hibernation safely.

The time is November 12, 4524 of the Fifth Era, at 18:43. There are still 41 days before the next shift. Because it cannot find a suitable landing point all year round, this spacecraft has been sailing in the cold starry sky for nearly 300 years.

What is the concept of 300 years? That is, the beige hamster that was brought on the ship has been bred to the 893rd generation, and the earliest crew members have now become ashes at the bottom of the cabin.

"You children have never seen the vast green land in your life." Before his death, an old man touched his great-grandson and sighed with regret.

Because of the battle between the 'Black Suns', many habitable planets in the galaxy were destroyed by war, and some were even destroyed by the original inhabitants themselves.

In the constant struggle and war, the population was wiped out in large numbers, but a small number of people struggled to escape. The earliest ancestors who piloted this spaceship were one of them.

"We are going to find a brand new home." The first captain who led everyone to escape from the war-torn world promised everyone.

"At the earliest, there were 21 ships, but many of them were damaged and fell behind in the process. Slowly, there were only 6 ships left, and then, now there is only this one. Its hypertime engine is not original, but Disassembled from another larger ship.”

The old man recalled this, and no one after him knew the original situation.

Although humans already have the means to fly faster than light, this power and speed are still too small compared to the vast starry sky.

Each shuttle may take several years, or even ten years, to pass through the next star system to find and explore whether it meets the expected habitable stars.

"Why don't we land on a roughly feasible planet and live there?" the young child asked the adult.

Although there is no atmosphere and the deserted planet is very desolate, with today's technology, it may not be impossible to survive for the time being.

"No, kid." The old man on the boat told him at that time.

"Some birds, once they fall, can never fly again."

This sentence puzzled the child, but many years later, when he faced his own children asking questions, after hesitating for a while, he still said the same answer.

"Some birds, once they fall, can never fly again."

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