Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 248 Fantasy Secret Technique

"After a good sleep, it feels like a lot of time has passed. How old are you now, Hesia?"

The awakened Princess Mononoke emerged from the ice and then walked out, her ice-colored eyes reflecting the appearance of the girl.

"Me? I'm about 17 years old now." Heshia calculated her age carefully. This should be correct. The frozen embryonic period can't be added as well.

"Are you still so young? I thought ten years had passed." It seemed that this was not the first time Princess Mononoke had encountered this situation.

"How is it possible? If it were ten years later, I wouldn't be what I am now." The girl defended.

"That's not necessarily true." The Princess Mononoke once again looked up and down at Heshia jokingly, as if to see if she had grown taller or if her figure had developed.

After reminiscing about old times for a while, the two finally sat down on an ice floating island in the lake.

"It seems like Heshia has experienced a lot in the past six months." The wide and layered skirt was spread on the ground. The Princess Mononoke knelt on the ground and poured Heshia the curling glass. Cold drinks, since it is summer, are particularly suitable.

Taking the cold cup, the girl took a small sip of the refreshing drink, and then talked about the passage of time and the situation she was about to face.

"I don't know much about Edes Academy, but when you mentioned St. Ingo, I am quite familiar with it." The ice elf princess looked a bit nostalgic.

"Because it was the surname of the elven royal family, but as the bloodline was cut off, fewer and fewer people used it."

"Is the teacher's last name Saint Ingo?"

"Are you testing me? I won't fall for such tricks." Princess Mononoke waved her hand.

"Forget it, deliberately avoiding it is almost the same as admitting it. I do have a lot to do with the name Saint Ingo, but that was a long time ago. In today's era, I don't know who is still using this name. Name."

"There used to be three elves. Among them, the silver elves have no bloodline and the number of ice elves has never been large. It is estimated that they are used by the descendants of the forest elves." Her analysis quickly came close to the truth.

"So, does Little Tilan want to defeat them?"

"It won't matter if they are defeated, because this is not a life and death battle, but judging from the current situation in the Star Territory, it is necessary to defeat them so that the academy can win the first position."

"Well, you are very clear and rational. I don't seem to have to worry about your appearance." Princess Mononoke put the cup down and stopped asking Tilan about her specific plans and thoughts.

"Well, actually I still need the teacher's help." The girl hesitated for a while and decided to ask for help directly.

"Say it."

"Because there will be a confrontation soon, I may need to use the singer's talent to lead everyone to victory, but I would like to ask the teacher for advice on how to control and release this aspect, and how the outside world in the federation rates the talent and ability of the singer."

"That's it. You want to retain part of your strength, right? In fact, it's not difficult." The Princess Mononoke thought for a moment, then raised her finger and swiped lightly in the air. A mysterious brand pattern appeared. When it stabilized Finally, it looks like a closed and perfect mesh sphere.

"The secret technique of self-sealing was originally developed to deal with the phantoms of chaos. It can protect the spiritual consciousness of life and isolate the erosion and pollution of the outside world. However, if it is slightly improved, it can also reduce one's perception of the influence of the outside world."

"As long as you are not fully exerting your soul attunement ability, with its isolation, you can reduce the external influence and performance."

"The reason why I say it is not used at full strength is because the soul synchronization of color-level talents is almost the same as power. It has high suppression and penetration power against common extraordinary secret arts."

"Is there any such thing?" This was the first time the girl heard this explanation.

"That's right, extraordinary power is essentially the use of Ayaka particles as a medium for life to influence reality with spirit to achieve a certain effect. It is reflected in microphysics that human consciousness activities, such as human observation, will change the experiment. As a result, if people don’t observe and just rely on instruments to record, there will be another result.”

"It's like giving an order and letting the soldiers below carry it out. However, depending on the status of the person giving the order, there will be different results."

"Ordinary people using extraordinary secret skills are like a captain issuing an order, and the soldiers will execute it. But what if a conflicting order is added at this time?"

"If the general's order conflicts with the captain's order, the soldiers will give priority to the general's order and ignore the captain's order."

"The reason why the power of the ancient witch is so powerful is because she can ignore many secret techniques and directly destroy your defense. Unless the opponent possesses a holy object, he can withstand this kind of suppression in terms of power and status."

"Now, if you have studied ancient history, you will know that the witch and the holy object are essentially fragments of the crown, inheriting some of the power of the crown."

"If it is a complete crown, it will be like a god. It can easily achieve many miracles. It can directly deny and ignore other extraordinary abilities, or withdraw and abolish them."

"If we really want to make a ranking, it would probably be Crown \u003e Witch = Holy Object \u003e Fantasy Mystery \u003e Common Extraordinary Abilities \u003e Item Enchantment Effects. Fantasy Mystery refers to some specific secrets, such as the Seven Movements of Fairy Country, Giant Fire sacrifices at the royal court, etc.”

"Fantasy secret arts are relatively independent existences. Although most of them are not as powerful as witches, they also make it more difficult for witches, because this kind of secret arts cannot be directly disintegrated and negated with power. In the past era, many Witches die from this kind of secret technique."

"In the era of the Orc Empire, the saint shamans at that time used the fire ritual inherited from the Giant King's Court to burn the captured witches to death. In the second era of the confrontation between the Mercury Dynasty and the elves, the Fairy Country's The seven movements also scare many witches.”

"So that's it." Tilan nodded, but more questions emerged in her mind, such as where the color-level singer's ability comes from. If it is only explained by talent, there should be no ability similar to power. There are those fantasy and secret techniques, why can they achieve effects similar to crown fragments, and what is the principle behind them.

"Little Tilan must have thought of other things."

Seeing the girl immersed in thought, the Princess Mononoke across from her was already used to it, but she was not prepared to continue to explain, such as why the color-level singer has abilities far beyond other singers, and the secret of fantasy. Where does the source come from, etc.

It was too early to tell her this, and knowing it in advance might not be a good thing. But looking at her thinking hard, she is really cute.

Princess Mononoke was not in a hurry. After Tilan thought about it for a while but had no results, she raised her head and saw Princess Mononoke's interested look. She knew that the teacher was teasing her and deliberately kept silent.

"Teacher, you know what I'm thinking."

"Probably guessed something."

"Can you tell me the answer?"

"Not yet. When Tilan reaches Sequence 7 someday, I will tell you about it."

"It feels like coaxing a child." Tilan turned her eyes, knowing she couldn't ask.

"Little Tilan is really not that big, hahaha~" Seeing Tilan's angry look, Princess Mononoke gave a rare laugh.

Time passed slowly, and on this slightly undulating floating island made of ice, the ghost princess continued to tell her about the secret skills related to the singer and how to use them, as well as how to respond to other people's inquiries, better disguise herself, etc.

Before leaving, the teacher also gave Tilan a new assessment task.

"If Tilan only uses her star-level singing skills to win this confrontation, I will teach you three rare elf secret techniques, such as the seven butterfly incarnations you envied before, the rose swords, etc."

Although she knew that this was a bait hung by her teacher, the girl still couldn't resist the temptation. After all, she suffered a lot in these secret techniques when she fought Themisia before.

Although she inherited part of her sister's memory, it was not complete and detailed. She could not restore these secret techniques and could only use other means to fight against them.

It seems that I have to work harder this time.

With a slight nod, the girl bent down to thank the teacher, then waved goodbye and left this hidden pool, returning to the outside world where the summer breeze was warm.

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