Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 153 The Girl on the Beach (Swimsuit Welfare 0 0)

There is still rain on the ground from last night, the sky is very bright, and the white clouds make up various lovely patterns.

A suspension vehicle was speeding along the coastline, and the wind was blowing through the vehicle like a fish, powerful and striking.

In the car, Dolores was rarely seen wearing a light blue and white summer dress and brown sunglasses, leaning on the car window with one hand, looking at the sea outside, beside her was another black-haired Girl, she is wearing a cap, black T-shirt and jeans.

"Tilan, we're going to sea soon. This car is not bad, it's fast and relatively stable."

"Hmm." The girl replied softly, her black pupils looked at the bustling Begonia below, and she held the same style of sunglasses as Dolores in her hand.

After playing with and observing the sunglasses with her slender fingers, Tilan put the sunglasses on and matched it with the peaked cap on the head. Even acquaintances in the past would find it difficult to recognize her.

The luxury suspension sports car they were riding in was red all over and was given to Tilan by the "Hot Lizard Workshop" some time ago, but she had never driven it until today at the suggestion of Dolores.

It's midsummer now, and Dolores invited the girl to play on the beach at her house. After a little preparation, the two of them boarded the brand new suspension car together.

Passing through the long coastline, people are gradually thinning out. This is a sea view module where rich people gather, and scattered private beaches are distributed along the coastline.

Gradually, the hover car slowed down and stopped in a semicircular building, then the opened dome slowly closed, and the two walked out of the hover car.

"The sea water here will be relatively clean. It is one of the few A-level beaches in the Emerald Skirt. A long filter net is laid dozens of miles away from the coastline to prevent toxic seawater pollution outside."

Dolores took Tilan's hand and introduced her to her, and then came to the lounge beside her, where she could shower, swim, change clothes, and so on.

In the large lounge, there is a clear swimming pool in the middle, the ceiling is transparent glass, you can see the sky outside, and there is a whole row of automatic cold drink shopping machines on the side wall, but this meeting does not require payment, it has been set to a free mode , can be used at will.

There were only two people in the lounge of hundreds of square meters, which seemed very empty. Dolores introduced her to Tilan while choosing her favorite drink.

"I often came to this beach with my mother when I was a child. She would teach me to swim and take me to pile sand."

"Occasionally, she would let relatives and friends bring their children of the same age here to play with me." Dolores chose her favorite refreshing Hongyue tea, pressed the button, and a bottle of iced drink rolled out.

Tilan squatted in front of a shopping machine, looked at the rows of slightly unfamiliar drink names, and after a while, she chose the delicious-looking raspberry fruit tea.

"That's delicious." Dolores pointed to the drink Tilan had chosen, and then the two sat down on the side chair.

Opening the drink bottle, the two drank while enjoying the natural wind in the lounge.

"I spent many summer vacations here when I was a child, and now I think about how fast the time goes." Dolores continued to recall.

"However, my father seldom comes here. He is always very busy. This may be due to his inability to be in charge of a large company."

"Later, after my mother passed away, I came here a few times by myself, but I was always touched by the scene, so I gradually came less often."

"If Tilan likes it, you can come to play anytime in the future. I'll set up an identity permission for you later. In fact, this beach has been vacant for a long time because I haven't been here for a few years."

Dolores and Tilan were talking about their childhood, and Tilan also remembered the time when she and Themisia went on a trip. It was a wild camping trip to South District 5, and she was told a ghost story by Themisia. Too scared to sleep, I had to run to Mom and Dad's tent.

"Speaking of which, Tilan, can you swim?" Dolores' question made the fingers of the girl beside her stiffen.

"Uh, no." Themisia is good at swimming and has a good figure, but it's a pity that she hasn't learned it yet, and she is also a little afraid of water.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'll teach you later." Dolores chuckled, as if she found something interesting and happy.

"Okay, let's go and change first." The drink was almost finished, and Dolores stood up.

"En." Although the girl responded lightly, but judging by her expression, she was dodging like a little rabbit.

"Is Tilan shy? It's okay. You'll get used to it later. The dressing room is over there. Don't worry, they're all independent."

"Okay." The girl hugged her swimsuit and ran into the dressing room with small steps.

Walking into the white dressing room, the girl sat in a horizontal position, looked at the closed white dome above her head, took a deep breath, then shook her head, wondering if she was a little too shy and overdone.

It's normal for girls to wear swimsuits, besides, there are no outsiders here, let alone all kinds of strange gazes from the opposite sex.

After making mental preparations, the girl stood up, first took off her coat, and then put on the white one-piece swimsuit with a little youthfulness.

After a while, after adjusting the swimsuit, Tilan stood in front of the mirror and looked at it.

In the mirror, a girl with a good figure and a dreamy face is standing quietly. Her well-proportioned legs are just right, and she doesn't make people feel thin, and she is very healthy. Looking up is to outline the waist and abdomen curve for the swimsuit, and her chest is not too thin. It is quite large, but it is also slightly curved, about a C. The hair is soft and drooping, scattered on the shoulders, setting off the graceful neck and collarbone.

After hesitating for a while in the dressing room, Tilan carefully opened the door and walked out barefoot.

The clean and smooth ground, the tactile sensation from the soles of the feet, and the slight natural wind passing through the thighs made the girl feel novel and a little shy.

Dolores had already come out, waving to the girl by the pool. She was wearing a swimsuit that looked like a large satin ribbon. The large blue and white overlapping ribbons were intertwined, wrapped around the chest and tied behind the neck, while the waist and abdomen were tied together. The semi-transparent skirt is used as a decoration, which is generous and beautiful as a whole, highlighting Dolores's attractive figure.

Compared with Tilan, Dolores' curves are obviously more plump. If this young lady goes to the public beach, I don't know how many people will be shocked. Even in the interstellar era with a high ratio of beautiful women, it is extremely rare She's stunning.

"Our Tilan is finally willing to come out." Dolores leaned over the handrail by the pool, smiling at the approaching girl.

"I'm not very familiar with swimsuits, so I spent a little more time putting them on." The girl looked to one side, a little afraid to meet Dolores' eyes at this moment.

"Alright, come here, or you'll get used to it by soaking in the shallow water first." Dolores pulled Tilan to the pool, pointing to the escalator below.

"Hmm." The girl held both hands on the silver metal handrail, looked at the light blue swimming pool below, carefully poked her toes out, and touched the slightly cool water surface.

Encouraged by Dolores behind her, the girl still stepped into the pool, and the cold water spread up her feet and calves until her waist was submerged.

After half of her body was submerged in the water, the girl began to feel a sense of 'floating', as if her body was shaking slightly with the current. If she loosened the handrail at this time, she might float to the middle of the pool.

But she didn't dare to let go, she just continued to go down slowly until her feet were on the bottom of the pool, and the water almost reached her chest.

Walking underwater, there is a lot of resistance... The girl thought to herself, and moved a little.

Just as she was getting used to the water environment, Dolores jumped into the pool with a thud beside her, dived into the water and swam with ease and agility, before raising her head.

"Tilan, come here~" She floated on the surface of the water, beckoning to the girl.

The girl shook her head, indicating that she didn't know much about water, and she just leaned on one side of the pool wall to move forward, while Dolores swam to her side, and then they leaned against the side of the pool together.

"Let me teach you, Tilan." Dolores supported Tilan and asked her to put her hands on her shoulders.

"Take your time first, get used to swimming, come on."

"Okay." The girl still wanted to try.

Under the sunny sky, the two walked slowly around the pool at first, and then Dolores asked Tilan to try swimming, and gradually experienced the skills of moving in the water. Gradually, this young girl could also swim. Swim slowly.

"Great, Tilan learned so fast~" Dolores praised, making the girl in the water a little happy.

Afterwards, seeing the girl getting a little tired from studying, Dolores took her back to the shore, and the two sat by the pool. Under the call of Dolores, the self-discipline robot delivered two servings of ice cream.

With their feet still submerged in the water, they slapped occasionally, and the two ate ice cream and chatted occasionally until the ice cream was slowly eaten.

"Now it's time to go for a walk on the beach." Putting the ice cream box in the trash can, Dolores took the girl out of the lounge, and the two walked into the white sand beach outside.

It will be about three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is shining, Dolores and the girl put on sunglasses, and then walk on the beach.

Because of the baking of the sun, the sand under the feet is a little hot, but after getting close to the water surface, this part of the sand becomes moist and cool.

Occasionally, one or two pieces of shells and conch can be seen on the beach, but there are no crabs.

"Although it is the southern area, there are not many animals in the sea, and there are creatures in the part of the sea that is protected and filtered." Dolores introduced the situation in the sea.

"The environment has a great impact." Feeling the warm sea breeze blowing in front of her, with a slight salty taste, Tilan took off her glasses, opened her hands slightly, and felt the grand sea breeze blowing by her side.

She always likes the huge natural wind, probably because she lived in an underground city when she was a child, and she rarely felt like this.

After walking for a while, the two walked in the ankle-deep water to feel it again, and then returned to the shore, rested under a parasol, and lay on a chair to bask in the sun.

Listening to the waves in the ear, under the sunshine, the girl felt a little sleepy, and then took a small afternoon nap.

When she woke up, it was already half an hour later, and now Dolores was leaning over and sitting beside her, gently shaving the girl's eyebrows with her own hair.

"Is Tilan awake?" Dolores smiled and retracted her hair, then watched the girl rub her eyes and sat up.

"Hmm..." The girl was still a little sleepy, with a lazy voice.

"Go and take some cold water." After saying that, Dolores took Tilan back to the shower room in the lounge.

After some washing and drying, the two walked out again and came to the rooftop on the second floor of the lounge, where there were also parasols and beach chairs.

Sitting under the umbrella, eating a torn snack bag, the two talked about tonight's game.

"Tonight is the first competition at the Winter Festival Gala. Because of the warm-up competition, it won't be very intense. The top six schools in the emerald skirt will send students to participate." Dolores explained.

"What about the other schools?" The girl knew that the first six schools with the best emerald skirts gathered in the South District.

"Other academies, if they want to participate, they have to compete for places in the previous competitions and beat any of the top six academies before they are eligible to join."

"However, this kind of thing has not happened for more than ten years. The position of the top six is ​​very stable, and it is not in the same echelon as other schools, so it is difficult to shake." Dolores adjusted the newly put on head while talking. visor.

There are black and blue silk flowers on the wide brim, which are also dotted with pearls and precious stones, which is very beautiful.

"Does it look good, Tilan?" After putting it on, Dolores stood up and walked on the roof, the sea water blowing her hair that was suppressed by the sun hat, her smile was dazzling in the shadows and sunlight.

"It's beautiful." The girl nodded. Dolores was very beautiful in her own right, and the sun hat also played a finishing touch.

Close your eyes, Dolores is in the wind, her toes are like dancing ballet, lightly touch the ground, turn slightly and then jump up, then fall again, so many times.

"As expected, I forgot." When she came back to Tilan, Dolores took her arm, rubbed it slightly, and then rested her chin on the girl's shoulder.

"I used to be very good at it. When I was young, I learned ballet and some dances at the request of my mother, but I didn't like to perform in front of others, so I didn't practice much afterwards."

"I always feel that since my mother left, I don't do many things anymore." Dolores raised her body slightly, covered her forehead with her hand, and looked at the sky.

"Is Dolores missing the past?" the girl asked curiously.

"Well, a little bit, but I don't really miss it." Dolores shook her head.

"Although I don't hate it very much, I'm actually not that interested in many things my mother taught, and it's natural not to do it later."

"You can't force yourself just because you miss the past."

"However, I'm very happy to be able to perform some things I'm good at in front of Tilan, haha."

"When a person learns something, he doesn't have any friends to show off and talk about, so he will lack motivation." Dolores pushed her hair back with her hands, and said in a free and easy voice.

"No matter how beautifully you dress up, if no one appreciates it, you will inevitably feel lonely."

"Because Tilan, after entering high school, I feel that my life has become more exciting and interesting. In the past, besides school, I was in the company, learning about company affairs with my father."

"Although there are many people around me, in their eyes, I'm probably that kind of perfect young lady. I have to maintain that image. Even if I'm used to it, I still want to relax occasionally."

"When I first met Tilan, I thought you were the kind of serious and serious girl, but after getting close to you, I realized that you are actually very soft and easy to understand many of my thoughts and concepts, so I gradually fell in love with you. I like staying with you."

"Do you say you like it? There are probably a few of them. If I don't marry in the future, it should be a happy thing to be friends with you for life." Dolores touched her chin with her fingertips, thinking thinking.

"Ah Lala, is Tilan shy, hahaha~" Dolores smiled briskly in the wind as she saw the girl's reddened face.

Thank you Xiaoqingji Dashengli for your strong support~

Thanks Banner 12, Sherlock, Resolved Lettuce

Disillution, named Fei Fei Fei Fei,

Archbishop Lilina, Xi Shang, Apostle of Aimen, Stranger An, Luo Yi, Blossoms Blooming Clouds and Mist, _Kevin_ and other book friends' rewards~

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