At night, Heshia was walking on an uninhabited mountain road, and the night wind blew.

The daytime lessons have already been studied, and she has plenty of time today. She is going to meet that special 'teacher'.

Although the road at night was very dark, it didn't bother her. The perception attached to her position allowed her to easily avoid stones and shuttle between the grass full of insects.

That's it, she came to the edge of a cliff, she jumped down lightly, and then a faint white light appeared on the surface of her body, her body became light, and finally landed on the edge of a lake filled with mist.

Walking a few steps forward, she jumped up lightly, and one after another ice flowers floated by the lake, and then she stepped on them easily, approaching the center of the lake.

However, there is no such small iceberg in the lake today, which means that the 'teacher' should be dormant at the moment.

Recently, Hercia has been familiar with the ghost woman's way of life. She thought for a while, stretched out her hand, and then a small vortex formed in the lake water, because she didn't have the ability to manipulate water flow. The method is not efficient, but it will be enough.

Some ice cubes formed in the water, collided with each other in the vortex, and made a clear sound in the water, like some kind of wind chimes or bells.

Not long after, an icy blue light bloomed from the bottom of the lake, and then the ghostly woman surfaced, and a small island made of ice emerged.

"Hersia is here." Her skin was as white as the dress on her body, and the gorgeous pleated dress fluttered in the night like a phantom, emitting a faint light.

"I interrupted the teacher to take a rest." Hercia nodded.

"It's okay, it's not good if you're foolish enough to wait outside." She shook her head, this was just a short hibernation, and she could wake up at any time.

After saying this, she looked at Heshia with a little curiosity.

"You seem to have received some training recently, and your behavior is a bit different from before."

"Uh, it's etiquette-related training."

"Well, I can see that although thousands of years have passed, some things in human beings have not changed."

"These things, well, it doesn't matter." In her opinion, it is dispensable, but she also understands that Heshia is not strong at present, and she cannot be recognized by everyone. This kind of training is indeed That's all there is to it.

"Come here." After she finished speaking, she waved her hand and let Hercia approach.

Afterwards, that slightly cold palm grasped Hersia's wrist and led her into the lake again.

The icy lake water washed over her body, and there was a gurgling sound next to her ears, and then a white light appeared in front of her eyes, and Hercia saw a completely different world again.

The sky seems to be burning, and falling flames are everywhere. This is a battlefield of unknown age and season.

The elves soared in the sky on flaming birds, and the crimson and bright feathers fluttered against the sunset, and flames continued to fall from the sky. The whole world seemed to be doomed, with burning ruins, howling corpses, broken banner and sword.

Fighting with the elves is a terrifying opponent, a skeleton pushing a steel chariot forward on the battlefield.

A huge crossbow was mounted on the chariot, and the twisted and bloody monster turned the winch to wind up, and then the crossbow arrows flew through the sky, shooting down the elves and birds.

On the ground, elven knights in silver glyph armor lined up amidst the sound of horns, their sharp scimitars reflected the burning sky, they were silent, and they stepped onto the hill in groups, and then held their long scimitars high, driving The forest horned deer charged down.

The scimitar swung like silver snow and was extremely sharp. Even the chariots lined up to meet the enemy were cut open under the long knife, and flesh and blood monsters and skeletons were chopped down one by one.

The loose array of skeletons was like dead wood, trampled and crushed by the army wielding silver blades. Like a silver crescent, they washed over the pitch-black ground, and the rows of skeletons and monsters were chopped to pieces.

However, such a heroic and fearless charge could not change the situation of the battle, because in front of them was the boundless sea of ​​millions of corpses stretching to the horizon.

Wisteria crescent banners were raised high on the pitch-black ground, and there was the sound of crying and howling in the sky, and ghosts like dark clouds approached from the sky, their appearances were distorted and howled, and the ear-piercing sound made it difficult to sleep.

Facing the falling flames, these ghosts rushed to the elves driving the red-feathered birds in the sky, and then one after another corpses and feathers fell from the sky, adding countless corpses and burning flames to the ground.

The living wielded their war blades to kill, and the dead walked in the flames. There was no surrender, no escape, and no room for compromise. The two sides were already full of blood and deep hatred, and countless lives were sacrificed for victory.

The exhausted elf knights were torn off the forest deer, and then fell into a sea of ​​rusty long swords and bones. The situation gradually fell to one side, and the elves had to retreat temporarily in order to regroup and recover their strength.

One side of the battlefield gradually faded away, while the sea of ​​corpses continued to advance. They tirelessly climbed over mountains and ridges, heading towards the distant mountains, where there was a faint silhouette of a giant tree.

Not long after, wizards dressed in black came to the battlefield where they fought just now. They waved their staffs and chanted desolate spells. Then the elf knights who died before stood up again. Get on the horse made of corpses and flesh and blood, and then move forward.

War, death, resurrection, such a constant cycle, this army of death that stretches for thousands of miles, climbed over mountains and mountains, and continued to advance towards the giant tree, until the end of the world, until everything was destroyed, whether it was the enemy or himself.

Everything around her became white again, and everything began to become blurred, and Hercia only remembered the wisteria crescent flag fluttering under the burning sky.

It was a long time before she woke up from that brutal and epic war.

Leaning against the small iceberg, she supported the ice cube and stood up.

"What was the scene just now?" She really wanted to know in what era the war she saw happened, what was it for, who were the two sides in it, why those silver-haired elves were different from today's elves, etc. .

"The ones just now are the past events of the second era." The ghost woman sat on the iceberg throne, propped her head on one hand, and explained to Hesia.

"Now in your textbooks, you only briefly mention that era. It only tells about the rise of the Mercury Dynasty by humans and the gradual end of the elves. Perhaps no one cares about how tragic it was."

"It's like this." Heshia turned and continued to look at the ghost woman. She understood that the teacher didn't just let her watch the tragedy of the battle.

"It's very smart, Hercia." The other party said softly.

"Actually, there are a lot of truths. If others simply explain them, they will not feel deeply or feel repulsed."

"So I won't deliberately guide and educate you how to do it, but just show you the shocking scenes in history again."

"When you see more and know more, you will be able to understand the reasons for all the current situations and the truth hidden under the complicated appearance."

"In today's era, those famous witches from the Second Era and the Third Era have long since ceased to exist, and the power of an individual is far inferior to that brought by a group. If you aspire to become a singer, you will inevitably face choices in the future. "

"What do you want to bring to everyone, or what do you want to achieve."

"Singing without purpose and emotion is just noise. You will eventually face a choice, choose the direction you want to go, and the direction to lead everyone forward."

"You once asked me why the teacher is so powerful, but has been living in seclusion. It is because my era has ended. Although I am still alive, it is no longer suitable for me to continue to interfere in the current world."

"A generation of new people replace the old ones. If you keep holding on, you will only become a disgusting old lady." There was a little nostalgia in the eyes of the ghost woman, as if she didn't say this sentence but recounted a friend's words. discourse.

My choice... Hercia sighed.

To be honest, although she is dissatisfied with the current federation and society, if she is really asked to change, she feels too arrogant. At least wait until she becomes an adult and gradually has more understanding and grasp of this society. .

"I don't know, just like I don't know what I will eat tomorrow or what fish I will catch. I know that everyone has high expectations for me, but the current me is not suitable for making noise in vain."

Hercia shook her head. Although she gradually understood the strength of her own talent, it was still too embarrassing for the 16-year-old to bear all this.

Maybe you will take many detours and make many mistakes before you will slowly find the right direction.

She is not a confident child, her past experience has already taught her not to speak lightly, but to do things seriously.

Seeing her appearance, the ghost girl also smiled, "It's ok, teacher, I will wait for you patiently. If one day you accidentally die, I can also resurrect you as a ghost, so keep going."

"Ah, that's too pitiful." Hercia covered her head.

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