In the interrogation room of SHIELD’s Mjolnir closed base, Coulson stood in front of Thor, who was suspected of being Thor.

“Intruder, although I don’t want to admit it, I must say that you are very strong.”

“My team members are all elites who have received the most professional training in the world.”

“But in front of you, they seem to be no different from ordinary mall security guards, which is hurtful.”

Colson said while observing Thor’s expression.

Unfortunately, apart from inexplicable sadness, Coulson did not see any other emotions on Thor’s face.

“If you are also feeling sad for them, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

“As long as you honestly explain the problem, I think they will forgive you.”

After saying that, Colson unconsciously smiled on his face. He thought the joke he just made was good.

Thor raised his head and glanced at Colson. There was no extra expression on his face except uncontrollable sadness.

At this moment, Nothing could compare to the news that his father, Odin, was dying.

“Well, it looks like you are not American and may not understand this joke.”

Looking at Thor who was still indifferent, Coulson put away his smile in embarrassment.

Since Thor is out of luck now, he is ready to take the initiative.

“Intruder, it doesn’t matter if you don’t say anything, just listen to what I have to say.”

Coulson moved closer to Thor, his eyes fixed on him.

“You are Thor, from Asgard”

“That one outside is Mjolnir, it’s your weapon.”

Thor, who had his head lowered, finally had some reaction when he heard the names Thor and Mjolnir coming from Coulson’s mouth.

“I am no longer the God of Thunder.”Thor raised his head and looked at Coulson with a sad tone.

“I know this.”Colson nodded.

“You were expelled from Asgard by Odin and exiled to Earth.”

Hearing the name Odin, the sadness on Thor’s face suddenly increased, and he even had the urge to cry.

Coulson thought Thor was sad about being exiled

“Is it because you were deprived of your divine power by Odin that you can’t pick up the hammer outside?”

Thor didn’t speak, but shook his head.

“wrong? Coulson frowned and looked at Thor, questioning:”Then since you are Thor, why can’t you pick up Mjolnir?””

Colson’s question reminded Thor of the scene when his father Odin expelled him from Asgard.

He thought of what Odin said to him, and at this moment he finally figured it out.

Picked up again Thor’s hammer was the test of Odin’s exile to Earth.

But now that he thought about it, Thor felt that it was too late.

His father, Odin, was already dying and the throne was passed to his brother Loki.

He picked up Mjolnir again, and Odin could not forgive him.

Loki had told him that in order to maintain peace between Asgard and Jotunheim, he could never return to Asgard. Even his mother, the God Queen Frigga who loved him the most, did not allow him to go back.

Now, Thor was only left with endless sadness.

Colson looked at Thor, who was sitting on the chair, his eyes unfocused. Well, he frowned.

He didn’t understand why this legendary god of thunder was so petty.

Wasn’t he just exiled?

Was n’t he just unable to pick up his hammer?

As for being so sad and decadent?

Think of Coulson, the eighth-level agent of SHIELD, whose salary has not been increased for so many years. Is he decadent? Is he complaining?

Coulson really wants to tell Thor to learn from himself.

It’s okay to reflect on yourself. Do you work hard enough?

Do you care about your superiors?

Do you maintain unity with your colleagues?

Instead of just saying”melancholy” on your face, what’s wrong with you ? I want to be the prince of melancholy!

“Thor, although you can’t lift Mjolnir now, why don’t you try to complete the test given to you by Odin?”

“Maybe if you complete the test you can become Thor again.”

Colson watched Thor follow the instructions.

As a veteran, he has led too many newcomers, and he is very familiar with this trick.

However, Thor still ignored him and was still worrying about himself.

“Sir, there’s someone outside looking for him.”

Just when Coulson was about to work harder, Sitwell, the bald agent outside the interrogation room, opened the door and came in to send a message.

Coulson glanced at Thor, who was still unresponsive, and had to turn around and go out.

“Mr. Levis?”

Colson was surprised when he saw the visitor, but he instantly greeted him with a smile on his face.

“See you again, Agent Coulson.”

Levis said hello, and Jane and Daisy were standing behind him.

Jane didn’t speak, but her eyes kept glancing behind Colson. She only cared about Thor.

Daisy followed suit, but her eyes But she was looking around with curiosity on her face.

It was her first time to come into contact with such a secret work site.

Levis briefly explained his purpose to Coulson, and then handed over the documents he had prepared. After taking the certificate, he looked at it seriously.

Coulson didn’t need to check the authenticity of this obvious fake, but now that Levi had given it to him, it must be genuine.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the one after the New York War in the original time and space. It has a detached status and can do whatever it wants.

Now that the global crisis has not yet appeared, in front of the governments of various countries, S.H.I.E.L.D. is just a chamber pot that everyone uses together, although it is very useful. , but it must not be brought to the stage.

Not to mention the expansion of rights, it is simply a beautiful idea.

Therefore, Levi easily took Thor away from Coulson and smashed the rainbow bridge. On the ground, Loki walked out with a gloomy look on his face.

If he hadn’t met that bastard angel on Earth, he might have finished contacting the Frost Giant King Laufey and returned to Asgard to happily complete his plan.

Instead of coming to this damn place to blow out the cold air at such a late hour

, Loki suddenly opened his right hand and glanced at the rune coin lying in his palm.

This was after Levis invited Loki to join the Justice League. The token given to him.

Loki could feel the specialness of the unknown gold coin in his hand.

It seemed to be engraved with a magical rune that even he didn’t recognize.

You know, Loki is different from Thor. He learned the martial arts from his father Odin, and he learned all kinds of witchcraft and magic from his mother Frigga.

It was this that made him happy and interested in this gold coin that he had originally dismissed. Interested.

Loki tossed the rune coin casually and carefully put it away.

Then he thought of the organization Levi forced him to join, and immediately pouted with disdain.

“Hey, what a bullshit Justice League, you have the nerve to invite me to join”

“I am the son of Odin, the god of trickery, and the future new king of Asgard.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to stay in Asgard? How is it possible to join a small organization of Midgardians?”

“That’s an idiot too. He even believes such words.”

“Haha, when the plan is completed, I won’t go anywhere”

“So what if that bastard angel is strong? If you have the ability, come to Asgard and find me!”

Loki wanted to laugh when he thought about the scene where that bastard angel gave him rune coins without any doubt after he agreed to join.

He thought that the guy who beat him up was so awesome, but it turned out that he had nothing to do with his idiot brother. There is no difference.

They are all the same with muscles and no brains. They are all being fooled by Loki without even realizing it.

Thinking of this, Loki suddenly wiped away the negative look on his face and became energetic again.

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