Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 602 Murderer

Late at night in New York, the weather was gloomy and dark.

The FBI's New York office is brightly lit.

The door to the interrogation room opened, and Filippo Carter was escorted in. He looked slumped and hunched over, as if he had been drained of energy.

Luke walked into the interrogation room with two sandwiches and coffee, and Amir also had a burger and coffee in his hand.

Luke sat at the interrogation table and said helplessly to Filippo Carter, "Would you like a sandwich? There's tuna and beef."

"No, thank you." Filippo Carter pursed his lips and still refused.

Luke quickly finished the two sandwiches and took a few sips of coffee to smooth things over. Amir on the side also finished his meal, and the two men officially began the interrogation.

Luke opened the information, "What's your name?"

"Filippo Carter."

"Do you know why we brought you here?"

"Is it because of the murder of Grace Bloomberg?"

"Yes, someone pointed out that you had been to the crime scene."

"Who identified me?"

"that's not important.

I want to hear your own answer. Were you at the scene when Grace Bloomberg was killed? "

“I was indeed near the scene, but I had nothing to do with Grace’s death.

I swear to God. "

Luke yawned. He didn't sleep well last night. He had another busy day today and was already a little sleepy. "I have seen too many suspects who swear to God, but this does not prevent them from committing crimes.

So, I want to know everything that happened that night and don't hide it so I can help you. "

Filippo Carter's eyes turned red, "Do you really believe what I say?"

"If you had a legitimate reason to be there, we have no reason not to believe that."

Filippo Carter held his mouth with his right hand and pinched his nose, looking a little embarrassed, "I am an employee of Venus Club, and Grace is a VIP customer of Venus Club and also my service partner.

On the night of October 3rd, I received a call from my boss..."

Amir interrupted him, "Who is the boss you are talking about?"

"Mia Carioca."

"go on."

"Mia Carioca told me that Grace and her husband had a fight and she was in a bad mood now, and asked me to calm her down.

I arrived at the appointed place, at the foot of Mount Most.

Grace also arrived in her red Porsche convertible, and then I rode her car halfway up the mountain.

I asked her what happened and why she was upset.

She said she had a big quarrel with her husband, but she refused to talk about the content of the quarrel. I knew these big shots had secrets, and knowing too much would do me no good, so I didn’t ask.

Just say some comforting words to make her happy.

Then she kissed me.

We had a relationship naturally...

Afterwards, she calmed down and said she was worried about being seen by others, so she asked me to leave by myself. "Filippo Carter shrugged and said helplessly, "We were halfway up the mountain and I didn't drive. I was really helpless at that moment, but I had no choice. I put on my pants and walked down the mountain along the road.

At that time, I felt very embarrassed, like a tool that had been used and thrown directly into the trash can.

I walked along the road down the mountain for a long time, but there was no car at all. Even if there were a car, no stranger would give me a ride at night, and the road down the mountain was still long.

So, I decided to retrace my steps and take Grace’s car down the mountain.

After that, I saw a terrible scene. "Filippo Carter rubbed his hair with his hands and continued to recall,

“After I returned along the original road, I found that the red Porsche sports car was still there. I was quite happy at first, thinking about how to persuade Grace to let her take me down the mountain.

However, as I got closer, I noticed something was wrong.

I found a stranger next to the red Porsche sports car. The man was wearing black clothes and a mask. He was stained with red blood, which was very dazzling under the light of the car lights.

I was startled, my legs were weak, and I couldn't run even if I wanted to, so I just lay on the ground.

Fortunately, the light was relatively dark where I was, so the other party didn't see me.

Then, I saw the man in black clothes pick up a travel bag from the ground and walk up the mountain.

I crawled into the grass on the side of the road, still not daring to go over.

After a while, a car drove down the mountain road.

I suspected that the car was probably driven by the murderer, but I didn't dare to look at it for fear that the other party would find me. It wasn't until the car drove past that I saw it was a black car.

The car drove very fast and disappeared after turning a corner.

After that, it took a long time before I calmed down and walked over to the Porsche sports car to check it out.

I was so scared that I almost peed.

Grace was lying on the ground, covered in blood, both of her arms had been cut off, her appearance was hideous and terrifying, so terrifying.

I still can't forget that scene.

This is why I went to stay at another client's house. On the one hand, it was because I had no place to hide, and on the other hand, I didn't dare to sleep alone.

As soon as I close my eyes, I will think of that terrible scene.

I shouldn't have gone that night..."

Luke asked, "Since you found Grace Bloomberg's body, why didn't you call the police?"

“I was freaking out, completely panicked.

I immediately thought of Mia Carioca and called her to tell her.

It was she who asked me not to call the police. She also said that Grace was a big shot and her death would affect the club's business.

Moreover, if the police cannot catch the murderer, they will probably blame me.

He told me to leave the scene of the crime quickly and go hide somewhere else. He also said that he would pay me my salary as usual and come back to work in the club after a while. "

Luke confirmed, "Is it really Mia Carioca who stopped you from calling the police?"

"I swear, everything I said is true."

Luke looked serious, "But it's you who ultimately makes the decision.

If you had called the police, things would have been easier than they are now. "

“I’m sorry, I was freaking out.

I'm also worried that the police won't believe me. "

Amir asked, "Why are you afraid of something you have never done?"

"I had a relationship with Grace, and I knew her husband was the mayor of New York.

If he knew about it.


He will definitely not let me go. "

Amir curled his lips, "Few of those rich people are clean, many of them are superficial couples, each playing their own way.

I feel like Grace Bloomberg’s husband should have known. "

"I understand what you mean. Grace also said that her husband also has a woman outside and doesn't care much about her.

But knowing it in your heart is one thing.

It's one thing to be exposed in public.

If word got out about me and Grace, the mayor of New York would be a laughing stock and the whole world would be talking about it at parties.

Do you think he will let me go?

I am dead. "

"We found a bloody footprint at the scene, is it yours?"

"Yes, I was so panicked that I accidentally stepped on blood."

"The medical examiner found genetic material in the body of the deceased Grace. Is it yours?"

"Yes, we used to use condoms, but Grace was not in a very good mood that night, she was very crazy."

Luke pressed, "Why did Grace fight with her husband?"

Filippo Carter shook his head, "I really don't know."

Luke touched his chin and said, "Filippo, the current situation is not good for you.

We need your help to provide some valuable clues so that we can catch the suspect as soon as possible. "

Filippo Carter swallowed, "What will happen to me if I can't catch the suspect?"

Luke said, "Don't think too much now. As long as the murderer is caught, your innocence will naturally be proven."

Filippo Carter's eyes were red and his hands were trembling, "It's impossible for me not to think too much. I...I'm really innocent."

"Look, I believe you.

I know you are not a murderer.

But we now need a direction for the investigation so we can find the real murderer. Luke comforted, "Man, you should believe me too."

Recall the details of that night, especially the clues about the murderer, physical characteristics, mask, murder weapon, etc. "

Filippo Carter nodded quickly, "Thank you, I will think about it carefully." He took a deep breath and recalled, "It was very dark that night, and the only light was the car lights.

The man was wearing black clothes. The specific style was unclear. He looked like a man in shape. The mask was also black, with red symbols painted on it. "

Amir interrupted, "What kind of symbol?"

"A circular symbol, not just a circle, I don't know how to describe it?"

Amir looked through the pile of information and found a photo, "Is it this symbol?"

Filippo Carter nodded, "It seems so."

Amir whispered to Luke, "When Bloody Hand Mike committed the crime, he was wearing this style of mask."

Luke nodded, "Do you remember other characteristics of the murderer? Such as hairstyle and color."

Filippo Carter shook his head, "It's too far away and the light is not good. This is all I can see."

"What time did you see the murderer?"

"Around ten o'clock in the evening."

"Please carefully recall the black car driven by the suspected murderer."

Filippo Carter pinched his forehead, "The car is black. I can't see the specific logo clearly. However, the car does not have a license plate, or the license plate is blocked, at least I didn't see it."

Luke noted the characteristics of the car and asked, "Can you tell what kind of car it is?"

"Sorry, I can't tell."

Amir took out a tablet and clicked a few times. "The FBI database has the styles and types of all cars. You can see which style is more similar among these cars."

Filippo Carter took the tablet and examined it carefully. After a long time, he pointed at a black Lexus car and said, "This model looks very similar."

Through Filippo Carter's description, Luke quickly identified the tracking target. The murderer was suspected to be a male, driving a black Lexus sedan with a covered or no license plate, driving down the mountainside from Moster Mountain around 10 p.m.

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