Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 409 Invitation

Luke uses a precision card and fires three shots in a row.

The first shot hit the right wrist, the second scraped the left arm and hit the wall, and the third hit the left arm.

Mamba's hands drooped, and the M4 in his hand fell to the ground.

Luke glanced around and saw no other figures, then Luke stepped forward quickly and kicked away the M4 on the ground.

Mamba's hands drooped, staring fiercely at Luke.

Anthony also got up from the ground and rushed into the villa. Seeing the gunshot wound on Mamba's arm, he had a look of surprise on his face.

Sudden shooting, even well-trained police officers and detectives will be confused.

Luke was able to remain vigilant and counterattack while the shooter was changing magazines, which required great courage and mobility.

If he was ten years younger, Anthony might have had this aggressiveness and courage, but now he can only follow behind Luke.

If Luke's counterattack surprised him, then the gunshot wound on Mamba's arm made him admire.

In that moment of crisis, most police officers and detectives would choose to punch the chest and empty the magazine, even he did the same.

This method is the safest and safest.

Because the other party also has a gun, if you can't kill or subdue the other party in the first place, then you may be the one who died.

It's more likely to hit the chest than the wrist or arm, and it's easier to shoot an enemy than subdue them.

No matter from which point of view, shooting to the chest is the first choice, and the vast majority of police officers and detectives will also choose this method.

Of course, this is not to say that hitting the arm is wrong.

On the contrary, the professor was not caught and the oil painting was not found. At this time, the Mamba died and the clues were cut off.

Therefore, it is best for Mamba to live, and it is also the best choice to beat her arm and make her lose the ability to shoot.

But this optimal choice is too difficult, and the price of failure is to be counter-killed.

Anthony will choose this optimal solution only when he is confident.

Anthony and Luke have known each other for a long time. They cooperate and compete with each other. Based on his understanding of Luke, the other party is not a reckless person who likes to play a hero, otherwise he would not be promoted to robbery so quickly. The captain of the First Squadron of the Murder Division.

Well, there is only one result, Luke has full confidence in subduing Mamba.

That's great.

In all fairness, Anthony felt that he couldn't do it, and even the best field workers rarely did it.

These thoughts passed by in a flash, and now is not the time to be in a daze.

Other police officers and detectives also rushed into the villa and captured the injured Mamba.

Luke continued to search the villa with several police officers. Although they came to arrest Mamba, who can guarantee that Mamba is the only one in the house, if there are other gunmen sneak attacking, the fun will be great.



"No suspicious persons were found."

After a search, no gunman was found, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the police officers and detectives were more flexible, recalling the scene just now, they couldn’t help but feel a little scared. Mamba is definitely a fierce woman. David Marko was shot twice in the chest, and two police officers held him down. His chest had stopped bleeding, and it was unknown if he could survive.

Other police officers and detectives were also injured. Fortunately, everyone was wearing body armor and there was a wooden wall blocking them, so the injuries were not serious.

If so, it also makes them lose face.

Thinking of Luke subduing Mamba single-handedly, everyone looked at him with a little more awe. Everyone present had experienced real guns and live ammunition, and knew how critical the situation was at that time. It was not easy to kill the opponent, let alone subdue him.

No wonder he was able to become the captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division at such a young age.

Really a great character.

Mamba was arrested, but Luke did not stay idle. Many police officers and detectives were injured at the scene and needed to be hospitalized.

At the same time, suspects Mamba and David Marko will be escorted to the hospital.

"Captain, there is a discovery here." Jenny waved at Luke.

When Anthony heard the greeting, he went over ahead of Luke, "What did you find?"

Jenny rolled her eyes, led the two of them into the cloakroom, and opened the innermost cabinet. Instead of clothes, there were a lot of weapons, such as pistols, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenades, daggers, body armor, etc. , all kinds of firearms are available.

Anthony praised, "It's so beautiful."

"That's right." Luke picked up a shotgun and tried it out. "Fortunately, that woman wasn't prepared enough, otherwise the police would have suffered even more casualties."

Anthony picked up a dagger and gestured a few times, "I've always wanted to install a similar arsenal at home."

Luke looked at the crow's feet in the corner of each other's eyes, "I thought you already had it."

Anthony said, "I'm too busy, and this idea has been in the stage of thinking."

Luke smiled. He also had a similar plan, but the rented house is not easy to make major changes. When he buys his own house, he will definitely build a gun store.


next morning.

In Ward 408 of Queen Mary Hospital.

Mamba was lying on the bed with his feet handcuffed to the railing of the hospital bed.

"Crackling..." Luke pushed the door open and walked in.

Mamba turned his head and looked over, his originally loose gaze became sharp.

Luke greeted, "Hi, I heard your surgery went well, how are you feeling now?"

"It's not that good." Mamba tried to raise his arm and snorted, "However, your marksmanship is not bad."

"It's okay, a little better than you." Lu pulled a chair and sat down.

Mamba curled his lips, "If I wasn't changing clips, you would be the one who died."

"If you didn't change the magazine, I wouldn't rush in, let alone hit your arm."

"Then I want to thank you for your kindness."

"Just answer my questions well."

The black woman Mamba laughed, "You are easy to please."

Luke spread his hands, "You're not my type."

"That's why you can hit so accurately?"

Luke smiled and glanced at his watch, "The doctor has limited visiting hours, we have to talk about business.

May I have your name? "

"Arnia Osei."

Luke said, "In the early morning of December 30th, were you involved in the Getty Museum oil painting robbery?"

Anya Osei was silent.

"The famous 'black' Mamba dares to fight the police, but dare not tell the truth?"

"Is this the aggressive method?"

"I'm just stating the facts, the other gangs involved in the oil painting robbery have been arrested, even if you don't admit it, they will still point you out.

I don't think you need to cover up. "

Arnia Osei took a deep breath, "Yes, I was involved in the painting robbery."

"Where's the painting?"

"I don't know, oil painting is handled by the professor."

"How did you deal with it?"

"Sold it, and I split $600,000."

"Does that include the cost of killing the police officer Jens Jauregui?"

Arnia Osei pursed his thick lips, "Yes, I killed Jens Jauregui too."

"Why kill him?"

"It's the professor's order."

"Jens Jauregui was shot twice and you fired four at the scene. You're a terrible shooter."

Ania Osei smiled, "I did it on purpose.

The first two shots killed Jens Jauregui, the remaining two were intentionally missed.

Did you think the shooter was a rookie? "

Luke nodded, "Where's the murder weapon?"

"In my armory, it's a silver pistol, beautiful, custom made, I love it."

"The police found one of your strongholds in the Dalman community. There was an explosion while searching the house. Was it you who installed the bomb?"

"No, not me."

"Who is that?"

"I have no idea."

"Lying is not a good habit."

Arnia Osei smiled. "It's the professor."

"You're not good at lying."

"OK, I installed it."

"Why did you do that?"

"Professor's order."

"Where is the professor?"

"I really do not know."

"If I knew where he was, he wouldn't be a real professor."

"Do you have any clues about the painting?"


"How long did you get the money after you robbed the painting?"

"January 1st, morning."

"Is it all cash?"


Although Arnia Osei could not provide clues about the oil paintings, the time when they got the money was also a clue.

The oil painting was robbed in the early morning of December 30, and it was exchanged for money only one day later. This speed is too fast, which shows that the professor has found a buyer in advance, which is consistent with his previous guess.

Arnia Osei asked, "How is David Marko?"

"He has been rescued, and his life is not in danger now."

Anya Osei smiled, with a gloomy expression, "What a lucky bastard."

Luke doesn't know if David Marko is considered lucky, but the nickname 'Black' Mamba is not for nothing, it is indeed cruel enough.

After completing the notes, Luke returned to the police station and went directly to the chief's office to report the situation.

After identification by the technical team, the silver pistol found in Arnia Osei's armory was the murder weapon that killed Jens Jauregui and Kiru Jones.

The murderer and the murder weapon of the Highway 1 dumping case and the police shooting case have been found, and the case can enter the closing stage.

However, the current whereabouts of the principal culprit of the oil painting robbery, the professor, is unknown and he is at large.

The ten stolen oil paintings are also missing.

In response to these two situations, Luke held a case summary meeting after returning to the office.

First, he collected all the clues about the professor. It is known that the professor is a white man with a medium build, blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a black-rimmed glasses, and a bushy beard. He has some problems with his right leg and walks a little bit lame.

Luke also made criminal investigation sketches for several gangs, and had a basic understanding of the professor's image, so that he would not pass by each other.

Luke asked the deputy team about two other suspected oil painting 'buyers', and the deputy team didn't find any major problems.

For a while, the clues to the professor and the oil painting were cut off.



Luke returned home and took a hot bath, and didn't think about the case of the painting being robbed.

He has been staring at the case all this time, with little time to rest.

Although the case has not been fully solved, Reid and the police leaders are very satisfied with the progress of the case.

Luke, too, could catch his breath and let himself relax.

Soak in a hot bath, drink red wine, let the brain empty.

He always felt that he seemed to have missed some clues...


Can't think about the case.

Luke pulled his thoughts back, opened the mobile phone software, and prepared to read a novel.

He likes to read novels, but his taste is rather tricky, and he only reads high-quality goods.

It is very enjoyable and exciting to find your favorite book among thousands of libraries.

But at the same time, it is also distressing, because once he finds a novel he likes, he will be addicted to it, and even read it all night.

You will definitely feel sleepy and uncomfortable the next day.

happy and miserable.

"Jingle Bell……"

Luke's cell phone rang, and the number displayed on the screen was his father Li Zhaofeng.

"Hello, Dad."

"Luke, are you off work?

I heard from Jack that you are very busy recently? "

"Indeed, there are two or three cases backlogged in my hand, and it's almost done today. I'm at home now, is there anything wrong?"

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, can you take a vacation?

I want to invite you and Jack to New York for the New Year. "

Luke counted, "I should be fine, I can ask for leave."

"How about booking your plane tickets for January 19th?"


"Your grandpa and grandma will be very happy to know."

"I'm also looking forward to seeing you soon."

"OK, you should rest early."

"Good night."

Luke hung up the phone and sighed softly. Although he was a close relative, he hadn't seen him for a long time, and muttered, "New York."

Get the case done before then.


Black Gil Bar.

The bar is brightly lit, people are drinking, some are talking, and some are writhing on the dance floor, and everyone looks very happy.

At a small round table in the corner, sat a man and a woman.

The man is a white man with a height of about 180, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses and no beard.

The woman is a black man with a ponytail, average appearance and a hot figure.

The two were drinking and talking in low voices.

Not far away, a black man walked over unsteadily, holding a wine glass in his hand, looking like he had drunk too much.

The black man sat next to the black woman with ponytails and looked at her hot body, "Hey, your eyes are very similar to my first love, can I buy you a drink?"

The black ponytail woman glanced at her, "Do I know you?"

"I didn't know each other before, but now I can. Let me introduce, my name is Marcus."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in the eyes of the white man on the side, "Hey, she has a companion, let's change her position."


Who let you white bastard talk.

I'm asking her, not you. "

The white man stared at Marcus with a cold look.

"I can handle it." The ponytailed woman waved her hand, signaling the white man to be calm, and then looked at Marcus, "You want to pick me up?"

"Hey, is it that obvious?"

"Not only is it obvious, but it's also very old-fashioned and very good." The ponytailed woman took a sip of her wine and licked her thick lips. "Let's be honest, I'm not interested in you."

"Oh, you are also very direct."

"Now that we've made it clear, can it not affect my drinking?"

Marcus didn't want to give up, "Hey, why not try again, maybe it's better than you think."

"How do you want to try? Are you here? Can you wake up?" The ponytailed woman was provocative.

"Haha, I like your character. I am very good at divination. My mother said that I have Gilsay blood. I can help you with divination to see if we are suitable."

The girl with the ponytail straightened her plump breasts, "OK, then you can do a fortune telling for me, and if you are right, I'll buy you a drink.

If not, please leave.

How about it? "

"Deal." Marcus agreed with a smile.

"How do you want to do divination?"

"Give me your hand?"

The ponytailed woman showed a puzzled look, "Are you sure you are looking at the hand, not the Tarot?"

The white man on the side smiled and said, "He just wants to touch your hand, it's too old-fashioned.

I haven't used this routine since I was in high school. "

"Shut up, you goddamn white guy." Marcus said harshly with a grim look on his face.

"Then let's do divination quickly." The ponytailed woman interrupted the two of them and put her hands on the table.

Marcus took a look, "You should be a policeman."

"Police?" The ponytailed woman smiled, looking at the calluses on her hands from practicing marksmanship, "Then which department do you think I belong to?"

Marcus pretended to think, "Robbery and Murder Division."

The faces of the ponytailed woman and her white companions changed.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Marcus became very playful. These two were the fake police detectives he had been looking for.

He said to the white man beside him, "Do you want me to do a fortune-telling for you?"

The white man's smile was a bit forced, "OK, let's try."

"You are also from the Robbery and Murder Department." Marcus pointed to the white man, then to the ponytailed woman, "You two are partners."

With a tentative tone, the white man touched his waist with his right hand, "Continue talking."

Marcus waved his hand and warned, "Hey, Detective Jada Landis, don't move around, put your hands on the table, or you will die."

The faces of the white man and the ponytailed woman became very ugly.

The ponytail girl was sweating profusely, fidgeting, but she didn't dare to move. She felt that there was someone approaching around her, and there was more than one person, who was not kind.

"Who are you?"

"Murder Division, Captain Marcus."

It's the end of the month, everyone who has a monthly pass, don't keep it.

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

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