Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 646 Dragon City Falls, Teleportation Formation Opens! (superior)

Mobei Dragon City, the Han army went forward and attacked this important city!

Chutian and Tongque supervised the battle, and the cavalry of Subotai and Muhuali were harassing around, so the Han army could not concentrate on attacking the city.

Time is very tight for Chu Tian and others. In the east, five emperor-level enemies are marching towards Mobei Dragon City in command of troops!

"Let us go to the Beifu army."

Tongque was a little nervous. After all, he knew that a strong enemy was approaching, and he had to take down this city as soon as possible!

Xie Xuan's Beifu Army took over the siege, and tens of thousands of white-robed infantry, under the cover of archers, attacked Mobei Dragon City with simple siege equipment.

Although the Mongol Empire had civilized features such as riding, archery, and grazing, the cities it built were not as strong as those in the Central Plains, and they were in danger under the continuous offensive of the Han army.

When attacking the city, a small number of chariots were transformed into chariots by craftsmen to cover the archers and infantry approaching the city.

Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Chen Qingzhi led the White Robe Army to fight Subotai and Mu Huali. Wei Qing's Yulin Army cooperated with the White Robe Army. The two sides fought outside Mobei Dragon City from time to time.

"Dian Wei, Cheng Zhijie, Yu Chigong, Tai Shici and others participated in the siege."

Chu Tian mobilized a group of powerful generals, threw in the powerful generals, and forcibly captured the city.

Although the siege may lead to the death of famous generals, but at this time don't care so much.

The Han army continued to attack like a tide, and Mobei Dragon City was on the verge of falling under the attack of the Han army.

Dian Wei personally put on heavy armor and went into battle with two halberds in hand, leading a group of heavy armored infantry to climb the city wall.

The four major women stood under the city to supervise the battle, and the Jianyan crossbowmen equipped with divine arm bows and other high-level infantry and crossbowmen suppressed the defenders.

The crossbow arrows fired by the divine arm bow covered the city, and the defenders fell under the dense rain of arrows.

"If necessary, we will also participate in the siege."

Hua Mulan, Mu Guiying, Liang Hongyu, and Fan Lihua looked at each other. Even female generals were basically treated equally in the Chutian camp.

The battle in Mobei Dragon City spread to both sides of the battlefield. The Mongolian army guarding the city was equipped with western ballistas. Some giant ballistas used the torsion of the bowstring to fire arrows. Infantry spike!

On the walls of Mobei Dragon City, twenty giant ballistas were deployed, causing huge losses to the attacking Han army.

"Tabuchet, hurry up!"

The Han army attacking the city used the parts of the trebuchets carried by the military vehicles to make trebuchets. Large trebuchets stood on the periphery of Mobei Dragon City, and Liu Ye's siege equipment was added to bombard Mobei Dragon City!

The Beifu army replaced Zhou Yafu's army and the Guards army, set about storming the city, and divided a group of soldiers into digging tunnels.

This time, the Han army also used fireballs and smoke. Stones and fireballs fell all over the sky, and smoke billowed in Mobei Longcheng.

After returning to Guannei, Chutian asked people to collect relevant manufacturing drawings and craftsmen who could produce stones and fireballs. The soldiers brought them to Mobei to participate in the manufacture of siege equipment and materials, and continuously bombarded the city.

In several battles in the Western Regions, Temujin’s Mongolian army relied on the possession of Xiangyang artillery to attack Yumenguan, Luntai City and other cities and passes. This time, even without Xiangyang artillery, Chutian used similar methods to reverse Deal with the city occupied by the Mongolian army!

Ordinary large-scale trebuchets are not as powerful as Xiangyang cannons, so they should be piled up in quantity,

In exchange for the lack of power!

From time to time, fireballs burst on the city wall, and the fire spread to the surroundings. The pain suffered by the defenders of Yumen Pass and Luntai City in the past is now suffered by the defenders of Luntai Mobei Dragon City.

The fire was raging, and the defenders were miserable. They had to fight the Han army while putting out the fire.

The Beifu army's offensive was more violent than the defenders had imagined. The Beifu army's fierce general Liu Laozhi climbed onto the city wall, fought with the defenders, held up his shield to block the stabbing spears, and killed more than ten soldiers in a row, causing blood to splatter.

The Mongolian defenders seemed to be aware of the high force of the Han general, and a commander led hundreds of defenders to besiege Liu Laozhi.

Liu Laozhi and several Beifu soldiers who ascended the city formed a moon formation and fought against the defenders. The Beifu army in the rear climbed up the ladder and continued to support Liu Laozhi.

"The strength of the Han army's siege seems to be somewhat beyond our imagination. If this continues, Mobei Dragon City may be captured!"

Subotai and Mu Huali, who were confronting the White Robe Legion and Habayashi Legion on the outskirts, could see black smoke billowing in the sky above Mobei Dragon City, frowning.

The Han army's offensive was more violent than they imagined, so that Mobei Dragon City was more critical and easier to fall than imagined.

Chu Tian and others have begun to forcibly capture Mobei Dragon City at any cost.

Opposite Subotai and Mu Huali were the White Robe Army of Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Chen Qingzhi, and the Habayashi Army of Wei Qing and Xue Wanche.

The two legions were eyeing each other, Subotai and Mu Huali tried to attack the White Robe Legion and the Habayashi Legion with cavalry, and more than 100,000 cavalry fought in melee!

"It's spectacular..."

Under the protection of the guard Xiao Moke, the Tongque climbed up and looked at the entire battlefield. Two large cavalry regiments were fighting. The white robe regiment and the Habayashi regiment were mainly white, while the cavalry of Subotai and Muhuali were mainly black. , the two armies of black and white are fighting each other, and the desert near Dragon City is used as a chessboard.

"Maybe the inspiration of Go comes from the military array."

Seeing the two cavalrymen playing a game like black and white chess pieces, Tongque couldn't help but think of Go.

When the military strength of both sides exceeds 200,000, many of them are high-level cavalry, the role of personal force is not so great.

Baizi, the representative of the Han army, was blocking Heizi, the representative of the Mongolian army, to buy time for the attacking Han army to revitalize the situation!

"Light the torches and attack the city day and night!"

At night in Mobei, when the defenders thought that the strong offensive was about to stop, Chu Tian ordered the soldiers to light fires under the city and attack in batches, truly non-stop day and night!

Under the crazy offensive, the number of defenders in the city is rapidly declining.

Chu Tian stood under the city, looking at the soldiers who were constantly dying in battle with his hands behind his back. Although his heart was bleeding, this was the price of war. All soldiers, including himself, were chips.

"The Eagles of the Left Route Army sent information, asking if reinforcements are needed!"

"Has the left army entered Hara and Lin?!"

When Chu Tian learned that the left army had contacted his own right army, the first thing he wanted was not to ask for reinforcements, but to know the progress of the left army.

The progress of the right army has been delayed, and we can only hope that the progress of the left army is consistent with that of the central army, otherwise the central army will be fighting alone.

The iron eagle scout replied: "The left army has entered Hara and Lin and is preparing to attack Hara and Lin. Halla and Lin have hoarded a large number of soldiers, ballistas and trebuchets. The commander of the left army is worried that they will not be able to capture them for a while. Hara and Lin, please ask the lord if you need support from the left army!"


Chu Tian was worried that his troops would not be strong enough to fight against the Allied Forces of the Five Emperors from the east, when Lao Qin contacted him suddenly, presumably he had already noticed the sequence of Temujin's attack.

"Send the Monan Legion to join me."

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Tian decided to transfer the Monan Legion, which lacked the aura of the whole army, to his command to participate in the battle against the Allied Forces of the Five Emperors.

The Monan Army has Li Mu, Di Qing, Gongsun Zan, um... and the famous general Zhao Kuo. If there are 100,000 Monan Army to support the Central Route Army, then he has a better chance of winning against the Five Emperors' Allied Forces.

As for Yue Fei, staying in Hara and Lin put pressure on Temujin, making Temujin dare not leave Hara and Lin easily.

Once Temujin left Hara and Lin, without Temujin's restraint, the combination of Yue Fei and Lao Qin might take the opportunity to capture Hara and Lin, leading to the expulsion of the Mongol Empire.

The Tie Ying scout immediately went down to report to the left army.

With the speed of the war eagle, it is estimated that Lao Qin will soon receive the request for help from the Central Route Army, and dispatch 100,000 Monan cavalry to support the Central Route Army and fight the enemy together with the Central Route Army.

"At any cost, we must take this city!"

Seeing the majestic Mobei Dragon City, Chu Tian wanted to conquer this city more and more. Then it would be his second time to occupy the Holy Land of Dragon City.

Subutai and Mu Huali also killed red eyes. They gradually realized that Mobei Dragon City might not be able to hold on until the arrival of the Allied Forces of the Five Emperors, so they desperately fought against the White Robe Army and the Habayashi Army, and many thousands and hundreds of households were killed.

The White Robe Army and the Habayashi Army took the risk of being severely injured to contain Subotai and Mu Huali. The two sides fought non-stop day and night, and tens of thousands of cavalry were killed on both sides!

Generals such as Dian Wei and the Four Great Heroines have successively launched fierce sieges!

Sun Jian took Jiangdong's eight generals to join the battle, and Jiangdong's disciples were attached to the city wall!

Among the princes at the end of the Han Dynasty, Sun Jian was regarded as the prince who dared to fight. He took the initiative to rush to the forefront almost at any time, even if he was a prince.

Even Chutian had to admire Sun Jian's style.

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