Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1270 Liaodong Army VS England Kingdom Army

Cromwell's New Model Army was an elite regiment from the British Civil War in the 17th century. Under the command of Cromwell, the New Model Army launched an attack on the positions of the Liaodong Army in an attempt to break the siege of the Liaodong Army.

There was originally a conflict between the New Model Army and the King, but in the face of common interests, Cromwell's New Model Army and the King of England shared the same hatred.

The cavalry of the New Model Army - horse-riding arquebusiers galloped left and right in the military formation.

In addition to the dragoons, there were also a large number of elite cavalry and infantry who launched the offensive.

Edward the Black Prince's English longbowmen moved behind the New Model Army, working with the musketeers to provide long-range firepower.

Opposite the British Royal Army is the brave and capable Liaodong Army from the east.

The Liaodong Army had two generals who gave the English Army a headache, namely Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, both of the Ming Empire's imperial twins.

Xu Da and Chang Yuchun each commanded a cavalry group, and their fighting prowess was no less than that of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

Mingguan himself was also a cavalry commander.

Le Yi commanded Yan Jia, and Li Chenggui commanded the Goryeo long archers to form the central army.

Li Chenggui was highly regarded among the generals of the servant army. At the same time, he was also a general of the bow system. He was a perfect match for the Le Yi Legion of heavy armored infantry.

They want to eat the British Royal Army.

The Royal Army of England gathered generals from the Seven Kingdoms era and the Hundred Years' War, as well as a small number of generals from the English Civil War. Its weight was almost equivalent to a state in the Han Empire.

"Although there are many enemies, they will be defeated...Breakthrough on both wings!"

Mingguan took the spear from the guard and gave the order to attack.

The battle flag of the Liaodong Army was waved and the order to attack was issued.


Two fierce generals, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, each commanded cavalry and launched raids from the left and right wings to attack Cromwell's New Model Army!


Liaodong cavalry galloped, sand and dust flew, and the earth trembled!

Da da da……

Xu Da and Chang Yuchun participated in the war with Chutian forces for the second time.

Last time, the two turned against each other in a decisive battle in the river and defeated the Golden Family. This time they faced the Royal Army of England, which they had never fought before!

"Push these English barbarians into the river!"

After the two powerful generals Xu Da and Chang Yuchun were dispatched, Mingguan personally commanded a cavalry as a reserve team to provide support.

"go ahead!"

Le Yi made people beat the war drums, the 10,000 Yanjia legions remained sharp, and the black front slowly moved forward.

"Goryeo Army, follow Yan Jia and advance!"

The head coach of the Koryo Army, Li Chenggui, led the elite legion of Koryo to follow Yan Jia and move forward.

Edward, the Black Prince, and Li Chenggui, King of Goryeo, two archery generals, respectively provided bow and arrow support to the two hostile camps.

Two armies are approaching quickly.


The musketeers of the New Model Army began to load black powder after the Yanjia Corps was about to enter the range of the matchlocks.

Rows of musketeers held matchlock guns, aiming at the approaching Yanjia Legion.

Cromwell is riding on a war horse, wearing a breastplate and a sword at his waist.

He was sizing up the approaching Yan Jia Legion.

The reloading of the matchlock gun is slow and must cause maximum damage to the Yan Jia Legion in the shortest time.


When the Yanjia Legion entered the shooting range, the New Model Army's matchlock muskets fired a volley. The pungent smoke filled the air, and a row of Yanjia fell down in response!

"Advance the whole army and break through the enemy's formation!"

Le Yi asked people to speed up the rhythm of the drum beating, and Yan Jia moved faster, braving the New Model Army's volley of muskets to attack the enemy's formation!

Facing the musketeers, we can only fight hand to hand regardless of the cost!

The Yanjia Legion had enough discipline to survive Cromwell's triple shot, but they still did not collapse and continued to charge forward!

"Spearmen, enter!"

About to engage in hand-to-hand combat, the spearmen protecting the musketeers stepped forward to engage Yan Jia in close combat!

The musketeers were anxiously loading black powder and continuing to kill Yan Jia.

Xu Da and Chang Yuchun's cavalry have arrived.

Fight with the New Model Army, English Knights and other cavalry units! !

Xu Da and Chang Yuchun each held a spear and took the lead, charging into the enemy's formation and then fighting their way out!

Military generals such as Mingguan, Li Chengliang, Li Wenzhong, and Zhu Neng also came to the battlefield in person to fight fiercely with the enemy and kill the powerful enemy with their own hands.

Mingguan and his subordinates were very crazy and proud of being in the battle themselves, following Li Shimin's style.

Mingguan was once a strong enemy recognized by Chutian.

As an enemy of Mingguan, it was extremely painful to be attacked by the opponent's cavalry regardless of the cost.

Although the Royal Army of England had firearms, under the Liaodong Army's assault at all costs, they quickly fell into the situation that the Liaodong Army was most happy to see - a melee!

The Liaodong Army was like a group of lunatics, fighting to the death with the Royal Army of England.

Tens of thousands of English longbowmen fired arrows, and the dense rain of arrows penetrated the Yanjia and Goryeo soldiers, leaving corpses everywhere.

Li Chenggui's Goryeo longbowmen fired at the same time, and a group of English infantry and cavalry also fell.

Ming Guan's eyes were red, and he held a spear to assassinate. He had personally killed dozens of English knights.

"For the glory of the empire on which the sun never sets!"

King Charles of England, commanding the Knights of the Round Table, joined the melee to support Cromwell and Edward who were struggling.

Youzhou Cavalry and Hongwu Cavalry fought against the ninth-level Knights of the Round Table!

The Knights of the Round Table were like heavy trucks, ramming into the Liaodong Army!

King Charles of England drew out his jewel-encrusted sword and killed him himself!

Armies clash, king versus king!

Intensive fire of matchlocks sounded, and two musketeers lined up in a dense formation to shoot.

The Spanish Grand Square and the Shenji Battalion exchanged fire, and people were constantly killed in the musketry lines on both sides.

"The cavalry troops are dispatched!"

Huo An commanded the cavalry of the Western Region Protectorate to attack!

Ban Chao commanded the nomadic cavalry in the river to dispatch!

At the same time, the Tubo cavalry, commander of the Tubo Army's Lun Qinling, joined the attack!

While the two musketeer regiments were shooting at each other, the cavalry from both sides were fighting!

The Spanish Knights of Santiago are equipped with extremely defensive plate armor, while Juan's cavalry is mainly light cavalry.

"Luring the enemy!"

Chen Tang led the light cavalry to lure the Knights of Santiago, while in the rear, Ban Chao's nomadic cavalry laid a trap.

Facing the cumbersome plate armor knights, the light cavalry used the most classic ambush tactic of luring the enemy into their own ambush.

The Knights of Santiago easily defeated Chen Tang's vanguard, and Chen Tang pretended to be defeated and fell back.

The Spanish plate knights pursued forward.

In the rear, Tang Dynasty fierce general Li Siye held the Mo Dao and led the Tang Dynasty Mo Dao team. They emerged from the ambush and slashed the horse's legs with the Mo Dao!

The light cavalry ambushing on the left and right came out and fired their strong bows!

The San Diego Knights are on their feet!

"Fall back!"

Queen Isabella was in danger and commanded the plate knights to fight and retreat...

On the frontal battlefield, Alexander's partner cavalry collided with Chutian's cavalry army. Alexander felt Chutian's pressure and directly activated the "King's Force", which consumed his lifespan and had an effect covering the entire battlefield.

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