Chutian successively attacked five towns in Bayangdu County and handed over all five towns to the Wolfxing Guild. The guild's lord ceded three towns in the northern part of Kaiyang County to Chutian as compensation.

When the coalition forces marched towards Zhanhun Town, Taishan thief Chang Xi intervened in the war between the two guilds and ordered Chutian to go to Zhanhun Town to negotiate.

"A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger."

Chu Tian was not fooled.

But he had to consider the consequences of the intervention of the Taishan thief forces.

Taishan thieves are a big force entrenched in Xu, Qing, and Yanzhou, and they have many branches. They provoke Changxi and may destroy Chutian's plan to take Kaiyang County first.

And the most important thing is that with the current strength, it may not be possible to beat tens of thousands of Taishan thieves.

Even if Cao Cao faced the Taishan thieves, he mainly focused on appeasement.

"Chang Xi took the initiative to ask us to reconcile with the Battle Spirit Guild, what do you think?"

Chutian informed the lords of the Wolf Guild of this news.

The lords of the Wolf Guild, including the president Xue Yue, did not look very good-looking.

Chang Xi of Yangdu County stood up. They did not have the strength to fight against tens of thousands of Taishan thieves. Behind Chang Xi, there are Zang Ba, Sun Guan and other Taishan thieves, all of whom responded.

Xue Yue pondered for a while: "It's really not possible, let's stop the war with them for the time being. After we upgrade to the city and have the ability to fight against Chang Xi, we will tie the Battle Spirit Guild in one fell swoop. We have already captured five of their towns, and they only have The next twelve towns will lose their strength."

Other lords also deduced: "We originally had twelve towns, and we got two towns, for a total of fourteen towns. In addition to your towns, Brother Chu, there are at least twenty towns, so we don't need to be afraid of war spirits at all. guild."

Fang Xuanling was still in Xia Town, and Chu Tian had no advice from military advisors, so he could only make a decision after discussing with other players, or referring to the opinions of Zhou Yafu and Hua Mulan.

Because the Taishan thieves represented by Changxi intervened in the battle between the two sides, the battle could not continue, and Chutian and the others finally agreed to peace talks.

However, Chutian did not let the War Soul Guild go so easily, and demanded that the War Soul Guild recognize the ownership of the five towns that had already been captured by the coalition forces, and also demanded that the War Soul Guild cede three additional towns and pay 5,000 taels of indemnity.

"Damn, occupied five of our towns and more than a dozen villages, and even dared to ask us to cede land and pay compensation!"

In order to request Changxi's reinforcements, Qi Xiaobai still owed Changxi five thousand taels of silver, and now Chutian demanded another five thousand taels of silver, which made him furious.

However, Chang Xi was indifferent. Chu Tian asked the Battle Spirit Guild to cede territory, which had nothing to do with him.

Qi Xiaobai gave Wu Sangui a wink.

Wu Sangui said: "General Changxi, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. If you let the lords of Kaiyang County have more territory in Yangdu County, they will become a threat to you in the future."

Chang Xi was not calm this time: "They are indeed asking too much. Give them another town and a thousand taels of silver to make them retreat. Otherwise, I will personally lead my troops to invade their territory."

Qi Xiaobai heard that he still had to pay the price of a town and a thousand taels of silver, and his heart ached like a knife.

The Battle Spirit Guild was slashed again and again, and lost six towns in total. It will be more difficult to rise in the future.

"Changxi is greedy and repeated, and finds an opportunity to kill him in the future, so that you can sit in Yangdu County, lord, why should you care about paying one more town?"

Wu Sangui took the initiative to persuade Qi Xiaobai to cede land and pay compensation.

"You mean to kill Chang Xi?"

"Why not? He's just a rogue. It's more than enough to separate a county or a county, but after all, it can't be done. The lord can replace him and achieve the career of a prince."

"Okay, I'll listen to you in everything."

Qi Xiaobai no longer underestimates Wu Sangui. At least Wu Sangui's performance so far is better than the players he recruited, and he has also helped him solve the threat brought by Chutian.

Chang Xi once again asked the lord of Kaiyang County to cease fighting as a mediator,

The price was that the Battle Spirit Guild ceded an additional town and paid a thousand taels of silver.

Chutian's request for three towns was originally for bargaining, so he agreed to the other side's request for a truce.

This town was given to Xueyue by Chutian, and Xueyue transferred the two villages to Chutian to exchange territory again.

As for a thousand taels of silver, it is better than nothing to be divided up by everyone.

Chu Tian counted the harvest of this Northern Expedition.

Zhou Yafu conquered four towns and sixteen villages along the way.

The land obtained from the Battle Spirit Guild was exchanged with Xueyue, and Chutian obtained three towns and fifteen villages in the northern part of Kaiyang County.

In the spring offensive, Chutian won seven towns and thirty-one villages.

Chutian's influence extends from the south of Kaiyang County to the north.

"Adding Lingyan Town, Yunlai Town, Shangbi Town, and Liangshan Town, there are eleven towns in total."

Chu Tian counted his territory, and before he knew it, the territory had more than doubled.

If Chang Xi hadn't stopped Chutian's soldiers, Chutian's territory would have increased several towns.

"Eleven towns can make up thousands of soldiers and horses."

Chutian was very satisfied with the results of this operation, which basically met his expectations.

At least Xia's financial crisis can be solved with loot and expanded territories.

"Unfortunately, our battle is over."

Chutian knew that the expansion to the north had reached its limit, and advancing further north would make Chang Xi feel uneasy.

He can also cross the Yi River and expand to the east of the river, provided that Chutian has a navy of acceptable size.

Xue Yue took the initiative to shake hands with Chu Tian and say goodbye: "I really appreciate you this time. If we have the opportunity to fight together again in the future."

"Where are you going to expand?"

"I would consider expanding eastward."

"Me too, but I'm downstream. If possible, I hope you can help me after the harvest this year."

"no problem."

"Really? Don't regret it then."

Chu Tian did not explain in detail what was going on. He was afraid that Xue Yue would be regarded as a lunatic if he said it.

Xueyue was in the northern part of Kaiyang County, and he expanded in the southern part of Kaiyang County, and the two forces were enough to form a siege to Langya City.

"Let's go back to the teacher."

Chu Tian made a simple agreement with Xue Yue and the other lords, and then led his troops back to Xia Town.

The conflict between Kaiyang County and Yangdu County is only a small part of the battlefield of thousands of counties in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Throughout the Eastern Han region, the lords of various counties and counties began brutal mergers.

The various lords aimed at counties, counties, and prefectures to gather strength to fight against the lords in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Chutian designated the first prince to be conquered as Zang Ba of Kaiyang County, and some lords were also coveting the territories of the princes.

The top 100 lords can easily recruit thousands of soldiers, and relying on the strength of the guild, they can even gather the strength of tens of thousands to influence the progress of the Eastern Han District.

At the beginning of the war in the northern part of Kaiyang County, Bei Gong Boyu, the leader of the Qiang nationality in Xiliang, hijacked the Liangzhou governor to engage in Bianzhang, Liangzhou engaged in the Han Sui rebellion, with 100,000 cavalry, invaded Sanfu, Luoyang shook!

The Han court dispatched Huangfu Song and Dong Zhuo to Chang'an to prevent the Xiliang rebels from attacking Luoyang.

A large number of lords in Xiliang and Guanzhong began to betray the Han court, supported their troops to stand on their own, and attacked each other.

The Dong Zhuo Rebellion had not yet begun, and the rule of the Han court had gradually collapsed.

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