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Chapter 929 Classification of Nobility: Dukes and Others

Sharlayan was on the go all year round, and he didn't have much time to stay in his own territory with peace of mind throughout the year.

In the eyes of those Quel'Thalas lords who were beaten to death like a mountain eagle and never moved, this guy is an outlier.

But everything has two sides.

Sharlayan, who was busy with various major events outside, didn't just benefit Quel'Thalas, but looked at the whole of Azeroth.

However, his achievements have indeed brought many benefits to Quel'Thalas, which no one can deny.

From Anasteria to Kael'thas, the two Sun Kings adopted strategies of wooing Sharlayan with special status without hesitation.

Facts have proved that their choice is correct.

Quel'Thalas has changed a lot under the active promotion of Sharlayan, and it is moving in the right direction little by little. Danmaku netizens who understand the future direction of the original history have the best say on this.

Sarlayan is not very interested in power itself, but only uses it as a tool to complete his own planning and layout. It may be more convenient, and it will not hurt if it is not.

Kael'thas was very relieved by his mentality of being free from desires, and he never hesitated to reward Sharlayan for his contributions.

The previous Molten Core War brought Quel'Thalas a new ally, the Dark Iron Dwarves. Before Kael'thas and the cabinet had finished arguing about Sharlayan's reward, the new good news came from Kalimdor continent passed back.

Now even Prime Minister Darkan, who was the most vocal opponent, had nothing to say. He could only pinch his nose and agree with Kael'thas's proposal to promote Sharlayan's title again.

At the beginning, there were many upper elf nobles who followed Dath'Remar to conquer the world. After many turbulences, there are very few families that can be called noble evergreens. The great nobles can still be looked at by the Sun King.

In human terms...there are only four duke families that can still influence the royal family's decision-making, and without exception, they all have reached an in-depth cooperation with the Sunstrider royal family.

That's why Kael'thas still dared to use Dar'Khan even though he knew he had something wrong with him.

Because he knew very well that Darkan, who had no strong backing for a long time, was like a rootless duckling, no matter how hard he tossed about, nothing big would happen.

As long as the four nobles don't turn their backs, Dar'Khan will always be just a tool man prime minister in the hands of Kael'thas.

The aristocratic system has been implemented in Quel'Thalas for more than 7,000 years, and the people of the high elves have long been accustomed to this mode of lords managing their subjects.

The high elves are not a generation of humans with only a few decades. Each generation has its own set of ideas, and it will be very easy to change the era.

It is not so easy to change Quel'Dorei's inherent perception of longevity. If the pace of reform is too large, it is almost inevitable that it will be messed up.

Since he couldn't win for the time being, Kael'thas chose to join pragmatically.

After many discussions with Sharlayan, he decided to continue to use the ancient aristocratic lordship system before using education reforms to accumulate enough civilian power.

In the foreseeable hundred years in the future, it is still unrealistic for civilian forces to rise.

Although the four nobles are very docile now, considering the mistakes they have committed in the past, it is impossible for Kael'thas to maintain a high level of trust in them for a long time, and necessary precautions must be taken.

If you want to insert a nail into the four aristocratic forces that have almost monopolized the upper aristocratic circle, the best way is to personally support a new duke who can win the trust of the king.

In Kael'thas' view, there is no nobleman who is more suitable for this position than Sharlayan.

A half-elf, born of a low-level nobleman, achieved a class leap through his own efforts, and won the trust and promotion of the two Sun Kings due to his repeated contributions. Such a person is simply the perfect spokesperson for the Quel'Thalas dream.

In the words of barrage, Sarlayan's struggle history is a typical political correctness, and the buffs are full.

If someone dared to stand up and say that Salayand was unworthy, Kael'thas would not need to speak in person. The people of Quel'dorei who had witnessed the whole process of Salayan's rise would be able to spray him with peach blossoms.

Half-elves who are looked down upon by Quel'Thalas society can climb to the top with their own efforts, why can't we?

Valeera was stunned for a moment by Sharlayan's meaningful words, and then she showed a dazed look.

"You mean... the duke?"

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "It should be almost there. Before we set off, Kael'thas was discussing this matter with the cabinet."

"Combined with the merits of leading the dragon army to wipe out the Naga army this time, Darkan should have no reason to object."


Speaking of Darkan, Valeera couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth and showing a sneer.

"That guy is really thick-skinned. He would rather bow his head to His Majesty than regain power. I always feel that such a power-obsessed person can't be trusted."

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "Who says no, but I have to say that Darkan still has abilities. Before there is no suitable replacement, this guy is indeed a useful tool."

"With him in charge of the cabinet, Kael'thas can avoid many unnecessary troubles."

"As long as that guy doesn't continue to die, the Sun King is willing to satisfy his desire for power within a reasonable range."


Jaina said with some emotion: "In any kingdom, the Duke is the pinnacle of the nobility. In terms of status, the Duke and the nobles below can be said to have formed a class gap, and the gap is quite large."

There was nothing wrong with Jaina's words.

The duke and marquis seem to be only one level behind, but the influence of the two is completely different.

Take the simplest example.

From the lowest baron nobles to viscounts, earls, and marquises, they can all be referred to by the title of lord, except for the duke.

A duke is a duke, and it is completely different from the following lords. Some powerful dukes can even establish their own independent duchies.

During the founding of Quel'Thalas, the number of dukes once approached double digits.

However, the only dukes who have obtained hereditary replacement qualifications due to meritorious service are only the four nobles. The other duke families have gradually declined through the inheritance of generations, and their titles have also been dropped again and again, and finally disappeared.

In other words, ordinary dukes are not the end of the noble class of Quel'Thalas. The **** mentioned by the barrage... is the hereditary duke, and the barrage also refers to him as the grand duke for short.

[Actually, there is a nobleman with a higher status above the Grand Duke, but the current Quel'Thalas is unlikely to appear. 】

[What do you mean? 】

[Prince, husband of the queen. 】

【Ah... now the king is Kaizi, Xiaosa really has no hope. 】

[Quel'Thalas is hopeless, but in my opinion, Sharlayan has hope to become the prince of other countries (funny). 】

[...Lordaeron? Calia? 】


After seeing off Valeera and the other four who boarded the boat at the pier, Salayan rolled his eyes angrily, and finally couldn't help complaining to the sand sculpture netizens.

"Don't be poor, how could I abandon the family of Quel'Thalas and marry Lordaeron? Are you not afraid that I will be torn to pieces with Valeera's hatchet?"

[Grass, Nice boat is okay. 】

【Wa Niang is not that kind of sick and delicate...】

【Whether it’s true or not, just treat this kind of talk as a joke between us, don’t take it seriously. 】

[Let's change the subject, Xiao Sa, when are you planning to leave for Nazjatar? 】


Sharlayan rested his chin on his hand and thought for a moment: "It's better sooner rather than later. Since there are no other urgent things to do right now, I might as well go early."

"I will bid farewell to Jarod early tomorrow morning... I hope nothing will happen during this trip to Nazjatar."

【...This is a flag. 】


Nazjatar, the Eternal Palace.

Azshara, who was lying on the coral bed with her chin resting on one hand, finally received the detailed battle report from the front line. At this moment, she was reading the report lazily with her eyes slightly squinted.

"Heh~ As expected."

Azshara let go of the parchment scroll in her hand, and let it float with the waves towards Vaschi who was standing beside her, with an interested smile on her face.

"I'm becoming more and more interested in the kid from Inas' family. This ring-by-ring layout keeps that hapless fellow Dorothy in his hands throughout the whole process."

"The pre-war preparations of the two sides were too poor. Dorothy is not wronged to lose."

Vaschi raised his hand to catch the floating parchment, with a faint smile on his face: "Looking at the overall situation, Sharlayan Deep Shadow's layout is indeed very good."

"I have a feeling that he seems to have counted every reaction of Dorothy and N'Zoth, and made a corresponding response plan. I really don't know how he did it."


Azshara opened her arms and stretched her body, looking expectantly at the still closed gate of the palace.

"After this fiasco, that fellow N'Zoth won't dare to make any big moves for at least a few years. The kid from the Inas family should come to the appointment soon."

"Let's save your question to ask in person when we meet. I hope his performance will not disappoint me."

While Vaschi lowered her head, the divine light in her eyes flickered slightly.

‘It is rare for a queen to have such a strong interest in the opposite sex...won’t it really be what I thought? '

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