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Chapter 177 Valeera's Three Inch Tongue

Valeera, who has received professional training, is indeed very good at speaking, and in just a few minutes, she clearly explained her own reason for coming and the plight the other party is facing now.

Sharlayan also took advantage of these few minutes to obtain a lot of information through barrage.

At this point in time, the tauren group as a whole is still united.

Although there is the unstable factor of Magatha Grimtotem, this irascible old lady mainly targets races other than the tauren, and she is good to her family.

During this period, the tauren had little contact with foreign races, and their ancient allies, the night elves, were unwilling to send reinforcements, which aroused Magatha's hostility and resentment.

Because of the night elves' reluctance to save her, she believed in the prophecies given by her father in the early years even more deeply.

None of the outsiders can be trusted, and they will bring ruin to the tauren.

However, after all, Magatha is not the highest talker of the tauren tribe, but the great chief Kane Bloodhoof is.

He forcefully suppressed Magatha's hostility towards Valeera and Salayan, and planned to ask the origins of these two young men who spoke wild words first.

"Quel'Thalas, high elves... I haven't heard of it."

Kane scratched the mane on his head suspiciously: "But judging from your racial characteristics, it should be related to night elves, right?"

Valeera said approvingly: "That's right, the high elves and night elves are distant relatives. We are the descendants of the high elves who left Kalimdor thousands of years ago."


When it comes to the Highborne, Kane understands it right away.

Desolace and Feralas are just next to each other. In the early years before the rise of the centaur, the Tauren sent an exploration team to Feralas and had some contact with Syndra of Eresalas.

"Okay, Highborne."

Kane looked thoughtfully at Sharlayan behind Valeera: "Are you willing to help the tauren get rid of the centaur's entanglement?"

"With all due respect, do you really understand centaurs? What is the basis for saying such big words?"

"Take a step back and think about it. If your plan is really successful, what do you want from the tauren?"

'oh? '

Sharlayan, who had remained silent all this time, raised his eyebrows cryptically.

According to the information provided by the barrage, he thought Kane Bloodhoof was a typical warrior leader, relying on his strong strength to take the lead on the battlefield and inspire the courage of the tribe.

But through these few simple inquiries, Sharlayan's perception of his abilities has changed. This person is not just a warrior.

Under the strong oppression of the centaurs, the tauren could only guard the last oasis in the center of Desolace.

Although they haven't reached the point of desperation for the time being, the situation they are facing is already very difficult, and a slight mistake in their steps may bring about the catastrophe of genocide.

Kane didn't dare to bet his hope of a comeback on two strangers of unknown origin, but he couldn't help but take a chance when he saw the transformation of the flying dragon before.

‘Are these two people related to the Dragon Clan? '

Valeera was not surprised by Kane's questioning, and she was already prepared for it.

"Haven't you heard? The second Quicksand War is about to start, and the combined forces of the night elves and high elves are actively preparing for the war."

"We are members of the advance team of the coalition expedition to Silithus. Our task is to find out the situation along the way before the large army is dispatched, so as to ensure that the large army can reach Silithus unimpeded when they go out."

"Battle of Quicksand?!"

The tauren have been trapped in Desolace for a long time, and they don't know anything about the changes in the outside world. They didn't even hear about the drastic changes that happened in Feralas not long ago.

Kane and Magatha, who was the chief's advisor, looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Although they did not participate in it personally, the tauren have relatively detailed records of the great war that took place thousands of years ago.

The night elves suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Quicksand, and finally the Dragon Clan, who never intervened in mortal disputes, joined the battle to turn the tide of the battle.

'Battle of the Quicksand, Dragon Clan...'

Both Kane and Magatha turned their gazes to the silver-haired man behind Valeera.

Valeera's words were not entirely bluffing.

The core territory of the night elves is located in the north-central part of Kalimdor, while Silithus is far away at the southernmost tip of the continent. The long-distance march of this road really requires planning the route in advance.

According to the latest information that Sharlayan learned from Malfurion, the night elves are considering how to choose one of the two routes.

One of these routes is through Ashenvale down south into the Barrens, and then around the land through Thousand Needles and Feralas to Silithus.

The second route is from Stonetalon Mountains, through Desolace and Feralas.

The first route takes a little more time, and it will take more energy to pass the cliffs of Thousand Needles, but it is relatively safe along the way.

The second route follows an old classic principle.

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest.

Desolace is a difficult point to get stuck on the march.

Not to mention the bulky tauren, the night elves with well-balanced physique would also feel headaches when facing the centaurs who come and go like the wind.

Neither Malfurion nor Tyrande wanted to waste time, energy, or resources on the centaur, preferring to choose the first route.

But Shandris disputed the matter.

The night elves have taken over Eredre'Thalas.

Since it is planned to build this ancient city into an important stronghold of the night elves in the southern part of the continent, the trade route between Elesalas and the north needs to be considered in advance.

If you start from the east of Ashenvale, it is just right to take the route of the Barrens and Thousand Needles.

But what if the caravan starts from Darkshore?

The line between Stonetalon Mountain and Desolace has become the best route for granted.

Shandris hopes to take the opportunity of this expedition to completely open up Desolace.

On the one hand, it can ensure that the night elves connect the north-south trade routes, and on the other hand, it can extend a helping hand to the ancient ally of the tauren, so as to continue the friendship between the two sides.

Malfurion was a little moved by Shandris' well-founded proposal, but Tyrande still insisted that the night elves should not interfere in the survival of the fittest between tauren and centaur, which is the law of nature.

The two supreme leaders disagreed, and Malfurion, who had a soft personality, did not want to argue with his lover.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Archdruid will most likely respect Tyrande's choice in the end.

But Shandris didn't want to give up the tauren, a high-quality ally, because of some bullshit survival of the fittest.

She privately entrusted Sharlayan and Valeera, hoping that they could set out to get in touch with the tauren first.

If Sharlayan and Valeera can make certain achievements in Desolace and let the night elves see an opportunity worth investing in, Shandris will be more confident in persuading Tyrande to change her mind.

There are very few people in this world who can change Tyrande's stubborn thoughts, and Shandris, who is Tyrande's adopted daughter, happens to be one of them.


Magatha sneered at Valeera's big pie: "We asked the night elves for help many times before, but every time we failed, why do you think you can persuade them to change their minds?"

Valeera shrugged mischievously: "Because there is someone behind us who can directly talk to the high-level night elves."

"The battle is imminent, and the night elves don't want to waste time on the march, so you must first let them see the value of the tauren."

"Ere's Salas has been captured by the night elves. If they want to open up a trade route connecting the north and the south, they will sooner or later turn their attention to the desolate land in the middle."

Magatha interjected angrily, "It's Marsancia!"

"Okay~ Marshanxie."

Valeera continued nonchalantly: "If this land can be taken at a relatively low cost, some big figures in the night elves don't mind sending part of their troops to help the tauren."

"The issue is……"

Valeera looked at Kane, whose face was sinking like water, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Is the current situation in Desolace worth the night elves' energy?"


Kane raised his hand to stop Magatha who was trying to get up: "Don't be impulsive, back down!"

Kane took a deep look at the eloquent Valeera: "I admit that the prospect you described moved my heart, but how do you prove that your words are true?"

"I can prove it."

Sharlayan finally came out from behind Valeera, spread out his left hand, and in the center of his palm lay an emerald green leaf full of life force.

"I had a conversation with Cenarius' son Remulos before I set off."

"You don't believe in the night elves who are always unwilling to send reinforcements. You should have some trust in the descendants of the forest demigod Cenarius, right?"

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