Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1641 Noon has arrived and the elemental tide breaks out

Chaos was approaching in Azeroth, and Sharlayan did not stay in Draenor for too long. After finishing his business, he hurriedly passed through the Dark Portal and returned to Dragonblight.

Valstann did not need Sharlayan's supervision. He consciously said goodbye to his family when he passed Staghelm Post, and returned to Azeroth with Sharlayan.

The apparent reason why Valstann came to Azeroth this time was to extradite those homeless souls.

Although the Eternals all know the actual situation behind this matter, the rules are the rules, and what should be done must still be done.

After returning to Azeroth, Valstann efficiently gathered the targets of this mission, took dozens of souls to bid farewell to Sharlayan, and opened the portal back to the Shadow Realm.

Now that the specific whereabouts of Vastann have been located, with Sarlayan, a big boss who can freely enter and exit the Shadow Realm, taking the lead, the Fandral family can always ask for his help if they need it.

Vastann, who is shouldering the responsibility, cannot often sneak to Azeroth to "perform missions", but Fandral and others can take the initiative to go to the Shadow Realm to meet Vastann again through Sharlayan's guidance.

Of course, the premise is that Valstein happened to be on vacation at that time.

The work of Kyrian is very busy. They need to guide souls from countless worlds in the multiverse into the Shadow Realm to be judged. They will inevitably encounter some violent arrests.

At this time, it is necessary for a relatively strong elite Gryen like Vastann to take action.

Until now, the number of Greens is still far from enough.

This is also why there are many souls stranded in their home world in confusion, and they will not be welcomed by Kyrian until decades or even centuries after their death.

Unless Valstane can really be promoted to become the Hand of the Saint, he still needs to travel diligently between worlds and bring as many souls with anima back to the Shadow Realm as possible to maintain the health of the Shadow Realm's energy system. cycle.

When Sharlayan bid farewell to Valstann and returned to Dragonblight, the land transformation led by Jaina had been initially completed.

The white snow that once covered the entire area has long since disappeared. With the help of the black dragons using the power of the earth, when looking at the Dragonblight Wilderness from above, some formed lakes and rushing rivers can already be seen.

A large number of young dragons and young dragons fly over the Dragon Bone Wilderness to sow seeds. The green dragons and red dragons stay on the ground, using the power of life to catalyze these new tree species and grass species.

The area of ​​Dragon Bone Wilderness is too vast, and there are only a few red dragons and green dragons with the ability to ripen seeds. It is not something that can be done in a short time to fill Dragon Bone Wilderness with green plants.

However, when Sarlayan returned to the sky above Wyrmrest Temple, many small trees and young grass seedlings that had not yet grown green leaves could be seen in the key areas around the temple.

In a year at the latest, this once desolate snowfield will turn into a vibrant plain.

With Melinthera's help, Galakrond Basin was given priority like Wyrmrest Temple.

With the great help of the black dragon headed by Abisian, the foundation of the new home of Sarlayan's family has been laid and is gradually rising from the ground.

When Sharlayan solicited opinions from her family on the design of their new home, Onyxia playfully proposed that she want to build a majestic and gorgeous castle-like palace, but her proposal was unanimously rejected by the others as expected.

The final design drawing of the new home still depicts a manor, but both the floor area and the floor height are much larger than the one in Unicorn City.

Since the construction of the new home has not yet been fully completed, Valeela and others accepted the invitation of the guardian dragons and temporarily stayed in Wyrmrest Temple.

After continuously outputting magic power for half a month, Jaina fell asleep as expected.

The magic circuits in her body are still in an overloaded state, and it will take at least 1-2 weeks of training to return to normal.

After visiting the little princess who deliberately pretended to be pitiful and coquettish, Sarlayan carried her to the conference hall of the Deep Shadow family's temporary residence.

From an angle that Sharlayan couldn't see, Jaina, who was lying on his back, deliberately raised her eyebrows at Valeera who was integrating intelligence from all parties.


Valeela noticed her provocation and smacked her lips in displeasure.

But business was still important right now, and Valeela decided to find an opportunity later to let this girl know who is older and who is younger.

Sarlayan didn't pay attention to the small friction between his family members. After putting Jaina on the sofa, he asked straight to the point: "How is the activation of the elements?"

Valeela quickly gathered her emotions and said solemnly: "Not too optimistic. According to the latest news sent back by Nobundo from the stronghold near the maelstrom, the elemental tide is likely to erupt about a week earlier than expected."

Sarlayan nodded with a serious expression: "There is only a time error of about a week, which is already remarkable."

"Let me confirm one last time. Are all parties ready?"

Valeela: "Yes, when the situation officially breaks out, all forces are a little anxious now."

Sarlayan said with a wry smile: "It's normal. Even if you know that something big is going to happen, it's hard to really calm down before the moment when the boots actually hit the ground."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now."

Sarlayan sighed softly, and his mood was a little uneasy.

"I heard from Thoras and Faol that Kel'Thuzad should have arrived. Where are the others?"

Stella Gosa took over the words and said: "In the Galakrond Basin, the great lich couldn't wait to start researching the remains of Galakrond as soon as he arrived in Dragonblight."


Sharlayan was not surprised by this. Kel'Thuzad was the kind of person who was willing to leave everything behind in pursuit of the truth.

The first dragon father, Galakrond, is a legendary creature in ancient Azeroth. His bones have been buried in the Dragonblight, which is closely guarded by the dragon clan.

Kel'Thuzad had developed a keen interest in Galakrond many years ago when he was an undercover agent under Ner'zhul.

Unfortunately, that coward Ner'zhul didn't dare to offend the dragons, so Kel'Thuzad could only bury his intention to study Galakrond deep in his heart.

After receiving Sharlayan's invitation, the eager Archlich left his work without saying a word and embarked on the journey back to Azeroth.

According to Stellagosa, Kel'Thuzad, who was gearing up to do something big, brought an entire research team with him.

Including himself, there were 5 lichs, 23 necromancers, and nearly a hundred coolie skeletons without self-awareness.

After arriving in Dragonblight, Kel'Thuzad did not stop at all because of the huge environmental changes here. He immediately came to Galakrond Basin and quickly started researching.

No research project can be accomplished overnight, and Sharlayan is in no hurry to urge Kel'Thuzad to produce results in a short time.

The most important thing right now is to deal with the series of natural and man-made disasters caused by the elemental tide and its linkage.

In the middle of the 21st year of the Black Gate, the elemental tide broke out as scheduled according to the predicted time adjusted by the Ring of the Earth.

The maelstrom known as the navel of Azeroth was the first to notice the strange phenomenon. The shaman of the Ring of Earth who observed closely could clearly feel that the concentration of the earth element was rising rapidly.

The Great Whirlpool is the only entrance to the Deep Rock Continent of the Earth Elemental Realm. With the eruption of the elemental tide, the distance between the four elemental realms and the material world is rapidly closing.

"hold head high!!"

With a loud roar that resounded throughout the sky, a huge black dragon covered in metal armor spread its wings and flew out from the maelstrom.

The terrifying dragon power suppressed the shamans to the point where they were unable to make any movements. It was not until the armored black dragon turned around and headed away to the Eastern Kingdom that the members of the Earth Ring gradually regained their ability to move.

Nobundo wiped the water splashed on his face and shouted to the shamans behind him at the top of his lungs: "Notify all forces immediately, Deathwing is the first to come out of the cage!"

According to the barrage, some people who don’t watch the plot carefully can easily be misled by the CG animation of the Cataclysm version, thinking that the many geological disasters that Azeroth suffered due to the Cataclysm were caused by Deathwing.

However, this is a typical CG fraud. The only place Deathwing personally damaged was the garden area of ​​Stormwind City.

Various disasters that have broken out around the world are caused by the wild rhythms of the four elements.

Now, taking Deathwing's breakout from Deep Rock as a signal, Azeroth has officially entered a period of frequent disasters.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the raging tsunami.

Tidehunter Neptulon led his water elemental lords to prepare well before the elemental tide broke out.

As the Throat of the Abyss of the Water Elemental Realm was officially connected to the material world, Neptulon immediately descended on Azeroth in his true form, leading the water elemental lords to try their best to contain the water elemental uprisings around the world.

Their efforts had a positive impact, but did not completely eliminate hydrological hazards from Azeroth.

Driven by another group of water elemental lords sent by the ancient gods who did not obey Neptulon's orders, tsunamis over 10 meters high took the lead in hitting the coastal areas of various continents and islands, officially announcing the first wave caused by the elemental tide. The peak of disaster has arrived. (End of chapter)

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