"Quick! Come forward!"

Amidst the shouts and curses of the leaders of each family and the military leaders, the rattan players were gathered together and lined up at the front of the team.

By the time the rattan players lined up their teams, the Keelung Army had already reached a distance of about eighty steps.

Holding the shield in the left hand and the long knife in the right hand, the shield players worked hard to hide their heads, bent down, and hid their bodies behind the shield.

It is said that this shield can withstand shotgun bullets fifty steps away, but they don't know if it is true, after all, they have not tried it personally. For the sake of your own life, it's better to be cowardly.

Who knows if a bullet will fly to a place that is not covered by the shield, and then my exposed body will be miserable!

Based on the same idea, the leaders of the five families also summoned more than ten rattan players in front of them, holding their rattans high to block the possible flying projectiles.

"Fifth brother, do you think our shield can really block the shotgun bullets from the opposite side?" The young master of the Bai family hid behind the shield, his voice slightly trembling and his eyes wandering.

"There must be no problem! Our rattan brand, you don't know. It is made from old vines that are more than a few years old. They are first soaked in tung oil. After soaking for a few months, they are taken out to dry in a cool place, and then sent to be soaked. Repeat this for several times. "This time, it's just like the rattan soldiers in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang couldn't do anything back then, but now it's not a piece of cake to block shotgun bullets!" Deng Wulang shouted loudly, appearing confident, but his body was also weak. Started to tremble unnaturally.

He was confident about the cannons fired by the army, but it was hard to say what the enemy would do with the pirates.

As they spoke, the Keelung Army's musketeers were less than seventy steps away from the Tengpai players arrayed at the front of the queue!

Five hundred musketeers were arranged in five columns, with a hundred men in each column five steps apart.

Seeing the musketeers getting closer and closer in front of them, the hands of the shield players holding the shields and long knives tightly became sweaty, and they were so scared that they could hardly hold the weapons in their hands.

"Bless the Bodhisattva! Bless the Ancestors!" The rattan players kept praying in their hearts, completely losing their previous aura of daring to fight and kill.

Sixty steps later, the musketeers on the opposite side were still marching forward in an orderly manner, as if they were going to their own fish pond to catch a fish and take it home for dinner, as relaxed and leisurely, and even a little peaceful.

Fifty paces, this is the best distance that rattan players know to block fire blunderbuss projectiles. Once this distance is broken, the shield in hand will no longer be able to block the bullets fired by those fire guns!

However, even at this distance, the musketeers on the opposite side were still slowly moving forward amidst the team officer's whistle!

"Why haven't the fire guns on the opposite side been fired yet! When are they going to wait?!" Among the Tengpa players in the team training team, some of the legs have begun to tremble, and the urge to urinate in the crotch is getting stronger and stronger!

Forty steps, according to the well-known method of identifying distances, at this moment the facial features of the person, the joints of the hands, and the weapons in the hands can be clearly distinguished, and even the tassels of the spears in the hands of the spearmen can be distinguished with the naked eye. Tell the difference!

This is already within the power range of the fire gun that can break armor!

In the group training team, not only the ordinary group members began to feel uneasy, but even the leaders who were direct descendants of the five families began to feel a little uneasy!

"What are these barbarians planning to do?!" Seeing this, Deng Jiagoro suddenly became furious.

He waited for the enemy to fire one round, and the vine-armored soldiers would rush forward to kill him. Now the enemy was standing still, which made him very angry and at a loss.

"If we get closer, there is really no chance of a comeback!" Thinking of this and looking at the mountains of musketeers coming in front of him, Deng Wulang couldn't help but look around, subconsciously looking for a way to escape.

Seeing the enemy troops as silent as the sea water, but coming with great pressure, the rattan players standing at the front tried to bite their lips with their teeth, letting the severe pain relieve their pressure and fear. Some people even started bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

Taking a step back now is not to be killed by the enemy, but to be killed by your own people.

"Even if I die, I will die here!" The rattan players were very conscious and remained motionless, for fear of disrupting the formation and causing chaos.

Finally, a long and shrill whistle sounded from the Keelung army!


Under the battalion officer's order, the musketeers in the first row stopped in unison, raised their muskets, took aim, and then pulled the trigger!

In an instant, smoke rose in the queue and quickly condensed into a ball. The flames ejected from the gun mouth were mixed with deadly projectiles and rushed towards the rattan player on the opposite side!

It can be said that at a distance of less than forty steps, with the advantage of the Keelung flintlock gun, no armor in the world can withstand it.

The shields of the five major families were like plastic toys, ruthlessly torn apart and destroyed by the fired projectiles.

Accompanied by dozens of dull sounds of "hum", the rattan players dropped their rattan cards and rolled on the ground screaming miserably.

The first round of shooting knocked down dozens of rattan players from the five major families!

The projectiles penetrated the shields and rushed into their bodies. The huge impact turned their limbs and internal organs into a mess!

The rattan players began to unconsciously spit out black blood clots from the corners of their mouths, and fell to their knees one by one. At such a close distance, the projectiles had already shattered all the bones and internal organs in their bodies!

The rattan player who had been hit in all four limbs looked at the severed hand in front of him and the leg that could not help but bleed outwards. He fell to the ground and kept wailing and rolling.

"I'm dying!"

"I want to go home, and my mother-in-law is waiting for me at home!"

Fire and water are merciless, and the battlefield is even more cruel!

There was no commanding voice. The musketeers who had just stopped shooting began to load their ammunition step by step. Then the musketeers in the second row passed by them, walked five steps forward, and raised their muskets again!

In this short distance of thirty steps, the power of the fire gun was better exerted!

Entering the era of hot weapons, any armor cover in the era of cold weapons is useless. What's more, in the group training in front of me, only a few of their leaders and leaders were wearing armor. Most of them only had cotton trousers and jackets. In the scorching rain of bullets, it was almost the same as having nothing on!

The bullets shot out are a bloody hole or a life in the body of the five major families.

The people who used to practice bravely and fearlessly in team training are now as pitiful and helpless as a bereaved dog!

Two rounds of firecracker shooting lasted only two and a half minutes, and most of the rattan players at the front were already dead or injured.

The tung oil rattans, which were regarded as life-saving tools at the beginning, were randomly discarded on the ground. Each rattan had one or two huge holes. On the edges of the holes, rattans ignited by the heat of the projectiles popped up. Waves of blue smoke.

The blood flowing from the hole in Tengjia was quickly absorbed by the red earth, and a strong smell of blood filled the air.

How terrible!

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