King of Black Mist

Chapter 394 Time Stops (Thanks to the leader of ‘TEMPEST’)

In the Sahara Desert, the Earth Corporation Building towers into the clouds and is extremely huge.

The whole thing looks like a bird's nest, a bird's nest of a giant starry bird soaring in space.

There are many floors and rooms inside the building that can never be reached using physical methods.

Some of them are like the Room of Requirement in Harry Potter, requiring rituals;

Some, like the cave door in "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves", require spells;

Or like the cave where the longevity star's white deer lived when the lower realm was a demon in Chapter 79 of "Journey to the West". You need to turn three times to the left, three times to the right, throw yourself on the tree with both hands, and call three times to open the door (also Maybe it’s an unexpected curse word like “I have a mouth ulcer recently”).

The most hidden and inaccessible room is the office suspended in the center of the bird's nest like transparent bird eggs.

The essence of the entire earth is gathered in the head office building, and the essence of the entire building supports those hundreds of bird eggs.

The bird's egg suspended at the top is just out of the atmosphere. You only need to open the window to collect airglow directly from the earth.

Li Changzhou was sitting cross-legged in this office at this time.

As the game progresses, dressing up has become diversified, and sitting cross-legged and meditating has become popular again - in order to survive, players have to get used to this kind of life even if they don't like it.

Li Changzhou sat there cross-legged, with black mist billowing behind him, making him look like he was soaking in a black sea.

A pair of hands rose from the black sea and entered the teleportation vortex above Li Changzhou's head. Countless black hands came back from the vortex, carrying countless identity cards.

The black hand throws the ID card directly into a bucket, and the bucket automatically scans the skills on the ID card.

In addition, on both sides of the room, tall and exquisite shelves are also filled with identity cards. One by one, they are like exhibits. Each one has an instinct or skill that can make your heart beat faster.

These are the identity cards collected by Yaferona Corporation for Li Changzhou, and each one is precious.

{The financial officer of Qingcheng was killed on the way to escape. All the properties of the Kangtian Consortium have been seized. All the personnel of the private security company established by the Liu family have been killed or arrested. The imprisoned citizens have been sent to the hospital. }

It’s not electronic sound, it’s Wang Donghua.

"These people are so brave!" Li Changzhou shook his head and laughed angrily.

{The value game is precarious, especially players who are destined to become only second- and third-class immortals. They have lost hope in life and can do anything. Many of them are deliberately seeking revenge on society. }

"So, these tragedies are still my fault?"

{You can never go wrong. }

"Can you still flatter me?" Li Changzhou was slightly curious.

{I only believe in power. In fact, a player with data abilities under the Pope contacted me, but I refused because I believe your power is above his. }

"It seems that I can't relax even a little bit, otherwise what's waiting for me is the one who controls the world's data."

{Not just me, the whole world will surrender to your power. When you have no power, 99.99% of people will overthrow you. }

"It makes sense." Li Changzhou smiled, "Notice further, the company will set up bonuses to help players in the first stage improve their 'status', and provide 'attribute elixirs', 'game currency', 'props' and other subsidies. Three Give me a feasible plan in an hour."

{has entered the handler}

"Notify me of news from the Pope."

{yes. }

Li Changzhou stopped talking, and Wang Donghua also fell silent.

The most cruel places can always bloom the most beautiful flowers in the world, and the worst storms can always train the most capable sailors - the five stars are covered with blood, the population plummets, and Li Changzhou sits there, becoming more and more powerful , unfathomable.

As the social order of the five stars stabilizes, the effect of the "King of Black Mist" becomes more and more powerful.

Li Changzhou looked at the four things in front of him, three artifacts of destiny and an identity card with a "Platinum Star".

The identity card of "Platinum Star" was recovered from Tokyo by himself.

[Name: Stand-in·Platinum Star]

[Effect: Summons a substitute Platinum Star, ten times human strength, ten times human speed, ten times human endurance, attack range 2 meters, pseudo time stop (when this skill is activated, the area will be equal to the holder centered on the holder) A space the size of Japan is pulled into virtual time and virtual space for up to five seconds. Human immortals can break free, but it is ineffective against earthly immortals)]

[Note: Because the Platinum Star belongs to Jotaro Kujo, every time the holder uses this skill, it will be infected with Jotaro Kujo’s character to varying degrees. 】

If you are a weak-willed player, in the current environment, being infected with Jotaro Kujo's character may not be a bad thing, but it is an unacceptable side effect for Li Changzhou.

But he can upgrade with in-game currency, which may erase part of Jotaro Kujo

{The Pope began to counterattack, using short-distance teleportation to transport a nuclear bomb. The nuclear explosion locations were: Yuancheng, Shangdu District, and Guiyou Community. }

{Rescue has begun}

{Global alert, evacuate citizens into air raid shelters}

"Fighting back proves that he is almost found. The operation will continue." Li Changzhou's tone was calm and calm.

He took out Yang Qinglan's identity card and replaced "Freeze" with his own "Dragon Blood Tree Style·Qilin Blood Drainage".

A black hand grabbed "Substitute Platinum Star" and burned it on his own white card.

The game currency is generally spent, A+ level...S- level...S level!

Upgrading his skills to S level would be a big expense even for him as rich as he is now.

[Name: Stand-in·Platinum Star]

[Type: Skill]

[Quality: S]

[Special Effect: Powerful Stand]

[Minimum usage conditions: Bind players "King of Black Mist" and "Master\

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