King of Black Mist

Chapter 177 The Myth of Invincibility

[Trigger side mission: Defeat the myth]

[Mission Content: Destroy the Imperial Mecha {Judgment}]

[Note: In this world, there has always been the myth of the invincibility of the imperial mecha. Please prove it to them - the myth of the invincibility of the imperial mecha is not limited to this world! (Run away, if you can)]


The white mecha gave {Judgment} a penetrating bullet in the head without hesitation. At the same time, the power furnace buzzed and he quickly stood up.

"Let's go!" Yaochi shouted and flew towards the sky.

Li Qianxia's eyes narrowed, and the red mecha turned around, flew directly at a low altitude, accelerated instantly, and disappeared into the sky with a bang.

"Don't go to heaven!" Princess Beatrice hugged the backrest of the driver's seat tightly and shouted loudly.

"Why?" Li Qianxia asked subconsciously.

Beatrice didn't have time to ask them now why they didn't even know such a question.

"Get down quickly!" she reminded urgently.

Yaochi and Li Qianxia didn't ask any questions, and immediately dived and slid close to the ground. The woods, hillsides, and land were hit by the air waves, causing ripples.


The {Judgment} suspended above the canyon went from being still to breaking the speed of sound in not even a second. The white sound barrier spread out around the machine like a gorgeous white dress.

Yaochi glanced at the monitor, feeling relieved, and said in a calm and elegant voice: "The opponent's speed is only slightly faster than ours, it's no problem to deal with it!"

"Because the reactor of the imperial mecha is a fragment of the sky. The further away from the indestructible sky, the weaker its power becomes." Beja Tris explained.

"You said it is in its weakest state now?" Li Qianxia couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Beatrice nodded on the monitor, "But it's best not to have any thoughts of resistance. If you want to escape, just keep running. Maybe you still have a chance to survive."

Yang Qinglan looked at the princess.

She is very gorgeous, and her blond hair is so bright that one wonders if there are little bits of starlight around her.

In terms of character, she was not as cowardly as she initially thought. After knowing that even if the three of them gave up on her, they would be silenced, her expression became much firmer.

Do you not care about your own life, but care about others?

"What happened with that move just now?" Yaochi asked.

"Judgment." Beatrice replied, "Each Imperial mecha has its own gift from the sky. The most powerful one can destroy a mountain with one blow. This is how Sidney was destroyed."

"Sidney?" Li Qianxia repeated doubtfully.

Is it a mountain? Or something else?

Being able to destroy a mountain with one blow doesn't mean it's really destroying a mountain, like a city?

"You don't know?" Beatrice's delicate lips were slightly open, with a surprised expression like someone who didn't know the toilet was for sitting and tried to use it to drink water and wash their face.

"Ahem, this is the secret of the Queen's Knights." Li Qianxia imitated her brother in the first half, and Yang Qinglan in the second half.

The Queen's Knights have no such secrets.

"It seems that Xia, you don't read the battle reports, don't care about the outside world, and focus on training." Bea Tris found a reason for Li Qianxia herself.

"Does the gift of the sky have a charging time? If so, how often?" Yang Qinglan interrupted these information exchanges, which were of no use even if they were known.

"Yes, depending on the distance of the imperial mecha from the sky, the energy storage time is also different. At {Judgment}'s current height, it will take at least two hours." Beja Tris replied.

"Two hours of summer, turn around." Yaochi made a quick decision.


The white and red mechas left two arcs in the air and rushed towards the imperial mecha.

"What are you doing?!" Beatrice's voice was even a little sharp.

Li Qianxia and Yaochi ignored her, and Yang Qinglan didn't speak, staring at the imperial mecha in the optical display.

Three giant-like mechas crushed the air, set off explosive wind pressure, and quickly approached.

The terrible air wave was like a tsunami, hitting both sides, and the trees were bent like straw.

After casually firing ten interference smoke bombs, Yaochi said with an order: "Don't focus on the performance of the machine, focus on the technology, stick to it!"

"Understood!" Li Qianxia's blood boiled.

boom! Three mechas crashed into the rapidly dispersing smoke.

"Optical sensor failure"

"Infrared sensor failure"

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Beatrice couldn't understand. "No matter how hard you try, you can't beat the Imperial Mecha!"

"Radar detection failure"

"Enemy-seeking mode disabled"

Red warning boxes were densely arranged on one side of the screen. Li Qianxia and Yaochi did not feel panic, but felt more at ease.

They have keen intuition that cannot be matched by any high-tech sensors. This is due to their combat experience and their physical fitness.

The red mecha twitched its hand on its back and acquired a scarlet spear.

The white mecha pulled out the sword from its waist.


The spear vibrated at high speed, and the sword was wrapped in high-temperature laser light.


The air waves caused by the collision of the mechas became even hotter.

There was nothing in front of them. The red mecha and the white mecha suddenly separated. The next moment, {Judgment} crashed over like a giant shark suddenly emerging from the dark deep sea.

The red and white mechas were also twenty meters high, which seemed not much different from the nearly sixty-meter {Judgment}. However, when the two sides passed by, the momentum gave people the feeling of an elephant colliding with a rabbit.

Two rabbits, one red and one white, dodged the elephant's impact, and at the same time stretched out their weapons and slid against the elephant's body.


The sound was so sharp and harsh that even Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​and Yaochi in the cockpit couldn't bear it.

Beatrice covered her ears with her hands and seemed to be saying something loudly.

"Boom!" Finally, the only sound left in my ears was the sound of the machine hitting the air.

"Not bad, continue!" Yaochi said.

"No problem!" Li Qianxia became more motivated.

The two changed their direction, aimed at the dangerous place deep in the smoke, and launched another attack.

Press the right pedal down slowly and firmly, and the power furnace buzzes, like a heart, injecting more vitality into the body.

Through the nerve connection system, Li Qianxia felt a sense of power throughout her body.


The surroundings became quiet, and the two mechas broke the sound barrier, leaving the sound behind.

The unparalleled speed brought unparalleled power. The two red and white machines pulled the red and white light streams and crashed into each other like meteorites.

But the next moment, through the integration of intuition and the body, the moment of {judgment} keenly felt, a huge sense of foreboding poured on the two of them like a ladle of cold water.

A shiver ran through my body.

"Get out of the way!"


They both shouted at the same time.

The dazzling bright light exploded in the smoke, making a dull sound like thunder, and it seemed like some destructive creature was surging in a giant white cocoon.

In the smoke shrouded over the forest, the two mechas pulled out wisps of smoke and hit the mountain wall in the distance like cannonballs.

The sky shook and the earth shook, and rubble fell from the mountain like a heavy rain.

"Injury to the body"

"The power output of the main weapon is reduced by 26%"

"Secondary weapon - Vulcan machine gun - half damaged"

Power furnaces and shock absorbers wailed.


"It hurts!" Li Qianxia closed her eyes tightly, her whole body twitching and shaking.

Through neural connections, the pilot can control the mecha as he controls his own body, and at the same time, he will bear the damage suffered by the mecha just like his own body - if not, the danger intuition will be much weaker.

The cockpit, which had no impact even at high speeds, shook violently under the violent impact.

Beatrice's face was pale, her back was against the backrest of the driver's seat, her body was fixed, her left hand was holding her right hand, and she seemed to have bumped into something.

"Did you see the opponent's moves clearly?" Yaochi gasped, recovering slightly from the severe pain.

"No -" Li Qianxia opened her left eye, but her right eye was still closed due to physical pain.

"I didn't notice it either." Yang Qinglan was the most relaxed among the four. He was not affected by the aircraft body and could handle the vibrations in the cockpit with ease.

"What are you doing?" Beatrice's voice was weak, urgent and puzzled, "Those who dare to use the interference smoke to fight the imperial mecha, you are the first to come out alive!"

Be the first to come out alive

I thought defeat was already a shame, but in the end, this was still the upper limit? !

"Enemy aircraft found"

"Analysis {Judgment}"

After leaving the interfering smoke, the sensor quickly resumed work, and the holographic display screen popped up, automatically enlarging a picture.

The blue imperial mecha slowly flew out of the smoke, like a god, passing through the forest in a standing posture, flying towards the two insects in circles of ripples.

"No damage?" Yang Qinglan asked doubtfully, with a heavy expression on his face.

The previous joint attack of the red and white mechas did not cause any damage to the imperial mecha, not even a scratch.

"Imperial mecha, be careful!" Halfway through the words, Beatrice, who was turning around to look at the monitor in the cockpit, suddenly shouted.

{Judgment} Raised his right hand, the palm of his hand quickly turned red.

To the naked eye, it looks like a red ball, and when viewed through the monitor, it looks like a surging little sun.

Not to mention Li Qianxia and Yaochi, who can sense danger through the body, even Yang Qinglan, who is staying in the safest position of the body - the cockpit - has an ominous premonition.

fly? No, the range of this attack is too large.

The huge wings of the red and white mechas closed in an instant and turned into shields in front of them.

Silently, a red light wave swept across, and the trees turned black one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the explosive shock wave made a huge noise and crushed everything.

The black trees that had been burned to ashes were blown away like mist and disappeared without a trace.

Except for the two shields and the mountain behind them, everything seemed to have never existed in the first place. It instantly turned black and was blown away by the shock wave.

"high temperature! high temperature! 』

"Broken lower right wrist - uncontrollable"

Relatively speaking, the white body, which is not so resistant to high temperatures, malfunctions directly.

{Judgment} As if it had done nothing, it still flew over slowly, passing through the forest that turned into hell.

It cherishes the cannonballs, firing them one after another, and like teasing two crickets, harassing them from time to time, trying to annoy them, in order to have fun.

Powerful impacts hit the red shield one after another, and the machine sank into the mountain bit by bit.

In the cockpit, Li Qianxia and Yaochi were covered in sweat and gritted their teeth to bear the impact.

Yang Qinglan looked at the small display screen, where everything that caught his eye, the lush forest before, had turned into bare sand dunes, and black ashes in the sky were falling like black snow.

A scene of doomsday.

"Damn it!" Yaochi's sweat flowed into her collar, "Qianxia, ​​wait for it to get close and prepare to escape!"

"Ming, understand!" Li Qianxia's hands had lost all feeling and were only supported by the stiffness after numbness.

The Imperial mecha is so powerful, why did the Principality fight it for so long? Yang Qinglan couldn't help but think.

Unless the principality also has mechas of the same level.

Li Qianxia looked at {Judgment}, which was flying as slowly as a rowing boat. She felt like a puppet, being beaten one after another and unable to resist.

"Isn't there anyone who can help me? There are reinforcements!" She couldn't help shouting.


An object flew overhead, as fast as lightning, and the airflow caused more rocks to fall, hitting the two mechas.

"Discovery of the human body. Hiroshi Weiss, soldier of the Guards"

The screen zoomed in, it was Li Changzhou who was handsome and charming.

Li Qianxia opened external communication almost as quickly as the system could respond.

"Brother, help!" A female voice full of vitality, joy, and hope echoed far away in the doomsday scene.

Li Changzhou looked over, with the same twisting smile on his face.

"Save me first!" he shouted hurriedly.


"The enemy plane is approaching quickly"

"The enemy plane is approaching quickly"

"Target locked... Imperial mecha under analysis-{Guren}"


A gust of wind passed overhead, and a majestic red machine body blocked the sunlight above the two red and white mechas.

"Another one?!"

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