Bai Ye's footsteps are as light as a cat's, each step is accurate and silent, as if he has integrated into the essence of the night. He walked through the dim corridors, and the air around him seemed to be under his control.

Not far away, a group of Cosmic Truth believers hurried past, discussing the strange thing that had just happened. They didn't notice the existence of the white night, just like a shadow in the dark night, quietly passing by.

The lights in the corridor gradually extinguished behind him, as if they were sinking into endless darkness following his footsteps. Bai Ye walked along the winding passage and sensed a huge door ahead.

Mysterious runes are carved on both sides of the door, emitting a faint blue light. Bai Ye stopped in front of the door and stared at the runes on the door. He knew that it was the entrance to the depths of the main ship.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful wave of energy. A high-ranking apostle of the Universal Truth Cult appeared in front of the door, exuding a majestic aura. His black robe swayed slightly as he walked, and his eyes revealed arrogant confidence.

"Who are you?!" the apostle asked coldly, his eyes locked on Bai Ye. In his hand he held a black scepter studded with sparkling gems.

Bai Ye raised his head, his cold eyes meeting the apostle's. He did not speak, but smiled slightly, and the vibranium blade in his hand shone with a cold light.

The apostle's eyes widened, and he raised his staff with difficulty, trying to block the blow. However, the sword light penetrated his resistance and struck his body directly.

The last believer felt suffocated, as if an invisible hand in the darkness was tightening his throat. He struggled desperately, but to no avail. Bai Ye's thought power penetrated into the depths of his soul, slowly blowing out the fire of life.

The lights on the walls gradually diminished, leaving only a faint glow. He peered through the shadows and continued along the winding passage.

Then he followed the way he treated the two believers before and found a random place to hide the body of the believer. Then he continued to step into the depths of the main ship, and the passage in the darkness gradually became deeper and deeper.

Bai Ye walked through the dead silence with light steps, not stopping for the body just left behind. His eyes were still cold and sharp, without any emotion.

A believer suddenly felt a chill on his neck, but before he could make a sound, his body fell down uncontrollably. Bai Ye used his telekinesis to gently place his body on the ground without attracting the attention of other believers.

A scream echoed through the corridor, and the apostle's body was split in half, with blood splattering. Bai Ye coldly withdrew the vibranium blade and watched the apostle's body fall to the ground, his life disappearing in an instant.

"Stupid believers, your faith cannot stop me." Bai Ye's voice was cold, his vibranium blade cut through the air, and a sword light struck at the apostle.

A believer looked around alertly and felt a strange atmosphere, but he became confused in an instant. Bai Ye's telepathy has lightly wrapped his consciousness, making him unable to detect the coming threat.

The few Cosmic Truth believers stood in front of the gate, wearing black ceremonial robes with silver mysterious runes embroidered on them.

The apostle blinked and suddenly felt a chill. He quickly glanced around, but Bai Ye had already quietly appeared behind him.

The door looked extremely ancient, made of a black metal with blue mysterious runes inlaid on the surface. This door emits weak energy fluctuations and seems to be connected to some mysterious source of power.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and locked his eyes on the Cosmic Truth Believers. He gently waved the vibranium blade in his hand, the cold light flashed, and the blade followed him like a shadow.

Then, Bai Ye quickly moved to the next target. His movements were like the night wind, soundless. Controlling the hearts of the believers one by one, he walked in the darkness, leaving a trail of silent silence.

Their faces were covered by a long turban, revealing only a pair of cold eyes. Each guard holds a variety of weapons, including energy weapons, lightsabers, and rune-engraved battle axes.

The apostle clenched the scepter in his hand vigilantly, preparing for a possible battle. In the tense atmosphere, Bai Ye suddenly disappeared in place, dissipating like a wisp of black smoke.

The door slowly opened, revealing a hazy darkness. Bai Ye stepped into it, and his figure gradually disappeared into the depths of darkness. As he left, the door closed heavily again, sealing off the silent corridor.

Their skin was pale, like a flash of deathly silence under the night, and the twinkling light in their eyes looked extremely cold. Their bodies exude a mysterious atmosphere, and they are obviously messengers wrapped in faith.

In the entire corridor, only the corpses of the believers and the sharp figure of Bai Ye were left.

Ahead, the heavy gate stood in front of him, like a closed fortress. Bai Ye stared at the door, eyes flashing with determination. Without hesitation, he reached out and pushed open the heavy door, making a low friction sound.

Bai Ye ruthlessly controlled the believer's body with his mind, causing him to fall to the ground smoothly without making a sound. Before other believers could react, their companions had fallen into the darkness, and the light of life gradually dissipated.

At the same time, his telepathy expanded again and detected the life fluctuations of those believers. Under the guidance of telepathy, Bai Ye concentrated on injecting telepathy into them to find the weak spots in their lives.

All this happened very quickly, and the believers were still confused and unaware. Bai Ye's steps are light and precise. He moves like a ghost in the dark, and every step is a fatal beat.

The vibranium blade cut through the darkness like a bolt of lightning across the night sky. Bai Ye's movements were like a phantom, and he quickly approached one of the believers. Before the cultist could react, the vibranium blade had silently cut through his neck, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Various totems and symbols are also engraved on the door, outlining a mysterious and ancient picture.

On both sides of the door, blue flames burned, forming a sacred and majestic scene.

As he moved further away, he felt a weak energy fluctuation. At the end of the passage, he saw a large metal door.

When the door was pushed open, the door shaft made a faint creaking sound, revealing the scene in the room that was fixed to the wall by metal equipment. Under the dim light, the body of the silver glider was clearly visible.

The walls of the room are densely covered with various strange metal devices. They stretch out many slender tentacles, like demonic tentacles, tightly fixing the silver glider to the wall. These metal tentacles penetrated into his skin and were deeply connected to his body. They were a kind of shackles of life.

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