"I said, where are we going?" Clint, who was standing by the porthole, rubbed his head habitually and asked. However, he was wearing power armor now and couldn't figure it out at all. He could only make a clanging sound of metal. .

The sky was already bright outside the plane window, and the sun was slowly rising from the edge of the horizon, casting a ray of morning light towards the aircraft flying under the clouds.

They left the craftsman's shelter an hour ago. After boarding the plane, Bai Ye asked the pilot to just drive without telling anyone else where they were going.

Now that Eagle Eye has been injected with the serum, his fighting spirit and patience are much higher than ordinary people, even if he doesn't sleep for several days, Wanda has already leaned on the chair and covered her mouth with her little hand and yawned.

"Josie's bar, the place you used to go to where you would have sex and drink without paying."

Bai Ye, who was communicating with the AI ​​in the Hulkbuster mecha, replied casually. He was thinking about it based on some of the intelligence he knew and the information in the mecha's database.

But in the comics, subatomic particles like Pym particles are not as dangerous as in the movies. You can pour a tube of Pym particles directly on your head to change the size anywhere. After all, that's what Hank Pym did in the first place. .


"Yes, it's me. Our boss has something to discuss with you." Eagle Eyes, who was much taller than the black man because he was wearing power armor, walked to the door of the bar and was about to step in, but he retracted his feet angrily. He is too big.

The old black man slapped his head, his expression changed from fear to relaxation, and he laughed in a flattering manner, "Hey, I don't think it's such a big deal. You can send someone to deliver a message for this trivial matter."

In the comics, the importance of Ant-Man's helmet is much reduced compared to the MCU movie universe. In the movie universe, the helmet is mainly used to protect the chemical balance in the user's brain and prevent people from turning into a puddle after activating the suit. Rotten meat.

In this Twilight Wolf universe, the location of the bar was moved from New York to the wilderness of Wyoming, and the owner became the bar's original patron, Turk Barrett.

Turk blinked and lowered the muzzle of the shotgun slightly. He had no intention of relying on this thing to defend himself.

The door of the small bar quietly opened at this moment, and an old black man with gray hair walked out. He walked out holding a double-barreled shotgun, and he did not forget to turn to the room and shout: "Damn it! Stop playing with that helmet of yours." , Dwight! Find a place to hide."

It can be heard from his tone that this man named Dwight often seems to do some strange behavior, so that he is not surprised.

"Gentlemen, we're here!" The driver in the cab turned around and shouted, interrupting Bai Ye's thinking. The latter shrugged and said to Hawkeye: "Let's go."

Talk to me?

After hearing this, Turk turned his head somewhat numbly and looked at the Hulkbuster mecha walking towards him. The towering body almost completely blocked the rising sun in the distance, leaving only a shadow cast by him.

With that said, he dropped the gun and jogged back to the tavern. On the way, he pushed the old man in golden power armor, and the door frame of the bar was almost broken by him.

Of course, this guy is not important, what is important is the Ant-Man helmet in the hands of his little nephew Dwight Barrett.

"What? You can't say that superhero things are not paid." Clint's old face turned red and he took off his helmet and defended. He was full of things about borrowing and not stealing, and if he didn't keep the accounts and didn't pay, the cabin The inside was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

The aircraft slowly stopped at high altitude, the hatch opened, and a ray of light came out, reflecting two figures hanging in the air. Bai Ye was wearing the silver-white Hulkbuster mecha, and Hawkeye was wearing the thunder power armor side by side. Stand at the cabin door.

The black man holding the shotgun did not clearly see the situation in the dust at first. However, when he gradually recognized the figures of the huge mecha and power armor, his legs couldn't help but start to tremble.

"What? This can't work." Hawkeye, who was trying to shrink his head and squeeze into the bar, heard this and quickly turned his head. However, looking at the Hulkbuster mecha's turned head, he shrunk his neck again and could do nothing. Didn't say.

Hearing the movement behind him, Bai Ye smiled and looked at the white thin clouds outside the window and fell into deep thought again.

After looking at each other, the two jumped down together without hesitation, the wind howling in their ears. They overlooked the wilderness on the ground, a quiet and vast area, only dotted with small bars in the distance, like a lonely oasis.

A few steps later, two figures hit the ground like cannonballs, and a deep crater was instantly created. Earth and rocks splashed and dust filled the air.

This made Turk, who had just relaxed a little after seeing his acquaintance, suddenly swallow again and become nervous.

"To make a long story short, I'm not here to intimidate you or do anything to you. Let's negotiate a deal." Bai Ye did not open the helmet directly, but spoke directly through the loudspeaker.

The regular customers that Hawkeye has made friends with over the years are not very good. He can easily smuggle mutant growth hormone, which is strictly prohibited by President Skeleton, and he can kill people, set fires, sell drugs, and silence them.

"Ah, you say so." The old black man with gray hair on his temples put away the gun in his hand and looked at the metal giant in front of him with some anxiety.

He was an unknown black gangster who had fought with Daredevil a few times. His greatest achievement in his life was that he briefly came into contact with the Soul Stone, which was then taken away by Doctor Strange.

His lips trembled slightly, trying to say something, but his voice seemed to be stuck in fear. His eyes kept moving between the Hulkbuster mecha and the power armor, as if he was trying to find an escape route.

And in some emergency situations, he can even transform into a walking bird naked without the help of a battle suit.

In addition, in the comics, Scott Lang's daughter Cassie can transform into a giant without a suit due to long-term exposure to Pym particles.

A few years later, after the death of his uncle, Dwight Barrett used the repaired Ant-Man helmet to control ants and used it to block a road on a bridge to collect tolls, killing at least one person on the bridge.

"Don't pee, Turk, it's me, Hawkeye!" Raising his hand to wave away the dust in front of his eyes, Clint shouted carelessly and walked towards the trembling old black man, the sound of hydraulic bearings running along with it. It sounded inside the power armor.

Josie's bar, in the 616 universe, is a small bar opened in the simple Hell's Kitchen. There are often small characters from various gangs hanging out or illegal transactions. The owner is a blond man named Josie. old woman.

"I'd like to think about ten thousand dollars, how about buying the Ant-Man helmet from your nephew, plus paying off the wine money that Clint Barton owes you?"

What good can come from someone like the boss in charge of these businesses coming to him?

Thinking about it, he felt his calf tighten again and almost fell to his knees.

He bought the Ant-Man helmet from the black market two years ago for his nephew to play with as a toy. If it has no use, it’s okay to don’t use it. Now that our family has money, what else do we want?

Let’s buy another set of building block toys for my nephew called “Doctor Doom and His Four Defeated Men”. I heard it’s very popular at Hammerfell.

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