It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 234: Love was slow then

It was noon, and a certain pretty boy was doing that thing in the office


Loudheng kept his head muffled and screeched for a while, and finally wrote a 'simplified' love letter.

The contents are as follows.

My wife Yinghong:

See your face!

The telegram was short, not as long as I miss it.

When I send this telegram, it is the 3654th minute of my separation from you.

Without you in these days and nights, I was suffering from lovesickness all the time. Even the cruelest punishment in the world is not as painful as my heart.

If you want to know how much I miss you, then look up at the night sky on the fifteenth night, please don't doubt, the bright white moon and the splendid stars are all filled with my longing for you. dazzling.

Looking forward to returning.

——Husband, constant.

This has already been written by him under the pressure of anger. If he took out his ability to make pen pals in his previous life, it would be enough for the sender to work for a day, but if he went to the toilet, he could not finish sending this letter!

"It's almost meaningless." Chu Heng still picked up the manuscript paper and looked at it again and again. Finally, he carefully folded it and stuffed it into his bag, and ran out of the grain store happily.

When he went out and got into the car, he hurried to the telegraph office on his horse, and his urgent appearance was quite a bit like going to an Internet cafe to chat with an online lover in a hurry.

The Sanliang Store is not far from the telegraph office. After leaving the street where the grain store is located, it is just a few turns. No matter how slow it is, it is a ten-minute journey.

Chu Heng was in a hurry all the way, and he arrived at the place in a short time.

Pushing the door into the room, you can hear the almost incessant "drip, tick, tick" sound of the telegraph machine. The telegraphers sitting behind the workbench in the innermost row of the room are waving their fingers vigorously, busying themselves with Gotta get over it.

There were also a lot of people sending telegrams in the hall, bustling, shoulder to shoulder.

Chu Heng dived into the crowd, found a counter and took a telegram form from the young lady who became shy after seeing him, and ran to the corner to fill in the information.

After a while, he returned to the counter with a telegram that was almost full and handed it over to the young lady.

"Comrade, help me calculate how much I am getting tired."

The young lady glanced at him shyly, and stretched out her fleshy little hand to take the telegram. After she looked down for a few times, her face suddenly showed a complex expression of surprise, heartache, annoyance and other emotions. : "You...are you married?"

"Can't you send a telegram when you get married?" Chu Heng looked at her blankly.

"No, no, I'll ask." The young lady shook her head regretfully, then lowered her head and continued to read the telegram. After a while, she raised her head with a strange face and looked at the ruffian opposite, and asked, "Are you sure? Are you going to send it?"

"Why didn't you send me to write it?" Chu Heng looked at the young lady with a strange expression.

"Oh!" Those dark eyes made the young lady's heart tremble. She lowered her eyes to avoid danger, not letting herself fall into it. Thirty-nine cents."

"Okay." Chu Heng quickly took out the money from his pocket, counted it, and handed it over to the stack of banknotes.

The little sister took the money and confirmed it, and suddenly said: "You must love your wife very much, otherwise you wouldn't be so willing to spend money on her."

What kind of logic is this?

According to you, the poor are not worthy of love?

Chu Heng blinked and decided to correct the girl's misconceptions, so he preached forcefully: "This lesbian, I don't agree with your statement, love is not related to money, I will give it to you. My lover sent this long telegram because I have money and my financial capacity is enough to support me to do so, and the money for sending this telegram is a drop in the bucket!"

"According to your logic, if there is a boy who buys you a gift with one dollar of his entire net worth, does he just not love you? Obviously not, he has already devoted himself to you. do everything."

"So, to measure how much a person loves you, you can't judge by the amount of money, you have to see how much he has paid for you!"

"I said so much, you should understand, right?"

"Oh." At this moment, the young lady's eyes changed from heartbeat to pity, and she even took a step back, as if she was afraid of being bitten.

There was something wrong with this person's designation, so I asked nonsense, what did he say to me?

It's a pity that he is so handsome, it turns out to be mentally ill.

Miss think so.

Someone who felt that he had successfully saved a girl who was almost degenerate smiled gratified, took the receipt from the young lady, wiped his body and left the telegraph office.

On the way back, he had already begun to guess what his daughter-in-law looked like when she received the telegram.

Must be a complete mess, right?

Will she also send me a love letter back?

This is a bit difficult. With the introverted personality of the little girl Ni, she can't say such words under the bed.

So what will she give me back?

How will she express her thoughts?

Chu Heng looked forward to it all the way, smirking, until he returned to the grain store, he was still remembering the telegram that he did not know whether it was sent or not.

Sitting in the office, looking at the afternoon sun, he suddenly remembered a sentence he had seen in his previous life.

At that time, love was very slow, cars and horses were slow, and there was only enough love for one person in a lifetime.

It's really slow, so slow that you can't even love another person.

But the love at this time is so rich and colorful, which makes people full of expectations and has a long aftertaste.

It is far from the future, where a few hundred yuan can talk about a short-lived love, and after chatting online for a while, you can have a hurried encounter.



Director Chu, who successfully had a pseudo-Internet chat, was in a good mood. After get off work, he deliberately bought two crucian carp, and was going to go back and make a steamed fish to celebrate.

Well, anything can be an excuse to celebrate as long as you're hungry.

"Today, I drank the celebratory wine, and I vowed to make an unfulfilled promise. It will be a long time to come to Japan..."

Chu Heng carried the fish in one hand and pushed the cart in the other, humming a well-thought-out tune, and swayed into the courtyard.

When he got home, he washed some water first, and then Le Dian Dian found scissors to pick up the two big crucian carp that were still alive and jumping around.

Open the intestines and break the belly, remove the scales and change the Just when Chu Heng was about to spread the seasoning and start steaming, he suddenly found that the soy sauce at home was gone!

"This is so special!"

Looking at the crucian carp that was still twitching on the plate, he licked his teeth, and he didn't need a ticket to buy soy sauce. It's really gone.

I had no choice but to borrow it from a neighbor.

Chu Heng found a bottle and went out to Aunt Li's house next door, but there was no one in her house. Although the door was open, there was not a single one to breathe.

He glanced at the soy sauce bottle on the window sill of Aunt Li's house, and wiped it away without thinking.

Although soy sauce is not much, it is absolutely impossible to get it without the consent of the owner.

After Chu Heng came out of Aunt Li's house, he glanced at Yanbu Gui's house, felt his pocket, took out two cents, and walked over leisurely.

Don't think about borrowing things from Old Man Yan's house, you have to pay for them.

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