Iron Germany

Chapter 645 The Regretful Italian

Rome, the capital of Italy, has become a place that Catholics all over the world yearn for because the Holy See is in the Vatican. However, the relationship between the Italian government and the Vatican is very bad.

Before the unification of Italy, the Holy See ruled over the Papal States in central Italy. The Second French Empire provided security guarantees for the Papal States. But it is a pity that the Second French Empire was wiped out in the Franco-Prussian War. This also allowed the Kingdom of Sardinia to directly capture the entire Papal State. The Holy See was driven to the tiny Vatican. A large amount of wealth originally belonging to the Holy See also fell into the hands of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Until now, the Italian royal family is still unpopular in the Vatican.

King Vittorio Emanuele III of the Kingdom of Italy is praying to God in his palace at the moment, praying that the combined fleet can defeat the German navy in a naval battle. That way, they might be able to get a decent peace. If you can go to the Vatican to pray, maybe the effect will be better. But Vittorio Emanuele III knew he couldn't go to the Vatican at all.

In this world war, the performance of the Italian army was really terrible. In the Alps, they were beaten by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German army, and suffered heavy losses. Had to give up the attack on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and blindly defended. It can be said that their contribution in this war was nothing more than holding back part of the Austro-Hungarian army.

However, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly. The Allied Powers, which seemed to lose the war, won one victory after another as if they had been beaten to death. Powerful countries one after another were defeated by Germany. Soon, it will be the turn of the Kingdom of Italy. In terms of military strength, the Kingdom of Italy has no chance of winning at all. But at the same time, they are unwilling to fail. Therefore, when the British proposed to form a joint fleet to defeat the German navy and fight for a chance of survival, the Kingdom of Italy immediately agreed.

For this battle, the Italian government undoubtedly has great hopes. If you can win, then all crises will be resolved. No matter how bad it is, a decent peace can be fought for. If it fails, it's all over.

King Vittorio Emanuele III's most aggrieved point was undoubtedly betraying the Allies and joining the Allies. Originally, they were members of the Allied Powers! Although there are conflicts with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they are all conflicts of interests and are not irreconcilable. If they can continue to stay in the alliance, then they are now part of the victors. There's no need to be frightened like a member now. What's more, you can also share a lot of fruits of victory.

It's all right now, not only can't get any fruits of victory, but also have to pay for their own interests! This kind of comparison is really too big. Often Vittorio? Emanuele III regret.

"Damn Giovanni Giolitti. It is because of him that the Kingdom betrayed the Allies. Otherwise, we would be cheering victory now!" King Vittorio Emanuele III bit Tooth said.

Giovanni Giolitti was the last prime minister. It was when he was prime minister that Italy betrayed the Allies and joined the Entente. However, Vittorio Emanuele III seems to have forgotten that when the British and French threw so many baits, he was also lured*. What's more, he, the king, should bear the main responsibility.

It's just that it is the usual practice of the monarch to shift the responsibility to the courtiers.

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister is here." The waiter reported to King Vittorio Emanuele III.

"Well, let him come in." Vittorio Emanuele III said.

Prime Minister Antonio Sarandra entered the office.

"Prime Minister, is there any news about the naval battle?" King Vittorio Emanuele III asked eagerly.

"Your Majesty, there is no news yet. His Excellency Francisco is guarding the Ministry of the Navy. He will report as soon as there is news." Prime Minister Antonio Sarandra said.

Vittorio Emanuele III breathed a sigh of relief. No news, perhaps the best news. Because at least the bad news of the defeat has not been received.

"Can we defeat the Germans in this battle?" King Vittorio Emanuele III had a hint of earnestness in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, it is very difficult to say. In addition, I am not from the navy, and I know little about naval warfare. However, judging from the comparison of the strengths of the two sides, we are not far behind the German navy. If we are lucky, we can defeat Germany. People, it is not impossible." Prime Minister Antonio Sarandra said.

Vittorio Emanuele III nodded: "I hope God can bless the Kingdom of Italy!"

"Hey, if we had known earlier, we shouldn't have betrayed the allies for a little profit. Now, it's time for us to pay the price for it." King Vittorio Emanuele III said with a look on his face. frustrated. Thinking of this, he regretted it very much. However, there is no regret medicine in this world. No matter how much you regret it, it's useless.

"Your Majesty, don't say that. After all, you made that decision for the benefit of the Kingdom of Italy. At that time, everyone thought that the Germans would fail. After all, Britain, France and Russia are too powerful. But who knew, they would actually How could the war be won so easily? This is really unbelievable," said Antonio Salandra.

If they were given a chance to choose again, they would probably choose to stay in the Allied country without hesitation. In this way, they can hitch a ride with the Germans and follow the Germans to pick up cheap. After Germany won the war, of course it will take the lead when distributing the benefits of the war. But even if they can drink some soup, that would be good! At least you don't have to worry like now, if you fail, even the country will perish.

"Yes, I did that for the benefit of the Kingdom of Italy!" King Vittorio Emanuele III was very satisfied with this rhetoric. Of course, he made a mistake on this issue, but isn't it worth understanding to make a mistake for the sake of the national interest? Thinking of these, Vittorio Emanuele III felt much better.

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