I'm really just human

Chapter 143 The Rise of the Unparalleled Dragon

"Hey Kido!"

Ren Akiyama stopped his motorcycle outside the factory, stared at Shinji Kido and exclaimed.

This fool...

To actually do this.

"No one wants you to do anything, aren't you too self-righteous!"

Although he didn't get along well with Shinji Kido, he still couldn't accept Shinji's death.

This scene seems to have happened before.

In the past, he seemed to have fought side by side with Kido, more than once.

"Kamen Rider is not a hero. I told you not to sign the contract! You are the only one who should not have become a knight. You should have given up that dragon to me in the first place!"

Ren Akiyama's nose was slightly sour and he looked at Shinji Kido who had a peaceful face. He turned his head away and clenched his fists to look at Natsukawa Ryuki and Odin who appeared for the first time in the mirror world.

"Who is that knight?"


Mirror world.

Feathers all over the sky rose in the wind, and the phoenix came again with golden flames. The unparalleled red dragon on the opposite side also roared back to Xia Chuan, not flinching even if he felt the terrifying momentum of the phoenix.

A steady stream of life energy poured in from Xia Chuan, and the value that was originally only 5,000 rose crazily, reaching 7,000 in an instant, catching up with the Phoenix's 8,000.

Compared to the Kanzaki siblings, Natsukawa can also be called a person with super powers.

Although his abilities are relatively ordinary, far behind the likes of "Creation" and "Time", his physique is close to level 5, and his life level has surpassed that of humans. He is a monster-level existence in his own right.


Kanzaki Shirou's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he repeatedly sensed the red dragon's soaring aura through Odin.

Phoenix is ​​the strongest mirror monster he created with the help of Yui's power. It is the absolute king that surpasses all monsters, and now it is actually trending to be surpassed.

The mirror monster can indeed absorb the life energy of other dead mirror monsters and become stronger, but it does not become stronger in this way.

How could human beings possess such terrifying life energy?

"I still underestimated you." Kanzaki Shirou looked ugly.

Xia Chuan's trump card was not exposed at all last time.

"But it's useless. It's just a do-over. Next time..."

"Do you really want this cycle to continue forever?"

Natsukawa Ultra's telekinesis fluctuated, and he entered the spiritual world face to face with Kanzaki Shirou.

"Time may be reset, but some things cannot be eliminated."

"What do you want to say?" Kanzaki Shirou frowned even more.

"Your abilities aren't perfect, are they?"

Natsukawa turned his head to look at the memory of Kanzaki Shirou.

The memories have been superimposed after restarting countless times, including scenes of the Kanzaki family living happily, and scenes of the Kanzaki couple fearfully imprisoning Kanzaki Yui.

The memories that were bright at first gradually turned gloomy, and finally turned into the death of Kanzaki and his wife, and the brother and sister were adopted by relatives and separated.

"You should also be aware of the negative consequences of abusing abilities, so you did not restart the past, but chose to use the knight system. But is there really no impact?"

Natsukawa faced Shirou Kanzaki again.

"Just like I will retain my memory, your sister's pain will continue to accumulate, and she will suffer the torture of death again and again..."

"Shut up!" Kanzaki Shirou's expression changed drastically, "Stop talking! As long as I deal with you, I will definitely be able to let Yui accept a new life!"

"Sword Vent!" Sword reads!

Abandoned factory in Mirror World.

As the two top contracted mirror monsters collided and fought in the air, Odin on the ground also summoned two golden sabers under the control of Kanzaki Shirou and rushed straight towards Natsukawa.

After the last lesson, Odin lost his sense of superiority and was no longer careless. Instead, he devoted himself 100% to the battle. If something went wrong, he would transform into a golden feather and teleport away.



Xia Chuan threw away the severed king snake drill sword and did not continue to summon weapons.

Odin is the strongest knight used by Kanzaki Shirou to harvest fruits. Whether it is a contract beast or an equipment card, it is a level higher than other knights.

The survival cards used by other knights for advanced transformations are just Odin's normal power.

So there is no use for any weapons, it is better to just use fists and feet.


Akiyama Ren stared directly at the battle in the mirror world.

The new Golden Knight is too exaggerated. Not only is the contracted beast powerful, but its destructive power is also quite amazing.

Those two golden sabers can emit destructive wind and fire with a single slash.

The ruined factory inside the Mirror Knight was torn apart in an instant, and ravines were opened on the ground.

Even if he wasn't in the mirror world, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

It's like a gamer in a magical outfit.

How could such a super knight exist?

What's the point of fighting between other knights like this?

Qiu Shanlian's face darkened slightly.

It's possible that the Knight's War was a scam.


Such an exaggerated Golden Knight failed to win the Dragon Rider.

If he hadn't had the ability to teleport, he would probably have been defeated by the Dragon Riders.

"Who is that dragon rider?"

Ren Akiyama looked back at Shinji Kido, and suddenly, Natsukawa, who left the restaurant first, flashed in his mind.

"How is that possible for an uncle like that?"


Kallis suddenly appeared behind Akiyama Ren with a bow and arrow in his hand, his red-heart compound eyes followed him as he looked directly at the mirror world, and the scarab spade 10 in his hand brushed the awakener component and entered the activation state in advance.


Akiyama Ren turned around in shock and saw Kallis taking out the card case out of reflex.

"Are you a knight too?"

"Hoo ho!"

Xia Chuan in the mirror world sensed that Kallis was ready, but he did not immediately activate the time stop, and still calmly avoided the attack of Odin's golden saber.

Odin's equipment is indeed gorgeous, but that's all. The combat effectiveness that the knight can exert is ultimately determined by the wearer.

Precisely because his abilities are too invincible, Odin's true strength is average.

It's okay to deal with other knights, after all, they are all crushed.

In front of him, the shortcomings in actual combat were infinitely magnified.

Seeing the exaggerated offensive, he actually didn't feel any pressure, just a little noisy.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were explosions in the ruins.

After several consecutive counterattacks were dodged by Odin's teleportation, Xia Chuan simply stood there and gave up the attack, letting the wind and flames roar in his ears.

"Have you given up?"

Odin teleported to reveal his body, glanced at the two contracted beasts in the sky where there was still no winner, and looked directly at Xia Chuan with a cold voice.

Wushuang Dragon suddenly became stronger because of Xia Chuan. As long as Xia Chuan is defeated, Wushuang Dragon will also be affected.


Odin crossed his swords of wind and fire, and once again turned into feathers and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was behind Xia Chuan.


Looking at Xia Chuan who seemed to be unresponsive, Odin teleported and slashed with both swords immediately.


ORE newspaper.

The president called one after another, but neither Natsukawa nor Shinji Kido could be contacted.

"What are you doing?"

Putting down the phone in confusion, Okubo looked back at Kazumi Takahashi who was sorting information on the other side.

"Kazumi, do you know where they went for the interview?"

"I don't know." Takahashi Kazumi looked out the window worriedly.

Something important seemed to be happening in this world, but she didn't know anything about it.

But Xia Chuan seemed to know something.

"what is this?"

Okubo tore off the note on Natsukawa's desk, frowned and opened the memory notes full of keywords. After reading for a while, he couldn't help laughing.

"Knight Odin, time restart, golden feathers, teleportation... Haha, when did Kaminaga start thinking about these things? Are you planning to write a novel? This level is not good, it is too messy."


Takahashi Kazumi followed and glanced.

I only saw the note read at the end of the page, "Invite it to teleport behind you and attack."

"Could it be that Kaminaga found something?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Okubo looked sideways at Takahashi Kazumi, "Can this be taken seriously?! If it were true, I would eat all the newspapers in the office right now!"

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