Harry smiled cheerfully and said, "That's exactly what I meant."

Let’s cut off the entanglement that started in the first grade.

You are not the savior, and I am not the youngest Death Eater.

Destinies intersect again, and then they are two straight lines that will never meet again.

Gold appears in an instant.

The two figures moved at the same time.

Familiar feeling.

Second grade, third grade, fifth grade.

Confrontations again and again, entanglements again and again.

We are chaos entangled with each other, and it’s time to separate.

The final battle brings us to an end.

Malfoy and Potter.

Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Chapter 631 Chaser, Chaser

Firebolts and Firebolts.

Malfoy and Potter.

Slytherin and Gryffindor.

The two figures shuttled and entangled, their shoulders collided, and neither of them gave way.

This scene tugs at everyone's heartstrings.

Diving from a high altitude, Malfoy secretly used a bad move and almost pushed Harry out with his elbow.

An old rival for many years, Harry returned the favor and pivoted to the right of Malfoy.

Malfoy's dominant hand was his right hand, and in this position Harry had his hand restrained.

The person who knows you best is often your opponent.

What's more, this is an old rival.

"You've learned a lesson, Potter!"

Malfoy laughed.

Harry smiled as well.

The golden streak passed under Slytherin's goal. Malfoy glanced at Goyle, who was about to touch the Bludger, and smiled evilly: "It's a pity that you forgot, this is a team game."

After saying that, Malfoy pressed his entire body against the Firebolt.

When Harry was wondering, he saw Goyle swinging the bat with all his strength, and the Bludger flew towards Harry's door.

Quickly dodging, Harry's flight path tilted, causing the Bludger to fly past his hair.

Malfoy seized the opportunity and accelerated the Firebolt to maximum power.

He transformed into a green arrow, and when he was about to catch the golden snitch, he saw the golden man scurrying up.

Malfoy turned around urgently and flew into the sky against the door frame.

Harry adjusted and caught up.

The two men chased each other from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky.

Red and green alternated, and Harry also learned Malfoy's signature move and slammed into Malfoy hard.

Malfoy performed a central axis rotation and came to Harry's right and raised his eyebrows provocatively at him.

"Exciting!" Ernie yelled, his voice breaking, "Harry Potter is in hot pursuit, and they've all found the Golden Snitch!"

"The score came to 150:140, Ginny Weasley scored strongly, the score was 150:150!"

"Who will end the game!"

"Harry Potter cannot let Draco Malfoy get the Golden Snitch. There is still a gap between them in terms of total points difference!"

The touching scene made everyone stand up. Professor McGonagall clasped her hands together and prayed.

Malfoy was about to touch the Golden Snitch when a Bludger flew in and nearly hit his broom.

"It's the Bludger! The Bludger saved Gryffindor's life!"

Ernie stood on the table excitedly and was pulled off by Professor McGonagall.

Malfoy dodged and lost sight of the Golden Snitch.

Harry caught a glimpse of the Golden Snitch on Malfoy's right side, and he made an extremely risky decision.

Wonsky fakes!

He pulled down the Firebolt and sprinted in a completely different direction without looking back.

Malfoy was about to turn to the right, saw Harry's movement, and followed without any hesitation.

The two people strayed away from the Golden Snitch, who quickly disappeared.

By the time Malfoy discovered he had been deceived, the Snitch could no longer be found.

Ginny lowered her head to avoid the Bludger and yelled at Dean: "Throw the damn ball into the goal frame!"

Dean roared angrily, and a violent direct shot caused the ball to hit the door frame and go in.

They were ahead by 10 points, but it was not enough!

Ginny notes that the crisis is over and they need to score as many points as possible during this time.

She immediately began to organize a new round of attack. Astoria understood her thoughts and immediately shouted: "Block her actions!"

"Ginny moves, oops! Astoria gets the ball, two batters cover her move, close to goal!"

Gall and Crabbe used Bludgers to chase away the two Chasers approaching Astoria.

It was too late for Ginny to return to defense, and Astoria went to the meeting alone.

Ron emboldened himself to roar, "Come on!"

Astoria analyzed calmly, and at the moment when she was close to the goal, she faked a move and deceived Ron to go to the lower right corner of the goal.

In fact, she threw the ball toward the center.

The Quaffle flew towards the goal bit by bit.

Just as he was about to pass through, Ron Weasley roared, stood up on his broomstick, and rushed towards the Quaffle.

His fingers touched the Quaffle and pushed it out of the goal.

Just as a smile appeared on Ron's face, he suddenly remembered that he had left the broomstick.

His smile froze as his legs were dangling in the air, his upward force disappeared, and he began to fall.

The entire audience was shocked by his desperate actions.

"Oops, oops!"

Ron waved his hands wildly and his body fell rapidly.

Just as he was about to have a close contact with the court, Dean appeared in time and stretched out his hand to hold him.

"Well done, Ron!"

Dean couldn't help but praise him loudly, sent the person to the ground, and sat on the broom again.

Dean ignited his fighting spirit and said: "You let me see that this game must be won!"

Not only him, but also Gryffindor's fighting spirit was on fire.

They were shocked by Ron's amazing save. This was a game where they had to give everything.

Everyone showed their determination to win this game.

The rekindled Gryffindor burst into unprecedented aggression.

When Ginny saw how hard her brother was working, this Gryffindor girl who was no less powerful than Astoria burst out with three times the strength.

Control the broomstick and break through the door again.

The score difference was stretched to 20 points, but this was not enough.

Ginny and Dean cooperated to pass the Quaffle to the third Chaser, who threw the ball and broke through the door!

30 points!

Gryffindor supporters cheered.

Astoria knew she had to reverse the situation.

The Seeker brings the game to a close, and the Chaser is the story between the lines.

With cooperation, the score kept catching up.

Time is also passing.

This is a battle of toughness and toughness.

From morning until afternoon.

The sky became gloomy.

A heavy rain was brewing, which changed the game again.

Fatigue surrounded both players.

The score came to 190:270.

The Weasley siblings exploded in their own way.

Slytherin was 80 points behind.

This is simply impossible and outrageous.

That's Slytherin, the team that has won twelve consecutive victories!

Could it be that today, the legend of Slytherin will be interrupted?

Astoria and Ginny looked at each other across the river, and both girls had endless fighting spirit in their eyes.

"Pass the ball to me and I'll beat Gryffindor."

This was the first time Astoria asked for the ball, and everyone knew she was going to explode.

Ron Weasley is like a door god. He seems to have drank the elixir of happiness at this moment, and his thoughts are clear.

That shocking save not only boosted morale, but also put Ron into an explosive state.

He said harsh words: "Don't even think about getting in!"

Astoria understood that Gryffindor was now in a duel between spear and shield.

In this case, she will abandon her shield and use the sharpest spear as defense!

The game continues.

Both sides used their sharpest spears to break each other's gates.

The score changed again.


The ball keeps changing hands.

With a thunder, heavy rain came as promised.

But no one left the field, everyone braved the rain to watch the game.

In the sky above the fierce battlefield, an even fiercer competition took place again as the golden snitch appeared under the light of lightning.

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