I, the only superpower on earth

Chapter 170 The person in charge

Navalli's answer made Sanders turn his attention to Swadow.

The latter tightly pursed his lips, leaving only a line between his lips, an extremely stubborn line.

He looked at Navalli in silence, then slowly shifted his gaze to Sanders, nodded for a long time.

"Navari's theory does not seem to me to have any mistakes or omissions - and, after my careful thinking and derivation over the past few days, I found that his technical solution is indeed the most likely way to achieve the enhanced AI of 'Lucy' .”

For some reason, Shivato's voice was a little hoarse.

Navalli gave him a strange look, but immediately withdrew his gaze.


Sanders' expression also looked a little weird—it seemed to be regretful, but also relieved.

The other executives also had different expressions, either surprised, puzzled, or frowning tightly. Salman was the only one sitting on the outermost edge, with his chest folded, looking around with great interest, and his eyes were constantly shifting on the faces of the protagonists of the hearing, Navalli, Sanders, Swadow and others. .

Sanders finally shifted his gaze to Navari's face again.

"The rationality of the scheme has been successfully verified - but, Navalli, have you ever thought of another question? The 'NLMR4' model is the fourth generation of artificial intelligence products that the company wants to launch on the market. Our main concept is to change the times. The arrival of real 'strong AI'. And if you want to realize the 'distributed computing resources' according to your plan, then we must change our previous strategy and launch this product in advance. From the perspective of product route, it seems that Too much expected?

"...Moreover, there is also a confidentiality issue. Once launched on the market, our products will inevitably be displayed, and the advanced algorithms we have developed will also be exposed to more companies-by that time, what should we do? How about preventing other companies from copying our algorithms, or even using our algorithms to get a head start, and create their own 'strong AI'?"

Navalli squinted his eyes, feeling a little puzzled by Sanders' question.

Because in his view, these problems are not too deep, but too shallow.

And...if you have read his plan carefully, you should know that he has almost solved these problems, but there are some conclusions missing. Could it be that the other party can't even calculate such a clear answer by himself?

He chose to meet Sanders' eyes, but the latter gave him an encouraging look. Navalli also looked around, not only Sanders, but even Salman nodded slightly to him from the periphery of the crowd.

Navalli somewhat understood their thoughts, but not very clearly.

So he patiently mentioned the technical means that have shown concepts in the discussion one by one:

"First of all, I don't know about the product route, but in my opinion, the current 'Lucy' has the ability to reduce the dimensionality of all products on the market, and it can also be refined in the use of various end users. Its own intelligence, for the general public, is already very close to the existence of strong AI...

"Secondly, regarding the issue of confidentiality - I have already mentioned in the "Feasibility Study", when using those 'distributed computing power resources', the algorithm model of 'Lucy' can use the 'quantum entanglement encryption method' With real-time encryption, for a malicious codebreaker, they will always only get an incomplete model - and don't know which parts are incomplete..."

After Navalli gave a long answer, Sanders finally nodded, indicating that he had no doubts at all, and he announced his exit.

Next, more executives raised questions about various technical routes and safety issues against Navari's plan.

But most of those technical and safety issues are ridiculously naive in Navali's eyes, and only a very small part can make him take a serious look - and even these parts that he can take a close look at are all that he can do. Answers to doubts.

Therefore, as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer doubters, and the voice of doubt is getting smaller and smaller.

Until the end, it all comes down to nothing.

But no one felt that the hearing was over, not even Navalli.

Because there is still one person who has not spoken.

And that person is the most important person in the field.

— Salman.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, and the latter also looked at Navali with a smile, nodded for a long time.

"There's nothing wrong with Navalli's proposal - it's perfect, I don't have any objection to it. I think it can be implemented as soon as possible."

Everyone relaxed, and many people, including Sanders, cast envious and kind eyes towards Navari. But Navalli tensed his body because he saw Swadow closed his eyes at this moment and leaned his back completely on the chair.

... In his heart, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, Salman smiled and said the next sentence to Navalli:

"However, if this plan is followed, the technical route and development direction of 'Lucy' will actually take a completely different path from the past. Is the head of the NLMR4' laboratory a bit out of date?"

This sentence exploded like a thunderbolt, and also dissipated the misty confusion in Navali's heart.

It turned out to be...

...is that so?

In an instant, Swato's hesitation, hesitation, and those performances that seemed to make Navari doubtful were all answered at this time.

He also finally understood why Swadow did not feel much joy when he saw the "Feasibility Study" he wrote, but remained silent for so long.


That wasn't what he had in mind at first.

Navalli stood up on the table, trying to refute Salman's words, "No, I think Swato—"

But at this moment, Shivaduo opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and sharp, as if he had returned to the beginning.

"—I agree with the ceo's opinion. So far, Navalli has proved his keen sense of smell and talent with one result after another, and this technical solution can indeed lead the 'NLMR4' laboratory to better accomplish its goals .In my opinion, he is indeed the most suitable person to practice this path and create a strong artificial intelligence. I am willing to abdicate.

Swadow's words were like a ladle of hot oil being poured into a hot water pot, making the atmosphere in the entire meeting room the most boiling moment.

Even so, no one spoke at the first moment, and most people's faces were tense, waiting for the person who really has the ability to make the final decision to bring the meeting to an end.

——Therefore, Navalli, who was still standing there in a daze, saw Sanders, stood up at this moment, walked in front of him with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Congratulations, Chief Navalli!"

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