I, the only superpower on earth

Chapter 133 Returning (addition for the lord)

Time goes back to the first day when Mio Ito's Blood Tide Land spread out from Tokyo.

Yokota Air Force Base.

Planes hurriedly set sail from the runway, from special trains, to fighter formations, to helicopter groups, one after another, rushing into the sky one after another.

After the crew boarded and carried all the personnel, the air force base on the ground ignited a raging fire-it was ignited by the last wave of American soldiers before the evacuation.

And this order was issued by the Yokota Air Force Base and the commander-in-chief of the US military stationed in Japan, four-star Admiral Robert.

This behavior represents the complete abandonment of the United States to Japan, an important city in East Asia, and the bankruptcy of the Asia-Pacific strategy.

With the fire at Yokota Air Force Base, from now on, the United States' control over the world situation will further decline.

Sitting on the special train, Robert rubbed his tired eyes and looked at the raging flames under the porthole, feeling a sincere sense of sadness.

"Extraordinary", this kind of new human being who has been in the world for more than half a year, has swept a world-class storm in more than half a year since he stepped on the stage, and it even makes people worry about her in the next few days. Will it further disturb the world situation, or even trigger a war to destroy mankind.

Just thinking of such an existence made Robert feel hopeless.

He sighed, took out the glasses cloth from his chest, and wiped his presbyopic lenses.

Robert, who is now in his sixties, is far less self-respecting than John, who was born in an elite family who grew up at the turn of the millennium. He does not take American hegemony as a matter of course.

As a young man he had grown up in the grim atmosphere of America's confrontation with the great powers of the North.

At that time, the United States was mired in the quagmire of Southeast Asia, full of anti-war atmosphere and isolationism, and the Beatles' "hey jude" and "Hotel California" resounded in the streets and alleys, although the northern power had been in the past for many years. In the confrontation, he proved his own disadvantage in economic development—however, rather because of this, it made people even more afraid of the citizens who seemed to be silhouetted without character behind the steel curtain. Great war potential.

Although from the point of view of later generations, due to his ecstasy in power, Blaine's ruling led the northern powers to go farther and farther on the road of irreversible failure-however, at least at that time, his aggressive offensive was very effective. The global strategy made the United States retreat step by step, coupled with the quagmire of the Vietnam War, the domestic atmosphere became increasingly pessimistic.

Robert, who grew up in that era, never regarded the glory of the empire as a matter of course. In his view, it was the result of painstaking efforts from generation to generation.

This delicious fruit needs maintenance, cultivation, careful loosening of the soil, and timely removal of pests.

Therefore, during his tenure as the commander-in-chief of the Yokota Air Force Base and the U.S. Army stationed in Japan, Robert has been carefully looking at the overall situation, hoping to keep Japan, the fat sheep that is now completely dormant, but is getting fatter and fatter, firmly blocked behind the fence of the empire. In order to check and balance the rise of that eastern power.

Even so, he, who is familiar with history, also understands that there is no empire in the world that never falls. From Alexander to Genghis Khan, from England to America, no matter what kind of glory, there will always be an end.

However, in the past, Robert only guessed that the glory of the United States might be shattered on the rise of the Eastern Red Flag in the future—even so, as the highest power in the entire East Asian region of the United States, he is still confident that he can rely on the United States today. China's military advantages still have accumulated in the past. At least within its own term, the lighthouse's glory will not fall in East Asia.

Even if one day, that big eastern country becomes the center of the historical radiation area again, he still has that psychological expectation.


It never occurred to him.

It was not because of the rise of that great eastern country that the flag of the United States was completely lowered from the land of Japan, but because of one person.

The huge roar of turbines and wind tunnels seemed to surround the endless sound of the entire aircraft. Robert took a last look at Japan, which was getting farther and farther below the porthole. The military base had become a distant point, and the farther away Between the mountains, a blood-red tide is rushing.

He sighed, pulled down the small curtain of the window, closed his eyes, and let the plane send him to the airport in the United States, completely declaring the failure of the empire's East Asia strategy.


The flight formation lands at a military airfield in Arizona, USA.

After getting off the plane, the exhausted Robert saw President Menken and other cabinet members, as well as the four-star generals of the United States.

"General Robert, congratulations on your successful return from that cursed land."

Menken took the initiative to reach out his hand, and Robert subconsciously reached out to hold it.

"Mr President--"

As soon as the term "Cursed Land" came out, he realized the attitude of the current high-level government power towards the Japanese mainland. Robert thinks this is a very wise decision, but during the period when he closed his eyes and rested on the plane just now, he thought about a lot of things again, and wanted to tell this man who was just elected last year and will govern the United States for at least three or even seven years in the future— — If the situation is special, it is even possible to continue to discuss with Mr. President.

But I didn't expect that he was interrupted by the president in a gentle manner just after he opened his mouth:

"General Robert, you just evacuated the air force base, you should take a rest first."

As he spoke, the lawyer president, known for his impromptu speeches, walked behind him and clapped his hands to more and more dejected American soldiers coming out of the aircraft:

"Well, soldiers of America, our dearest children, congratulations on your successful return!

"...Don't be so discouraged, children - this is not your failure, nor is it the failure of America. Although monsters can rule the roost for a while, but a country armed with advanced technology and excellent institutions can go to the end, ours Road, today just encountered a small setback!

"—However, if you leave Japan, your courage and force will be reflected in other battlefields... The glory of America will never fall!"


Robert took a special Cadillac that left the military airport. The end point of this bulletproof car was an international hotel in Arizona, because Robert and other military officers returning from Japan will stay in Arizona for a few days. This is the president With the common will of the Pentagon, Robert cannot go against—

Although he prefers to get on a passenger plane and return to Washington as soon as possible, in his small house of about 5,000 square feet in the Kalorama district, he can soothe his tense nerves with hot water and a familiar environment.

However, since this is an order, it can only be followed.

Sitting in a bulletproof car, the neon lights outside the street are flickering and dimming. This is the night scene of America, but Robert just sits in the back seat contemplatively and has no time to pay attention to him.

Recalling what the president said at the military airport today, he couldn't help showing solemn eyes.

"'Little setbacks' . . .

"Really...is that all?"

The third watch is over.

In addition, we will enter the American chapter next, and the speed and efficiency of this article will be very fast.

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