After swimming for about ten kilometers, Ye Yong stopped.

He tested it in the woods of Yinhuatang, but it was never as comfortable as running in the spacious place outside.

Thinking back to the first time he went out to do a mission, he started to run out of energy after running a similar distance with Dragon Step. Now he can run for a few more rounds. The difference between foundation building and crystallized spiritual power can be imagined, and the speed is also different. A lot of growth.

Qirong City is still far away from Tianluo Sect, and it is impossible for Ye Yongyong to run there. He opened the electronic map, sat on the little magic carpet, and flew up leisurely. At the speed of the little magic carpet, it would take about three hours to reach the destination. If it were a streamer needle, it would probably not take half an hour.

Patting the little magic carpet under him, Ye Yong suddenly sighed. It has been nearly half a year since I traveled through time, and the little magic carpet has always been with me. Although it is cheap and not a rare item, it will become more and more affectionate after a long time. It's nothing like the streamer needle, which sells for 10W reversal points. It's a heaven-level magic weapon. It's awesome, but it broke after just a few days of use.

Ye Yong didn't feel bad at all when the streamer needle broke, only the 10W reversal point. But if the little magic carpet is broken, he will feel sorry for the little magic carpet, not the reversal point.

There is no problem with using the small magic carpet now, but as time goes by and Ye Yong's cultivation improves, it will obviously lack speed. The current maximum speed of the little magic carpet is 100 meters per second, and the speed of the Nascent Soul's initial burst can reach the speed of sound, and by then it will run faster than fly...

Ye Yongyong didn't want to give up the little magic carpet. He opened the system store and tried to find any props that could upgrade the little magic carpet.

Not to mention, except for the items that Ye Yong just needs, the system store also sells other weird and messy things. He quickly found props that could improve the level of the equipment.

Similar to improving the beast status, if you want to improve the quality of equipment, you need to consider the material of the equipment itself. Just like making an airplane, scrap metal may be able to fly, but if it flies too fast, it will be overwhelmed and fall apart. If the material is good enough, it can withstand the burden and impact of high-speed flight.

This is the case with the small magic carpet. It is positioned as a yellow-level appliance and its material is very ordinary. If you want to upgrade it, you need to change and enhance its body material bit by bit.

There is a shortcut method, which is to hand over the materials to be replaced to a powerful refining master. The other party can use advanced refining methods such as fusion to directly upgrade the little magic carpet, but Ye Yongyong doesn't know that level. The Weapon Refining Master, Tie Zi from the Weapon Refining Hall can do it in the future, but the future is too far away.

So Ye Yong is ready to slowly improve the quality of the little magic carpet like he did with Xia Shiqi and Xia Shijia.

I spent 300 reversal points to buy a material conversion fluid called Black Steel Liquid. Ye Yong poured a little bit on the small magic carpet. The small magic carpet absorbed the liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then nothing happened, without any change.

Ye Yong is not a professional, but he believes that changing the material of an object is equivalent to changing its molecular structure. Changing it too quickly will cause problems, so it is safest to do it step by step.

It's just the beginning, there's no point in being anxious. After putting away the black molten steel and admiring the scenery for a moment, he closed his eyes and began to practice his mental skills.


As expected, three hours later, towards evening, Ye Yong arrived at Qirong City.

Qirong City cannot be called prosperous among nearby city-states, but is quite satisfactory. The props that shielded the aura were still taking effect. When Ye Yong walked into the city, even if he was wandering in front of mortals, no one would pay him any attention.

Selecting a certain high-end inn, Ye Yong wanted to rent a room to stay for a few days and wait for the city lord and others to take action. However, under the influence of the props, he was left hanging at the front desk for a long time. In the end, he walked up to the innkeeper. After throwing out a sparkling middle-grade spiritual stone, the shopkeeper noticed him.

When he saw Ye Yong, he was absolutely shocked. Although as an ordinary warrior, the shopkeeper doesn't know what Ye Tianjiao, who has been discussed recently, looks like, Ye Yong's appearance is not something ordinary people can have. The shopkeeper also observed the people around him for a while and found that no one seemed to see Ye Yong, and when they turned their eyes back, they almost couldn't find him.

Silently thinking that Ye Yong was a certain master of cultivating immortals, the shopkeeper respectfully arranged a top-level room for him and charged him a symbolic amount of spiritual stones.

For the next four days, Ye Yong stayed in the room to practice without moving around. During this period, he successively received transmission notes, all from those local snakes.

It is impossible to completely cover up the news of the arrest of Linghu, because under normal circumstances, the city lord cannot leave the city under his jurisdiction. If he leads the team to leave, the Demon Sect cult will take advantage of the situation and cause a large number of civilian casualties. , then the city lord’s good days are basically over.

But the temptation of hundreds of spirit foxes made the city lord of Qirong City very excited, and he wanted to go to Lingyou Mountain to capture them in person. The city needs protection, it doesn't matter, he can only take a few of his cronies out, and the rest of his men stay in the city.

If the arresting team does not have enough manpower, it will be summoned from outside. It was the convening that led to the leakage of the news. Of course, the news was not leaked very badly. Ordinary people and casual cultivators with no connections could not know it.

Ye Yong gave him a lot of money and left an image of a master in the hearts of those local snakes. They wanted to cling to the master, so they informed Ye Yong as soon as they received the news.

After that, Ye Yong replied to the first three local snakes who sent the news first, telling them that if they could report the time of the city lord's departure, they would be rewarded. After waiting for another two days, which was the sixth day of staying in Qirong City, he got the city lord's departure information. information.

Tonight at midnight, the east side gate of Qirong City.

Good guy, you go out early in the morning and take the side door, just like a thief.

But Ye Yong also knew that after the news about Linghu spread, it would attract many snoops. There is nothing that can be done about those who already know. All the lord can do is to avoid being known to more people, so it is reasonable to go out at a time and place where no one is around.

As night fell, Ye Yong was afraid that the time would change, so he used aura props early and came to the east door to wait. It was quite boring to wait. Ye Yong took out the article about the domineering junior brother Lu Xiaoxiao had written before and read it. The more he read, the more he read. His mind was full of words and sentences such as "woman" and "very good, you successfully caught my attention". .

As the moon climbed higher and higher, figures gradually gathered at the side door.

Ye Yong put away his domineering junior brother Wen. Although he used aura props, it should not be too conspicuous, so he hid in a corner, silently counting the number of people and observing the cultivation of those people.

More than 20 golden elixirs, more than 30 crystals, and two Nascent Souls.

Under the moonlight, the man in the middle wearing a cloak, whose face could not be seen clearly, must be the Lord of Qirong City. He was the one with the highest cultivation level present.

There are very few descriptions of the city lord in the novel, but judging from the fact that Hua Ningyan turned into a demon fox and later took revenge and destroyed the city, and killed all the enemies who participated in the arrest, it seems that the city lord was not too greedy and was still very fair. However, regardless of the character of the city lord, hunting the spirit fox is destined to pave the way for his death and the destruction of the city.

Therefore, Ye Yong's intervention in the arrest this time was not only to save Hua Ningyan and her tribe, but also to save all the people in Qirong City, as well as innocent people in nearby cities.

Thinking about it, Ye Yongdu felt that he was great, and he felt like a dark night hero who worked silently.

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