I have a magical world

Chapter 130 Welcome Banquet and Infiltration [Seeking Order]

Chapter 130 Welcome Banquet and Infiltration [Seeking Order I]

After seeing through the essence, Chen Xuan's mood calmed down.

As long as his plan goes smoothly, Myanmar, a country full of chaos and crime, will gradually become his back garden.

No matter where you stand, just look at the results.

Whether it is Burma or mold, it will eventually become his treasure.

The uneventful day ended quickly.

When night fell, James and others took a car and left Myawaddy Friendship Hospital directly after interviewing the doctors that had been arranged in advance.

Chen Xuan turned around and looked through the rear window of the commercial vehicle. The red cross symbol illuminated by the lights was particularly dazzling.

Returned to the tall building located in Myawaddy Town.

The surrounding intersections have been blocked by warlords, and metal barriers painted with red and black reflective paint are blocking both sides.

The elite Buddhist soldiers in full armor were guarding the roadside with M16A1s.

There is also a ZSL-92 wheeled armored personnel carrier parked at the rear.

Two other Willys jeeps were parked on the flanks. The machine gunner grabbed the handle of the M60 heavy machine gun on the truck body and made an aiming gesture.

There are also a large number of Hilux pickup trucks equipped with 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine guns wandering around the periphery.

Chen Xuan even saw Red Arrow 12E anti-tank missiles deployed on commanding heights everywhere.

Soldiers carrying RPGs, CG4 recoilless rifles, or FN-6 man-portable anti-aircraft missiles can be seen everywhere on the streets.

This configuration can be seen on every street corner near that building.

It can be seen that prominent figures from the Buddhist Army and the Burmese Army did come to this dinner.

In order to prevent retaliatory attacks by Karen ethnic armed forces, Myawaddy has also comprehensively strengthened its defenses.

A banner in both Burmese and English was hung at the entrance to the building.

Chen Xuan took a look and said something to the effect:

"Warmly welcome the PBS channel and the documentary crew of "Burma is Different" to Myawaddy."

There were several advertising balloons floating in front of the building, and several larger banners fluttered down.

The above contents are basically words of welcome to Americans.

There were also many colorful flower baskets placed on both sides of the door, making it look like a store celebration.

The shooting schedule of the four American reporters was late, and the colleagues of the film crew had already returned here and were ready for the banquet.

I heard that this time the military government also brought reporters from Myanmar Radio and Television Station.

This is the largest official television station in Myanmar, with 195 broadcast stations throughout the country.

As a sign of showing goodwill to the bald eagle again, using television to promote public opinion is also an indispensable means.

In fact, the filming of the documentary is just a part of the goodwill work.

What is more important is the recent series of statements made by the military and government in the international community.

The Myanmar National Defense and Security Commission stated that elections will be held in February of the following year at the latest.

Form a joint government, and at the same time announce the establishment of special zones in Arakan Port, Pathein Port, and Yangon Port, and reduce tariffs on rice.

Encourage American businessmen to invest in Myanmar.

The navy will also be dispatched to participate in the "Southeast Light" maritime exercise held in July this year.

The exercise is mainly co-organized by the U.S. Naval Base and Clark Air Force Base in Subic Bay, Philippines, and Changi Naval Base in the Lion City.

Many surrounding Southeast Asian countries will send their navy and air force to participate.

The United States will dispatch the CVN-68 "Nimitz" aircraft carrier strike group traveling in the Pacific Theater to participate in the exercise.

This move is aimed at maintaining peace in the Indian Ocean region.

These are the news released by Myanmar officials in the past three days.

Compared with these major events, documentary filming and Myawaddy have little sense of actual existence.

But it is still of great significance in terms of public opinion propaganda.

Therefore, the standard of this banquet is not high.

It was nothing more than a local warlord in Burma and a small representative of the military government hosting a banquet for the press group of the American Emperor, so that the other party could say a few nice words to them, "Great!"

History always reincarnates, and now it is time for Myanmar to embrace the bald eagle's lap.

It was already past 7 o'clock in the evening, and the banquet was officially held at eight o'clock.

There will be a lot of formal speaking procedures during this period.

It was more like a press conference than a serious banquet.

Chen Xuan carried the equipment bag and followed four American reporters back to the suite.

Then I watched them wash up in a hurry.

I foamed my chin and cheeks carefully, and also trimmed my nose hair.

Finally, each of them found a suit from the suitcase and put it on.

No matter where the American guy goes, he always looks like he's feeling helpless.

In fact, these guys are quite face-saving.

After washing and dressing up, they took the elevator to the banquet hall on the 19th floor, led by several sexy waitresses wearing slit cheongsams.

Those Siamese hired bodyguards with guns can't even enter the building tonight.

I can only stay in a nearby hotel temporarily.

Chen Xuan could enter the building by virtue of his status as a follower, but as a "handyman" he was not qualified to participate in the banquet and could only receive a simple meal to eat in the living room.

The film crew has already set up the camera position upstairs and there is no need to bring any equipment up there.

Staying alone in the suite, Chen Xuan glanced at the simple lunch box in his hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

This is the situation he is most happy to see at the moment.

Considering his next move, he longed for the chance to be alone.

Without eating a simple meal, Chen Xuan immediately took action.

The powerful spatial perception ability sweeps across all directions.

You can see that the corridors, elevators and stairways of these floors are all guarded by elite Buddhist soldiers with live ammunition.

There were two to three hundred people in the venue on the 19th floor.

In addition to the PBS documentary crew and reporters from Myanmar Radio and Television, there were also many waiters and sergeants dressed in casual clothes.

After knowing what was going on, Chen Xuan turned off the lights in the whole room.

His enhanced perception makes him immune to the effects of darkness.

Chen Xuan walked into the bathroom and took out a set of POLO stand-up collar short sleeves and cargo shorts from the storage compartment that he had prepared before departure.

Wear that PBS tag.

When he left the bathroom, there was only a shadow moving slowly into the darkness.

This is the effect of [Second Level Stealth Technique].

With his current silver-level magic cultivation level, he can support second-level stealth for several hours.

When things have reached this point, it doesn't matter whether there is surveillance in the suite or not.

As long as he can successfully control Surape, it is equivalent to controlling the entire Buddhist army.

You must know that Surapai has been the leader of the Karen Buddhist Army since its establishment in 1994.

This guy is the local emperor within the Buddhist army and has the authority to speak out.

Of course, it would not be easy for Chen Xuan to ask Su Lapei to order the eradication of the black and gray industry.

At that time, it will also be necessary to control some middle- and high-level cadres.

With the [Contract Bead], Chen Xuan can completely build a leadership network that is loyal to him.

In fact, most of the beneficiaries of black and gray production are the middle and high-level people within these warlords.

Ordinary big-headed soldiers were paid on time, and at most they played cards, smoked some opium, and played with women.

The income from black and gray products is not directly related to them.

Just like the previous KK Park, all illegal income will eventually be transferred to the Karen National Armed Command, but as the person in charge of the park, Bai Ying can openly take advantage of it.

Breaking it down to the major cadres in the park, which one does not earn millions of dollars a year?

But the bottom class can still only get dead wages.

Yes, even in a crime park, there is still a clear salary system.

The only people they prostitute are "piglets" for free, and regular employees at all levels are paid.

According to the data, the salary of bottom-level managers in the park generally ranges from 150,000 to 250,000 Xia national currency.

And most of them are relatives or fellow villagers of middle- and senior-level managers of major companies.

Such as pulling people's heads, pouring water, and extra commissions.

For example, Ang Ke, the little boss of KK Park who was killed by Chen Xuan, was responsible for killing people.

Therefore, as long as the middle and high-level leaders of the Buddhist Army are completely controlled, even if Chen Xuan orders the eradication of the black and gray industry, it will never be affected.

To be honest, the black and gray industry is indeed hugely profitable.

But Chen didn’t want to keep it.

As the old saying goes, as long as he maintains his extraordinary personal advantages, all the evil forces in the world will be his reserve treasury.

The ill-gotten gains are the most enjoyable to spend.

There is no need for him to suck blood through the black and gray industry. It's another matter if his conscience can't live with it. The main reason is that he hates the practice of doing one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

He obviously hated Myawaddy so much, so there was no way he would have his head replaced just because he moved his butt.

Even if he directly robs money, it is better than sucking the blood of ordinary people and "piglets".

If the global evil forces are compared to leeches and gadflies, then money is the blood in their bellies.

Chen Xuan can take away the blood, but he will never suck the blood himself.

Because this goes against his original intention.

With clear ideas and plans, when the time came, Chen Xuan took action immediately.

Having long since turned into a shadow, he quietly opened the door and slipped into the corridor.

In order not to alert the enemy, Chen Xuan was not prepared to kill at this level.

There are several circular monitors on the corners of the corridor with red lights flashing. The main areas monitored are the elevators and stairwells.

That's where you have to go when going up and down the stairs.

Judging from the size and structure of the monitoring probe, it does not have a thermal imaging module.

The elevator room and the stairwell are about ten meters apart.

There are two dark-skinned Buddhist army elites guarding the door.

Chen Xuan's location was closer to the stairwell, and he didn't plan to take the noisier elevator.

Under the bright light, his figure was still weak, and even slightly distorted surveillance cameras could not clearly see his outline.

On the contrary, it is easier for the naked eye to capture the erratic figure of [Second Level Stealth Technique].

There are more than a dozen small tables placed on both sides of the corridor, with decorative vases and several handicrafts placed on them.

Chen Xuan stayed there and thought for a moment, then came to one of the small stands and picked up a colored glass vase with aquatic flowers placed on it.

Without any hesitation, he threw it towards the other side of the corridor.


The vase rolled onto the carpet.

There is a splash of clear water mixed with a small amount of nutritious soil in the bottle.

The sudden movement instantly attracted the guard's attention.

They shouted at each other with doubts on their faces and looked at both ends of the corridor.

Chen Xuan was already crouching beside the small platform. The blind spot of the perspective and the effect of the stealth technique made the guard's observation destined to be fruitless.

However, the vase flying inexplicably caught their attention.

After a few words of conversation, the two guards in the stairwell walked to the elevator. After they met, they carefully arrived at the spot where the vase was placed.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xuan quickly slipped into the stairwell with a safe passage sign.

On the other side, four guards quickly locked onto the small stand where the vase was missing, but found nothing.

To be on the safe side, the guard reported the abnormal situation through a wireless communication headset.

Then they returned to their respective posts.

This building is one of the few "core" buildings in Myawaddy.

It can be regarded as the base camp of the Buddhist army in Myawaddy.

The nature is similar to the guest house in the capital of Xia Kingdom.

It also has a relatively complete security process.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the Mission: Impossible movie, the various reaction mechanisms are definitely not slow.

After the guard reports the incident, a dedicated person will conduct a second inspection. The entire process takes about five to eight minutes.

As long as an abnormality is discovered, the plainclothes bodyguards and sergeants at the upper level will quietly increase the security level without affecting the normal progress of the banquet.

Myanmar's ethnic armed forces are often at odds with each other.

Assassinations, instigations, etc. are endless.

Not to mention that the Buddhist Army had just defected from the Karen National Union.

Bai Ying, the deputy commander-in-chief of KNU and the third son of the Karen warlord Bai Zhiyong, died in the KK campus.

Even if the Buddhist Army claimed that this matter had nothing to do with it, Bai Zhiyong would not believe it.

This has led to multiple attempts by the Karen ethnic armed forces to attack Myawaddy and the areas occupied by the Buddhist Army in recent days.

If it weren't for the help of the ZF army, the Buddhist army would really not be able to withstand it in a duel.

So at this juncture, Surape seemed very cautious.

I was afraid that someone from KNU would do it accidentally.

This indirectly made it more difficult for Chen to sneak in and get closer.

But it doesn't matter, his actions are still one step ahead.

When the guard reported the situation, Chen Xuan was already quickly going up the stairs.

All guards were stationed at the stairs on each floor.

The corridor was pitch dark, with only the shadow of the light green emergency indicator light illuminating it.

Chen Xuan moved very quickly, his legs were like powerful springs, but there was not much movement when his steps landed.

Under such circumstances, he quickly arrived at the stairwell of the 19th floor.

There was no direct intrusion into the stair passage connecting the main banquet hall.

Because it is a banquet floor, there are six guards guarding it.

Based on his spatial sensing, he already knew the floor structure well and had planned the path before setting off.

There is a square vent close to the ground in the side wall of the corridor on the 19th floor.

The internal ducts extend in all directions, some of which are connected to the fresh air system, and the rest are regular vents scattered in various compartments, including a small room near the banquet hall.

Judging from the distribution of functional areas in the building, it should be a utility room or cleaning room.

No matter what, as long as no one is there.

Chen Xuan pried open the fence-like passage cover with his bare hands, climbed in and leaned the cover against the outside.

As he advanced along the pipe, he had to activate his spatial sensing from time to time to correct his path.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xuan quickly moved towards his destination!

If nothing else, there should be another 4K chapter before 12 o'clock.

I'll leave a message for typos before I can review the manuscript carefully.

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