Chapter 113 "Crib", a branching road in the cave [Seeking Order Ⅱ]

After settling everything.

Chen Xuan asked Yuclan to guard the forest more than two hundred meters away.

There are plenty of places to hide and hibernate.

Whenever a suspicious guy or team appears in the future, Yucca will detonate the mine.

The explosion sound from the ground will act as an alarm bell, and Chen Xuan will be able to know the situation above.

Rebecca and Beria have already begun to sort out their equipment, put on tactical goggles, and checked whether the bulletproof chest plate was secure and whether the magic jewelry was charged normally.

The two storage bags on the waist contain magic tears and grenades respectively.

Adventurers who don’t have space to store jewelry can’t do without a carry-on storage bag.

This retractable bag that can be worn on the belt is usually made of giant rat leather.

The giant rat is a low-level monster, and its skin has excellent extensibility and toughness.

It can absorb a certain amount of impact, and the storage bag made of it is quite practical.

Of course, if conditions permit, it is best to distribute space storage jewelry to the girls as soon as possible.

But there are very few space accessories for sale in Magatan City.

The price is also extremely high.

Depending on the volume, the price ranges from more than 100,000 kronor to tens of millions of kronor.

Chen Xuan had previously asked Ophelia to keep a sum of money to buy space jewelry, but I don’t know if she bought it.

Time and space are also known as the "taboo system" in the continent of Naroa.

A great mage once discovered that time and space are interdependent, but they also have their own independence.

Logically speaking, as one of the laws of all things, there should be a specific spell-casting induction.

However, since the ancient Naroa period with written records, there has not been any spellcaster with the talent of time and space sensing.

Including Chen, his all-element sensing talent does not include the two elements of time and space.

However, the ancestors of Naroa once discovered a mysterious ruins.

Among them is a super-level rune that is closely related to space.

By imitating and studying the composition principles of this super-level rune.

The Naroa natives gradually mastered the methods of directional teleportation magic circles between cities, space storage jewelry, and short-distance teleportation magic items.

It's just that the items that are related to the space are all priced astronomically.

They are extremely complex to manufacture and have a high failure rate.

Take space storage jewelry as an example. The carrier that can be used to open up space is a special mineral called void stone, and its reserves are even much lower than magic tears.

Demonic tears are due to the influence of the world environment, while void stones are truly rare.

A void stone the size of a mung bean can, after being carved, create a storage space of about eight cubic meters.

If it fails, the void stone will suddenly collapse.

The craftsman responsible for making it will suffer disaster if he is not careful.

At the moment of collapse, it is very likely that part of the craftsman's body will also collapse.

It is precisely because of this that space storage jewelry has a price but no market.

And real storage props are also very particular when used.

It is impossible to capture objects from the air at all, and can only store items by touching them.

In comparison, Chen Xuan's golden finger comes with storage compartments that are more practical.

As long as there is no obstruction in the middle, he can collect items in the air within a certain range.

Therefore, the distribution of space jewelry must be done a little later.

He had learned all this knowledge from reading the "Naroya Grand View" he had purchased previously.

It’s probably no problem to get one or two of them in a short period of time.

Back to the topic, after everything was prepared, Chen Xuan put away the M16A1.

Then it was replaced with the more powerful M249 squad machine gun.

But to be honest, the power of this thing is still a bit weak for Chen Xuan.

The 5.56×45mm caliber NATO standard ammunition belongs to the category of small and medium-caliber ammunition.

The caliber determines the charge and thus the final kinetic energy converted from chemical energy.

The main reason why this squad machine gun is popular in field installations is that it has stable performance and light weight. It can be set up on a bracket to connect a ammunition chain, and it can also be equipped with a magazine box, so it can be picked up and run.

As for power, the 5.56mm ammunition in the Blue Star is enough to meet the needs.

But Chen Xuan is different. He is not dealing with ordinary people, but monsters and extraordinary beings from other worlds.

Therefore, if you have the chance, you still have to find a way to get a more powerful machine gun.

With his current physique, he can completely control those large-caliber heavy machines.

Firearms have never been weak, but he currently doesn't have any good ones.

The squad machine guns are not as good as the 12.7mm and 14.5mm heavy machines. There are even 20mm and 30mm rotary cannons and 37mm twin and quadruple anti-aircraft guns.

If you include all kinds of large-caliber artillery and missiles, it would be even more impressive.

All in all, Blue Star's firearms still have a lot of potential that can be tapped.

Holding the M249 squad machine gun, he turned back and waved to Yucca, who was already hiding in the woods.

Then the three of them turned on the lights on their tactical helmets.

Before entering the cave, Chen Xuan habitually narrowed his eyes and activated [Insight] at the entrance of the cave.

Golden subtitles appeared in his mind, allowing him to obtain additional information.

[A [medium]-sized burrow that is nurturing a secret door passage. Due to the previous loss of demon species, the capacity of the burrow has been downgraded to between [small] and [medium]. It is currently the deepest part of the burrow. A continuous passage ceremony is ongoing]

Silently keep this information in your mind.

Chen Xuan waved his hand, and the master and servant walked into the cave resolutely!

Highly bright mining headlamps show their advantages in caves.

A bright beam of light is projected into the channel and turns into a light spot, which can illuminate a large area.

The floor of the cave was slippery, but fortunately all three of them had changed into tactical boots.

The wear-resistant rubber outsole and extremely deep anti-slip engravings can keep them on the ground.

The cave walls are uneven and covered with a thick layer of moss.

Every breath you take is uncomfortable. The air is filled with moisture, rancidity, and an indescribable smell.

Rebecca walked in front. She had explored this cave before.

Although she had only entered the fork in the tunnel, she was still quite familiar with the first half of the cave passage.

Beria is at the end. This is a defensive position that can advance, attack, retreat and defend.

As for Mr. Chen, he naturally walked in the middle and was ready for fire support at any time.

No matter what monster appears in front of you, just give it a shuttle first before going up.

Occasionally, some scattered skeletons and badly decayed weapons can be seen in the corners of the passage.

After walking along the gentle slope for about fifty or sixty meters, a cave hall that was not too spacious appeared in front of it. The area is about the same as a classroom.

It is here that the passage of the catacombs bifurcates in three ways.

The air became more and more smelly, and Chen Xuan and others saw several fresh corpses with their abdomens torn open.

It should be the traces left by the group of adventurers who entered the cave before.

These corpses were all messy, with bite marks on their torsos and many mutilations.

Some had their heads cut off and their eyes removed.

Others removed hearts and other organs, which were apparently "materials" needed for sacrifice.

In addition, these adventurers' storage bags and weapons are missing.

After Rebecca rummaged around for a while, she only saw a badly worn short knife.

I wonder if this situation means that monsters also have the habit of collecting loot.

In the book "Naroa Monster Weaknesses Illustrated", it was recorded that monsters cannot use magic items and weapons made in Naroa.

This is because the chaotic magic power within the monster conflicts with the magic power usage rules of the native people of Naloa.

But as far as Chen Xuan knew, the monsters on the front line were already using the captured materials to build fortifications.

In fact, this war of aggression is somewhat unequal.

Because the Naroa natives can build fortifications and rely on geographical location, magical buildings and even wonders to defend themselves against enemies.

But the monsters only have rudimentary weapons, and the cave passages seem unable to allow them to pass through with supplies.

Only those caves rated [Giant] and [Super Giant] will have strange-looking siege equipment.

Therefore, Chen Xuan didn't understand what these monsters were trying to do.

The deeper he went into the cave, the more doubts he had in his mind.

Rebecca, Beria, and he spent a few minutes searching the hall.

In the corner of the hall, I found a simple sunken bed covered with thick dead branches and weeds.

There were seven or eight young goblins lying inside, holding fresh meat bones and gnawing them loudly.

They are about the same size as human babies, but their appearance is extremely vicious.

Evil instincts are revealed from their brief infancy.

When these young goblins found Chen Xuan and the others standing next to the "bed", they suddenly became fierce and crawled towards them with a roar while holding flesh and bones.

The eyes of the two girls were full of disgust. After receiving Chen Xuan's permission, they jumped up and slashed the throats of these young goblins with the blades in their hands.

Black blood splattered everywhere.


Beria was so angry that he crushed the head of a young goblin under his feet.

The big nose and pointed ears that he had had since childhood turned into a puddle of flesh together with his ugly head.

Chen Xuan shook his head and turned around to look elsewhere.

At this moment, Rebecca let out a soft cry.

"Yeah! There are people here!"

After hearing her words, Chen Xuan immediately turned around.

I saw two dark things leaning against the corner of this "crib".

It turned out to be two female humans!

They had no clothes on their bodies, and their skin was covered in black dirt.

The heart rate became extremely low, very much like those burrowing creatures.

If they hadn't opened their eyes after Rebecca got close, they really wouldn't have noticed it.

They looked numb and raised their hands to support the shriveled Confucian room without saying a word.

This is a subconscious action to support Confucianism.

"Hey, is this the so-called Goblin reproductive tool?"

Chen Xuan was inexplicably angry.

He did not have such intuitive hatred towards other monsters, but Goblins were different.

They are weak and evil, and are involved in everything from rape to robbery.

The most important thing is that these guys defy the laws of life. They can ignore ethnic differences and make any female creature pregnant with goblins.

Something so bad outweighs mere killing.

Chen Xuan felt empathy.

Regardless, he developed a strong dislike for goblins.

The same goes for Kittengirls Rebecca and Dora Beria.

They took off the water bags and gently washed the faces of the two women.

But he found that the other party subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked the clear water.

These two women have lost their minds and only have a trace of survival instinct left.

In other words, their consciousness has long since died, and all that remains here is their body.

Moreover, their legs were cut off ruthlessly, perhaps to prevent them from escaping.


After sighing, Chen Xuan turned around again.

"Give them a good time."

His voice was soft, but after he spoke, both Beria and Rebekah's breaths hitched.

Not long after, two crisp gunshots rang out.



The two girls left the "nurturing bed" and returned to Chen Xuan.

Their expressions were stern, with murderous intent hidden in their eyes.

If money is the driving force that drives most adventurers to hunt monsters.

Then there are also a small number of adventurers who fight for hatred.

Only hatred is a warrior's strongest belief.

"Just keep going."

He said proactively, trying to ease the oppressive atmosphere.

At this time, Kitten Girl pointed to one of the branching passages.

"Master, I have been to that passage before. It is a newly extended passage, not the core of the cave."

"So we should take the other two forks."

Chen Xuan nodded and took advantage of the situation to conduct [insight] on the three forks.

[A cave passage that has only been reborn for twenty narayas, and the magic pillar born at the end is condensing new demon species]

[At the end of this cave passage, there is an ancient monster sacrificial site carved from the evolution of the cave and two magic pillars with demon seeds. There are also some stone slabs and murals left from ancient times, and those ground-stinging worms He is the best guard at the sacrifice site】

[Note: Depriving the demon species can temporarily reduce the energy level of the cave, and destroying the magic pillar can reduce the stability of the cave]

[This cave passage will lead to the core area of ​​this cave. The transmission passage composed of four magic pillars is undergoing slow transformation under the secret door ceremony. There are also fear vines, Mansheng monsters and evil beholders. Waiting for you, the solid stability of the burrow will allow the monsters in the core area to obtain more lasting chaotic magic power]

None of the three passages could hide Chen Xuan's [Insight].

This made the subsequent catacomb raiding operation turn from a blind guess into a multiple-choice question.

Now he can take people directly to the core channel and fight to the death with the Evil Beholder.

You can also choose to go to the Monster Sacrifice Site to destroy monsters, collect monster seeds, and take a look at the ancient ruins.

Chen Xuan still remembers the incomplete stone slab in the Crooked Bones Market, which recorded things about the Rose Key and the sacrifice.

And as long as the magic pillar is destroyed, the stability of the cave can be reduced.

This prevents the monsters in the core area from obtaining more lasting chaotic magic power.

He quickly made a plan. First, he divided his forces and asked Rebecca to go to the new passage to destroy the magic pillar.

Chen Xuan himself took Beria to the ancient monster sacrifice site, and then destroyed the two magic pillars there, first weakening a wave of enemies, and then starting a battle head-on.

The strategies in the game also apply in reality.

Of course, this is all because Chen Xuan has [Insight] and can get additional information tips.

Know that information is an important advantage.

This is why every adventurer and mercenary team basically has scout members.

But ordinary scouts are nothing compared to Chen's plug-in [Insight].

After confirming the plan, the three of them immediately took action.

The path with the lowest risk is Kitten Girl's path.

There were no monsters living there, and she knew the roads well.

As for Chen Xuan and Beria, they have to bear certain combat risks.

In order to speed up the process, he planned to use magic tears to open the way and achieve a quick victory as much as possible.

The three of them divided into two groups and entered different cave passages.

The passage leading to the ancient monster sacrificial site is winding and narrower.

The height is less than three meters, so monsters like the Minotaur and the Headless Stone Demon usually don't even think about coming in.

In addition, there are many "mucosa"-like things stuck to the stone walls in the channel.

It looks like someone posted pieces of plastic paper here.

But the foul smell became stronger and stronger.

The smell here is different from that outside. It is mainly rancid, accompanied by a smell of decay.

The keen five senses obtained by Chen Xuan's dual cultivation of magic and martial arts encountered a major challenge here.

So he simply changed to breathing through his mouth. Although his lungs would suffer in the end, at least it could block part of the olfactory feedback.

The winding passage is about one to two hundred meters long.

Being in the cave, the surrounding temperature is colder than outside.

Soon, he and Beria saw the dim light emanating from the end of the passage.

The light beam of the headlamp shines directly into the passage, and it can be seen that there is also a crypt hall there.

When he was still more than ten meters away from the entrance of the passage, Chen Xuan suddenly waved and called to Beria.

"Don't rush there!"

After saying that, he activated his spatial awareness.

There are four soft monsters with a length of more than six meters in the hall.

It looks like a giant earthworm with links.

He thought this should be the [Spiky Worm] mentioned by [Insight].

Without any ink marks, Chen Xuan took out two MK2A3 grenades, pulled out the safety ring, pinched the trigger, and gestured before throwing them into the hall at the end of the passage.

After a few seconds, the fire flashed and an explosion occurred.


The movement was not too big, but it still caused the rock wall of the passage to shake slightly.

The explosion was accompanied by a long hiss like a chirp.

Chen Xuan saw several clouds of annihilated chaotic magic smoke escaping from the hall.

There is no doubt that the grenade just hit those monsters!

Before the two could move forward, the long hissing sound appeared again, and an ugly worm monster rushed into the passage from the hall.

As expected, it has a segmented body like an earthworm, and its surface is covered with thick mucus.

Now Chen Xuan knew where the mucous membranes in the passage came from.

Beria's pupils shrank, and a layer of magic erupted from the rune one-handed knife in his hand!

Chen Xuan decisively pulled the trigger of the M249 in his hand.

"Da da da da..."

The scorching bullet shells were continuously thrown out, and the nearly 30 centimeters of gun flames made the passage flash with orange light!

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