I have a book of salvation

Chapter 134 The obscene demon at the end of the month, the Soul Ascension Conference

The wind and snow continued, and the days passed day by day, and two more days and nights passed.

The new year is approaching, and the huge Jinling City is extremely prosperous.

In Wufang City District, Thirty-Six Gold Street, the streets are brightly lit and more lively at night than during the day.

Those small stall vendors, those who perform acrobatics, those who watch the fun, those who listen to books, those who drink in restaurants and write poems, those who invite their close friends to go out to enjoy the plum blossoms... there is an endless stream.

In short, in the past few days, Yu Chen went down the mountain every night and saw that the streets and alleys were also very lively.

——Because Wanjialing Mausoleum is open during the day, people occasionally come to worship and pay funerals. As the guardian of the tomb, Yu Chen is not here once or twice. Hard to say.

So he usually waited until Wanjialing was closed at the end of the day before going down to take a look around.

Mostly at night.

But today, Yu Chen bought a hot piece of sesame cake on the street and ate it while enjoying the heat, only to find that all the passers-by were men.

The few girls who are rare are also old girls in their fifties and sixties, and they are in a hurry.

This made Yu Chen, who went down the mountain with the purpose of appreciating beautiful things, sigh somewhat disappointedly.

After finding a tea and wine shop and sitting down to drink a bowl of hot tea, he heard some young drinkers at the table next to him talk about the reason.

"What? You kid can't do it! Didn't you say you'd like to ask out the Wang family's daughter in the next few days?"

"Yes, I heard that there are many young girls around her. Now that you're done, you have to think about your brothers!"

"Forgetting your loyalty when you see sex means you are being dishonest."


They were just a few young people gossiping around another young man.

Yu Chen probably understood it.

They are a group of young men with strong hormones, longing for the flowers in front of the moon and the clouds and rain in Wushan.

The young man who was ignored by everyone was not to be outdone. He glared at them and cursed: "I'm afraid you guys have been carried away by the worms! What day is it today? Today is the twenty-sixth of the twelfth lunar month!"

As soon as these words came out, those young people seemed to have thought of something, their expressions changed, and they shut up.

However, Yu Chen's head was filled with questions.


What about today, the 26th of the twelfth lunar month?

Are you boys having inconveniences these days?

But as soon as the young man finished speaking, they all silently shut up and kept silent.

It made Yu Chen feel itchy.

He picked up the wine glass and went over, drank a drink, and then asked, what's going on on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month?

Those young people also drank. Seeing that Yu Chen was young and had a good attitude, they just said, "Brother, you have just come to Jinling." Then they told them what day the twenty-sixth day was. Once said.

Let’s face it, this day was not unusual at all.

But starting four months ago, something went wrong.

A villain appeared in Jinling City.

It was the end of August in the sweltering summer, and in Jinling City, there was a death in the home of a wealthy businessman in Fuze City.

Of course this is not a big deal, people die every day in Jinling.

The problem is, this is a murder.

The daughter of a wealthy merchant's family was eighteen years old and so beautiful that most people who wanted to propose marriage would have crossed the threshold.

But that night, she was brutally picked by the flower picker!

I heard from the gossip that this flower-picking thief was extremely cruel. When the girl was found during the day, she had already died!

The wealthy businessman's family was naturally angry and sad, so he reported the matter to the government.

But the government checked again and again and found nothing.

The next night, another murder occurred. The daughter of a family was picked by the flower picker.

On the third day, it was still the same. Another innocent girl died, also as beautiful as a flower.

It wasn't until early September that the flower-picking thief stopped committing crimes.

The government didn't stop and kept checking, but nothing was found.

Just like that, another month passed.

Just when everyone had almost forgotten about this, at the end of September, something happened again!

——The two girls were harmed by the flower-picking thief again.

Very outrageous.

Then, just like a certain pattern, at the end of October, three died; at the end of November, two died.

After this back and forth, the government failed to arrest anyone, but the reputation of the flower-picking thief spread throughout the streets.

Because he acts at the end of every month, everyone calls him the "Month-End Demon."

At the same time, every month at the end of the month, those who have women at home are frightened and worried, and even dare not sleep all night!

It's December and it's still the same.

Just now those young people said something like that.

——It's the end of the month, let alone hanging out, the fathers of those girls even want to lock their daughters in a safe...

Yu Chen asked a lot, is the Jinling government so incompetent that they let this flower-picking thief kill people?

Several young people just waved their hands and sighed helplessly.

Late at night.

After hearing what happened, Yu Chen was not in the mood to continue eating or drinking. He hurriedly paid the bill and went up to Mingshan. After practicing for a few weeks, he fell asleep.

The next day, early morning.

The sound of suona and sad music woke Yu Chen from his sleep.

With sleepy eyes, after registering, he watched a funeral procession walk in, dig the soil, place the coffin, and enclose the body in one go.

I heard that the deceased was a deacon of the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce. He fell ill and died, but he had no unfulfilled wish. He died with his eyes closed and was buried in peace.

But Yu Chen couldn't sleep after being disturbed like this, so he got up and meditated on the divine wheel, condensing the energy of heaven and earth.

But before he could walk for a week, someone died again at the bottom of the mountain.

There is a green sandalwood coffin, seven or eight Taoist priests, more than ten coffin bearers, and a team of musicians. At first glance, it looks like a wealthy family.

The person holding the memorial tablet of the deceased was a young man in his twenties, with a sad face. Next to him was an old woman, who was crying.

——The most outrageous thing is that Yu Chen heard the young man tell the old woman not to be sad, saying that when he has accomplished his studies, he will make human flesh and bones and let his father come back to life!

Hearing this, Yu Chen subconsciously took a look, and he didn't know why - this young man was not a spiritual practitioner, so how could he dare to say such arrogant things?

But then I thought about it, and it was right. If someone was really practicing Qi and entering Taoism, he would not dare to say such big words.

Ignorance leads to fearlessness.

——If there was really a way to reverse life and death, the old man next to him, the Literary Saint, wouldn’t be so helpless as to pick his feet, he would have taken revenge long ago.

While the mother and son were talking, the ghost of an old man was sitting on the coffin, with a sad face, sometimes sighing, sometimes shaking his head, with a sad face.

Yu Chen, who hadn't woken up yet, saw him and frowned, knowing that this was another master who was determined to die.

And after the burial was completed, the young man brought Yu Chen a "red" and gave him some more money. He hoped that Yu Chen could take more care of his father's grave and prevent it from being eaten by snakes, rats, insects and ants. , and vowed that one day he would bring his father back to life.

After hearing this, Yu Chen saw that he didn't look like he was joking and asked, "What are you going to do?"

After hearing this, the young man was about to say something, but something suddenly occurred to him and he shut up, saying that he could not reveal it.

Yu Chen didn't force anyone to do anything, and watched him go down the mountain.

After everyone had finished leaving, he looked at the ghost of the old man with a sad face and took it into the Book of Saviors.

【Seven Wishlists】

【Crooked Ways】

[Time limit: 30 days]

[There will be a reward at the end of the matter]

Then, the old man's life-long revolving door started running.

The old man's surname was Zhu. When he was young, he worked as a coolie at Jinling Port. He was willing to put in effort and had a clever mind. He quickly attracted a group of coolies and became a contractor, so he no longer earned the hard money.

Later, with the help of many years of contacts and accumulated information, I opened a small business association. Although I didn't say that I was rich, I at least had enough food and clothing.

He even married the daughter of an elder of a large chamber of commerce and had a son, living a happy life.

Logically speaking, even if such a person dies in the end, as long as it is not an accident, he should be able to rest in peace.

Old man Zhu, this should be the case.

But the problem lies with his son.

But it's not that the child is uneducated. On the contrary, compared with those uneducated young men who spend all day horse racing and Cuju, Zhu Xiaobao has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. He studies and practices martial arts, and is even more diligent and conscientious. He is exactly the kind of "other people's family" child".

The accident occurred half a year ago.

Six months ago, Lao Zhu had a health problem and was about to die soon. A letter from home called Zhu Xiaobao back from his study tour, hoping that he would learn how to inherit the family business.

But when Zhu Xiaobao came back, at a certain banquet, he joined an organization called "Spirit Ascension Society".

Not only did he stupidly throw money into it, but he also believed deeply in the leader of the "Ascension Society" and believed that he was an immortal from heaven. He felt that as long as he listened to the immortal's words and practiced hard, he would one day become a successful person. Immortals can do anything.

Lao Zhu heard this, do you believe it?

Believe it or not!

He has suffered more losses than Zhu Xiaobao has suffered. Why can't he see that this is a complete scam?

But Zhu Xiaobao didn't believe it. He cried, made trouble and hanged himself, and refused to report to the officials with his father to identify the "Spirit Ascension Meeting".

It’s never revealed who is among them!

Until Lao Zhu fell ill and passed away, neither husband nor wife persuaded the prodigal son to turn back.

Lao Zhu was worried until his death.

He was afraid that the family fortune he had accumulated over the past decades would be deceived by the "Spirit Ascension Society".

Only then did he die with his eyes closed and leave his last wish.

At the same time, Yu Chen also realized why that young man, Zhu Xiaobao, could say something like "resurrected from the dead". And what was going on with that helpless and sad expression on his mother's face when she heard him say these nonsense.

——Isn’t this just a big injustice?

Although Yu Chen still didn't know what the Spirit Ascension Society was at this moment.

But since it can teach Zhu Xiaobao to talk about "resurrection of the dead", either it is really an immortal from the sky who comes down to throw pies, or it is definitely a charlatan.

Although Lao Zhu has never practiced cultivation or understood the circle of extraordinary people, he came to the conclusion based on his belief in the theory that he would definitely not suffer any loss - if someone really has that ability, why should they take your turn?

He knew this was a complete scam!

If you don't expose it, you will die in peace!

After watching the revolving door, Yu Chen sat down on the bed, wondering how he could go to meet this so-called "Spirit Ascension Society" to expose its scam and fulfill Lao Zhu's last wish.

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