Elysium is a role-playing game in which players take on the role of a police detective with unique skills and weave through the city blocks to write their own story.

Interrogate characters, solve murders, or take bribes to sink ......

CRPGs are a very old genre of games that are also known as old RPGs.

To put it simply, it's not a trendy RPG game with elements such as action, shooting, and strategy.

CRPG is the name given to role-playing games in video games.

In the game, the player takes on the role of one or several specific characters in the virtual world and plays in a specific scenario.

In a way, the history of CRPGs is the rise of video games.

Because RPGs originally found their foothold on the PC, and then gradually evolved into the various types of games that we see now on the major platforms.

Elysium is recognized as the best CRPG of the last decade because of its authentic flavor!

The game is set in a world known as "Elysium", which is more like a plate than a planet.

There are also indescribable geographical features known as the "Gray Zone", which envelop and isolate the continents in "Elysium".

In addition, its historical development is similar to the real world but there are conflicts, among which the ideological conflict is particularly intense, and it reaches a climax with the revolution.

It may sound complicated, but in reality, it's also complicated for players to play.

Especially for the new generation of players, Elysium is a game that is enough to make people groggy to play.

Because this game has a huge amount of text and a slow pace.

With nearly 1 million words of text, if you are willing to spend patience and energy to savor it, you will definitely have an unforgettable experience.

But for players who can't stand a game that is purely textually readable.

Elysium is not at all comparable to an action game like The Great Witch.

This is also why the game "Elysium" is a masterpiece among the old

players! And it can also be nominated for three awards at the Game of the Year Awards!

After all, the people who are really eligible to vote are either senior game designers, senior game critics, and players.

They like this kind of art game, which can express a core, expression, and style.

That's why Arya feels that if nothing else, "The Great Witch" may be hanging in this nomination.

But the final result did not come out, everything is not absolute.

However, Arya can see the news that "The Great Witch" has been nominated for the best indie game of the year online.

Then Lin Mo must have received it a long time ago.

At this moment, Lin Mo was sitting in Yanhuang's studio, staring at the computer screen.

On his computer screen, there was a game screen from Elysium.

That's right, he's getting to know his opponents.

"Just getting the nomination has already increased the sales of "The Great Witch" by 10 million.

"If you can win the award in the end, how much will it increase the sales of "The Great Witch"?"

Lin Mo is also ambitious.

Game of the Year is one of the three T0 awards.

Then the award for the best indie game of the year is also T0.

Lin Mo has never won such an award.

So he's naturally looking forward to it.

That's why I thought about getting to know my opponent.

"'24 Hours' is also very well done, with a looping game background and self-building innovation in card-based difficulty, which is a great character.

"However, judging from the characteristics of the Game of the Year, Elysium is more in line with the judges' taste.

"But my "Great Witch" is not bad at all!" If

purely from an artistic point of view, "The Great Witch" is not as good as "Elysium".

But know that art is art, and games are games.

"The Great Witch" has made a very terrifying innovation in terms of gameplay.

Metroidvania-like games have never appeared in this world.

"The Great Witch" is the first game to eat crabs.

As long as the judges of the Game of the Year have a little discernment, they can see the meaning and value of "The Great Witch".

A new game design concept and approach is enough to set off a wave in the gaming industry.

Especially for indie game designers, "The Great Witch" is a textbook!

Most people make games with the goal of making money.

Otherwise, you won't even be able to recover the cost, so what kind of game will you have?

Metroidvania-like games are characterized by low cost and high returns.

With a little bit of thought, the results will definitely not be bad.

"I can't say, there will be a [witch-like game] in the future.

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face.

He wanted to bring a new trend to the gaming environment of this world.

Now, he's got his hands dirty.

Whether it's eating chicken, or fairy sword, or my world, and now the great witch.

His game was released so quickly that there hasn't been much of a reaction yet.

After all, it also takes a certain amount of time for others to study his game and develop new games.

Lin Mo felt that if he waited another year or two, his influence would gradually be revealed.

If the best indie game of the year doesn't go to "The Great Witch", in a few years, the Game of the Year award is expected to be wildly sprayed.

"It's almost time.

Lin Mo closed "Elysium" and opened the backstage interface of the Yanhuang game platform.

He already knows a thing about the game Elysium.

A good game indeed.

However, who will kill the deer depends on the choice of the judges.

Now Lin Mo is most concerned about the sales of "The Great Witch".

Open the background and take a look.

35 million

! This is the current achievement of "The Great Witch"

! In half a month, it can reach 35 million sales! More

than 1 billion yuan of income has all come to Lin Mo's hands.

Because the Yanhuang game platform is his.

So there is no rake.

Therefore, more than one billion dollars of income are Lin Mo's pure profits!

This is also why Lin Mo must build his own game platform.

If "The Great Witch" is released on a third-party gaming platform.

Then it will be at least 30 percent, or even 40 percent!

At that time, the profit of "The Great Witch" is estimated to be less than 1 billion.

And now, Lin Mo finally has the funds to carry out domestic 3A projects.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo got up and went to Shu Xingzhi's office.

Now in the domestic 3A project team, there is only one person Shu Xingzhi.

When he walked into the office, Shu Xingzhi was busy.

He's sorting through the existing stock of Yanhuang Studios.

There is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure.

Yan Huang Studio's material library is very complicated.

Lin Mo was too busy, so he didn't have much time to tidy up.

Shu Xingzhi has been busy these days, and the material library has suddenly become much clearer.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Mo's mouth and walked in front of Shu Xingzhi.

"Old Shu, the money is enough. "

Enough money!"

Shu Xingzhi raised his head suddenly.

He naturally understood the meaning of Lin Mo's words.

"Then it's time to start the project!" Shu

Xingzhi's eyes showed obvious joy.

"Yes. Lin Mo nodded, "But we still need to discuss the infrastructure and type of the game.

"Well, that's a real problem.

Shu Xingzhi asked Lin Mo to sit down, made a cup of tea, and put it in front of Lin Mo.

"I'm sorry for the trouble this time.

Shu Xingzhi sat in front of Lin Mo and apologized first.

Lin Mo also knew the reason for Shu Xingzhi's apology.

The copyright of "Wukong" is not in Shu Xingzhi's hands.

In other words, they can't make the same game.

And if you want to redesign a triple-A game, it's very difficult!

Before making a game, you need to design the game architecture.

Then it's time to make a game dome and see if this architecture works.

That's why game designers have a high status in the early stages of development


They almost decide whether a game is successful or not,

and they can't use Goku's architectural design.

Then the domestic 3A game project can only be redesigned by them.

"It's okay, Shu Lao. Lin Mo smiled and said, "I actually had the idea of making a triple-A game for a long time, so I also made some preparations in advance." With

that, Lin Mo handed Shu Xingzhi a document.

This is not a game design document.

Even now, Lin Mo can't complete all the design documents of a triple-A game in a short period of time.

The document that Lin Mo handed to Shu Xingzhi was actually a game design concept.

Shu Xingzhi lowered his head and glanced twice, and soon understood.


"It's kind of like a minecraft characteristic. "

Do you want to use this as the underlying architecture for the design?"

Shu Xingzhi asked.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Yes, Shu Lao, I have such thoughts. Actually, this design philosophy, I call it an open world. "

Open World...... Very much in line indeed.

Shu Xingzhi lowered his head and thought about it.

In fact, the design concept of developing the world has long appeared in the game industry.

Even in the era of pixel games, there was a design concept of developing the world.

However, at that time, due to technical problems, there was no specific implementation method.

In today's era, hardware and software technologies are developing rapidly.

The world of development is being brought up again.

However, ......

All the related projects have failed,

or even if they are barely made, the results are not very good.

Because of the design of the development world, there are many problems.

But there is no good solution.

Even if you put in the effort to research, you will waste a lot of time.

Wouldn't it be nice to make a few popular games to make money?

So even now, a true open world has not appeared.

Minecraft can barely be called a development world.

But you must know that Lin Mo and Shu Xingzhi want to make a

3A game! Open world + 3A game, the difficulty in this is not as simple as one plus one, but increases geometrically!

Even "Wukong" does not dare to use the development world as the underlying architecture to design.

For Shu Xingzhi, the design of "Wukong" is already the limit.

And now, Lin Mo said that he wants to use the concept of open world design to make a triple-A game.

I have to say that at this moment, even Shu Xingzhi was shocked by Lin Mo's ambition.

"I think, in fact, we are very hopeful!" said

Lin Mo, and began to analyze Shu Xingzhi.

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