I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 33 Watson! It's you? !

It's late at night.

Feuerbach appeared in Baker Street again. During the day, he had already detected the information about this target, but he was just a cripple with crippled hands and feet.

"How could such a weak loser be able to investigate the evidence of this religious group?!"

"It was designated that the guy Elric leaked the news. We must have a good talk with the leader after we return. If Elric is allowed to do things outside, it will definitely ruin the sect's plans!"

Feuerbach muttered in his heart, and at the same time, his figure was hidden in the shadows that were difficult to illuminate clearly from the street lights, like a patient tiger slowly approaching its prey among the grass.

He has been wandering on the street for many years, and his lock-picking skills are extremely proficient. With the slightest stirring of two thin iron wires, the door lock of the detective office opens with the initiative and enthusiasm like a prostitute who meets a financial owner.

With the faint flame of the fireplace, he stared at the figure slumped on the sofa and covered with a blanket, sleeping soundly. His eyes burst out with a bloodthirsty light, and the blade seemed to be vibrating for the blood he was about to drink.

"Unlucky guy, use your life in exchange for my promotion!"

Feuerbach crouched and walked slowly behind the sofa, his figure hidden in the shadows, and then his long body rose up, and the blade slashed towards the predicted throat position.


"No! The light feel and the sound like tearing cloth are both wrong!"

Feuerbach looked over and saw that under the blanket was a pillow filled with cotton!

"Oops, I fell into a trap!"

"It turns out that I was the prey that fell into the trap!"

He turned back instinctively, leaning against the blade to face the solid wooden staff that suddenly fell from the shadows.

In the darkness, the blade passed through and brought out bright silver light, meeting the pitch-black shadow-like body of the staff.

Watson looked at the deep cut on the cane, and then saw the smooth and new blade in the opponent's hand, and frowned slightly... He didn't expect that the thin knife in the opponent's hand was so sharp, under the light of the furnace. An unusually cold brilliance flows through it. Such a special blade undoubtedly reminded him of the kind-hearted Elson he met when he first entered the forest.

"Is it the Blade Apprentice?"

"Elson's companion?!"

"How did he find me? Could it be that in addition to the Anti-Suppression Bureau, other cryptologists also have the means to track dreams from reality?!"

Doubts flashed through his mind, and he waved his cane to deal with the gangsters. The wooden body collided with the blade several times, but it was still broken unbearably under a silver light like a crescent moon.

Watson threw the broken staff as a hidden weapon and took several steps back while the gangster raised his knife to parry.

After these few fights, he also had a clear judgment on the combat effectiveness of the guy suspected of being Elson's accomplice:

"Physical strength: average; arm strength is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, probably to the level of low-intensity exercise habits, but on par with Elson."

"Fighting skills: above average; it can be said to be a professional level, at least after several years of hard training, the sword skills are vicious and vicious, and the tricks can kill people. Although I have deliberately let go, the opponent's level is not At least it can last for dozens of rounds without falling."

"Weapon: Excellent! The thin blade in the opponent's hand did not show any wear and tear despite our high-intensity fight. The strength has exceeded the industrial capabilities of the current era... It is most likely the blessing of the secret power. Like Elson's blade coming out of nowhere in the woodland that night."

"It seems that the improvement effect of Blade Secret Transmission is likely to be reflected in the increase in strength, and perhaps also in the skills of using the blade, as well as some kind of special ability to make the blade sharper and stronger... "

After collecting the information, Watson no longer held back. He waved his arm and used a vicious American-style Iaido combo!

Puff, puff, two weak gunshots sounded, and the gangster fell in shock. No matter how sharp and tough your blade is, it will never be able to withstand the power of firearms, which represent the advanced power of industrialization of human wisdom!

Watson's shooting skills were very accurate. Both shots hit the gangster's wrists, destroying his ability to resist. He squatted down and lifted the opponent's head, looking at him with eyes as emotionless as a machine.

"Who sent you here?"


Feuerbach opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, but the cunning guy pretending to be a lame turned his head to avoid it.

Seeing the tough guy's appearance, Watson also laughed silently, but the hearty smile showing a row of pale teeth fell into the gangster's eyes, but it looked particularly ferocious and penetrating.

"Have you ever heard of waterboarding?"


Charlotte Holmes put down her pencil and worked hard for many days to monitor and finally determine the general scope of activities of the leader of the No. 1 target, the Flash Blade Order. After harvesting such important clues, her long-strength spirit began to relax unconsciously. The fatigue of not sleeping all night came over her, and she let out a long yawn.

"It's time to take a rest..."

She lowered the telescope tube to prevent the light reflected from the lens from attracting unnecessary attention, and returned to a small clean area in the abandoned building that she had specially cleared, where simple bedding was placed.

"Let's rest until the afternoon... Then it will coincide with the target's off-duty time. It will be just in time to identify the target's specific identity by observing people coming and going after get off work on the street."

However, the female detective underestimated her accumulated fatigue. When she woke up, the sky was already gray.

She came to the window and looked out. The cold moonlight fell on the dilapidated factory in front of her. A ray of dim light came out of the door of the factory. Several figures were standing outside the door. The faint firelight flickered on and off around their mouths. The smoke rises like the blackness of the night.

The female detective saw the familiar figure, the figure of the target.

She was relieved that although she overslept, she would not miss the opportunity. She just took advantage of the cover of night to leave this abandoned building and headed to the commercial street to wait - large-scale companies nearby were crowded. That street.

"As long as I go there and wait during the rush hour, I will definitely be able to track down the target!"

Just do it. After a long sleep, Charlotte has regained her energy, energy, and strong desire for knowledge.

The female detective walked downstairs quietly. Due to the need for latent surveillance during this period, she had given Victor a short vacation and let him go back to his hometown to rest.

Now I can only rely on a pair of fleshy legs for transportation, and slowly walk towards my destination along the dim light of the street lights.

It is the darkest moment before dawn, the air is mixed with a bone-chilling chill, and the greedy wind caressing your body seems to be robbing you of the remaining heat.

But Charlotte Holmes's heart was hot, and her body was also heated by the influence of passionate emotions.

She arrived at the commercial street where many companies gathered before dawn.

Londoners are far from the habit of getting up in the morning. At this moment, the streets are extremely deserted, like a silent empty city. The breeze carries newspapers of unknown dates across the streets, quite like the starting flag of an athletic competition is waved to announce the start of the competition.

Charlotte Holmes stood on the street, waiting for the coming wave of office workers.

Not long after, the sun, which has never been absent from ancient times, climbed over the horizon, and the first ray of dawn penetrated the hazy clouds and shone on the streets.

And the first figure of hard work also stepped onto the street with the arrival of dawn.

However, this figure was so familiar and so beyond the female detective's expectation that she couldn't help but exhale softly in surprise:


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