I created the monster sequence!

Chapter 046: Six A-level personnel!

001 imitator.

002 Deep Diver.

004 Queen Bee.

009 Splinter.

The four were successfully contained one after another and brought to the Nine-tailed Fox headquarters.

The containment of 005 Wall-facer and 003 Transparent Man failed.

The containment of Transparent Man 003 failed because the people who went to contain him searched for a long time but could not find 003.

The containment of 005 Wallfacer failed because the people who went to contain him had not fought 005 before. It was as simple as that.

With this failure experience, 005's danger level has increased by one level.

Nine-Tailed Fox divides the danger levels of contained objects into seven levels.

They are:

D (no danger)

C (slightly dangerous, but not harmful)

B (can hurt people)

A (can kill)

S (killing people is like drinking water)

RS (extremely dangerous, can rival an entire army)

RT (can destroy humanity)

RZ (can destroy planets)

The highest risk level currently seen is RT, which is marked in the 007 Siren files.

She is the only contained object with an RT-rated rating.

Even the dead 006 Fateweaver was only RS-level.

The remaining monsters are all between A-level and RS-level.

And this A-level is talking about 003 Transparent Man, who is considered to be the lowest threat contained object.

Of course, in addition to monsters, there are also different hierarchies within the nine-tailed fox.

From D to A.

Class D has no human rights. They are either contaminated, influenced, or death row prisoners.

The status is equivalent to that of a guinea pig.

C-level personnel are ordinary personnel with very low authority and no access to top secrets. They are only responsible for operating various facilities and basic work.

There are two types of B-level personnel, one is the logistics experimental personnel, and the other is the field suppression personnel.

For example, the nine-tailed fox soldiers that swarmed up before were all B-class personnel.

A-class personnel are more special. They generally refer to some high-level officials or containment experts who control non-human means.

But there are currently only six A-level containment experts in the Nine-Tailed Fox.

They are spiders that can control highly sticky and tough spider silk.

A shadow that can control the separation of shadows to attack other people's shadows.

The eye of the future that can predict the future and change the future results in one second.

He can dematerialize his body and become invisible, a spiritual master.

The above four are the four A-level personnel who have been successfully contained: 001 Copycat, 002 Deep Diver, 004 Queen Bee, and 009 Insurgent.

The remaining two people have special abilities.

One is the Taotie, which can swallow any object into its body and live symbiotically with the target.

He was responsible for sheltering 005 Wallfacer, but he never fought.

Another one is that his ability is to create a snake. As long as this snake bites the target, the target will lose the ability to move.

This person, codenamed Cobra, is responsible for sheltering 003 Transparent Man, but he went all over Beiling and failed to find 003.

In addition, these six people have also been injected with a strengthening medicine.

This strengthening potion comes from the 002 deep divers. They extracted the cells of the fish-men and injected them into the bodies of normal people, making the bodies of normal people as powerful as the fish-men.

But this medicine also has a side effect, which is an extreme lack of water.

After the injection of medicine, the body's water consumption will become very rapid.

If it is during a fight or exercise, it only takes ten minutes for the injector to fall into a state of hunger and thirst.

There is still no solution to this problem.

other end.

003, Wang Haonan was walking in the alley, and there were many burning marks on his skin.

Because he was invisible during the day, his skin was burned over a large area by ultraviolet rays, which made him miserable.

"Damn it, Lord Os was really killed by those nine-tailed foxes..."

"Except for 005, everyone else has lost contact. They should have been caught by the nine-tailed fox. Without Mr. Os, it will only be a matter of time before I am caught by the nine-tailed fox."

"Right now, the only way to have a chance of survival is to find 005."

But he said he wanted to find 005, but he didn't know where to look.

Wang Haonan leaned against the wall and panted, sweat dripping from his forehead, moistening his burnt wounds.

"Huh... uh, that person should leave. Let's take action in the evening..."


Wang Haonan fell directly to the ground, and soon fell into a coma.

Not long after, a crack was suddenly torn open in front of his eyes.

A black-haired man in a suit walked out of the crack. He glanced at Wang Haonan who was lying on the ground, and then took out a bottle of potion from his waist.

"I was forced to do this. It seems that I really underestimated those nine-tailed foxes. Were 001, 002, and 004 all captured?"

"It's a bit troublesome, but it doesn't matter."

It didn't matter whether those people were dead or alive, Chen Ye really didn't need them anymore.

But it's different when 009 Insurgency is caught. That guy is a time bomb.

Maybe one day his arm would fall off and fall to the ground and turn into a god-killing sword. The group of people would pick it up and chop Chen Ye, which would be a big trouble.

The God-Killing Sword is a concept conceived by Chen Ye.

Its function is absolute kill, which means it can kill immortal units.

Chen Ye had thought about creating this thing before, so he made the swordsmith's potion, but it failed.

But now, he has some ideas.

And the reason why he came up with this thing was of course not to shoot himself in the foot, but to make it easier for him to get rid of unnecessary undead units.

For example, let’s take the current 009.

He was too dangerous in the hands of those nine-tailed foxes. Chen Ye did not intend to save him, but planned to kill him.

After all, it's not cost-effective to save him. Chen Ye has the raw materials for 009's potion and can completely create a new 009.

But if you don't save him, he will be another time bomb.

So finding someone to kill him is the best option.

Chen Ye looked at the potion in his hand and said, "I'm not sure if it will work. Let's give it a try."

After throwing the potion on the ground, Chen Ye turned around and left.

At night.

When Wang Haonan woke up, he found a bottle of potion in front of him and a piece of white paper underneath.

He picked up the potion and the white paper and saw two short paragraphs written on them.

"Kill 009."

——Os Kate.

Seeing this famous person, Wang Haonan was stunned for a moment, "Lord Aos?"

"My lord is not dead?!"

Thinking of this, Wang Haonan quickly looked around, but found no one.

"I think so. How could that adult die so easily? He must have reached a new level."

"If that's the case, I have nothing to fear."

Wang Haonan thought about it and drank the potion directly. There was no pain or any abnormality, and his body was very soft.

This potion is called the Mirror Demon.

It does not have the characteristics of immortality, because Chen Ye already has the characteristics of immortality, so he will no longer conduct research on the characteristics of immortality.

Of course, he will no longer produce undead creatures.

Because if they were captured like 009, it would be detrimental to Chen Ye, and it would be very troublesome to kill them.

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