I Can Turn into a Fish

Chapter 350 Kingdom and Core

Next, the primitive tribesmen completely treated him as a god and came respectfully to deliver tributes every day. ??

In the past few days, Chu Xian also discovered that this primitive tribe has its own writing. Although the writing may not be as complicated as Chinese and English, it at least has its own civilization and inheritance.

Chu Xian also learned some primitive tribal languages ​​from the old man in white robes. Although he has only learned simple hello and the like so far, he believes that it won't be long before he can communicate simply.

This white-robed old man of the primitive tribe is equivalent to the leader of the entire tribe and has very great rights.

Now Chu Xian's identity is superior to that of the white-robed old man, and everyone must act based on his eyes.

Later, Chu Xian gave their tribe a name, called the Mermaid Tribe. When the white-robed old man heard it, he nodded excitedly. For those who believed in the Fish God, they could ask the divine envoy to give them a name after the Mermaid Tribe. It's a huge honor.

After getting familiar with the mermaid tribe, Chu Xian called Aiwen and asked them to prepare to transfer the base to this mermaid island.

Alvin Oli and the others had a look of astonishment on their faces when they received the news, and then they agreed excitedly.

Early the next morning, a group of people, including Tiger One and Tiger Two, came to the island.

Chu Xian had already greeted the white-robed old man and the others in advance. Of course, the people of the mermaid tribe had no objection at all. This was their divine envoy. Whatever the divine envoy did was always right. What's more, they had come into contact with humans before, but that group of The guy is dead for some reason.

"Boss, boss." A group of people came to the island and shouted excitedly towards Chu Xian.

"Well, have you brought everything?" Chu Xian asked with a smile.

"Bring it, we have brought everything you asked us to bring." Ivan nodded.

"That's good, I'll let them carry the things away." Chu Xian smiled and said to the white-robed old man who had been following him and the more than 300 strong mermaid tribe members while gesturing: " Move some of the stuff up there.”

The old man in white robe nodded quickly and waved to the strong tribesmen behind him, and a group of men immediately walked to the side of the ship.

"Pass the meat to them." Ivan said to them loudly.

Chu Xian specially ordered Aiwen and the others to buy meat. He did not let them buy whole ducks, cattle, sheep, pork and chickens, because there were wild boars and pheasants on Mermaid Island, which were much more delicious than farmed ones.

In addition to meat, Chu Xian also got things like motors.

From the past few days, he learned that although the primitive people had contact with the White Skull Pirates, they did not take anything from them.

The people of the White Skull Pirates also brought some meat, but the mermaids did not trust them and did not dare to eat it.

Now it is their divine messenger who gives them food, and these devout primitive tribes will only think that this is a gift from God to them.

After moving all the things down, Chu Xian took Aiwen and the others to the island where the White Skeleton Pirates lived.

"This is where we will live from now on. This island is big enough, and the primitive people here have been conquered by me. This will always be our base in the future. I am going to transform this place."

"Boss, the scenery here is good, and there is a small river in front. It will be great if we build some buildings." Ivan nodded aside.

"Yes, you or you can find someone to design this place well. If you want to bring people over to the island, please let me know and make it a beautiful area that will be comfortable to live in in the future."

Chu Xian has some ideas. He wants to build this place well.

"No problem, boss, leave this matter to me and I will definitely make this place a beautiful manor." Ivan promised.

"Well, if you need money, just ask me." Chu Xian nodded slightly. In the past few days, he had also explored the appearance of the entire island.

In addition to a 20-kilometer crack and a raised hillside in the center of the island,

The other places are very flat, nothing like the island they stayed on some time ago.

If he had enough money, he might even want to turn it into a private island.

Flowers can be planted and ornamental fish can be cultivated here. All kinds of marine fish can be cultivated in the crack, and beautiful buildings can be built to make this the most beautiful island in the world.

As for the safety of the island, he can call in the Dunkleosteus and create a group of Dunkleosteus, followed by the mermaid pirates. The most powerful line of defense is the Blue Magnetfish. The Blue Magnetfish have not been attacked yet. Completely subdued, Chu Xian already had an idea.

That is to create a Blue Magnetfish King, cultivate a Blue Magnetfish yourself, and then make him the strongest existence, ruling this group of Blue Magnetfish in disguise.

If the blue magnetic fish race expands to millions, then his island will be the safest place in the world.

However, he can only think about it now.

"Still no money!" Chu Xian sighed. Although he now earns hundreds of millions of yuan every month, it still needs hundreds of times to turn this island into his ideal island.

To build this island according to his idea, at least tens of billions of funds would be needed.

In this world, except for the country, I am afraid no one can do it.

"How about we invite Enze and David to invest?" Chu Xian hesitated and shook his head. It was better not to let others interfere in his country, and there would be many secrets on his island in the future.

"For the sake of my ideal country, it seems that I have to work hard to make money." Chu Xian smiled, with new motivation.

Tiger one and tiger two called them together to the mermaid tribe.

Chu Xian asked Aiwen to find a few people who could cook and start cooking. He really disagreed with the mermaid tribe's cooking skills.

After cooking seven or eight pots of meat, it was the first time for the mermaids to eat such delicious food. Their faces showed excitement. As they ate, they pointed at the old man in white robes and knelt down towards him, thanking the divine envoy for the gift.

Chu Xian waved to them and told them that there would be plenty of delicious food in the future.

The mermaids cheered happily.

Alvin Oli and the others were shocked and looked at Chu Xian with admiration. The boss is so awesome. Look at this group of primitive people who would attack and kill outsiders as soon as they find outsiders. Now they actually kneel down to the boss. His face was full of piety, as if he was kneeling down to worship God.

"Drinking more of this water will be of great benefit to your body." Chu Xian placed a bucket next to Ai Wen and the others and said.

"Boss, is it true?"

"When did the boss lie to us?"

Ai Wen and others gave the questioning middle-aged man a big roll of his eyes, making the middle-aged man lower his head in embarrassment. Indeed, the boss was too kind to them.

"What kind of water is this? It's so sweet and refreshing. I feel comfortable all over after drinking it." Ivan said in surprise after taking a sip.

"Drink more." Chu Xian smiled and did not answer, feeling slightly disappointed in his heart.

Chu Xian had confirmed with the old man in white robe that every child born in his tribe would be fed a heart core, and then they would feed a heart core every other week. Crush the core and throw it into the well. Only in this way can they be strong and not get sick.

He is very keen on the effect of the core core. This kind of thing is simply a treasure of genius. In the past few days, he has been searching in the area of ​​​​the blue magnetic fish every day, trying to find a way for the blue magnetic fish to make the core core, but he has never found it. The clue made him a little disappointed.

"Don't have too much. If you can have a heart core every day, you won't have to worry about lack of money in the future."

The value of the core is very high. Even if it is simply diluted in water, the water quality is changed, and then sold as mineral water, it is possible to buy a bottle of water worth tens of thousands.

Secondly, this water can be used to make wine. Whether it is white wine or red wine, the brewed wine will be absolutely top-notch.

Maotai and Lafite, stand aside.

"Having another look tonight, it's been almost a week."

The old man in white robe said that they go to get the core core once a week. It has been almost a week since the last core core was taken away by Chu Xian.

"Let's go and see for ourselves later. We have to figure out how the core appears."

Chu Xian thought in his mind. After eating, he briefly talked with Ai Wenhu Yihuer and the others, and then came to the altar.

"Touch." After jumping into the blue magnetic fish's area, Chu Xian immediately came to the central platform of the blue magnetic fish's existence core.

Seeing his arrival, a group of blue magnetic fish swam over one by one and circled around him affectionately.

The blue magnetic fish is a kind of fish that is very resistant to hunger. They can eat once a week, and they can eat very little each time. In the past, the mermaid tribe would give them five to six thousand kilograms of fish every week.

The fish Chu Xian fed them in the past few days weighed at least 20,000 to 30,000 kilograms, and they were full.

Chu Xian was next to the central stage, using sonic detection, playing with the mobile phone sent by Ai Wen and others, and waiting quietly here.

After waiting for four or five hours, Chu Xian spent two hours on the phone with Xiaoying and her family, but still nothing happened.

It was dark, and he was lying on the table in the middle, bored.

"Chirp." Suddenly, a cry came.

Chu Xian was stunned. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of blue magnetic fish calling together in the past few days here. He turned around to look at it with excitement on his face.

Under the bright moonlight, the area where the blue magnetic fish stayed became more and more dreamy.

Thousands of blue magnetic fish slowly floated on the water and suddenly spit out blue light spots from their mouths.

These light spots are very small, but Chu Xian can find that they contain a faint magnetic field, which is the familiar feeling in the core of the heart.

The blue light spots attracted each other and slowly gathered together. Finally, under Chu Xian's surprised gaze, they gathered into a core the size of a fist. 8

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