I can summon outrageous partners

Chapter 112: Tom and Jerry's Story

112 Chapter 111. Tom and Jerry's Story

[The content of this chapter is the story of Tom and Jerry in the original world before coming to Lin Li, Lin Li is just a bystander]

"What about you, Jerry?"

Lin Li looked at Jerry.

Jerry took out a pen and paper, wrote a lot densely on it, and immediately closed the paper when Tom tried to peek.

Tom showed disdainful eyes, and proudly hugged his arms and turned his head away.

After Aojiao persisted for three seconds, he wanted to peek again.

After pulling and pulling a few times, but still not seeing it, Jerry handed the densely written note to Lin Li.

"Tom is lying to you..."

Just after reading the first sentence, Lin Li felt that he seemed to have entered an illusion.

Tom and Jerry beside him disappeared, and the surrounding environment was no longer his own home. The place where Lin Li was sitting now was outside the door of an American-style single-family house.

Lin Li was also taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood.

This is the ability that Jerry or anime will have - read text and be on the scene!

Lin Li had the impression that this house was the home of Tom and Jerry.

At this time, a moving truck was parked at the door, and the two shoes ladies came out of the house slowly with a briefcase.

And Jerry, who was hiding in his wife's briefcase at this time, dug a small hole, lying on the recliner of the briefcase, drinking a miniature coconut, with a happy face.

And Tom, at the moment, was holding onto one of Mrs. Two Shoes's legs in a humble way, being dragged away by her.

"Let go, Tom!" the lady said to him, stopping.

Tom shook his head vigorously, his bloodshot eyes showed pleading, and his face was even covered with gray stubble from decadence.

"I said, tell you to let go!" The wife's voice became louder, and she bent down and pulled Tom's hand away with her hands.

"You can't catch a mouse for so long, what's the use of you! If the mouse doesn't leave, it doesn't matter! I'll go to the head office, right?

As for you, Tom, I have already found a new owner for you, and the address is given to you. It is just hundreds of millions of kilometers away. Although it is very close, I have no time to take you there. You should go find him yourself. "

The picture is a bit ironic, but the mouse she fears the most is in the briefcase in her hand.

Still shaking his head, Tom took hold of his wife's leg again.

Then the lady said nothing, but looked at Tom silently, with her hips akimbo.


After a few seconds of silent confrontation, Tom took the initiative and slowly let go of his hand, lowered his head, and looked at the asphalt ground.


Jerry in the briefcase, as if he saw a funny stage play, patted his thigh vigorously and laughed wantonly.

The wife didn't pay any attention to Tom, and walked to the moving truck on her own.

Tom looked up, with sad eyes, watching the owner board the truck, and the truck started slowly.

"Slightly slightly slightly~"

Noticing Tom's gaze, Jerry poked his head out of the van window, opened his mouth with both hands, and taunted Tom with his tongue.

Seeing this, Tom didn't show any anger. He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with a hand with only four fingers, narrowed his eyes, squeezed out a warm smile, and waved to Jerry.

Jerry's taunting stopped instantly, and his eyes showed bewilderment.

He didn't know what to do, Tom shouldn't have done this to himself.

The truck had completely disappeared at the end of the road, but Tom still looked at it for a long, long time, and his smile finally disappeared.

Time is still passing, and the sky is getting darker.

Finally, Tom took out a map from his back, followed the route on the map, and walked slowly in the opposite direction.

Tom's back was severely bent, and his steps were even slower. From Lin Li's perspective, he was filled with endless desolation.

He didn't look at Tom anymore, and even looked in the completely opposite direction. Lin Li's eyes were full of expectation.

Lin Li smiled.

Because there is a small figure, which is rushing non-stop from here.

Of course Jerry.

Sometimes, you know that this plot will happen, but you still feel a little moved.

Jerry abandons his new home without Tom.

He could have no enemies anymore, he just needs to steal the cheese from his new home freely every day, and live happily every day.

Jerry ran fast, aiming at Tom.

Finally, he approached Tom. After standing still, he adjusted his appearance, pinched the hair in front of him, cleared his throat, and coughed.

Tom, immersed in grief, did not hear.


After doing this three times, Tom still didn't respond, Jerry finally got angry, he crossed his hips, walked forward, clinging to Tom, and then lifted his foot!

He kicked Tom hard in the ass.


After a scream, Tom flew up to a height of three meters.

Falling back to the ground, he turned his head blankly, and finally found Jerry standing with his hips akimbo, with a smile that seemed to be waiting for a compliment.

Tom's eyes widened and he bent over Jerry, so close that Tom could have eaten Jerry with his mouth.

Jerry wasn't scared at all, and Tom didn't open his mouth at all.

Tom pointed to the direction of the moving truck, and then pointed to Jerry, with doubts in his eyes.

"Didn't you go to your new home with Mrs. Two Feet? Why are you back?"

This was what Lin Li understood.

Jerry shook his head, pointed to the map in Tom's hand, then pointed to the direction Tom was heading now, and finally pointed to Tom and himself.

"I don't want to go, it's boring, I plan to go to your new home with you."

Tom froze, not knowing what to say or do.

Jerry sighed helplessly, picked up a stone from the lawn next to him, and smashed it hard on Tom's foot.


Tom's feet became red and swollen in an instant, and he stared at Jerry angrily while covering his feet.

"Slightly slightly slightly~"

Jerry had already run in front of Tom, keeping a distance of three Toms, sticking out his tongue and mocking Tom, and even patted his own ass.

Tom laughed.

He tucked the map back into his breast pocket—in the midst of his hair.

Then he rolled up his non-existent sleeves, and after making all preparations, he opened his mouth to show his fangs, and rushed towards Jerry.

Jerry also laughed and ran forward happily.

He didn't look back because he knew Tom would be chasing him.

But because he didn't look back, he couldn't see a little tear from the corner of Tom's eye.

The next picture began to fast forward, space and time folded under the footsteps of the two of them, but the distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers still took them several days.

A life-and-death chase is going on, but at night, Tom and Jerry will snuggle together to sleep, and Tom's tail is Jerry's quilt.

But in the next day, Tom always pretended to be still asleep, and waited until Jerry left his body a few times before opening his eyes and continuing the chase.

Finally, they chased to the end of the world, the end point on the map, in front of a gate.

Jerry was in front, and violently pushed open the door. The picture changed, and a young man sitting next to a potted plant appeared in the picture.

Tom followed closely behind.

The content of the paper ended here, and when Lin Li's eyes turned into paper again, he had read the last line at this moment.

First of all, I am very satisfied with the content of this chapter.

But it's just me personally.

Considering that the main line is not involved at all, even this part of the content is [unnecessary] at all

After all, it can be set to directly recognize Lin Li as the master.

【Who cares about the story before Tom and Jerry come? 】

How should I put it, the reason is probably because I want to write.

I want to write such a warm little story.

The story makes sense, and Jerry would have done it in this situation, seeing a frustrated Tom.

When I had this picture in my mind, I decided that I must write it down.

Anyway, the length is not big, only 2,000 words.

But in order to avoid a lot of scolding again, I still marked this sentence at the beginning of the chapter.

For those of you who have read this chapter, I hope you are satisfied.

Of course, please don't scold me if you are not satisfied.

I'm a glass heart pinch, blah blah.

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