I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 115 The stolen peaches are particularly sweet

After a group of cadres from the municipal government who came to inspect left, Vice President Ding Yong stood on the path at the head of the village to blow the wind for a while. After dark, many children and old men from the village came out to catch eels.

The flashlight was shining like a searchlight, but Ding Yong watched it with great interest, so he and Zhang Haonan chatted while looking at the fish catch.

"Do you really want to go to Khazastan to farm?"

"Mr. Ding, how many sovereign countries are there in this world?"

Zhang Haonan didn't answer the question, and the question was completely irrelevant, which made Ding Yong a little strange, "Is this related to Khazstan?"

"The Northern Mountains Company behind Alexei has a great influence in Khazstan, especially in the northern region. Of course, Alexei himself doesn't know much about it, but for his father and ancestors, It’s a very common thing, after all, it was still a country more than ten years ago.”

"So this investment is mainly from the Russian side?"


"How many times will the purchase price be?"

"Ding always looks at issues from the perspective of market regulation."

Zhang Haonan does not deny that going to Central Asia to buy soybeans is definitely a stupid act if only through normal fair market transactions.

But the problem is that as far as the Northern Mountains Company is concerned, their activities in Central Asia are not fair at all.

But the local bureaucrats in Sastan told them that they were colluding... It may not be possible, but if it is said that the Northern Mountains Company has a channel to resell the Akka 47, then the 40,000 rifles of a battalion of the local army can be directly eliminated.

Then a fire was set in the armory and it was over.

Similarly, the Slavic and Khazarian versions of "Fire Dragons Burning Cangs" and "Yin Soldiers Borrowing Food" can be found everywhere. And just now that Zhang Haonan and Ding Yong are watching people catch fish, a batch of refined oil may have been shipped to Khazstan. In the north, a batch of felts also appeared in Chelyabinsk.

This is not smuggling, it is just a consumption of national resources and "surplus" railway transport capacity at a slightly inappropriate time.

Even the truck drivers who transshipped during the period may have been driving heavy trucks in the military ten years ago, and they are even still driving them now.

It has never been stipulated that the loss of state-owned assets is a phenomenon unique to a certain country.

"Let me give you an analogy."

Zhang Haonan raised a hand, "This is Dongshen Poison Company."

Then he raised his other hand and said, "This is the body poison area."

"Is Dongshendu Company's business in the Shendu area regulated through market behavior?"

"So exaggerated?"

"The police in Kizilzhaar will not check the Pavlov family's car. They have a special pass. For five hundred American dollars a month, they can easily transport goods to Omsk. You can choose the means of transportation. "

"Then your company is actually a multinational public relations company? And it's very targeted."


Zhang Haonan nodded, "As a Chinese, if I go to Khazstan to buy targeted goods, no matter what kind, I will be stabbed, and I will be asked for bribes at every step of the process. But if I am a young man from Russia, that is another matter. It’s the same thing.”

"The only countries that suffer are Khazstan and Rus'."

"Don't forget that the common people are also suffering. Mr. Ding, you now have a colonial vision."


An old comrade named Ding, who was in his sixties, couldn't hold back and spoke some concise and beautiful Chinese.

"Eat one?"

Zhang Haonan took out a packet of Huazi from his pocket, and Ding Yong reached out to take it. After thinking about it, he waved his hand, "Quit it, don't tempt me."

Then Ding Yong said with emotion: "No wonder you asked me how many sovereign countries there are in the world. It is indeed like this. For example, we established diplomatic relations with South Korea a few years ago... Do you know Daewoo? A company in South Korea."

"Well, you say."

"The automobile chassis production of this company is controlled by General Motors. It is just a South Korean skin and an empty shell."

Ding Yong put one hand in his pocket and combed the sparse top of his head with the other hand, "It can be seen that South Korea is a pure American sphere of influence. It cannot be said to be exactly the same as Khazstan, but it definitely has something in common."

"Then now I understand a little bit about the role of your joint venture. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is raising foreign low-level worms."

"Anyway, the ugliest people are the Russians. What do I have to lose? Or do I have a bad conscience? I don't care about the life and death of the people of Kazakhstan. As long as I can buy cheap wool, soybeans, cotton and even dried beef, I don't care about these things. How much blood has been stained?"

"Mr. Zhang, your capitalist face should be included in the textbooks."

"Hahahaha, then when I hang up the street lights, I will choose the street lights on Renmin Road. Remember to take a photo for me."


On the way to send Ding Yong to the car, Ding Yong still couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked Zhang Haonan some questions about short-distance transportation in the border areas of Russia and Khazstan, especially how to solve the high fuel costs, maintenance costs and labor costs.

He could understand the fuel issue, but what about vehicle maintenance and manpower issues?

"Mr. Ding, when you go back, you can learn about large livestock like 'grey animals', which are more useful than traditional large livestock like cows, horses and camels."

"Gray cattle? Mules?"

"I can't explain it for a while, but they are indeed large mammals, and there are quite a few of them."

"I'll ask someone when I have time."

"Haha, okay, okay."



After watching Ding Yong's fifth-generation Passat leave, Zhang Haonan went home. But as soon as he got home, he saw the lights on the front porch and Zhao Feiyan feeding the dog.

Although the meat and vegetables are packed today, they can only be eaten tomorrow. Gouzi will eat pure vegetable bibimbap today.

It was a big pot, and one-third of it was consumed in a short time.

"Hubby, why does Huhu like eating vegetables so much?"

"It's not picky about food. It eats whatever I feed it. Whatever I feed it, it eats it."

"That's pretty easy to raise."

"This is nonsense, it is a dog and not a human being."

"It even eats carrots!"

Zhao Feiyan discovered the New World. She thought this dog would only love poached eggs, but she never expected that it would eat even carrots? !

"I'll go upstairs and take a shower first."

"Honey, wait a minute, walk down the road with me and come back to take a shower."

"Okay, I'll get a bottle of water."

Zhang Haonan took a bottle of water and a flashlight.

The two of them just walked arm in arm, not talking, it was quiet, there were many small rivers in the village, and the lights of rows of houses on the other side of the river were on, which reflected in the river, making them look even brighter.

Zhao Feiyan rarely stayed in the countryside. Zhao Xiangli's memories were of watching TV in her room or playing house with Zhao Dai. She didn't even know where there were mulberry trees or loquat trees in her hometown.

And in this situation, Zhang Haonan took her to steal other people's peaches...

"Husband, why don't you bring a plastic bag with you?"

"Shhh... keep your voice down. This is the first peaches of this family. They are so big. I have been eyeing them a few days ago."

"Then use a flashlight to shine."

"Watch out for snakes."

"Is there really a snake?"

"Here, Huo Chilian."

Zhang Haonan's flashlight shone in a direction, and he saw a red-chained snake lying there among the water celery in a small ditch. He didn't know if it was waiting for a passing frog to take a bite.

"Wow, so beautiful."

"You're not afraid?"

"Don't bite me, ah, that peach is so big, that one, that one on top of your head."


"Yes, yes, it's so big, pick it up."

"Shh... keep your voice down."

"Then hurry up."

Zhao Feiyan was very savvy and immediately ran to the village road to keep a lookout. However, if there was any sign of trouble, she must be alert to her men.

After picking up a bag of peaches, Zhang Haonan left the scene of the crime jumping up and down, and then took Zhao Feiyan, who was enjoying the excitement, back home to share the spoils.

After arriving home, Zhao Feiyan quickly called Zhao Dai and Fan Susu to wash the peaches and eat them together.

"Sister, have you gone out to buy peaches?"

"Whatever you bought, your brother-in-law and I went to steal it."


"Eat quickly, the stolen peaches are so sweet!"

With a snap, Zhao Feiyan bit the juice and the juice flew everywhere. It was so sweet that her eyes and eyebrows seemed to fly away.

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