I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 188 The best way to take off the mask is to tear it apart! (Please subscribe, please vote)

As the difficulty escalates, the chosen ones need to be more cautious.

There are too many details in this level, and a slight mistake may cause the whole game to be lost.

Even an extraordinary person as powerful as El Greco seems to be unable to guarantee that he will have an absolute advantage here.

Because when Greco enters the Five-Star Monster Story, he needs two moves to kill the final BOSS.

In the last ghost talk, when he saw the elf queen Zhang Yangqing faced, he sighed in his heart that the final boss of the ghost talk world seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

There were colleagues from the Holy See around him at that time. No matter what he thought in his heart, he said that he was also an instant kill, and he followed the trend and belittled the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master.

This is also a set of standard procedures that top extraordinary forces in various countries will do after seeing Zhang Yangqing's outstanding performance.

Anyway, as long as I don't get in, I can say that if he can beat me, I can beat him.

As long as Zhang Yangqing doesn't appear in front of me, he will still be considered inferior to me.

Now in the six-star ghost story world, El Greco has put away the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy and started to take it seriously.

Even if you have been baptized by the Holy Lord Temple and your strength has been greatly improved, you cannot use the Holy Power indiscriminately.

If he kills the wrong teammate, he won't be able to break the curse of the rules.

The best way is to let teammates kill Weird.

Here, the audience and the expert panel are also extremely serious.

Because most of the previous ghost stories in the world seem to be able to use force to solve problems, they can't learn anything from watching them.

But this kind of weird world that requires detailed observation and analysis gives the audience an urgent sense of participation.

He even fantasized about how he could identify who Weiyi was pretending to be a teammate inside, and how to get rid of Weiyi.

Moreover, the audience is also discussing on various major platforms and expressing their own opinions and analysis.

After analyzing these opinions, naturally there were a lot of opposing opinions, and they started to quarrel.

Anyway, the world is undecided, and no one will obey anyone.

The world has been decided, but you can still be stubborn.

This highlights the principle of ‘I can lose, but I won’t accept it’.

The expert team used different large screens, plus the intelligence obtained by each of the chosen ones, to record and compare, and then analyze the results.

In the world of ghost stories, it depends on the experience and eloquence of the chosen ones.

El Greco changed his usual decadent look when entering the ghost story, and performed very well in this level.

As a chosen one entering for the third time, I naturally have experience and a good mentality.

He understands the benefits of communicating with NPCs, and his style of play is exposure.

Now that he has been exposed, let everyone know that he has some abilities.

So, as a teammate of the human camp, we definitely need to help him.

As Weird in the enemy camp, he must be eliminated.

With him as the core, he can see many problems and quickly identify the identities of his teammates.

At this level, protecting your own safety is important, but protecting the safety of your teammates is even more important.

If a teammate is killed, he will also be eliminated.

This is what Greco calls original play.

In fact, to put it bluntly, copying the previous playing style of the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master is something that the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master has played.

He basically watches the videos of the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master every day.

I discovered that the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom always showed unparalleled strength, and then the difficulty of the strange world began to decrease inexplicably.

The natives even came to hug his lap.

You can also take the initiative to help him complete some tasks.

This is a weird world, just enjoy it.

Greco saw this, so he imitated Zhang Yangqing's style of play.

However, not everyone can imitate this. Only top-notch extraordinary people like him can imitate. Their own strength is the last word.

If an ordinary chosen person was allowed to play like this, he might not survive for two days.

Furthermore, El Greco has another huge advantage, and that is communication ability.

As a cardinal of the Holy See, he also started as a church priest.

The pastor of the church communicates with believers every day, answers their inner doubts, and meets all kinds of people.

These people's occupations, conversation styles, habits, and personal characteristics are all different. Greco naturally developed a good communication style, and he was able to communicate in a friendly manner even when he met some believers who were relatively abnormal.

This is his daily work content, and it can be said that he has a huge advantage at this level.

People in the Holy See are also lamenting that they have finally caught up with the strange stories of their professional counterparts.

With this one, they judged that El Greco had an 80% chance of being able to crush the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master.

The words were released by Greco's colleagues.

As for whether Greco can do it or not, that has nothing to do with them.

Anyway, they weren’t the ones who got sprayed in the end.

If El Greco knew that these colleagues were doing a disservice, he would definitely say: Thank you very much!

From these simple conversations and observations in the ruined temple, El Greco had already gotten a lot of information.

He strings together useful information in his mind to form what is called a character map.

First of all, it is professional characteristics, which is very important.

Weirdness can tear off the skin of a mountaineer. Even if it can perfectly reproduce the appearance of a teammate, it will definitely not be able to copy the teammate's special abilities and professional characteristics.

If someone is unable to achieve the professional characteristics they say, or if their abilities are different from what they appear, they are probably teammates pretending to be weird.

This is the direction Greco judged.

The girl with purple eyes said without hesitation that she was a magician in the circus. This profession has certain characteristics, that is, magic.

Just wait until she starts doing magic and you'll know if she's real or fake.

Because apart from Zhang Yangqing, the other Chosen Ones haven't seen the purple-eyed girl perform magic tricks yet, so they all need to verify it.

But since she dared to say that she is a magician, it is unlikely that she made up her identity.

Because magicians don't always come at random, if she really can't do it under the booing of everyone, then it will prove that she is lying.

Next is the chef with the back of the head. He should be a profession that everyone is eager to verify.

Chefs must also have certain professional characteristics, that is, they can cook.

After meeting certain conditions, everyone will ask him to cook. If he shirks or the food is not delicious, he will be the object of suspicion.

As for the other two, basically they don't have much professional characteristics.

Captain Goatee said he was a tour guide. The occupation of a tour guide is very vague and does not have any special skills. It is not easy to judge. You have to observe him when he is leading the way.

Moreover, the captain's desire to perform was so strong that the Chosen Ones once suspected that there was something wrong with him.

The man with gold-rimmed glasses said that he is a fitness instructor. It is difficult to judge this. If he is pretending to be Weird, Weird will choose a difficulty based on the characteristics of the actor and his own abilities. The two are similar and not too difficult. Professional acting.

If the weirdness itself is powerful, you can say that you are a fitness instructor.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that many of the chosen ones are the same, after all, everyone seems to be lying.

El Greco's hand is a direct play, he said he is a priest.

When he said it, the eyes of the other four people were staring at him at the same time. It could be seen from their eyes that these people were very complicated in their hearts, but they did not express their joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

But in this level, the security that Zhang Yangqing mentioned made the teammates feel outrageous.

Security guards have no professional characteristics at all. It can be said that anyone can be a security guard. Is it possible that we need to find a delivery boy to come over and ask him to check to see if he is a professional security guard?

While the Chosen One was observing his teammates, the teammates seemed to be observing each other as well.

It felt like everyone more or less knew something.

So when Zhang Yangqing said it, his teammates were speechless, thinking that he was talking nonsense.

Because his teammates were unable to derive any information about Zhang Yangqing from his identity or his abilities.

In this conversation, El Greco, the girl with purple pupils, and the man with the back of his head are the types who are playing around, so they tell everyone what they are capable of.

But it could also be a bait, or a second career or something.

Zhang Yangqing, Captain Goatee, and the man with gold-rimmed glasses are all types who hide their identities.

It can be said that Greco seemed to be preparing to imitate Zhang Yangqing's playing style in every game, but Zhang Yangqing's playing style in every game seemed to be different from what he expected.

After getting some information, the next step is to make bold guesses.

Here, Greco has already come up with a conjecture.

As the core figure of the team, Captain Goatee, he seems eager to know the abilities and characteristics of others through their professional characteristics.

He must have some purpose in doing this.

Moreover, from the time he appeared until now, he has exposed very little, even if he is warming himself by the fire, he does not take out his hands.

According to Greco's thinking, perhaps Captain Goatee also discovered the body on the way here.

That makes sense.

Because he knew someone in the team died and was replaced by Weird.

As the captain, in order to ensure the safety of the adventure, he needs to determine which teammate has been replaced, so that everyone can introduce themselves and find some clues.

And coincidentally, El Greco also discovered the body.

If we follow this line of thinking, this team will have at least two weirdly disguised teammates.

If there are two weirdos in the team, then El Greco will judge that the two weirdos should be the man with the back of his head and the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

He has a basis here. According to Rule 10, your teammates are not weak.

So is it weird that there will be some difficulties when killing teammates?

In other words, when Weiwei was fighting two teammates again, he was injured by his teammates.

Only two people in the audience were injured, the man with the back of his head and the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Judging from the previous intelligence, both of them were newly injured, so they had to be suspected.

Then a complete train of thought appeared in El Greco's mind.

Because there is nothing suspicious about the goatee captain and the purple-eyed girl.

The purple-eyed girl stirs up trouble from the beginning, which is in line with her character. If it's weird, it shouldn't be possible to offend people right from the start, right?

Captain Goatee has been working hard to play the role of a captain, and has been talking from the beginning to now.

However, it is not ruled out that he is weird and wants to collect information quickly and then kill everyone.

In any case, El Greco was going to test the man with the back of his head and the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

As long as you have a goal, you need to take action.

While the other chosen ones were still thinking hard, Greco used the excuse of going out to collect firewood and began to invite his teammates to test them one by one.

Seeing his renewed performance was in sharp contrast to his life-threatening appearance in prison.

The audience said that his performance in this level was very good.

El Greco's popularity continued to rise.

The other chosen ones are also verifying the identities of their teammates according to their own methods.

Rahman, the Chosen One of the Pyramid Kingdom, is also entering the world of ghost stories for the third time. He is an archaeologist himself and has experience in spending nights in the wild.

Especially in this harsh environment, he was the one who performed well among the chosen ones.

Here, Rahman showed honesty. He directly said that he was an archaeological expert, and then he was asked questions by Captain Goatee, and he answered fluently.

As an ordinary chosen one without extraordinary abilities, he has his own way of playing.

The rules must be there to protect him, so he needs to take advantage of them.

[Rule 10: Your teammate is not weak. If you want to ask for help from your teammate, please make sure he is your teammate first. 】

Different chosen ones have different understandings of this rule alone.

Rahman's understanding is that since I can't take the initiative to judge who is my teammate, then I have to push back. I have to let those teammates who are not weak know that I am his teammate and let him protect me secretly.

This is the key to the survival of ordinary chosen people.

Then try to stay with the group and avoid going out alone with any teammates.

Zhang Yangqing and Greco dared to go out alone with their teammates because they had the ability to fight back.

The other chosen ones don't have this ability.

So Rahman feels that sincerity is the surefire skill.

In a sense, it is to please the NPCs of your own camp and find a way to survive.

And help the NPCs in your camp to find who is the weird one as soon as possible, and then use him to get rid of the weird one.

Then in this level, the troubles in the team will basically disappear, which is also the key to survival.

After Rahman expressed himself frankly, it was time to discuss tonight's matters.

There won't be enough firewood to last until tomorrow, so we need to find enough firewood.

And along the way, someone also needs to carry firewood, for fear that he won’t be able to find it later.

When it comes to strength work, the man with gold-rimmed glasses does it all. After all, his professional characteristic is strong strength.

He said it was just a sprain and maybe it would be fine tonight.

Or maybe he wanted to show off his arrogance in front of the beautiful woman.

Of course, this Rahman would not fight. Being able to save more physical strength was his primary goal. However, he also said that he could help fight, but he was rejected by the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Then there are the candidates who take turns keeping vigil.

According to Captain Goatee, even though it is a world of ice and snow, there will also be various strange animals.

If no one is keeping watch, they will be attacked by these animals.

No one seems to be at ease if anyone is keeping vigil alone.

After all, the beasts are terrifying, and the weirdness hidden among teammates is not much different.

Therefore, two people must take turns to attend the vigil. As for how to arrange it, everyone is discussing it.

The chosen ones have fully demonstrated their wisdom in this level.

Even on the first night when they entered the world of ghost stories, few people dared to be careless.

No one wants to fall asleep and not wake up, right?

So far, the two hundred big screens are basically on.

After watching the performances of other chosen ones, audiences around the world habitually turned on the big screens of the Dragon Kingdom, wanting to see how the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master, who had always performed the most perfectly, would play.

This is the one that everyone is really looking forward to.

But when they turned on the big screen in Dragon Kingdom, many viewers rubbed their eyes and even felt that they were dazzled.

While the other chosen ones were still collecting information, this one was already asleep?

On the big screen, Zhang Yangqing was already lying comfortably in his sleeping bag, enjoying the process of sleeping in the snow.

He ignored the speechless and resentful expressions of the other four people.

It doesn't matter what you say, whatever the intrigues, I'm sleeping anyway.

This wave of operations really made the audience's scalp numb.

According to their understanding of the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom, shouldn’t the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom be even better than El Greco?

Even before watching, many people were guessing that the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom might be like before. All he needed to do was shake his tiger body, and younger brothers would come to worship him and seek his elder brother's care. Wei Wei was so scared when he saw him that he didn't dare to take action.

No matter what, he should be the leader of the team, the domineering type.

But now, the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master is really hiding his secrets from beginning to end, giving people the feeling that he is playing something very new.

I won’t talk about his professional identity and abilities, and I won’t even tell everyone that he owns a lighter.

But the more incomprehensible Zhang Yangqing’s actions are, the more people feel that ‘the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom must have a deep meaning in doing this’.

Then thousands of interpretations of Zhang Yangqing's approach appeared around the world.

However, most of them are not very accurate and comprehensive.

Zhang Yangqing is not the kind who simply wants to sleep. He is braking with stillness and responding to all changes with stability.

As long as he starts to show off, he will definitely be targeted by the purple-eyed girl and the gold-rimmed glasses guy.

Because at this time, the two men were already complaining to the goatee captain, saying that it was unwise for Zhang Yangqing and the man with the back head to demolish the temple to set fire to it.

Since Zhang Yangqing just spoke for the man with the bald head, the man with the bald head naturally needs to speak out to defend him, and there will be conflicts between words.

Captain Goatee didn't want to make the matter a big deal, so he acted as a peacemaker.

But the relationship between the man with the back and the two men seems to have deteriorated after this quarrel.

If they do this, Zhang Yangqing's goal will be achieved, which is to intensify conflicts.

Zhang Yangqing had long seen that everyone at the scene was a person who was good at pretending.

It is basically impossible to tell anything simply by talking and observing.

If clues can be found at this stage, then the world of ghost stories would be too simple.

If you want them to take off their masks, the best way is to let them tear their faces apart.

Only when these people become emotionally unstable will the so-called ‘flaws’ appear.

As for the identities they mentioned, Zhang Yangqing felt that they might all be made up.

Since I can think of making up random identities, how could my teammates not think of it?

It is nothing more than a waste of time to scheming with these people.

So Zhang Yangqing simply chose to sleep directly so that he could regain his energy.

He has always been the one who sees things most thoroughly.

Like other chosen ones, who use themselves as bait to verify others' identities or even to obtain professional information, Zhang Yangqing can only say that he can do this, but it will not be of much use.

Zhang Yangqing's method of judging who is weird is actually very simple, not as complicated as the Chosen One and the audience think.

In this strange story, the real teammates definitely want more people to survive, while the weird ones want to kill everyone.

So as long as someone has the urge to kill someone, that person is weird!

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