Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 232 The pretty boy is not afraid of death if he touches porcelain

Chapter 232 Pretty boy

Joey had a lot on his mind, but it all happened in a split second.

While he was thinking, the people from the Aiyi family had already broken into the fourth area for him.

Through the surveillance, Joey clearly saw on his mobile phone that the bee had arrived not far behind him when the opponent entered the fourth area.

At the same time, Joey also saw that the man's body became thinner like a fluid!

Everything looks a bit weird.

And in this weirdness, the man's body became like paper and poked out of the gap in the ceiling. After poking out, it returned to the appearance of a normal human being like a balloon.

She looked around the room in confusion, but did not see the passage she expected.

This made her frown completely, and then she locked her eyes on the prince's room.

But at this moment, the door of the prince's master bedroom in the fourth area was suddenly opened from the inside. However, what appeared in her sight was still not the masked person she expected, but black holes. muzzle.

The owner of the gun is a soldier wearing the uniform of the King's Army!

At that moment, the woman's expression changed wildly.

But it was too late. The soldier who rushed out of the master bedroom had no intention of talking to her and pulled the trigger the moment he found her.

For a moment, gunshots filled the fourth district.

But Joey, who was watching everything through the surveillance camera, saw that the woman's body suddenly became thin again.

Her body, facing the direction of the King's soldiers, began to flatten until it was like cardboard.

And just like this, she was able to dodge when falling from the ceiling.

This weird way of dodging bullets shocked Joey.

He never expected that a person's body could achieve such a level of deformation, which was comparable to Luffy's rubber ability when he watched One Piece.

Is this a change-type ability user?

I should also prefer some strengthening systems!

After all, to support such a degree of deformation of the body, without the strengthening effect, the internal organs would probably burst during the rapid compression!

However, it cannot be calculated that way. This level of deformation is completely beyond the scope of normal knowledge.

At least what Joey knew about shrinking bones was nothing compared to the opponent's ability.

The bullets of the king's soldiers could not hit the opponent at all.

From this point, Joey can judge that the opponent should be able to completely see the bullet trajectory, and at the same time, he should also have good combat capabilities.

The woman dancing among the bullets also quickly ran towards the private soldiers' lounge in the fourth area.

Joey understood what the other party was thinking. The other party probably thought that Joey's response was in the lounge.

After all, although this fourth area is not small, most places can be seen at a glance. Only the prince's dormitory and the private soldier's rest area are truly separated and difficult to see, and are extremely suitable for use as a response. point place.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to set the access point as the bathroom!

That's too weird.

The other party's judgment was correct, but it was a pity that Joey was able to confirm that Fugees and Kadro had not arrived in the fourth area.

Because the location he agreed with them was not the master bedroom or the lounge at all, but the banquet room where they attacked the fourth prince last time!

There was no door closed at this time, and you could see everything from the lobby.

Joey's surveillance insect has quietly flown into it.

But from the surveillance observation, Joey did not see the door belonging to Fugees' ability on the wall of the banquet room.

It seems that his previous judgment was correct.

The King's Army probably also judged that he would use space-type abilities to leave, and used the ability to block space-type abilities in the fourth area.

As for the person who uses this ability, Joey has already determined the location of the opponent.

Because there are people with abilities among the soldiers who broke into the king's army.

Even the ability user didn't mean to hide it at all, and just spread his thoughts in the master bedroom of the fourth area.

It was a method different from Yuan's. His thoughts were like vines, spreading to the entire wall of the fourth area with him as the center.

After using Nian, Joey could see clear lines of thoughts on the wall.

The opponent's ability has locked most of the positions in the fourth area, so if Joey wants Fugees to open the door and reach the fourth area, he must deal with the opponent first.

But from his round perception, he was able to determine that there were two other ability users responsible for protecting the man.

Without certainty of the opponent's capabilities, the risk of taking action rashly is extremely high.

Especially one of them used a circle to wrap all three of them in it.

This is obviously a defensive method of the other party!

Once the other party adopts this method, it will obviously be impossible for the Golden Experience Creature to quietly approach the other party with the first bomb.

Joey moved his left wrist. To deal with this kind of enemy that could obviously be used as a target, a heart-piercing attack was obviously the best choice.

So Joey stood outside the fourth area, and Killer Queen appeared from beside him. The heart-piercing attack tank landed on the ground with an arrogant roar, and quickly circled back towards him with traces of flames burning in the atmosphere. He ran in the direction of the opponent's explosion into the fourth area.

The weakness of the heart-piercing attack is that the attack target will shift with the high temperature, but with the cooperation of the weather forecast, this weakness is no longer a weakness.

Joey can ignite a fire anywhere within his circle at any time simply by rubbing against the atmosphere.

The high temperature of the flame is the best guide to guide the heart-piercing attack.

Joey himself stopped at the door of Area 4 and did not go in.

If the opponent cannot be eliminated in the short term, then Joey will have to consider not leaving the fourth area.

The mirage ability was activated, and Joey's figure slowly disappeared from the passage.

Regardless of whether he wanted to leave the fourth area or not, Joey had to hide first.

At present, although some people use circles to explore in his direction, due to the distance, no one can maintain the circle to lock his position.

When Joey disappeared, the gunfire in Area 4 still did not stop.

At the same time, the soldiers of the King's Army also quickly rushed in the direction of the paper man.

But before this kind of ordinary soldier got too close, the paper-like woman's arms suddenly began to grow, and she chopped the soldier's body into pieces while swinging.

Her deformed body, with the blessing of Nian, was more like a sharp blade.

But the soldiers of the King's Army did not seem to be afraid of death at all. Even if they lost more than a dozen lives in a row, they still did not stop advancing.

In the direction of the master bedroom, a man who was in a "training" state slowly walked out.

And he is also the person who uses circles in Joey's perception.

The man's skin looks extremely pale, like a corpse that has been dead for a long time, but if you look carefully, you can see that this is a deliberate disguise.

With his appearance, the King's Army soldiers in the room finally stopped charging.

The man muttered something, and when the king's army approaching him pushed away with some fear, he raised his hand and pointed at the body on the ground.

Wisps of thought appeared on his fingertips and quickly connected to the body on the ground.

The pieces of corpses flew into the air at the moment they were connected by thoughts, and rushed towards the direction of the paper man.

Obviously this guy is an operational ability user.

Joey, who was observing everything with his cell phone, made a judgment, but he suspected that the other party's control of the corpse might have another purpose.

And just as he had guessed, when these corpses approached the paper man, they suddenly exploded before the paper man could swing his sharp-edged arm to attack the corpses again.

Crushed bone spurs and disintegrated flesh and blood exploded all over the paper man in no particular order.

And this is just the beginning!

There are more than a dozen corpses in the room, and at this moment they are all weapons in the hands of the opponent!

The Paper Man's screams resounded in the room after seven or eight consecutive explosions. It seemed that even she could not completely defend against the explosions.

Joey's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that the abilities of the soldiers in the King's Army were so weird and bloody.

After all, the title soldier gives people a more positive feeling.

The person who controlled the corpse obviously made the first dozen or so soldiers of the King's Army charge towards the paper man in order to maximize his power.

This kind of practice, no matter which direction you look at it, is more gangster than gangster!

However, the paper man's life and death had little to do with Joey, and based on his estimate of the paper's popularity, the man would not die so easily in such a corpse explosion.

Not to mention the opponent's ability to avoid damage, that is, if the opponent uses a strong or hard way to defend, he cannot be killed by the corpse explosion.

According to Joey's estimation, an explosion of this magnitude would only injure the Paper Man to a certain extent and consume a certain amount of Nian at most. In other words, the screams now were just a strategy of the opponent.

I just don't know whether the paper man's purpose is to lure the opponent closer and kill him, or whether he wants to pretend to be injured and dead so as to find an opportunity to escape.

After all, judging from the position where the paper man was when he was attacked and screamed, she should have already checked whether there was a spatial passage leading to the lower level in the lounge.

After confirming that the person she was looking for was not there, and that the fourth area was occupied by the king's army and there was no need for her to try her best to create chaos, it was a wise choice for her to quit and continue to look for opportunities to assassinate the prince.

Although the guy using the corpse explosion ability looks very powerful.

But when the corpse exploded, Joey knew that the opponent's ability was more used to deal with ordinary people. After all, the exploded corpse didn't have much Nian attached to it.

This kind of corpse explosion ability, which is not even comparable to the explosion of a grenade, is simply unrealistic if you want to fight against an esper with a huge amount of energy.

The summary is that the other person may feel that he is very handsome, but in fact he is very poor.

However, the Paper Man actually wants to pretend to be dead, so Joey will give her a real death. Anyway, dealing with the other party is something that needs to be done sooner or later.

After all, the other party knows a lot, and there is still a certain threat, so there is no need to live at all.

With this thought in mind, Joey already controlled the bee attached to the first bomb and approached the paper man who was pretending to be dead in the filth.

But just when the bee was about to touch the paper man, a dark figure suddenly jumped out of the filth and fell on the paper man.

Everything happened so fast that Joey didn't even react.

Because in his round perception, he did not notice the appearance of the black shadow.

The black shadow's pounce not only knocked down the paper man, but also touched the bee in the process.

At that moment, Killer Queen next to Joey pressed her thumb almost instinctively.

The effect of annihilation suddenly appeared, and the flying black shadow fell on the paper man. Before it even had time to make the paper man panic, it turned into ashes quietly.

Everything happened so suddenly!

Suddenly, the paper man was stunned, the face of the young man using the corpse explosion in the distance was clouded, and only the soldiers of the King's Army looked confused.

Joey was also full of questions about this sudden situation.

But he reacted in the next second, because in his perception, it had always been covered by his circle. He thought it was the person responsible for guarding, and when the black shadow turned into fly ashes, it also turned into fly ashes.

Obviously this ability to suddenly change positions should be the opponent's ability.

But Joey was also confused as to what the other party's abilities were. Anyway, he had a feeling right now that the other party was completely trying to trick someone!

However, as the opponent's cards fell, the person who Joey thought was blocking the space was completely exposed.

At the same time, the withering and heart-piercing attack also entered the master bedroom in this short period of time, and screamed as he approached the person who was releasing his thoughts.

When Joey used bees to attack, he also entered the fourth area.

At this time, he could not help but feel surprised when he saw that the heart-piercing attack tank was already shouting and approaching the person using the ability, but the other person was completely unmoved.

This king's army's ability user is really interesting. First he showed up with a pretty boy who exploded with corpses, then he showed up with a fool, and now he shows up with a guy who is not afraid of death!

Two people can still be called Wolong and Fengchu. Now, if there are three people, what should they be called? Three cobblers? But these three idiots together are not as good as Zhuge Liang!

Joey, who was thinking this way, had no intention of holding back. Under the disguise of a mirage, he asked Killer Queen to pop out a new coin in the direction of the paper man, while approaching the pretty face.

At the same time, the heart-piercing attack doesn't care whether the opponent adopts any method of staying the same to cope with the changes. It just hits the opponent's body and crushes the opponent's face all the way up from the opponent's legs.

When the coin fell on the paper man, Joey appeared next to the pretty face, and with a concentrated punch, he hit the pretty face on the head with Yuanyuan, who had already sensed his appearance, but had no time to react. Kill it.

The long-term touch and the wither-piercing attack also complete the prerequisites for annihilation.

Everything happens simultaneously in a split second.

The moment the paper man was touched by the coin, he disappeared with the sound of the automatic pen being pressed.

Before the boy could react, his head exploded under Joey's punch.

The ability user responsible for sealing the room in the distance was completely annihilated by the explosion of the tank and turned into ashes.

For a time, there was only one ordinary soldier of the King's Army with a completely unknown name left in the entire fourth area!

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