Homo sapiens

Chapter 301 On the art of cutting leeks

July 18th.

Hong Kong.

As a key free port between East Asia and Southeast Asia today, the economy here has become somewhat active recently.

A large number of Chinese businessmen families from Siam, Malaysia, and Sing Tao have resettled here, bringing with them a large amount of hot money.

On the other hand, it is because some of the products of Homo sapiens companies often land in Xiangjiang and then go north.

For example, Meisheng preventive medicine, which has been very popular recently, has attracted many people.

Li Qingye's 12 papers on inflammation-induced memory protein damage, which leads to Alzheimer's disease, have been reprinted by medical journals such as The Lancet, and have attracted great attention from researchers in related fields.

In fact, a large number of research teams in the international medical community have been doing work in this area. The current mainstream research direction of Alzheimer's disease in the international medical community is inflammation, infection and amyloid deposition caused by intestinal flora.

However, beta-amyloid among the amyloid proteins has been exposed as fraudulent papers since last year, and it was also the founding paper that was fraudulent.

This suddenly made the medical community doubt the entire amyloid deposition hypothesis.

Compared with the deposition of β-amyloid protein in collapsed houses, the research on inflammation has attracted great attention from major medical laboratories and pharmaceutical companies because of the emergence of new papers and new drugs by Li Qingye and the scientific research team of Homo sapiens Company.

Inside the medical laboratory of Xiangjiang University.

More than a dozen Alzheimer's disease researchers from Hong Kong and from the north are testing the clinical symptoms of Meisheng's preventive drugs.

"Judging from the brain anatomy and testing data of inflamed mice, inflammatory factors do affect the stability of A25-2, A25-6, and A27-2 proteins." A middle-aged Mediterranean researcher held up a copy experimental report.

Another middle-aged researcher with bloodshot eyes said in a very positive tone: "It seems that the research direction of Homo Sapiens Company is correct."

"Don't be superstitious about authority. Science pays attention to repeatability. I don't want to step into another big trap." The researcher who spoke was studying beta amyloid deposition.

The Mediterranean researcher put down the experimental report in his hand: "In fact, it is not difficult to verify. The mice can be genetically modified so that the genes related to the synthesis of memory proteins can be suppressed."

"The problem is that the Homo sapiens company has not released the gene sequences corresponding to these proteins. We can't test them one by one, right?" Another researcher wearing glasses spread his hands helplessly.

The researchers present were also very helpless.

Since the internal scientific research system of Homo sapiens is incompatible with the international scientific community, many of the published academic papers are versions with the beginning and end cut off, or the core data are intentionally blurred.

For example, among the 12 papers related to inflammatory factors causing Alzheimer's disease, there was no mention of gene sequences at all, nor did they say which specific proteins the so-called A-series proteins were.

In the international medical and biological circles, there is no trace of A-series proteins. Obviously, this is another term named internally by the Homo sapiens company.

Nowadays, the research teams engaged in drugs and medicine are almost schizophrenic due to the homo sapiens company. Sometimes they get the "raw" version of the homo sapiens company's papers and find that they can't understand it.

Even though the international academic community has written to Homo sapiens and Li Qingye many times, they hope that Homo sapiens can use some internationally accepted scientific terms instead of using some unique terms.

However, their words had no effect on the Homo sapiens company.

No, even worse.

The Homo sapiens company not only likes to make up its own scientific terms, but also likes to use a mix of English, Chinese, and Thai.

If the papers of Homo sapiens are of little value, then the international academic community will regard these papers as a joke. However, the papers of Homo sapiens are related to many cutting-edge technologies, especially in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

For example, the current Alzheimer's disease paper, or the previous papers on new antibiotics, artificial corneas, etc.

dont see?

This is a scientific research paper in a cutting-edge field.

You said you just don't watch it?

Don’t worry, major pharmaceutical companies will let you watch.

Just like at this time, the Medical Laboratory of Xiangjiang University is studying the efficacy of special medicines for Alzheimer's disease, which is driven by the will of capital behind it.

At present, all the major pharmaceutical companies in the world, as long as they have a little bit of ambition, have immediately purchased Meisheng preventive drugs from Homo sapiens Company, and then started animal experiments.

The Mediterranean researcher looked at the researcher leader of another team: "Dr. Zhang, how is your component analysis going?"

Dr. Zhang, who looked tired, showed a wry smile: "The ingredients are already out, but there is no way to copy them."

Mediterranean researchers who know something about Homo sapiens' company's drugs have already guessed something: "Another brand-new organic macromolecule?"

Dr. Zhang nodded: "Well, it is a brand-new protein structure, and its effect is very miraculous. After intravenous injection, this protein can penetrate the blood-brain barrier through blood circulation, enter the brain, and then decompose into some more Parvoisoform proteins.”

He continued: "These proteins will interact with inflammatory factors, while counteracting the inflammatory factors, they will be decomposed into various nutrients and a caffeine-like component, which can greatly alleviate the adverse reactions caused by brain inflammation in patients."

"Is it possible to copy subtypes of proteins?" the researcher wearing glasses asked.

Dr. Zhang shook his head: "Even if this thing is copied, the patent cannot be avoided."

He is reminding the team, those who have invested in the capital, to let the other side retreat in spite of difficulties.

After all, things from the Homo sapiens company are not easy to get, and your life may be at risk.

Sure enough, when they heard about the patent issue, even the people from the pharmaceutical companies looked embarrassed at this time, but the huge interests behind the drugs made them unwilling to do so.

The representative of the pharmaceutical company asked: "Then we can study similar protein drugs?"

Dr. Zhang spread his hands: "This kind of protein with such precise effects and low side effects has a very delicate structure. If it is a natural protein, it can be separated and refined, but I estimate that this protein is most likely to be used in smart phones." Synthesized by human companies.”

"This means that it is difficult for us to find similar natural ingredients. We can only explore a little bit and invest a lot of research and development costs. In the end, we may be able to obtain a similar drug."

Of course, Dr. Zhang still had something to say.

For example, research costs may cost tens of billions of dollars and take at least 5 to 10 years. Even if they are developed, the side effects of the first-generation drugs may be too severe to be marketed.

Representatives of pharmaceutical companies are not fools. If they cannot launch drugs with similar effects in a short period of time, they will not have to compete with Homo sapiens companies.

Even if trade barriers are used to prevent the entry of new drugs from Homo sapiens companies, there is no way to control smuggling, purchasing agents, and medical tourism.

What's more, the ex-factory price of Meisheng preventive medicine is 5,000 gold yuan per box, and a special freezer is required to ensure that it is valid for 3 years. If it is at room temperature, Meisheng preventive medicine only lasts about 30 days. Validity period.

This thing is basically a product for the middle class and wealthy class.

According to the introduction of Homo sapiens, it is best to start taking Meisheng preventive drugs at the age of 20, so as to avoid the appearance of Alzheimer's disease.

When cutting leeks, naturally you have to cut the fattest ones.

Once other pharmaceutical companies develop similar drugs, Homo sapiens can also use price reduction promotions to make other pharmaceutical companies unprofitable.

Compared to before, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca are more tightly controlled by Ranf Anning of Homo sapiens.

After they developed the so-called specific medicine, Lavoin immediately lowered the price. In addition, Lavoin's effects were immediate and the side effects were much less. As a result, other pharmaceutical companies were unable to sell their drugs at high prices and recoup their scientific research costs.

This situation is extremely serious for many pharmaceutical companies.

Big pharmaceutical companies can still grit their teeth and persist, but small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies may not be able to withstand even one wave, and their capital chain will be broken and they will go bankrupt.

Thank you for your support (ω`).

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